Transcript for:
Artery Health and Misconceptions

what is the number one meal to clean out your arteries it's not what you think it is why because about 90% of doctors maybe more and nearly every other YouTube video on this topic has gotten it completely wrong they all lack a fundamental understanding of how the dance between your arteries the plaque inside of them and what actually causes you to have a heart attack or stroke because of that dance even works can you even clean out your arteries if so how and is this even the right question to ask does it even matter what is the insulin spiral of death does your LDL really even matter should you be worried about it what markers should you actually be worried about what are the real Grim Reapers what about supplements like apple cider vinegar nasin vitamin K2 do they even do any wait a minute don't only older people have to worry about heart attack and stroke what about people in their 20s their 30s how does plaque in your arteries affect your blood flow how can you actually reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke and therefore death itself what should you really be looking at or looking for did those fancy stance that surgeons want to put in your arteries even do anything now see these are the questions we're going to answer in this video and the answers to them are likely to surprise you and even likely to save your life if you pay attention we're going to start off with two major misunderstandings everyone misses about what you'd call clean arteries then we're going to dive into four of the real real questions that you should be asking and and introduce you to an often missed hidden third actor the grim reapers insulin spiral of death the real Menace in all of this which you may want to know about that is if you don't want to die or be partially brain dead earlier in your life than you should next we'll cover seven common misperceptions nearly everyone including most doctors have such as the belief that fancy stance placed in one's arteries to try to expand them will actually prevent a heart attack or it's just you being scammed by bad science Bad Medicine along with corrections to the idea that LDL even matters as much as everyone says it does then we'll kick down the door on four supplement distortions you're being told about does vitamin K2 do anything as other prominent YouTube doctors say that it does what about Apple or vinegar is it anything more than a wife's tail finally we'll get to that number one meal that cleans out your arteries and why it is what it is before we get to the lowdown on that number one meal that will clean out your arteries it's important to understand the nitty-gritty of what's getting them all gunked up in the first place and how that even matters Also let's just say for Simplicity sake dirty arteries means arteries that are packed with plaque let's start off by defining what plaque actually even is because you can't solve something without understanding it now here's the scene plaque that's like The Uninvited Guest in your bloodstream it's made of cholesterol and it's not just floating around it gets cozy wedging itself inside the layers of your artery wall it's like having a squatter in your house settling in where it's not wanted understanding this it's like turning on the lights in a dark room you can finally see what's really going on and then you can start to figure out how to clean up the mess so before we get to that miracle meal we got to know the enemy that cholesterol stow away in Our arteries first we'll start off with the two most major core misunderstandings everybody has about cleaning out their arteries core misunderstanding number one how plaque affects blood flow we've got a bit of a mixup about how plaque messes with our blood flow most folks think Our arteries are like the pipes in your bathroom getting clogged up with plaque like hair in a drain but hold up that's not quite right you see Our arteries they're not rigid like those old copper pipes they're more like those new fangled garden hoses flexible and able to stretch they can get bigger they can get smaller so this whole idea of PL blocking things up like hair and a drain that's not really how it goes down pun intended Our arteries they're Dynamic they're living things they don't just get clogged and stay that way they react they change they adapt plaque in Our arteries it's a more complex game than just simple blockage misunderstanding number two plaque doesn't get cleaned out it gets stabilized plaque in your arteries it's not like you can just scrub it out what really happens is it gets stabilized to get this we need to understand the difference between hot plaque that's the inflamed kind and stable plaque let's break it down there are two types of plaque one's like a ticking Time Bomb the soft plaque that's the stuff that UPS your wrist for heart attack and strokes then there's the other type the cool customer almost like taking taking a chill pill that's your stable plaque almost risk-free so this soft plaque it's inflamed it's risky but stable plaque that's like the healed version of the inflamed wrist it's chilled out settled down almost like it's put its wild days behind it now why does all this matter let's take a little detour into Academia there was this guy Honda who snapped pictures of soft and Cal ified plaque the giveaway calcium Flex when soft plaque heals