Transcript for:
Kingdom Living: Trusting God's Provision

foreign [Music] Edition probably can be one of the most important sessions you're going to get because it's going to show you that your stress and your sickness and your diseases are all related to the pursuit of provisions let me begin with a couple of statements here Matthew 6 30 we'll start reading this passage Matthew chapter 6. Jesus is speaking to the people he says therefore do not worry saying what shall we eat what shall we drink what shall we wear for after all of these things the Gentiles seek or the pagans seek for your heavenly father knows that you need them God knows that all of these things but you must seek first what the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all of these things shall be added or given to you as a byproduct therefore do not worry he repeats himself about tomorrow for tomorrow we'll worry about its own things sufficient for today is its own trouble sufficient what for today God wants to meet all of your needs today on each day they might change it doesn't matter the day is what he's going to take care of I want to to ask you to write down a couple of thoughts is the secret to things Matthew 6 33 repeat this but seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all of these things will be added to you added to you when I first pondered this chapter I was about 18 years old I had a group called The visionaires I began to teach the kingdom when I was 18 years old all I used to teach from in those Crusades we'd have was from The Book of Matthew that was my favorite book and from The Book of Luke because I got excited by the kingdom of God when I heard a man called Tom Skinner preach one day he was right here in the Bahamas one message that was it because I I knew I wasn't crazy when I heard him speak it I said what I understood must be true because someone else came from New York and spoke it and it changed my life what got me in this passage is this now look at me it's very important to get this Jesus began this discussion by saying stop worrying about food water clothes and housing now these four things are what all of us work for we go to work to get money so we could buy food water clothing and pay for a house whether it's a mortgage or a rent now listen this is very important Jesus Disturbed me that he Disturbed me because what he's doing is he's taking away the reason for going to work think why are you working so hard so you could keep your light on keep water running keep food in the kitchen and pay your mortgage or rent he he destroyed that reason for going to work and Luke he said it even more forcefully he said take no thought of these things now wait a minute he just destroyed your reason for going to work help me Lord do you understand what I'm saying do you understand what I'm talking about does anyone understand me I don't know if you understand me see his statement destroys your reason for working which means you were never supposed to go to work in his mind to get these things no you're supposed to go to work but your motivation and your reason for going to work he destroys it's heavy this is heavy he was talking to Farmers and fishermen and Carpenters he says look stop going to work to catch fish to sell them to buy food don't worry about that don't worry about water and food clothes house he said don't even think about those things then why do I go to work every morning he has no you are supposed to work for a different reason than just sustenance this is heavy this is deep all right he says seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all of these things shall be added he said don't worry about them they'll be at it so your work is supposed to be motivated by seeking the kingdom interests in your activity that you call work go to the next slide what is a kingdom all right a kingdom is the governing of influence of a king over a territory impacting it with his will his purpose and his intent producing a culture of values and morals and lifestyle that reflects the king's personal desires and his nature in his citizens in other words a kingdom is not a religion a kingdom is a government go to the next slide how do you seek the kingdom he says seek ye first the kingdom of God write this list down very quickly you seek the kingdom of God I did my research here on the word seek and I found out that it's a massive word the word seek means you gotta seek to understand the concepts of the Kingdom to understand its philosophy to understand its government to understand its laws its culture its Society its economy it's citizenship it's Provisions also to understand it's worship how to Worship in the Kingdom he's a seek to also understand the protocol of the kingdom and seek to understand the representatives the representation of the Kingdom now that whole list will take you a lifetime seek means to explore to study to learn to try to understand to seek means you pursue and you got to pursue the whole list what I'm doing with you is trying to take it through each one of these and teach you a little bit of all these things let's say for example what is the kingdom well the kingdom of God is the governing influence of the king and the kingdom of a territory and patting it with his will now he's a seek first the government's influence of God in the Earth and I said righteousness his righteousness the word righteousness means