Transcript for:
Getting Started with Tableau Visualizations

in this video let me introduce Tableau to you and help you create your very first dashboard we are going to look at a sample data of awesome chocolates and understand the sales pattern and who our top 10 people are I have recently started learning Tableau and I found this technology quite interesting and very useful so let me share what we can do with this how to get started and how to create our first report let's go [Music] let's start by downloading the free Tableau public software the link for this is in the video description and once you download and install this software open Tableau public when you open the software it will greet you with a welcome screen where it will ask you to connect data in a file or open one of the existing workbooks because this will be the first time you are using Tableau we will need to bring in some data I have provided a sample data set of awesome chocolates for you in the video description grab the file and open that through Microsoft Excel option here so I'm going to tap on that and then let's bring in the sample data for our 10 minutes exercise show you a preview of your data in the table format our data has all of these columns we have salesperson country product date amount and boxer shipping this is a chocolate business so these sales people have shipped these kinds of chocolates to various countries on the dates available here and that is how much money they have generated and that is how many boxes they have shipped given this information let's analyze this with Tableau and understand the whole process so this is the data view within Tableau if you have got multiple tables or multiple data sets coming you can kind of connect the data and do a little bit of data modeling here but let's go to the next one which is the sheet option here so in fact it will highlight that you know go to worksheet here and then it will call this as sheet1 sheet is one visual within Tableau so if I want to have let's say five graphs for a presentation then I need to create five sheets so each sheet the way we can think about this is if we have used Excel before you can kind of think about this like a pivot table you have rows and columns and values so whatever you put into rows and columns that is how the visuals get constructed let us see a very simple visual where I want to know how much amount has been generated for each of the countries to which we are shipping the chocolates so we have country here we can drag and drop it into either row or column area alternatively you can also place them here so let's just put that there so one row per country I'll get it like this Australia Canada India New Zealand like that now here I want to see a value so I'm going to take amount and put it there and then the amount will show up now in this visual here we have constructed a table visual but you can see that in the corner here the show me thing lights up and this is where Diablo suggests that given this data you could create any of these kind of graphs so let's select a column chart that shows up like this now here it is stacking one on top of another I don't really like this so I'm gonna take the country and put that into columns so that we can see one country per column now accidentally what we have actually done here is not only we created one column per country but we have also highlighted each column in a different color this may not be necessary but what is happening is because of the way we have set up Tableau has actually done both things it has created a column chart but it is also given different colors to each country and that is done to the marks area here that you see on the screen so for now what I'm going to do is I'm gonna remove this one so that there is no marks and each country takes up the same color so this is my basic graph that shows how much we are doing by each country let's say you like this but you want to arrange these columns in the descending order so that this country with the highest sales is on the left and the next country follows to do this you can use these buttons on the top and click on this and instantly it will adjust like this this looks pretty good now let's go ahead and create in a different way so I already have a sheet called sheet1 where my countries are listed I'm gonna use the plus button again on the sheet and introduce a new worksheet or a sheet where we are gonna now look at some other features of tableau so let's say I want to see who our top 10 sales people are so we can take sales person and put it into rows and amount into columns and we will get a graph like this each sales person and their abouts and again we will sort this so that we will see this information coming up in this order now because we want to filter this just so that we are only looking at the top 10 people we need to set up a filter so this is where the filter option comes in here I'm going to take the sales person again and put it into filter and then here it will show me the kind of filters that I want to do the default would be I can for example exclude a few people and click OK and those people will go away but that's not the filter that we want what we want is we want to see the top 10 people so I'm gonna go and edit the filter you can just click on that little arrow and edit it and from here I'm just going to tap on all button here so that everything is selected and go to the top and then say by field top 10 amount sum of amount so this looks perfect and if you want you can adjust this you can change this to bottom and click OK and then this is going to show you these top 10 people so now we have two sheets one showing me what is happening by country and another showing me what is happening by person let's go ahead and bring these two together so that we can present it in a interactive report that kind of a thing is called dashboard so you can introduce a new dashboard by clicking on this plus button here when you add a new dashboard again Tableau will give you a canvas usually the canvas or the space for the dashboard is kind of like an A4 shape so it's tall and less wide like this but if you want you can change the size so you can use the size option here and you can specify a different size so you can kind of say automatic and then that'll kind of stretch the whole thing or you can use fixed size or specify a range I'm just going to go with automatic so that we stretch out the whole space and then we have both sheets our sheet 1 and Sheet two these are the ones that we have created and you can introduce them you can just uh click and drag and drop it here and do it like