up when the inflammation simmers down it leaves these little calcium souvenirs the folks with calcium in their plaque they were like skating by without heart attacks or strokes but those missing the calcium not so lucky so knowing what kind of plaque you're dealing with is critical because it's the inflammation causing the heart attack not the hard chilled out plaque here's the play bypl of a heart attack or a stroke you've got this inflamed plaque right the inflammation gets too rowdy erupts like a volcano and spews puss out into your arteries this goop this pus hits the bloodstream it causes blood to form a clot now if that clot is big enough and it hits the heart that's a heart attack if the clot is big enough and it goes to the brain that's a stroke now let's get to the three real questions that you should be asking in terms of what meal will clean out your arteries number one how can I decrease my risk for heart attack and stroke number two how can I find out if I have soft plaque and number three if I know that I have soft plaque how can I stabilize it real question number one how can I decrease my risk for heart attack and stroke first off you got to take a look a good hard look at what's going on it's like peering under the hood of a 67 Camaro you got to understand the mechanics to fix anything it's not just about shedding a few pounds or beefing up those muscles it's more about fine-tuning your carb intake to jive with what your body's craving and can burn at our Clinic we don't play games we don't guess around we dive deep with lab tests to get the real picture of what's Happening inside of you it's like having a road map to your health we do this oral glucose tolerance test it's a bit like a carb challenge we see how your body dances with those carbs and then we measure your insulin response after Downing 75 grams of glucose now this is a solid way to check if your body's grooving right with glucose plus we've got this lipid fractionation thing it's the next level of checking out your cholesterol it helps us understand exactly how you're dealing with carbs and how your carbon metabolism impacts your cholesterol now for the heart stuff we're talking soft plaque we check out the enzymes the inflammation markers in your blood to catch any trouble earlier myoox lppla2 C reactive protein these are the key players that we're watching their technical terms we can help you with that we don't overlook the small stuff like alumin in your urine because even a tiny bit can be a big red flag for arterial inflammation the cimt test is another asup Our Sleeve it's like a high-tech ultrasound in the neck that tells us if you're at risk by checking out the plaque in the artery in your neck well no wait a minute why the neck because that what's happening there usually mirrors what's going on in your heart's arteries as in 95% of the time so the bottom line to kick Health wrists to the curb you got to pinpoint and Tackle their Roots it's all about understanding how your body Burns its fuel we use solid lab tests to get the full picture no second guessing high blood sugar and insulin levels are like unwanted guests at a party they can wreak havoc on your artery walls trapping colle cholesterol and causing all sorts of trouble metabolism predes damage usually by several years let me repeat that what's going on in your metabolism precedes damage in your tissues by years even decades sometimes by only months so you've got to watch your metabolism it turns out a big chunk of folks with heart issues have trouble with carb metabolism and it often slips under the radar this can start creeping up on your in your 30s or even your 20s and it just gets more sneaky with age leading to insulin resistance pre-diabetes and damage to your arteries studies like the big one from jamama Network show that it's a common problem especially as you clock more years the CDC recently updated these numbers to show that in their estimate by the time you're 18 everyone your age and older has a 50% probability of having this problem other sources say maybe 80% then there's the insulin spiral of death it sounds dramatic but it's a real thing it begins with your body's receptors getting less sensitive to insulin over time hiking up your blood sugar your brain's response well if my blood sugar's going up we need to increase insulin crank up the insulin higher and people don't know this but High insulin messes with the body's ability to burn fat now we struggle burning both carbs and fat what started off as a problem with one Now quickly becomes a problem with both of our key fuels this ramps up Hunger we can't burn either fuel so we eat more this leads to more body fat messed up hormone production insulin resistance it's a vicious vicious SP spiral of death overeating metabolic meltdown and that's the insulin spiral of death so what's the move tailor your carb intake to what your body can handle if you can't deal with 75 grams of carbs at a time back off a little bit cut them back it's all about improving your body composition to tackle insulin resistance pre-diabetes type 2 diabetes and don't forget body fat isn't just there for the ride it's not inert it's not harmless it actually creates hormones that drive this problem like resistin adaptin even the satiety hormone leptin it plays a big role in insulin resistance body fat is key now muscle a GameChanger too it's like your body's