Transcript for:
Using Matrices in Microsoft Office Efficiently

record hi is Dr Robinson and we are continuing on all the advances in mathematics and we are doing matrices today in Microsoft Office and as I go through I'm going to tell you some of the kind of hiccups that are still occurring in Microsoft Office um that have always been there but I'm going to show you the solutions on how you get around that and when I'm done with the word version um and in the next couple days I should be able to get the matrices out in math kicker which is so much faster uh so we're going to pretend this is work from a teacher let's go ahead and control home to start at the top top name okay I'm going to go down arrow uh and I'm going to tell you each step after you hear the beautiful I mean it the matrices are gorgeous and they will read um and I'm going to show you step byep how to uh do the work here matrices addition problem oh let me slow down so I'm just control Windows alt page down which is a permanent down arrow decreases the volume so no matter where I go it will not increase if I just do Control Alt page down it just temporarily decreases it slower okay slower just so everyone can hear given the following matrices math content cap a is equal to the 2x two Matrix Row one two four row two 1 two end Matrix okay that's pretty gorgeous now the way I did this was with latch but you can do it with Unicode also it's not a huge change um you know it it really doesn't matter I just happen to use thech I'm going to show you that I'm going to do Alt J and then I'm going to hit e for equation I'm going to do um uh go to latch just so you can see that it is selected and then I'm going to do it again and then I'm going to do uh Alt J and I'm going hit C to convert and we're going to convert this to linear so you can hear all of the text on this let's go ahead and do this I'll J and then e Alt J upper ribbon e equation tools equation tab 16 of 16 okay I have 16 options yeah I have a lot of menus so latch is TX but once again if you don't remember a command you can just quickly tab in and as you move through each item uh Jaws will actually tell you uh what it is so I'm just going to TX just so you can hear it really is selected TX leaving menus leaving ribbons edit and you heard leaving menus so I have to go back up there so I can go ahead and convert it Alt J and then e and truly you have to go into linear um format in order to change anything like when you have Goofs if You' watched my previous um videos on this I show you how you can correct um any mistakes in math let's do it again Alt J then e x Alt J upper ribbon e okay I'm going to hit C to convert C convert alt followed by JC current linear check enter leaving menus upper ribbon equation tools equation tab 16 of 16 alt followed by y j leaving menu and I'm G to hit home home A math content Ela uh math content don't you love that okay so I'm gonna write Arrow equals back slash okay and I'm going to actually retype this for you also so backs slash that's the third key to the right of your p and you're going to hear the word begin so you always have to tell uh your math when to begin and when to end don't we just love that right arol b e g i n okay and then you're going to tell what you're doing and you're going to hear um p m a t r IX P Matrix open brace p and that P basically is giving you the parentheses if you do not have the P there you're not going to have parentheses around your Matrix m a t r i x close brace and close that brace and then you start telling it what you actually want what numbers so uh you're you're going to hear two Ampersand four I could continue this if you wanted to make it really really huge two and four and three and six and however large you wanted this let's continue to listen two and four okay back slash backslash so this ends this line you're going to hear two backs slashes it end ends it so you know the next numbers are going to go to the next line back slash okay and these are the next two numbers on the next line one and two okay and then we want to completely end the whole matrices you're going to hear three backs slashes and then the word end e n d back slash back slash back slash e n d okay and then basically this is like coding whatever you begin you have to tell n so you begin with a p matx so you have to end with a p Matrix that's what you're going to listen for open brace p m a t r IX closed brace okay beautiful so I'm actually going to get out of this and I'm just going to retype it probably don't need to but it's always kind of nice now I am going to tell you if you have a uh BR display well actually I'll get to that in just a moment blank okay so I'm going to do all equals all equals selected okay and I'm going to go ahead and type that out a equals back e i n oh I'll slow down I'm probably tying that too fast begin left bre p m a t r i x Matrix right brace and if you're looking for your braces you're just going to do uh they're to the right of P so shift uh to the immediately to the right is going to be your open brace and your closing brace is right next to that to the right that's where those are two and then your and and or empan is shift s that's how you're going to do that four back slash remember third key to the right of your P back SL back slash one and two now I'm going to end the whole thing so three backs slashes back slash back slash back slash type the word end e n d and basically you can have this running dialogue in your back in your head so what do you want to end you want to end your P Matrix end left race p m a t r i x Matrix right race and now I'm going to actually change this to professional and that's Alt J E and then C and you'll hear professional and it will change it to a beautiful professional layout Alt J ribbon alt e c convert alt followed by J C C group current professional one4 enter leaving menus upper ribbon equation tools equation tabs okay so visually it lays this out beautifully now um I'm going to actually go into bra mode so even if you don't have a braad display and you do know Braille it's very advantageous to actually go