right positioning or alignment with the government authority of a kingdom in other words righteous means that you do everything to stay in right relationship with the authority you obey the laws like any government so two things he says to put your your life on first seek the influence of God's Heavenly government on Earth and two seek to remain in right relationship with that government don't sin don't Rebel don't break the laws two things he says and the rest of your life I'll take care of which means that my work my motivation for going to work should be to bring the influence of God in my job to bring the morals the values to bring the impact of God's nature in my workplace don't think about food and clothes and rent he says I'm going to take care of that let me tell you why it's so important because you're worried about the rent that's what's making you sick you're gonna die young and not finish your job next listen to this he says it's only Pagan seek out for these things Matthew 6 33 he says for the pagans run after everybody said run after now Jesus spoke some interesting words is it the pagans run after run after means having two jobs run after means missing prayer meeting because you got to go to another job or not attending church because you're so busy trying to make more money run after me as you are preoccupied you are so consumed by trying to pay pills that's all you do in your life I met a flight attendant yesterday and she was yawning when I was walking in the aircraft that ain't nice thank God it wasn't the pilot and I said I said I said good afternoon how you doing she says I'm tired I said why are you tired she's like I got two jobs I said why do you need two jobs she says I got to pay bills and I like the Finer Things of life I said so you're sleepy she said yes it's like I go right from this job to another job so I said when do you sleep she says oh once in a while I hear this person running after the what things she looks old already as a young woman looked old beaten up what she is running after well she's not alone the person behind you is doing the same thing not you the one behind you the pursuing a ladies and gentlemen listen to me this is going to take a while to get okay but apparently according to Jesus you are not supposed to work for food According To Jesus you're not supposed to work for water bill this is deep now stay with me for the next few minutes because you're gonna see I got the Revelation for you oh I'm living this but I want you to get it it's so simple watch this he says they run after all of those things now next the secret to things in a kingdom is twofold write them down number one the secret to getting things in a kingdom is disposition and position now let me explain that if you want to have all your needs met in life all you need is position and disposition this position is your kingdom citizenship go ahead hit another key you're missing the key on position is your alignment with that Kingdom Christ says that's all you need listen I cannot explain what you saw this week on television I'm not lucky I don't look for nothing why is my book the best-selling book why am I on TBN why am I releasing the number one movie why I don't know I from band time I like Juju and Tom rip what I'm trying to tell you is I am focused on the kingdom and Living Clean that's all he says I will add stuff to you I'm afraid to tell you what they gave me this past week just to sign a contract there's a sign this contract we want you they came and flew into the Bahamas and said scientists contract you little boy from a seven wide Island miles wide sign it you work for what they signed before for 10 years I'm not lucky I ain't special he says look two things stop focusing on things learn Kingdom citizenship you know Pastor Pat said to you how many of you read this book and I look at my own members only 15 people don't land up listen and the people outside here reading this book and they line them says my kingdom living and you hating yourself trying to get things it breaks my heart to see my own people ain't getting it what I teach is not in this book the book got more than what I teach he said look don't seek things seek first Kingdom citizenship and then seek to align yourself with Kingdom law and everything's everything's all of these things shall be added to your life I know many of you won't get this some of you will die and never get it I hope it ain't you let's take a look at things Deuteronomy 30. God says now listen to this watch this everybody say disposition that means citizenship hey boy same position that means what alignment that means keeping the laws of the Kingdom listen to me you cannot expect to get God to add things to you if you're living in sin now I know you think it's good teaching and you're getting away with stuff you ain't getting Minister that's why you're killing yourself because here you are you're in church speaking in town but you sinning cause I can't bless you I can't add nothing to you fix your life clean your life up stop doing stuff man because you see God ain't a fool he said look if you seek first the kingdom that's fine but he says also righteousness live right he says I will add no more stress if you ain't living right you got to work for food you gotta sweat to pay your bills if you ain't living right look at this statement now all of us read this who I've been in the word for a