own glucose regulator it helps us keep things in check resistance high intensity training are key to building these muscle mitochondria especially when you do resistance training and muscle training in the big muscle groups of your leg these are crucial for fat burning but they're also a safety valve for blood sugar going too high even the older crowd can benefit big time from Hit workouts and resistance training now real question number two how do I find out if I have soft plaque there's this thing called cimt cored into a media thickness test it's the real deal it's safe simple and straight up it uses ultrasound but it's a different beat you see plaque ain't picky about where it hangs out it's not just in your heart or your neck or your legs it's an everywhere kind of problem why because it's not about just the local scene it's a global metabolic thing remember we said this is metabolism your metabolis ism is the ring Master here not just some spot in the body like we said metabolism causes the tissue problem so the tissue and arteries are everywhere and everywhere tissue is supplied with blood by arteries that's where this can happen that's big news bigger than you might think let's Mose the on over to plaques and heart attacks if they were just a local party and certain arteries stin would be the sheriff in town stopping heart attacks in their tracks but let's get real stin don't stop heart attacks are you surprised let me repeat it stin don't stop heart attacks it's the truth despite most stance being placed 90% of stance placed to prevent heart attacks they don't do it they just don't cut it you think I'm spinning Yarns here check out the courage trial the orbit of trial the eskema trial what happened next well when it became clear that stin weren't preventing heart attacks the cardiologists doubl down then triped down putting in three times more stance than before these trials demonstrated that they don't work they're putting in stance like they're going out of style now let's Circle back to the cimt it's going to get some solid Pros it's safer it's easier it's got an eye for soft plaque but it doesn't send you sliding down that slippery slope to the cath lab thinking it's all just a plumbing problem that we can fix with a stint but here's the flip side the cons most docs they haven't even heard of a cimt why because the early studies were like putting garbage in and expecting gold out they were hung up on the idea of arterial Age based on some shap assumptions about plaque those early studies weren't up to Snuff so cimt got sheld too soon but let me tell you the current top-notch studies they're showing cimt in a whole new light it's a slow Road the cimt should be making a comeback just like a good Underdog Story now let's go back to real question number three if I know that I have soft plaque how can I stabilize it well first we've got to figure out how much of that sneaky soft plaque we're dealing with once you've got a handle on what and how much of it is stirring up trouble then it's time to put the brakes on whatever's causing the chaos and that my friends brings us right back to the lab you see the heart of the matter about 80% of the time it's this sneaky Critter called undiagnosed pre-diabetes or even diabetes it's like a shadow lurking in the background and most of the time we're just overloading on carbs more than our bodies can burn it's like throwing a wild party in your arteries and inflammation is The Uninvited guess that just won't leave it's burning up your artery walls like a bonfire now it might not be easy nothing worth doing ever is but it's simple when you break it down cut down on those excess carbs it's like taking your foot off the gas when you're speeding down the highway then build up some muscle it's your body's natural safety net for when that blood sugar starts climbing it's like having your own personal bodyguard against that Sugar Rush all righty we have arrived at the seven common misconceptions everybody gets confused by when it comes to your cardiovascular health and the major players in it insulin blood glucose plaque LDL stin and in the end your risk of having a heart attack or stroke it's getting us closer to that magic number one meal that will clean out your arteries common misperception number one isn't LDL associated with cardiovascular risk common misconception number two people assume that they're in their 20s and 30s they don't have plaque common misconception number three people assume if they don't eat sugar they don't have plaque common misconception number four you can reverse the cholesterol in your plaque common misconception number five a stress test will predict a heart attack common misconception number six a stent will prevent a heart attack common misconception number seven if a stent doesn't prevent a heart attack a cabbage or bypass will misconception number one isn't LDL associated with cardiovascular risk sure there's a strong link between LDL and heart risk but here's where it gets interesting correlation isn't the same thing as causation it's it's like maybe you wear your lucky underwear to a ball game and your team keep keeps winning does that mean your undies are the secret sauce to Victory probably not that's correlation causation on the other hand is more like eating a bunch of spicy tacos and ending up with a stomach egg that's a straight line a leads to B now what if it's