if you're an agency owner you've probably heard of go high level thousands of people have been raving about this software over the past few years but I'll be straight up with you when they first launched I wasn't a fan inist to at all and in 2023 I ate my words and came back to try it out and frankly I was stunned by how much they had progressed so much so that I fully integrated it into my existing seven fig marketing agency affluent doco and since then I can safely say I've made hundreds of thousands of dollars in new Revenue based on the systems that I've built using the single piece of software and no I am not talking about affiliate Revenue like the majority of agency content creators out there who don't own real agencies and are just glorified affiliate marketers in fact I don't care whether you use my link to sign up to high level I make enough money in my real businesses I making this video for one reason and one reason only to help you guys out this is probably one of the most requested videos I've had in the latest few months we've had tens of comments from you guys asking me to create an entire go high level training course and here we are today I'm going to teach you absolutely everything you need to know the complete a toz of getting started with high level and integrating it into your agency so you can make more money save more money from other software costs and just build a more systemized and professional agency in 2024 and Beyond so very quickly what is high level well it's an all-in-one agency management tool and when I say all-in-one I literally mean it it'll host your website it'll be your complete endtoend sales management process from managing your emails and your Communications with clients to reviewing your inbound ads that you may be running for your agency and even further than that you can use it to manage your entire Service delivery system on behalf of your clients we'll be coming into each of these components as we progress through this video in fact let's just get started with the training today so I'm going to be running you through an entire stepbystep guide of how you can get set up on High level and from my perspective of helping thousands of people integrate this into their agency including my own the best way for you to set up the foundations and use this software efficiently so I'm going to put a link in the description as I said I don't care if you use my link or someone else's it really doesn't matter to me and at the time of recording this video you can sign up to a 14 day free trial of high level I'm going to speak to the good people of high level to see if I can get you an even better deal so by the time some of you click that link there might be a nice surprise waiting for you so if you go over to the website first of all we're going to hit 14-day free TR and we're going to fill in our details now you're going to be asked whether you want to sign up for a agency starter account let's moving there or an agency unlimited account now if you are just starting your agency you don't need anything more than this starter plan what you'll be able to do there is create your entire agency foundational system on High level on that starter plan and you'll be able to manage up to fre of your client service delivery on that plan if you need any more than that and you're already an existing agency owner migrating other systems onto this then you will want to go for the 297 agency plan and in that you can manage other clients so more than free in fact unlimited and you can also wh label the software I'll show you towards the end what that means so you can Rebrand get rid of high levels branding entirely and make this look like it is your own software product which is quite nice as a perk for clients and also your internal team but not necessary for New Start agency owners so for the majority of you start off with the stter plan fill in your card details and we'll get set up I'll just do that now okay so once we're done with bank details let's go ahead and just mention who we are so we're a Consulting agency how many customers do we have I'm going to set this up as if I was one of you guys just starting out to make this nice and fair do I have a website no I don't right now let's hit next so we filled in our address then we are going to search for different tools that we are currently using now this is only relevant to those of you guys that are already using software so you've already got an existing agency you might be using clickfunnels for your web build you might be using pipe drive for your CRM system active campaign for your CRM and so on you get the idea WordPress etc etc this will enable you to integrate these softwares and make the migration process a lot easier so I absolutely would recommend you doing this if you are already using any of these tools but for now we are not going to be using any of these tools so okay pass that stuff let's put in our business name and we're going to do my name and we'll put an email address in there and we'll put a fake number of course you want to be putting your real phone number in here I don't have a website yet create we're actually going to be pre-filling some of this information on the left on the right hand side here which is great and now we are brought through to our highle dashboard and it's going to give us some prompts on how to actually get set up on High level okay what I would actually recommend you doing instead is going over to settings on the left hand side now it's very intuitive of a bit of software to use we just simply have our navigation on on the left hand side and obviously all the titles these things are pretty obvious of what they are but I will be running through each of them after