while you read this this chapter before but you never read verse one you keep missing verse one see what you like you like verse 9. but you don't read verse 8. verse 9 sounds good the Lord will make you the most prosperous of all the people he will bless your livestock bless bless Bless but Verse 18 says eight says if you don't get this blessing because you born again righteousness if come on out loud if you will again obey the Lord and follow all of his commands that I'm giving you today watch this read on then the Lord will make you the most prosperous in all the works of your hands and in the fruit of your womb the young of your livestock the crop of your land the Lord will again Delight in you and make you prosperous look at my time the way prosperous is used man he washes up too much read on just as he delighted in your fathers if if verse 10 you oh come on read if you obey the Lord your God and keep his commands and decrees that are written in this book of the law and then to turn to Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul he said then I will add to you okay next let me show you something this is very important look at the next verse laughs it's amazing Luke 18. Peter said to Jesus that most of us say to Jesus I left everything to follow you yes look at this sometimes we we like throw things in God's face I gave this up to father I gave you ain't gave up nothing how can you give some to someone who owns everything he's a king he owns everything so Peter began to throw stuff in his face Peter says we have left all to follow you look at Jesus response he says I tell you the truth Jesus said no one has left whom or wife or brothers or Partners or parents or children for the sake of what the kingdom of God and will not fail to receive many times more in this life and age and in the age to come eternal life he said look don't you dare threaten me you can't give up nothing to follow the kingdom because everything in the world belongs to him and whatever you give he says I multiply it back to you because I own the one you don't have okay the first thing man thinks about is things and I know that's what you're struggling with uh stayed me here for a couple minutes this is very important what you about to see next I call it the natural benefits of Kingdoms write this down Matthew 6 33 he says seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness now write this down and all of these things will be added to you as well in other words what you need to live on and live by it it comes with a package you're not supposed to live for those things or live to find them you're supposed to live for the kingdom interests and these things are added to you at it all the things will be added to you here's a list I want you to write down on what addition means the Divine strategy I call it for provision God wants to pay your bills he wants you to have food he wants you to have a nice house he wants you to have a car he wants you to have a bike whatever you want he wants you to have all the things that you desire matter of fact he wants to give you the dream in your mind but he doesn't want you to put the dream in front of him so he's used the word added I did my research on the word add here's the word ad means to add me first of all the things will be attracted to you write that down please attracted to you number two the things will be they will find you they'd be at it because they like him like a magnet you know they come in they can find you the things will come to your life they will come to your life you don't got to go after them to add means that the things will come without stress to admins that the things will be given as favor and reward not things you earned listen if if I add fifty dollars to you that means that was a gift you didn't you didn't earn that some of us are so tired working for what we want when we get it be too tired to enjoy it there are people who work 40 years for a big house and now all the kids are gone and they got this big house and they can't even stay home never been in the living room for 10 years never watched the TV in the other room for 50 years that's foolishness you are wasting your life why you pursue with things and now you're too tired he says look I want you to enjoy life without stress to add also means you will be you will see if it don't without you I like the word he used he says it shall be added no struggle he says you will receive it without struggle you will be it will be seen as natural if something is added to you it means that it naturally comes to be added also means you will be given as you need it some of you pray for God to give you a 10 10 room house and only and only two Europe wrong prayer you praying for a fancy car and right now the house you live in you park in front of that house people wonder what's wrong with your head the car costs more than the house he said look I I don't just it's I add as you need it daily if you decide Pastor miles I believe God I want to keep every year I want to keep some of the people who come into the conference in my house I want to provide my house for some delegates to live in from Africa who can afford hotels God will give you a 10 room house on the beach but you see if you want it for yourself to lock it down rock your white right no one come on my white rug God will keep the house from you you will the stingy thing you even add according to