through this is how you can quickly change it also yes you can change it with linear but if you want to do it with your broad display you can do that also I'm going to do capslock space my capslock is the insert key that's my modifier key so I'm going to do capslock space and I'm going to do shift equals space brail math editor equation edit contains text typ in the math expression press insert so this is my BR math editor what's nice about this is when you need to add these up you're going to be adding your your rows and your columns um you can actually quickly move your fingers along your Brad display if you don't have a brad display you can write arrow and you can listen to all of this you're going to look for the M with the 78 which is basically going to tell you you're going to the next line one okay so that's our a rail SP dots 46 dot 13 that's our equals rail space do 6 okay we're opening our parentheses dot one 2 35 do 3456 dot 23 there's our two rail space do 3456 that's our number signt 256 that's our four rail SP dos 1 3478 okay so basically an m with seven and eight underneath of it telling you you're now going to the next line dot two okay dot two that's number one rail space Dot 3 456 do 2 3 okay there's your two dot 6 dot 2 3 456 and you're ending your parentheses okay so if you wanted to go in there because you know we're humans we make mistakes and maybe you need to change that two to a three or the one to a four or whatever it is but this is just a nice way to double check that I'm going to hit escape and get out Escape Matrix do word edit okay so we need to go down to our B math content Cap B is equal to the 2x two Matrix Row one one three row2 one 2 end Matrix okay so once again it tells you very nicely what this is if you want to find it if you want to read it in more detail of course you're going to do Alt J E and you're going to convert that into linear let's go ahead and just do that one more time Alt J Alt J upper ribbon equ e c c group current professional current linear four currently one more time to linear linear is C the current professional happens to be C also but it's if you hit C here current professional you can hit C again and go to linear pretty easy once you go into the equation editor convert because current is um top professional and the second one is linear okay we're going to hit enter on linear enter leaving menus upper ribbon equation tools equation I'm going to hush them up I'm going to hit home just so you know your cursor always ends up at the very end of your problem okay and once again if I write arrow through this and you're going to be able to pick up on all the information like you did in a it's going to be identical except for the numbers are going to be different equals back SLB e g i n open brace p m a t r i x close brace one and three back SL back slash one and two back SL slash back slash back slash e n d open brace p m a t r i x close brace okay and close your brace remember anything you open you got to close uh and of course this turns into um beautiful just beautiful spatial math just like side would like to see I'm going to go ahead and quickly change this back with Alt J E C Alt J upper RI e c convert five of five enter leaving menus upper ribbon equ okay let's go ahead and keep going down and solving this math problem find the Matrix C such that math content cap C is equal to cap a plus Cap B blank to find the Matrix C such that math content cap C is equal to cap a plus Cap B okay let me quickly show you um my settings that I've got I want to go ahead and do insert alt I'm sitting on my insert sitting on my alt and I'm going to hit s select a game dialogue list one list view word classic so I'm in word classic and um I think there's like 26 options here uh of course if you're proof reading as in you know English class or Ela you want to do proof reading or writing but there's a lot of different options here and you may want different options if you have colors or highlights you want to change that also so you want to experiment with what you actually like um you can change the components in word classic also that's a whole other lesson but I am I'm using word classic today I'm going to hit enter enter scam word classic let's go ahead and keep going down oh this is one issue I want to show you so you heard this one more time to find the Matrix C such that math content cap C is equal to cap a plus Cap B so what I will tell you is at times if there's words that actually follow because that is in a math equation uh the B actually won't read and I'm going to show you that we add the corresponding elements of matrices math content cap a ers and Cap B okay I'm going to hit home home W I'm going to hit back blank hey now I want you to listen to the math problem C equals a plus b land to find the Matrix C such that math content cap C is equal to cap a plus cap we at the corresponding elements of matrices math content cap a m and Cap B okay you really did hear cap C equals cap a plus cap and then it totally missed the B if you have a br display that's not a problem if you're an auditory learner that's a pretty big problem um now I can left Arrow into that I would I've Got to Believe by the time you get to um solving matrices C's that you understand that there should be more than just cap C equals cap a plus cap um but once again it just needs to auditorily read correctly uh if you're a transcriber and you're typing this out for your students you just need to be aware that can be um a pretty a pretty significant Hiccup and you want to go ahead and separate those lines of instructions L The Matrix C is obtained by adding each element of a to the corresponding element of B okay once again once you meet uh get up to the Matrix C's you should probably know that but all these directions will be in your work leg math content cap C is equal to cap a plus Cap B is equal to the 2x2 matrix row 1 column 1 2 + 1 column 2 4 + 3 Row 2 column 1 1 + 1 column 2 2 + 2 and Matrix okay once again I'm going to insert space I'm going to bring up my BR math editor because all this information is in detail in the BR