we have gone through initial setup so the first and most important thing that we do is we go through and set up all of our business details okay so we want to upload our logo I'm just going to tick that off saying that we have okay but you would want to do that we I take put our business name in there our legal business name and by the way guys if you want access to this list that I'm going to be going through in this video more than happy to send it over to you click Link in the description sign up to our newsletter um where I will send you over this list and you will also get to gain access to a whole bunch of really valuable information that I send out to agency owners every week and drop a comment on this video as well only going to be sending over the list triggering if you have dropped a comment on this video so comment and click the link and sign up to the newsletter so email done phone number done website we don't have one yet but we're going to be making one so that's all good and we're going to pick a business Niche okay so our Niche is advertising and marketing done and we'll head update there and then the rest of the business information it's important that we fill this in as thoroughly as possible because go high level does have functionality like ringing the phone okay so you can there's a built-in dialer and also SMS sending Etc all these things are going to be taken into account your details when you're signing up to those services so really important we got this all filled in so make sure that you set the right business type business industry okay um so again we might just want to do advertising online media potentially uh registration number Etc you're going to go through and get it all set up okay going to go down and you can add a voicemail now this is optional you guys don't need to set up a voicemail um in fact actually I think it's preferential that you don't set up a voicemail if you are using high level for your cold Outreach because when you're calling up potential companies and they call you back you kind of don't want them to know who you are until you actually get the chance to speak to them if you're using this on behalf of your clients though definitely get a voicemail set up we're going to go down and we're going to make sure that our physical address and everything's filled in you get the idea the authorized representative so who you are you can deal with the company on their behalf Etc and then I'm just going to go down and look at these other settings we don't actually need to mess around of any of this stuff to start off with um most of these settings won't be relevant to you guys I'm just checking that nothing has been updated that there's no longer on my list in fact like this one here we don't need to have that it's a nice chance for me to update this list for you guys as well so you've got the most up to-date information here cool sweet so we're all good let's continue to progress so company billing want to make sure we add our payment method on here as well okay um so let me just add that down here okay my staff you can add any team members okay so if you've got existing team members you can add them in here just simply hit add employee you put in their name their last name email address phone number write a password for them and then you can do things like set up their email signature you can assign them certain permissions now of course this is going to be quite intimidating when you first look at this all these different uh bits of uh functionality that you can and can't give them access to um but this all makes sense when you actually start using the software whether you want them to be a user or an admin and their individual settings okay so just go through and you're pretty much setting up the same stuff that you already did for yourself for your individual team members let's go down let's just say we've done all this and we go on to we're going to skip pipelines for now okay I'm going to help you set that up in a moment and we're going to go down to Integrations so Integrations this is where we integrate any of our existing software that we are using so the first thing you want to do is connect your Google gole accounts simply hit sign in with Google and just log in to your correct email address this will link your Google my business which is the business that comes up on Google when people search for your name and also your emails um if you want to integrate and actually send emails from Gmail so make sure you add your Google account and also reviews and S will integrate here connect your Facebook and of course your Instagram account as well so we simply hit the connect button and again it's going to prompt us to log in this will be really helpful when we start running ads in the agency and then finally connect your stripe account it's really important we connect this if we want to send out invoices for example um and also manage other different payment integration stripe is simply a payment processor I would recommend all of you using it for an easy way to bring in or take client payments when you're are first starting out without having to mess around with manual invoices you can set up automatic payments on stripe with a lot of these and then of course anything else that is relevant to you your Tik Tok your LinkedIn account if you would like your quick QuickBooks of using that for your accounting Etc even your slack Channel as well on there okay so these are the fundamentals so after we've done our Integrations if we go back up to calendars what we want to do is hit create calendar okay or you can hit new calendar that will do the same thing and we're going to get the option to choose from a v a variety of different options so a