your need and you can determine your need by your willingness to serve the kingdom I want to give the house to keep people for God's kingdom because I give you a big house but you want a big house to put compete with the Joneses that's why he's still written attitude Peter says we ask and we receive not because we ask amiss he's saying God I want a nice guy you want a nice car you don't bring no one to church in the one you get you're kind of saving the kingdom you pass people on the street toot them and passed and you want a nicer car to keep tight your windows to be added also means that you will not have to pursue them they'll pursue you to be added also means that you were that they will not be your source they added they're not your sauce this is very important I ain't talking to you okay the teachers I got to keep protecting myself I'm not talking to you I'm talking to the person behind you you have made your salary your source God sent me I am under Authority I speak with God's Authority today may you be delivered from your salary in Jesus name because you know it ain't working listen the fact that you can pay your bills when the salary is proof that you ain't supposed to live off it now to get us to shift the kingdom living is a tough one because we like to to live on what we could see here's the bottom line today write this down I call it the additional principle this is the heart of the message right here the addition principle what is the addition principle number one all that is needed for sustenance and life is in the obligation of the king that's what he meant in other words a kingdom is opposite to a democracy in a democracy or a republic you have to make your own living that's why you get rich and poor in all Democratic societies but in a kingdom there is no poor why because the king is obligated to take care of every citizen personally prime minister Perry Christie President George Bush and for the moment Prime Minister Tony Blair none of them take a placement of interest in your needs none of them none if if they repossess your host they don't care they they still go to bed if you can't pay your phone bill the Prime Minister doesn't lose sleep over there his phone on okay but in a kingdom see a kingdom is different please read the book please please read the book see listen this whole chapter in here on Kings read it otherwise the Bible won't work for you when Jesus speaks he said look I am a king therefore I obligated to take care of your private needs can you imagine a government leader personally pays your phone bill that's what he means but only in a kingdom not a religion now Christianity is a religion it ain't gonna work for you you got to come to the kingdom he says look if I am your king I will take care of your private needs there's a difference I am obligated number two Provisions for life are the responsibility of the king and not the citizen you know in a democracy the citizen is responding for their own life a matter of fact we pride ourselves on that in America especially United States you know it's written in their tenants in their constitution that you know each citizen have a right to pursue life you know and and and the good life the American life and the prosperity in other words everybody go make it make it make your own way that's the capitalist way make your own way look at you not you the one behind you look at you look at you how you doing how are you really doing making your own way ain't working and yet they encourage you make your way you know you gotta join the rat race you gotta try get a piece of the pie the pie small eh and they give you the spirit you know you got to get peace in the pie you got to go off some piece of the pie and everybody trying to get paid that's probably getting cut up in so many smallest pieces if you ain't nobody get my peace and they become nervous and most people die just tasting crumbs he said look your Provisions is not your responsibility if you are in a kingdom I'm going to challenge you today before we pray I want to take you to a point today where you make a decision to jump off a cliff and expect God to catch you I remember when I did that I did that 15 years ago everything changed jumped off a cliff I said God if you don't catch me everybody gonna laugh at me I'm gonna believe you listen when I jumped instead of going down I went up never came down yet no I want to do it for yourself Don't Clap for me you got to get that point and this has to get into your spirit because you it's tough to break away from the system the system is built for dependency depending on the system working your own way through this thing Christ says stop worrying about this stuff why it's not your responsibility it's the king's responsibility Now ladies and Gentlemen please don't get me wrong I know that sometimes you you could almost think that I'm asking you to be irresponsible no I'm asking you to be be more responsible for trusting the king it takes more responsibility to live in a kingdom and to live in the system of the world number three the addition principle means Kingdom favor is the honor and provision of the king he says don't worry about food your father knows you need these things he says your father knows you need what you need don't even pray about him he said don't even bring it to Daddy don't tell your daddy about him he knows you need them so your prayers should not be