math editor I'm going to do insert space and then shift equals space brail math editor equation edit type in a math expression press more and don't you just love that so I love it when Goofs happen so let me show you how to force that up I'm going to hit Escape Escape I'm a left arrow and element one two math so you just have to be inside of a of an element uh sometimes at the very end of the math problem it won't work but it should this time if you're on your broad display I use a focus broad display also have a brilliant but on a focus it's 3746 and space I'm going to stick to the keyboard with insert space and then shift equal space brail math editor equation edit contains text type in the math expression press insert now I'm not going to write arrow through all of this to hear all of the dots visually and if you're visual you'll actually see all the beautiful math there um very cleanly and once again that M and the 78 separate what is on the top line and what is on the bottom line which makes it really really nice and easy um now of course you're going to have to go up here you're going to have to read those because 2 plus one L face it's pretty easy and you might actually be able to memorize the math since it's 2+ 1 and 4+ 3 you're automatically going to keep in your head okay I need to put a three and a seven at the top of my uh answer and of course you go down you heard 1+ one okay so you can remember 37 and then 24 potentially if you can't you're going to have to go back up here relisten to the math in order to solve this okay let's hit Escape Escape now let's go ahead and turn that to inline now Alt J and then e and I'm going to hit uh down arrow to in line C and then in line here we go Alt J Alt J upper rib e equation Tools equ c group current current linear two four enter leaving menus leaving ribbons print okay we know that our cursor is always at the very end of the math problem we're going to hit home home C Okay C I'm going to just write Arrow now that you and you already get to how to um listen so I'm going to write arrow and just understand that you have to have those backlashes in to begin and to end and to separate here we go equals a plus b equals back slash b e g i n okay begin what are you you are beginning a p Matrix open brace p m a t r i x closed brace okay if you forgot what that P is the it's the parentheses it's putting the math in the parenthesis now let's do the math and just listen for those backslashes plus 1 and 4 plus three that and separates your math problem so you actually clearly see on the paper 2+ 1 and then and is literally the space in the matrices and then you have 4 + 3 now the back slashes are going to tell you go to the next row back SL back SL one plus one and two plus two and then completely end it and listen for p Matrix you're ending the P Matrix back back slat back slat e n d open brace p m a t r i X close brace okay beautiful now let's go ahead and go down to the solution blank calculating each element to find results blank math content cap C is equal to cap a plus Cap B is equal to the 2x2 matrix Row 1 3 7 row 22 forend Matrix and of course if you want to see that in more clear de um detail you can open your uh your bmth editor uh or you can turn it into linear let's face it turning it into linear really helps you understand exactly what's there you just have to remember to change everything back to professional I'm going to show you how to do that really quickly right now I'm going to change this to inline and then I'm going to show you how to change everything just and you do need to double make double check to make sure you've done this because it's easy to forget to um change it out and I'm going to show you how to do that quickly first let me um go ahead and I'm going to do Alt J E and I'm going hit C down out to in line Alt J ribbon e equation tools equ convert current linear check the currently selected enter leaving menus selected Cal a plus b equals back/ begin open brace Matrix closed brace 3 and seven back SL back SL2 and four back SLB SLB slend open brace Matrix close brace math content leaving ribbon print edit okay so we're going to say you did all this solution and just to make sure everything is changed back to professional we're going to go to all professional Alt J then e Alt J ribbon e c to convert C convert alt Follow by JC all professional is a but I'm just going to down arrow just so you can see it's down arrow twice Cur all professional three of four it basically tells you you're going to convert that whole document back to professional just in case you forgot somewhere along the line we're humans we do that hit enter enter leaving menus upper ribbon equation tools equation tab so if you're visual you'll have immediately seen all that linear math just gone right into beautiful professional this is immediately uh ready to send out to your teacher and it's done so the next um way I'm going to show you how to do matrices will be in math kicker. a and of course as a command uh to do everything pretty quickly as any AI program uh does anyway that is how you complete matrices in Microsoft Office Word and then of course the little hiccup there just be very aware about words that come after math equations okay hope that helped and we'll see you in the next video so as soon as I ended this recording I thought okay I need to give you I'm thinking you may already know this but you know you should never assume as you're moving through something like matrices and you know you're going to need to be calculating As you move down to add the answers get something to write on braer another computer I don't care what or alt Tab and actually just do a control n and open a new document but somehow do the calculations as you're moving through so you're ready for the answers so when it says okay what is um a plus b and you're calculating that up by the time you get down to the actual answers you're going to have them already written down that's just going to make life a whole lot easier okay that's just another trick just in in case you hadn't thought of that yet see you on the next video