a simple calendar which is when you're just starting out this is what you're going to want to use people can just book a call with you directly around Robin this is where it'll randomly select different people in your team if you got a sales team a class booking okay so this can be booked in with an individual selected from your team and then a collective booking which is like a group call so we're going to be doing a simple calendar if you're just starting out we can call this your strategy call calendar okay strategy call being like your sales call and we can just have we might want to have your agency name there as well I would set this to 45 minutes typically this is enough time if you're having meetings Monday through to Friday but depending on your schedule just make sure that you change this to your um your settings okay then we have meeting location this is where you want to put in your Zoom link okay so or your Google calendar uh meet link okay or your Google meets not Google Calendar and then if we go advanced settings this is simply where we're going to be able to customize that calendar we can add our company logo in there we can add a descript for this okay so um schedule a call with our agency team to see how we can help you scale for example or learn more about our five client guarantee EG or you can just leave it completely blank it won't make much of a difference people will already be pre-sell by the time they're booking a link with you or booking a calendar with you an event I should say you can change your event color and then you can then go in and obviously edit your availability in a little bit more in depth you can do it day by day here okay and we we can set different variables like the minimum amount of notice we want for someone to be able to book in a call with us a buffer time so we want like 15 minutes between each call so we're not going back to back Etc the same kind of stuff that you'd see on any other kind of calendar settings so i' recommend you having a look at all these kind of individual settings and customizing this to your individual circumstance you can even add a cover image there as well and play around with web embed widgets if you want to embedd it into your website cool so we're going to hit save and and just adjust this cool so that's Calendar's out of the way now the final thing we need to do on this calendar is we want to make sure it's connected to our Google Calendar for ease okay many of us use Google Calendar so we go on connections hit link to calendar we hit this drop down and it's going to allow us to connect to the Google account that we already set up in Integrations which is why we do Integrations before we go over to calendars okay so now we're done there we go down to phone numbers what we want to do is we want to hit phone system settings and we want to use LC phone system okay so this is high levels built-in calling or dialing tool and we can use this for phone calls and also SMS as well so hit confirm wait for this okay so we just opted into lead Connector phone system but to create a bit of confusion now we've been thrown out of our sub account settings which is where we were before and we've been put into our agency account settings you can notice that by on the left hand side all these menu items being different don't be intimidated by this let me explain to you simply as I can the difference between an agency account and a sub account imagine your agency account at the top of the tree this is your host account this is where you host all of your individual sub accounts so you have individual sub accounts for each of your clients or each of your agencies if you run multiple agencies think of the agency account like the Facebook business manager okay in the Facebook business manager we also have individual ad accounts so those ad accounts are high levels sub accounts okay so we have the one main Hub at the top an individual sub accounts underneath that and one of those sub accounts will be the one that we'll be running for our agency for our website for our CRM system Etc okay so just like we would have an ad account for our own agency we're going to have our own sub account for our agency as well so we can manage everything we need on High level okay and again this will make more sense as we progress through this video but to continue setting up the phone system we need to go onto sub account settings here and here we would have a list so we've got multiple clients you would have a list of all those multiple clients and you'll be able to change the settings for them some of these buttons are kind of going all over the screen here but that is simply because I've got this screen quite large right now okay so I'm Messing around with this or quite small I should say so what we want to do is we want to go ahead and we want to make sure that we edit these settings okay so we want to first of all connect these accounts okay done we're all good so we've linked that there to this test account want to make sure that you guys have got everything that you need here so we've opted in for the lead Connector phone system and we are then linking that system with a specific ad account by hitting that nice blue button that we saw on screen there and then what we want to do is we want to go ahead and go back and access this sub account there are two ways that we can do that we can hit go back here okay and we can hit sub accounts and then we can switch to the sub account by clicking this button or for quick access we can hit top left and we can go and we can hit this the relevant sub account there as well go back down to settings okay and now if we go down to phone numbers we should be able to add our own new phone number okay so let's