a list of things your prayers should be thy kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as influence influence influence that's my prayer oh God influence the job today influence the clients that go to influence the place influence the person Lord influence in other words that's your prayer he's gonna take care of you if you pray that prayer Lord I'm going to do this the deal let your influence come in this boardroom because I like this guy I'm gonna take care of you but if your prayer is the mission of money I can make today Lord bless me some money Lord bless me some money bless me some money God says wrong prayer you a cosmetologist change your prayer father bring them in under my hands let them sense your presence fill this alone with the kingdom influence let me share Kingdom Life with them may the kingdom come into this alone today God will give you a bigger building but you see you're praying for more money and food and clothes he's a wrong prayer don't worry about that pray for my kingdom to come I will to be done keep your life clean number four addition means man was never designed to pursue personal provisions but rather the influence of Heaven on Earth that's what he meant his desire was for us not to live for things but to live for his influence here's another one I want you to write down I call it Kingdom provisions and purpose number one provision is a byproduct of obedience he said if you seek the kingdom and my righteousness all the provisions you need for your life will be added to you now I know that some of you have been trying I know can you say Pastor miles since you've been teaching I've been trying to do this trend of nothing seem to be working right now listen I guarantee you if you capture today's message get the CD listen to it a few times you're gonna see results I am living proof he said look provision is a byproduct of obedience Hey where's your obedience you ain't gonna get this stuff because you you know come to church you can get stuff because you're living right because come to church meetings don't mean you're living right some of the most unrighteous people that's in this building right now doing all kind of stuff privately see so you ain't fooling God but you see you listening listen it ain't matter if it ain't working check see whether you're waking is your Machinery working if you will obey the commands he says then these blessings Shall Overcome overtake number two the principle of provision and prosperity in the kingdom is access not ownership or Pursuit let me tell you what I mean by this and this one I called this years ago wealth in the kingdom of God is not having things stored up but having access to things that are stored up did I get that right okay he said look if you are trying to find food and water and clothes and house that means that they must be scarce you're trying to get your peace your share he said look in the kingdom of God the boundless amounts of all that stuff I don't want you to try and get one or two of them I want you to have a position where you get access to as many as you need when you need them okay put another way you are my son and my daughter okay I give you a choice I am a multi-billionaire I'm Bill Gates cousin okay you my son and my daughter I said okay you got a choice I'm gonna put a million dollars on an account for you to live on or I'm gonna give you no account you have access to all of mine perfect example he said look you can pursue the million of this my account my account that's naked images mine all fool you you are a fool I give you access to billions one condition no account you don't own nothing you don't own an account that's what he means why do you worry what you would eat what you would drink would you the father knows those captives he knows that seek first the king of Interest surrender yourself to the authority of the family true wealth is not having its access Prince William of England is a wealthy young teenager just turned 20 I guess now he's younger wealthy now he can make a decision you know I live in the family give me what's mine I'm gone that's what the prodigal son is all about it's about it's about you trying to pursue his own stuff I want I want I want I want to own my peace I want mine I mean mine God says in the Kingdom there's no ownership yes but I want to own mine because okay take your peace so the fella left with his peace he was living in the house with all let me tell you something friend listen to me I pray I prophesy in Jesus name whatever you own or run out and whatever you own them friends can take it from you and they can leave you in the big pen I guarantee you in Jesus name God has sent me to tell you come back home stop being independent your robes are in the closet your silver slippers are in the closet the ring with authority to access anything is waiting on the table but you got to come home I want my own house no no if you stay home you get all the houses the daddy own I want my own clothes he said no no don't put your clothes the closet full that's where I'm at right now you know in my life it's been wonderful the last 10 years just enjoying God's bounty bounty but you have to stay focused on the kingdom and then live look at this next one man was not created to work for Provisions but for purpose it's the bottom line write it down man was not created to work for Provisions but for purpose he said look don't