metabolic dis disease or pre-diabetes pulling the strings causing both Rising LDL and heart attacks and guess what that's exactly what's happening imagine a world where 80% of metabolic disease is flying under the radar undiagnosed no wonder there's this widespread belief that LDL is the big bad wolf of cardiovascular disease the lipidology crew there're folks who've been kneed deep studying fats and heart attacks lipids they're so locked into the LDL narrative that they may be missing the forest for the trees now here's a Twist they talk about this thing called LDL discordance it's when LDL levels don't line up with the risk they assume that it should it's like trying to piece together a puzzle but the pieces don't all fit they're so focused on finding the correlations maybe they're mixing up the numbers and ending up with a different story story it's been known for quite a while that in some folks when they cut carbs they're LDL they're so-called bad cholesterol skyrockets but it's not clear that these folks with Skyhigh LDL because of carb restriction are at any greater risk for heart problems there's this term floating around lean mass hyperr it's about genetic differences some people drop carbs and while other health markers improve their LDL goes through the roof Matthew bof he's a cardiologist known for Cardiology research and Dave Feldman is an engineer who stumbled onto this mystery they're digging into this with a study they checked out these lean mass hyperresponders there were a hundred of them they had an average LDL of 250 that's off the charts that's one in a thousand and yet these 100 people didn't have more plaque than people with normal LDL levels so what's the deal with that well we're waiting to see but here's the kicker the same lifestyle factors leading to pre-diabetes or metabolic disease can also push up LDL and inflammation most people with climbing LDL aren't getting leaner they're gaining weight because they're not burning G carbs or fats efficiently or effectively this excess fat gets stored not just under the skin or around organs you've heard of per organ fat or abdominal fat apples shaped gut this Fat's also getting stored in LDL can we say LDL isn't linked with plaque no we cannot in fact high LDL usually does go hand inand with more plaque higher heart attack risk except for those lean mass hyperresponders but is it as cut and dried as the lipidologists want to believe l a straight line between LDL and heart attack I don't think so we got to look deeper we've got to consider LDL discordance and other factors that we've talked about most of all we have to consider the fact that 90% of people with carb metabolism problems don't know it because it hasn't been diagnosed yet common conception number two people assume that if they're in their 20s and 30s they don't have plaque there are plenty of Young Guns folks in their 20s and 30s already collecting plaque in their arteries setting up the stage for trouble as they cruise into their 40s and 50s it's like a ticking Time Bomb so what's loading the dice we're talking age genetics and obesity and don't forget obesity is often riding shotgun with high blood sugar and and hyperinsulinemia uh that's a fancy word for too much insulin in the blood this just what we've been talking about now picture this the cimt graphs remember the cimt that tool that helps you show the plaque story in your own arteries by taking an ultrasound in the neck once you get a gander at this nomogram it's like a reality check and this isn't just about folks with special risks it's your everyday Joe and Jane the cimt is safe as houses no worries there we've seen this plaque build up show starting as early as 5 years old it's like watching a slow motion movie of plaque creeping up year after year decade after decade and here's the real deal you think 30s somethings are immune to plaque check out this cimt picture oh and see those lines the blue ones for the fellas pink for the ladies think about it here's the twist does that give you a clue Regarding why dudes why guys usually face the music heart attack wise about a decade before the ladies common misconception number three people assume that if they don't eat sugar they don't have plaque people think if they Dodge sugar they're dodging plaque but here's the kicker table sugar the sweet stuff we all know it's got a glycemic index of just 50 that means it's only sending your blood sugar half the roller coaster ride that pure glucose does now this doesn't mean that table sugar is safe it's just not the only culprit and it's really not the worst but hold on it gets Wilder you know those everyday Staples bread pasta juices bread and pasta especially are like stealthy nin ninjas when it comes to hiking up your blood sugar these bad boys have a glycemic index and that's through the roof making them sneakier and quicker at spiking your blood sugar levels than your ordinary table sugar common misconception number four you can reverse the cholesterol in your plaque there's this misconception floating around folks thinking they can just reverse the cholesterol in their plaque like flipping a switch but here's the real talk you can't just hit rewind on that cholesterol and your plaque it's not like erasing a mistake on a chalkboard what you can do though is reduce inflammation that's like calming the storm stabilizing your cardiovascular risk think about it like