hit add phone number we're going to add a number first of all you want to select your country okay you might be outreaching to multiple countries so you might want multiples I'm going to hit UK for now and just set up one I would generally recom recommend a mobile number you're going to get a better response rate you can pick a number if you want to if one resonates with you the most hit proceed to buy it's only going to cost you $1 $150 15 a month that's going to cost and then if we come off here we need to go through and we need to make sure that we set up all of our regulatory bundle and address okay so first of all if you want to edit any of this we can just go on edit configuration and we can have a look at where our number forwards to if we want to forward to our personal mobile number for example uh you can add um call recording on this so you can turn that on so you can record your calls and listen back on them I would uh recommend this if you're hiring a sales team it's good to listen back to those calls if it's you I would say keep it off because it is going to uh say to your prospects okay this call will be recorded for Quality purpose okay you don't really want to have it saying that because if you do turn it on pre-warning it is going to say beforehand when you call them this call will be recorded for quality purposes and that's going to turn people off if you're cold calling okay so I would keep it off if you are cold calling and then just hit save okay we then want to go over to regulatory bundle SLA access and we want to hit create we want to First do address bundle and we want to fill in our address this is really important that you do this for your business address and then hit submit and then we want to do regulatory bundle as well and we want to make sure we go through the motions here these are very simple step-by-step settings of just filling in the information for your business this is to make sure that you are within regulations and your phones are going to connect properly and you're not going to come into any potential issues so you want to make sure you get both of those set up and then you want to go over to the trust Center and you want to set up a2p messaging okay so this is a way to make sure that your smss are going to deliver okay and again that you are falling within the correct regulations when it comes to sending sms's okay let's say you're running ads for your clients and uh you're generating leads you want a way to be able to contact those leads Via SMS as well as email and phone and this is how you can do that so want to hit start register ation now is the address entry located in the US or Canada no okay fill in the right details we're going to go through put your business details in business address contact info Etc okay it's all pretty straightforward if you get stuck with any of this at all drop a message down below I'll send you over some quick links where you'll be able to go through a2p registration but again it's very simple uh high level have made it so so just make sure you go ahead and set that all up what I would then recommend you doing is going over to shaken slster okay and starting registration for this as well okay this is going to increase your answer rate on your calls and finally if you are doing this on behalf of your client you might want to set up cam okay and what this is going to do is when someone is calling you it's going to actually say the name of the business okay so you can register to have the name of the business showing when someone is calling this is great for your clients if you're trying to appointment set on their behalf okay you're going to have much more Authority and going to increase the answer rate but if this is for your agency and you're trying to Cod Outreach through high level you're trying to do call calls I wouldn't recommend setting this up at the minimum you do need a2p and you need shaken slster okay so let's add that in as well next let's go down to reputation management okay so this is where we can manage our Google business profile Okay Google business profile is the uh little tab on the side of Google that comes up when you Google a certain name this is where it's going to show you reviews for your agency okay so if you go over to reputation management you can connect your Google my business account okay and if you don't know how to do that I've got a nice little link here you can just go over to Google and find this link nice and easily or if you opt into our newsletter you'll get sent this over anyway so set up a Google my business account I'd recommend you doing that you can also integrate your Facebook reviews if you would like to as well as an agency owner reviews are a Lifeline okay the more reviews we have the more case studies we have the more leverage we will have the more clients we will sign it doesn't matter if you are not running ads right now if you're are trying to acquire clients believe that people are going to be searching your name and if they see social proof they see five stars your chance of getting them signed up is going to increase exponentially and so make sure that you have got some kind of reviews on some platform be it trust pilot Google or Facebook you want to be building those from scratch from day one okay so reputation management then let's go down to domains and we're we're going to hit add domain and we want to add a domain URL okay so if you haven't yet created your agency website you need to go ahead and register for a domain name before you do okay domain name is simply what we see up here at the top I would recommend you going over to godaddy.com to go and find your domain okay and all you're simply going to do is fill in the details so this is