worry about food clothes car house the water but that's why you're working you see he said look no no don't work for them anymore work for something else what do you work for purpose you work to fulfill your purpose in your job place your gift your anointing your area of strength he says you go to work and use that for my kingdom don't don't work to try pay bills he said that ain't gonna work go to work for a different reason let your motivation be I'm going to this place to bring the kingdom of God into the world number four Man was created to work out his assignment not for a living Man was created to work out his assignment not for a living in other words God never designed you to work for a living he's dying to work with your assignment in your place I'm a close with an example that he gives in a minute number five in the Kingdom the assignment determines access but it's heavy stuff I'm giving you oh I wish some of y'all ain't you know just looking at me I don't know it took me 20 years to write this one sentence you look at me let me say it again in the Kingdom the assignment determines access I'll be giving them in whatever you were born to do that's how rich you are if you're trying to get rich so you can see you rich and everybody else your Pursuit gonna kill you in the kingdom of God your assignment determines your access to the provisions of the king does anyone understand what I'm talking about please I feel like I'm by myself up here thank you for your one amen I appreciate you man just thank you keep keep encourage encourage me you know praise God see so it's more important to find your assignment than to pursue things because the things that come into your life they come to fulfill his assignment in your life and if you need a 10 billion dollar assignment a billion dollars come in so you don't get wealth for yourself you get wealth for the assignment that's why he says don't worry about that pursuit of Kingdom assignment first and these things here's another one in the Kingdom Purpose attracts provision in the Kingdom any assignment a king gives you he automatically provides for it he owns everything when the king said to Nehemiah you go and rebuild the wall the king didn't stop there read the whole sentence it says I'm the king Senator Nehemiah go to my Forest get all the what you want go to my Quarry get all the rock you want go to my pit get all the time in other words he didn't just say assignment he says here is the provision and then he says here are some letters in case anyone try to stop you it's a king talking let's wrap it up Matthew 6. read out loud please you're gonna need to read the spirit Matthew 6 25 is not life more important than food stop reading God you are not a Bahamian peace and rice macaroni potato salad nice Platinum steamed chicken you know come on Jesus you nothing to be more important than food we live to buy food look at the statement life is more important than making a living for food it keeps look at the next statement it's more important than close he says your body is more important than clothes think think think don't read it fast think he's saying look your body really wasn't made to wear clothes your body was created by me so I could come into the Earth through your body and get my kingdom on Earth I want to do something through your body it ain't the clothes that was made for ah now the reason why Pastor miles dressed down on the red carpet in bow tie I don't need them close I don't like tuxedo but my assignment was to be in the middle of that and talk with the Kingdom so he put the clothes on me see oh Hallelujah I said Hallelujah if you are a mechanic you don't need a suit amen so if you're anointing is mechanics he will give you the best overalls your body is more important now you know he ain't talking no Bahamian woman know Jesus Lord I ask you for a miracle deliver the behemians including my wife from close oh Jesus I mean women in this building we spend three hundred dollars from the on a suit and put 20 bucks in the office that's why you're broke that's why you stress that's why I get lump in your breasts that's why I guess babies why because he says you got it all mixed up I can't add to you because you are stealing I read the store the other day in California and they're picking up my tux the guy showed me a necktie 550 dollars I say fella what kind of neck that goes on now watch this and I'm gonna install if I know you know what's up this necktie we're talking so let me finish talking the guy said to me watch this now the guy said man you blessed me you know it's the guy working starting he said you blessed me I said release him and I know you man I got your books man I wish I wish I had my book we could sign it he's talking right he said he forgot what the neckties are talking about me so we went down the store I said I just want to be a shirt a t-shirt so you went in tobacco store the guy pulls out hundred dollars gave it to me he said I bless you Pastor now he was trying to give me a 500 necktie trying to give it a buy one he gave me a hundred dollars I like the way this weekend I don't need to tie I walk at the store with money not spending money give God a big praise [Laughter] but you see the body is what the body is not more important than you think it is all the clothes you put on your body he says look at that he says the body is more important than clothes he's trying to