this when plaque calcifies it's like settling down finding its peace because plaque calcifying that's its way of healing of getting stable you don't just magic away plaque you make it chill out you stabilize it it's kind of like trying to remove water from gelatin common misconception number five a stress test will predict a heart attack a stress test will predict a heart attack that's like okay a stress test measures how well you can scale a mountain how fast you can run how how uh your cardiovascular fitness is it's checking your cardiovascular fitness your heart's Mojo sure there's a bit of a connection here to your probability of not having a heart attack but that's just not the whole story take Tim russer for example this guy was a runner maybe not an Olympian but he had this game on russer he aced his stress test colors flying high and then out of the blue a few weeks later the man's gone sudden heart attack so what gives pumping up your heart's muscle does wonders for your pipes helping them flex and expand and you get more of those tiny blood vessels weaving into your muscle getting your workout groove on that's gold it does drop your blood sugar keeps you fit and running high-intensity interval work resistance training all of that stuff really works well but here's the kicker just because you can Breeze through a stress test it doesn't mean you're bulletproof against a heart attack it's like thinking you're safe from a storm just because you've got an umbrella life especially your heart is a lot more complex than a single test common misconception number six a stint will prevent a heart attack we've chatted about this before there are these big deal trials the courage trial orbita trial the esea trial they all pointed to one clear thing stance even those fancy cardiac bypass graphs they're called cabbages coronary artery bypass graph these things don't uh they're high tech plumbing fixes but they don't prevent heart attacks and strokes it's the Shocker considering that over 90% of these procedures are done thinking that they will but hold up don't get it twisted stin can be Lifesavers real heroes in the clutch if you're caught in the grip of a heart attack racing to the hospital or getting a an ambulance to the hospital is your best bet in these moments a stin can swoop in clear out the clot save your life on the spot so what's the real score here less than 10% of stin are used in those life and death moments and can save your heart the other 90% of stin they're put in with the hope of preventing a heart attack down the road in the future but they don't do that they just don't work out that way this all circles back to a mix up in thinking believing your arteries are like rigid copper pipes when they're more like those newfangled expandable garden hoses life especially when it comes to our hearts is not as straightforward as fixing a leaky faucet it's about understanding the whole system not just patching up parts common misconception number seven if if a stent doesn't prevent a heart attack a bypass will now let's roll back the tape to that earlier mixup the esea trials when the orbita en courage trials hit the scene the Thoracic Surgeons were leaning back tipping their hats thinking all right this is our time they finally figured out that stin don't prevent heart attacks so it always has to be a bypass graph that's the thing that prevents heart attacks hold on pump the brakes the esea trials they were dialed in to put this exact idea to the test and what did they find bypass graphs they're not the Silver Bullet for stopping heart attacks for preventing them either it's like thinking you need a bigger boat when you really what you need to understand is the ocean we're learning that fixing Hearts isn't just about diving in with surgery or procedures it's more about understanding the whole map your metabolism it's not just choosing a different route remember it's metabolism that drives tissue damage or tissue health and with that we move into the four food and supplement distortions that have been touted to you all along about how they can actually help you or do anything for your arteries the gunk and Sodom and how that interacts with whether or not you'll have a heart attack or stroke leading us to some answers that you may not have heard of before food and supplement Distortion number one apple cider vinegar food and supplement Distortion number two vitamin K2 food and supplement Distortion number three vitamin D food and supplement Distortion number four niin food and supplement Distortion number one apple C vinegar now there's chat about it working through a satiety thing apple cider vinegar you know slowing your stomach emptying keeping your stomach emptying slower to decrease the sugar impact in your blood making you feel full and maybe tweaking the stomach acid a little bit it's supposed to slow down how fast your food gets through the old digestive tract but here's where it gets a little bit wild most of the tall tales about Apple cider vinegar they're like a fish story that just keeps growing we're talking claims that are stretched so thin they're practically see-through at this point some are just plain out there the kind of stuff that makes you wonder about what planet they came from misconception number two vitamin K2 so the word on the street is that K2 waltzes in Yanks calcium out of your arteries and plants it right in