my agency going to hit continue it's actually already set up on a different account so I'd be shocked if this actually allows me to in fact this is going to take me through the initial setup is going to say I'm on Go Daddy you hit authorized domain it's going to take me through all of the settings and automatically add my domain to go high level if you're not using GoDaddy and you're using something on aod do okay you might need to go ahead and set up your C name instead if you do then I've added the settings here for you so you go into your DNS settings and add the right C name but the benefit of using something like GoDaddy or Google workspace is you'll be able to authorize that domain very easily just by hitting a couple of buttons okay so you want to add that domain before you go ahead to then make a webs sign we're almost there with the settings now okay this is going to take you a couple of hours to set up but once it's done you can pretty much just leave it and uh just get stuck in with the juicy stuff stuck in with signing up some client stuck and we're building your website stuck in with the stuff you actually want to be doing right okay so if we are when we're going over to email um Services the first thing we want to do is hit create dedicated domain okay we want to make sure that we have a dedicated domain to the emails that we are sending on go high level okay now you want this to be linked to or be a sub account of the domain you have already added so if I've done affluent doco you might want to do um go. affluent doco for example and what this is then going to do when you hit add and verify is it's going to create a sub account on your domain setting host website and you're then your emails are then going to be coming from this subdomain so it might be Jordan atg go. afluent doco for example and this will be the email address that all emails are sent from on high level so people will be able to recognize a domain and know that it's not spam it's really important that you set up one of these dedicated domains okay but don't do it for your main domain like app.co because likelihood is you're going to have team members running uh emails from those accounts anyway you might have them set up on Gmail so you don't want to interfere with your main email address you just want to set up a sub domain for that main domain uh for this yeah for these emails okay cool um I'm not going to bother going ahead and setting that up right now but the next thing that you will want to do is just make sure there's nothing on domain verification uh domain configuration workflow domain no cool we're pretty much good to go there you just want to make sure that you have a dedicated domain set up um and apart from that you can set up forwarding if you would want to like to so all emails that come through go high level automatically forwarded to a different address you can also change a different reply to address if you would like as well and you can look at your email analytics and any kind of risk assessment if you're in spam Etc um cool so let's get that out of the way sweet so that is US done as far as the sub account is concerned uh let me just make sure that there is nothing else that is new to high level that you guys should be aware of that I've missed from this settings okay no media you can upload some files if you want to I don't think you need to do that uh custom values custom field is not something you're going to have to think about for now okay conversation AI this is a relatively new feature okay so this is an AI based chat bot this is something for a future video you guys if you want me to make a video on AI I chat bots on High level drop me a comment and we can do this in the future for now we'll keep this relatively intermedi intermediary intermediary intermediate we'll keep this beginner okay let's go back to the agency settings so we hit now switch to agency view we're going to finish setting up the agency account so we go agency setup for your account going to hit settings okay first thing make sure our profile is all set up so we got our name email phone number we'll blast through this so we can get into the juicy stuff go on come and we're going to add our agency logo and fill in all of our company details and we're then going to go to Team and we can add any team members here as well now this is going to have all other team members that we've already added on the sub account but um the difference here is we can add team members that will manage the overall agency account as well so some of our team members might want to manage individual sub accounts too okay billing we've already got that set up phone phone and email we're all good to go uh okay sweet yeah email we can actually get rid of email here let me just make sure yeah we've already got this all set up properly so we're good let's go and then the final two things is we want to make sure that our stripe is connected to our agency's stripe account okay so the same account you set up on your sub account and finally if you would like to set up a custom menu link you can so what is a custom menu link what that is is when you go over to a sub account is you can add your own custom links on this menu here you might have certain resources that your agency users which are unique to you you might have uh certain spreadsheets example you can add your own custom menu links which is amazing this makes it super customizable and you can I'm sure your brains are ticking on how you could Implement that for your agency now there are a few other new settings in here we got conversation AI again we got workflow AIS we got reviews AIS we got content AI all of these things I can talk about in the future video so do let me know if you