get you understand that the body was made to perform something to fulfill an assignment on Earth read the next part he says now this way I want to close on he says no here's why he shifted he says look at the buds of the air now he takes your worry to the birds he said look look at the birds of the air please don't miss this please wake up this will get you this is what got me free 15 years ago I became a bird he said look at the birds now you can study the boy he says study birds you never thought about birds that's why you are so pressured he said look at the birds he said first of all they do not sow don't miss this they do not reap they do not store up and pass he's laughing at Farmers you see he says look and yet Heavenly Father feeds them are you not much more valuable than Birds okay I'm gonna go now but get this God sent my home just to give you this okay say birds are weird let me tell you what he means he said look at the birds first of all what he means by that is look you are never supposed to live off your efforts okay let me try it again birds do not work to live that's what he means they don't reap birds don't go out to collect they don't stall but it's too hard but he just described your life every day you go in that traffic would you do it you sow it man you you should threaten so he's awake why Friday you're tired can't come to pray me okay I saw it reaping Miss payday coming child I gotta keep going it's raining but I gotta go to wake yes sir and it's snowing I gotta go away why I gotta reap challenge I gotta reap then when it comes boy I gotta save this I ain't giving this to God I work hard for this I guess my stuff and buy this to my church he said look why'd you play The Birds they've never found a bird with heart trouble no bird got high blood pressure now they are living creatures they study birds no birds have cancer none the number one source of disease is stress why did he say look at the birds he made them he got their psyche all worked on okay foreign I am so weak in my words I can't explain the kingdom okay let me try it this way listen to me please I beg you he says look Matthew 6. why do you worry about clothes see the lilies they do not labor or spin and yet they weren't better clothes than Solomon is he playing games with us no he's trying to get you into Kingdom living he says look set your priorities with your purpose and it'll produce provisions it's a heavy statement write it down priority with purpose produces provision Lord I am so sorry I'm I can't use good words I can't teach thank you but you're my helper praise God and your spirit is a teacher reveal to your people what you are saying uh too much okay let me just close on this look at me look at me don't miss this a bird doesn't try to be a horse you still missed it okay father help me hey bird never tries to be a fish try it again he said look at the birds a bird never tries to be a monkey a bird never tries to be a human principle the bird simply preoccupies itself with being a bird there won't be nothing else the bird all the bird wants to do is be a bird gotta get this revelation the bird only wants to fulfill its purpose as a bird because the bird ain't trying to be a fish or a monkey then the father gives the bird everything it needs to be a bird [Applause] I want you to go on the roof of this building when I'm finished and jump and say I want to fly I guarantee you God will make sure you die why your purpose is not flying so he doesn't add to you what you need to stay up as a matter of fact he has built something in to pull you down am I making any sense your provision is tied to your purpose God created a tree for the bird to build its nest God created the tricks for the bird to put in the nest God made cotton trees for the bird of cotton to pad the nest God made leaves for the birth of the shade for the nest God made the win for the bird to fly up to the branch to get to the nest to land on the branch to play its Eck everything made the words I'm bringing my daughter time in the morning for the birds to get some everything he said the birds they said look at them they they make you sick or they don't work or do they yes they work at being but [Applause] you get it now work at being a kingdom representative and everything you need to be provided for you I asked God for a miracle today the miracle I asked God for is to deliver you from a salary I've been praying that all week I said Lord deliver my people from sorry just get delivered from it use the salary to activate Kingdom living that's all and that's why I wanted to offer him to be at the end because it's time for you to prove to God that you ain't living of your money he wants to meet your need beyond your little cash okay may God give us freedom today God is delivering you from the pressure of the thing lift your two hands in the air repeat after me Heavenly Father make me just like the bird I want to live to be what I am I am your image I am your likeness I have been sent here to manifest your kingdom on the Earth and today I accept my assignment I am a kingdom representative and an everywhere that I go every place that I am I will pray your kingdom come your will be done in this place as it is in heaven and you will give me daily bread thank you I am free from the pressure of competition of fear and scarcity I have access to your boundless wealth I am a kingdom citizen in Jesus name