this depending on how you put them both charts will go and sit on the screen I'm going to collapse that now this is uh the default layout that works but if you're not happy you can rearrange everything the default behavior when you add stuff here is a toilet Behavior but you can also set up a floating Behavior one way to do this is once you already have stuff here you can use the more options and uh enable the floating thing here I'm gonna make both of these floating and then what I'll do is I'll rearrange them so that they look the way we want and when you are making these floating another way is if you want to make sure that the sheet is actually stretched inside you can go on this Arrow fit and then entire View and that will stretch the visual to fit into the entire view so that there is no issues with alignment of these things so now I have got sheet 1 and Sheet 2. while the information is useful the names are not good again you can use this and either uncheck the title or you can edit the title here alternatively you can go back here and you can kind of type a title so I'm gonna type a title here that says sales buy and here 10 save so now when I go to the dashboard those are the titles that will show up this is all good let's just click on Australian and see what happens when I click on the Australia Australia gets highlighted here but none of my top 10 list changes so what I want to do next is if I tap on Australia here I would like to update this list to show me who our top 10 people are within Australia so for this to happen we need to select the first sheet and then click filters sorry click this and then say use as filter now that we have set this particular sheet to be used as a filter if I type on Australia my top 10 list here changes and then shows me how these people are doing uh who are the top 10 people within Australia so we can go to India we can see here that chess burner is our highest person Canada we can see that this is all good but it is kind of like two parts of the puzzle but without any introduction so a good way to wrap up this particular dashboard is maybe we can move everything down and then show a quick business summary on the top up top what I would like to show is total ship total amount how many boxes we have sold and how many shipments we have made the three numbers so I'll go back here and add one more sheet this time let's use the show me option here to build what we want so I'm gonna start by adding total amount and then select the table option this is what we want to construct and then add boxes there turn this into a table so we'll have amount in boxes now these two are good but what I want to do is I want to count how many shipments are there the shipment count is if I go to my data view each row is one shipment so I just want to count how many rows are there so for this to happen we need to now create account in fact Tableau is quite helpful it has already done a data count Here If You observe this you know it's uh but let's just say you don't have this or you want to use something on your own what you could do is you can right click anywhere and then say create calculated field and then create your own calculation so this is kind of quite it goes quite deep but you can create your own thing so I'm gonna say shipment count and you can already see that count square brackets data is used so this is the count function that we are using but you can see there's lots of other functions that you could try out let's use that and then that shows up my shipment count and I'm just gonna take out the the other one so this these three information are here this is good but I don't like the vertical orientation so I'm gonna take measure names and put it into columns so that I get this kind of a format and now this is perfect at this point if I want I can just rename this as business summary and while you are here if you want you can apply some different formatting on these things as you wish so business summary is showing up in blue color and if you want you can apply different colors and other other things as well now let's go back to our dashboard and bring that business summary here so I'm gonna take sheet3 put it here and make sure that this is also floating and resize this like that up top and then finally make sure that this is fitted into the entire view so we get this so this looks perfect I can click on Australia and then this is actually changing the entire report for me UK India beautiful let's just do one last thing which is take these numbers and make them big so that they are easily readable or eye-catching so we'll go back to sheet 3. to do that once you are here just right click on any of these and then say format and this will take you to the formatting of this right now we are formatting the fields measure values and then the font is this from here you can adjust the size so let's just make this 16 points and I'm gonna go with the semi bold version so that the numbers look good and uh and then let's just adjust the formatting of this from number to currency let's take out the decimal points so this looks perfect and when I now go to my dashboard I'll have these big text values for my key summary information and the graphs and everything looks beautiful so now that we have finished all of this you might think okay what do I do how do I save this and how do I share it with my audience to save this you can just hit the save button here and then this will ask you what is the name of this so I'm going to call this as our first report save it and this will because it's Tableau public it's not only going to save this but it's going to publish this to the Tableau website where anybody can see it that's the whole idea of Tableau public so don't use your business data or sensitive information with Tableau public but if you want to use your own business data or something then you need to get the paid membership of Tableau to be able to use that but once this is there you can see it you can share it with anyone and they can also interact with the data to see what is going on um and you know get all the information so that is uh the basic introduction to Tableau I hope you found this useful and interesting let me know in the comments how you found it if you enjoyed this do give it a like and if you want me to talk more about Tableau like I mentioned I'm learning this technology I would be Keen to share more videos on this topic so do let me know in the comments as well to get a similar Vibe of how power bi is check out this video that is shown on the screen it will give you a same walkthrough but with power bi I'll catch you there bye [Music]