your bones but hold your horses it's not that straightforward it's more about the those enzymes doing their thing now if I could just pluck calcium out of my artery wall like picking apples off a tree sure that'd be Dandy for reducing heart risks maybe but here's the real deal calcium in those artery walls it's really more like a Telltale sign of how stable your plaque is so this whole idea of fishing calcium out of your arteries what's the point there was this study a bunch of middle-aged guys with diabetes they gave one group K2 and the other group of placebo here's what happened the K2 crew showed some improvement in their insulin resistance their diabetes so here's where K2 might be playing a sneaky game it might be messing with insulin resistance or diabetes maybe even giving it a nudge in the right direction k2's been on the rise it's kind of like a rock star in the supplement charts you've got sources of this stuff popping up left and right and doubling over the past year all over the Internet it's like a kbe wildfire on YouTube but when you dig into the nitty-gritty it's really more of a murky picture it's it's not really crystal crystal clear that K2 is playing the calcium relocation game from arteries to bones but where it might be throwing a punch is in the insulin resistance ring food and supplement misconception number three vitamin D there's a heap of evidence a whole mountain of it saying vitamin D is the real deal it works but let's take a step back slow it down and look at this evidence most of what we've got on vitamin D is like connecting dots it's all about correlation when it comes to hardcore cause and effect proof well there's not much of that Rodeo vitamin D when you give it a good look it's like a Swiss AR Army kn life it helps with sleep nudges pre-diabetes in the right direction boosts immune health and it seems to be more about hitting the core of the system maybe getting cozy with the mitochondria but let's Circle back to the whole correlation and causation thing what we've got with vitamin D isn't like causation that's really straightforward like tossing a rock at a beehive and getting stung that's causation clear as day but the vitamin D storing it's more like correlation it's like wearing your lucky socks to a football game and your team wins is it the socks well maybe maybe not that's the world of correlation after going back and forth on this you may be wondering and asking what do I do I do use vitamin D D3 I start with 5,000 international units and then you got it test don't guess get it to a blood level between 15 and 90 so food supplement misconception number four nasin whenever nasin pops up you got to think about David Sinclair this guy's all about the mitochondria those powerhouses in our cells dive into any of his books like lifespan and you see he's got a strong pitch for nasin and nin related products he argues it's like a tuneup for your mitochondria he wants to create and sell a pill form of the Fountain of Youth but here's where it gets interesting we've got folks coming in thinking n's the golden ticket the answer to everything Sinclair he's the brain behind discoveries like ratol the ceran and his latest hit n MN what some are calling the forever pill but let's not get ahead of ourselves I'm sure there's solid evidence backing Nas but it's not exactly the Miracle Worker it's often made out to be I wouldn't bet my whole life on just nias you know it's in our practice it's one of the big two supplements that we use nasin and vitamin D but the key knowing when to use them what to hold on to and what to let go we see a lot more folks walking in all charged up about nias more than we actually recommend it's like they're hearing a whisper about it and they come running so we've been through the misunderstandings the real questions you should be asking the most common misconceptions in all those food and supplement distortions you've been deceived by which leaves you probably still asking the question what foods if any have beneficial effects on your arteries what is that number one meal to clean out your arteries now when we're talking about what grub might be giving your arteries a high five first things first you got to tune into your body's Rhythm like for some folks Downing 75 grams of carbs glucose that's like a large Coke in McDonald's that sets their arteries a blaze for hours and for others a simple hamburger bun or a couple of slices of pizza can kick off a blood sugar storm a ho down that lasts way too long stirring up inflammation in those artery walls but let's get real there ain't no magic rotor roer food out there no Roto roer food what we do have though are foods that don't throw gasoline on the fire ever heard that old saying if you find yourself in a hole and you want to get out of that hole stop digging that's the deal with food and arteries so you might not want to hear this but yep salads broccoli cauliflower all that vegg stuff and rabbit food they can be your artery's best friends and protein that's no trouble either fish good to go red meat all right we're stepping into that whole carnivore versus plant-based Showdown I know I know the plantbased diet fans might not want to hear this but there's a growing pile of evidence saying that saturated fat isn't the artery arsonist that we thought it was but here's the kicker remember how we talked about our own body fat being a backstage