Introduction to JavaScript Programming

Aug 25, 2024

JavaScript Introduction Lecture Notes


  • Purpose: Answer four frequently asked questions about JavaScript.
    • What is JavaScript?
    • What can you do with it?
    • Where does JavaScript code run?
    • Difference between JavaScript and ECMAScript.

1. What is JavaScript?

  • Definition: A popular programming language, widely used for web development.
  • Growth: Fast-growing, used by major companies like Netflix, Walmart, and PayPal.
  • Job Opportunities: Average salary in the U.S. is $72,000. Roles include:
    • Front-end Developer
    • Back-end Developer
    • Full Stack Developer

2. What can you do with JavaScript?

  • Initially limited to interactive web pages.
  • Current Capabilities:
    • Build web/mobile applications.
    • Real-time networking applications (e.g., chats, video streaming).
    • Command-line tools and games.

3. Where does JavaScript code run?

  • Original Environment: Browsers (JavaScript engines like SpiderMonkey in Firefox and V8 in Chrome).
  • Node.js: Introduced in 2009 by Ryan Dahl, allows JavaScript to run outside the browser (server-side).
    • Enables backend development.
  • Runtime Environments: Browsers and Node provide execution environments for JavaScript.

4. Difference between JavaScript and ECMAScript

  • ECMAScript: Specification that JavaScript conforms to.
  • Standardization Organization: ECMA International.
  • First Version Release: 1997; annual updates since 2015 (e.g., ES6).

Working with JavaScript

Basic Demo

  • Open Chrome Developer Tools to write JavaScript code in the Console tab.
  • Example Commands:
    • console.log('Hello World');
    • 2 + 2;
    • alert('Yo');

Setting Up Development Environment

  • Code Editor: Visual Studio Code recommended. Download from Visual Studio Code.
  • Node.js: Download from Node.js for managing packages and libraries.
  • Initial Setup: Create a folder for the course code (e.g., js-basics).
  • HTML Setup: Create index.html and add basic HTML boilerplate.
  • Live Server: Install and use the Live Server extension in VS Code to serve applications.

Writing Your First JavaScript

  1. Add a <script> element in the index.html file at the end of the body.
  2. Best practice: Place scripts at the end to ensure the DOM is fully loaded.
  3. Example JavaScript Code:
    console.log('Hello World');

Variables in JavaScript

  • Definition: Used to store data temporarily in memory.
  • Naming Rules:
    • Cannot use reserved keywords.
    • Must be meaningful.
    • Cannot start with a number.
    • Cannot contain spaces or hyphens.
    • Use camelCase for multi-word names.
  • Declaring Variables:
    • Use let (for reassignable variables) or const (for constants).
  • Example:
    let name = 'Marsh';
    const interestRate = 0.3;

Data Types in JavaScript

Primitives (Value Types):

  • Types: Strings, Numbers, Booleans, Undefined, Null.
  • Dynamic Nature: Variables can change types at runtime.
  • Example:
    let age = 30; // Number
    age = 'thirty'; // Now a String

Reference Types:

  • Objects, Arrays, Functions.
  • Example of Object:
    let person = { name: 'Marsh', age: 30 };

Functions in JavaScript

  • Definition: Set of statements that performs a task or calculates a value.
  • Function Declaration:
    function greet(name) {
        console.log('Hello ' + name);
  • Parameters vs Arguments:
    • Parameters: Defined in function declaration.
    • Arguments: Values passed when calling the function.
  • Return Values: Functions can return values using return keyword.


  • Encouragement to enroll in the complete JavaScript course for more detailed learning.
  • Course offers exercises, solutions, and a certificate of completion.