Introduction to Thermodynamics Concepts

Aug 12, 2024

Thermodynamics Lecture Notes

Definition of Thermodynamics

  • Science of energy transfer and its effects on physical properties of substances.
  • Based on common observations formulated into laws.
  • Applications found in various fields including:
    • Power plants
    • Internal combustion engines
    • Refrigerators
    • Air conditioners
    • Fuel cells
  • Utilizes heat for useful work and vice-versa.

Thermodynamic Systems

  • Definition: A region of space focused on, separated from surroundings by a boundary.
  • Types of Systems:
    1. Closed System: Energy transfer only.
    2. Open System: Both energy and mass transfer.
    3. Isolated System: No transfer occurs.
  • Most systems analyzed are open systems.

Control Volume and Control Surface

  • Focus on a specific volume within an open system.
  • The surface bounding this volume is called the control surface.

Properties of a System

  • Characteristics describing the system's physical condition (e.g., volume, temperature, pressure).
  • When properties have definite values, the system is said to exist in a particular state.
  • Change of State: Any operation where one or more properties change.
  • When the path of change is specified, it is termed a Process (e.g., constant pressure process).


  • Defined as a series of state changes where the final state equals the initial state.

Matter and Thermodynamic Equilibrium

  • Matter is composed of molecules and atoms, but often described continuously for macroscopic behavior.
  • Thermodynamic Equilibrium: Exists when no change in macroscopic properties is observed.

Types of Equilibrium

  1. Mechanical Equilibrium: Absence of unbalanced forces.
  2. Chemical Equilibrium: No chemical reactions or matter transfer.
  3. Thermal Equilibrium: No spontaneous property change when separated from surroundings.

Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics

  • If body A is in thermal equilibrium with body B and C, then B and C are in thermal equilibrium with each other.
  • Basis for temperature measurement, measured with thermometers.

Heat and Work Interaction

  • Closed systems interact with surroundings via:
    • Work Transfer
    • Heat Transfer
  • Heat and work are path functions and cannot be stored.

First Law of Thermodynamics

  • Law of conservation of energy in thermodynamic terms.
  • Forms:
    • For closed systems undergoing a cycle: Cyclic integral of work done is proportional to cyclic integral of heat transferred.
    • For closed systems undergoing a change of state: Net energy transfer is stored as internal energy, difference between work done and heat rejected.
  • Major application: Analyzing mass flow across open systems with a steady flow energy equation.


  • Quick revision on thermodynamics covered.


  • Current Episode Question: What is a quasi-static process?
  • Last Episode Question: How are gas tubes shaped? (Molten glass wrapped around a rotating hollow cylinder and drawn by rolls.)

Call to Action

  • Like, subscribe, and comment for feedback.
  • Next episode topic: Second Law of Thermodynamics.