Troublemaker in pre-diabetes saturated fats like a calorie packed party a lot of folks find it tough to keep their body fat in check if they're loading up on saturated fat and what about this keto burn idea you know the one where you can eat like a king all you want as long as the carbs just aren't on the menu well we do burn a little bit less efficiently when we're in ketosis maybe 20% and for some people even 30% less efficient burn when they're not eating carbs but that's really where it caps out you can't just triple your calories and suspect ketosis to make it all go away to make it vanish so now we're there we're finally at it the number one meal to clean out your art arteries and what is it it's actually the lack of a meal it's fasting let's Dive Right into that the why the how the magic question number one why is fasting the best meal for cleaning out your arteries question number two which form of fasting has the biggest impact in cleaning out your arteries and question number three does having clean arteries actually even matter question number one why is fasting the best meal for cleaning out your arteries fasting is not just a weight loss Journey but a path to Cellular tuneup fasting is often hitched to shedding pounds but its real star role is is in this thing called autophagy think of autophagy like a cleanup crew inside your cells healing out the broken parts and turning them into new energy this whole process it's like a reset button dialing down inflammation and boosting your overall health Vibe fasting is a crafty tool for fine-tuning metabolic Health turning down the heat on inflammation all without tipping the scale but and this is the key fasting is a road that needs careful navigation you got to make sure you're fueling up enough to dodge malnutrition but that's not as difficult as some people think question number two which form of fasting has the biggest impact on cleaning out one's arteries prolonged water fasting it's like hitting the turbo button big quick impact but here's the thing if shedding weight isn't on your to-do list this might not be your best bet this health Journey we're talking about it's not a quick Dash or even a long haul Marathon marathons wrap up in a few hours but what we're diving into it's a lifelong gig a real GameChanger it's about reshaping your whole eating playbook for Keeps and let's talk about this yo-yo fasting Rodeo dropping weight picking it back adding 10 pounds losing 10 pounds adding it back that's like a ride nobody wants to be on so what's prolonged water fasting why is that the heavyweight champion of impact well it's simple it slashes calories like no other at least on an immediate basis the steeper and swifter you cut those calories the faster you're diving into autophagy but remember we're playing the long game here say your metabolic rat's 2,000 calories a day Skip eating for two days and you dodge 4,000 calories trim just 10% off of your daily intake for a week and you're down you're only Sid stepping 1,400 calories but keep that up every day for a month and you're cutting out 5,600 calories so what works for you that's really really the golden question some folks ride the wave of prolonged fasting maybe every other week sometime once a month or a quarter others Groove better with intermittent fasting or Tim restricted eating then you've got the creative ones that are trying things like sardine fasts find your Gro something you can jam with for the Long Haul and those caveats to fasting for arterial Health some folks worry it's like a risky business but let's be real humans have been fasting since the dawn of time it's not some major Hazard except maybe for good health sure it might make you a bit edgy a little bit grumpy while you're at it but that's just part of the ride with fasting the assumption that a meal can clean your arteries so besides the lack of a meal and activating autophagy it really isn't about one special meal cleaning your arteries it's the whole lifestyle diets the king of the castle because you can't fast all the time it's about what you're munching on 247 day in day out week after week year after year decade after decade it's about reshaping your permanent eating habits rule Numero Uno get to know your own metabolism that's the key take a gander at some of the latest scoop uh it looks like folks over 18 struggle with burning carbs at least half of them so when you're not burning carbs right you start pumping out more insulin and too much insulin puts the brakes on burning fat it's like starting with a problem in one fuel tank and ending up with both tanks being on the fritz leading to the Grim Reaper insulin spiral of death we talked about that before question number three does having squeaky clean arteries really matter well yeah that depends on your definition of clean if we're talking about arteries free of plaque then it matters a lot why do you ask plaing those arteries is like having a ticking Time Bomb for cardiovascular events the kind that can lead to some serious harm and even check you out of the game permanently but here's the twist The Real McCoy in this story it's not that plaque itself is the bad guy it's the inflammation that comes with it it's like an angry posy in your bloodstream inflammation that's what really stirs up the danger it's like having a quiet Troublemaker in the crowd you don't even see the trouble until it's already up on you