would like to do it we also have things like API keys to integrate this tool go high level with other tools an API key simply allows us to have two different tools speaking to each other but that is all you guys need to worry about for now and before we move on to the final part of this which is where I'm going to be running through creating your appointment setting system and setting that all up let me just quickly run you through your agency dashboard okay so first of all this is our as we've established this is our top of the tree this is our agency account where we manage all of our individual sub accounts okay so hypothetically let's say you scale your agency and in the next 12 months you've got 15 clients right you're going to have 15 individual sub accounts on here and you'll be able to see from a bird's eye view all of the revenue that's coming through all of those different individual sub accounts any affiliate Revenue that you might be making from high level as well and you'll be able to see that on this agency dashboard okay now I am going to run you through this agency dashboard your agency Account dashboard at the end of this video but before we do let's move on to the juice let's move on to what you guys really want and the real reason you're going to be using high level and that is to set up your appointment setting system okay and to do that we need to go back over to our sub account okay now I'm just going to open this up and we'll go over to the dashboard in fact actually think it'll be better off for me to show you an already built account so you can get an idea of this in more context text before we go ahead to actually set this up yourself so I've got one open up here this is a dummy account cuz I can't show you guys live data or real clients that would be a massive breach of confidentiality and probably get sued um so first of all we have our dashboard okay before we do that I'll address why this looks different this is what I meant by the agency account the premium agency account that you can pay for on High level when I say you can wh label that account and you can Rebrand it to be whatever you want it to be so we've rebranded it to our own internal software called just close and there we changed all the colors and the design of this software as well don't get blinded by this and get all twinkly eyed if you're just starting an agency you don't need this all right you don't need this don't get caught up procrastinating on stuff you don't need focus on the that really matters right now okay you can do this down the line when you sign up some clients as a reward to yourself okay so we got our dashboard first of all we can see how many opportunities we got open right now how much total revenue we have in our pipeline how many conversations have been being had we can get an idea of the different funnel stages that we got going on okay and a bunch of other various bits of information now I'm have to blur out a bunch of this okay uh we've had videos removed from Facebook before from YouTube before for like for showing people's contact details so we then have conversations this is where we can engage back and forth with potential customers Via SMS or email we can see a list of all of those conversations Consolidated on this page okay at the top of the screen we do have quick links too we can hit the phone dialer and we can then go ahead and actually select what phone number we want to use and we can enter a phone number and we can dial straight out from this tool we do the same thing on a mobile phone by the way if you download the lead connector app and log in if we go down to calendars we'll see the calendar we created previously and any events that we do have okay so any events that we got coming up potential meetings with customers Etc we hit appointments we can see a list of all those appointments listed in as well and we can go and look at the details we can quickly add a new appointment to let's say we're on the phone to someone they want to book in with us we go down to contacts and again we'll blur this but we can see a big list of all of the contacts that we have on our database okay so we can go and filter through by a bunch of different things we can do a quick search based on what stage they're on on our Pipeline and we can do a bunch of bulk actions and we need to export that list upload them to our a different CRM system Etc okay if we go down to Opportunities this is uh opportunities is simply a sales pipeline if you've never heard of a sales pipeline before it is a um series of buckets of different stages in which a potential customer is in based on where they are in the customer Journey that was a round about way of explaining it so we have all of these different buckets we' got new lead we got conversations we' got ghosting we've got appointment set we got no show we have cancellation we've got negotiation we got client closed we've got nurt ing these are all different custom stages that I have created based on the buyer's Journey you can replicate these in your agency in an agency okay and we can see all individual leads and we can drag across different leads different stages of the pipeline so we can see at any one time what our sales output is looking like how many leads that we've got that are potentially going to convert to customers if we want to we can simply hit view conversations to send them over a message or an SMS to do this for any lead we can add tags to them we can add notes to them we can add tasks and we can add an appointment if we click on the individual lead um we can go down to notes and we can see any notes that we've got from that individual lead as well any conversations that we have so we can have see the historic uh progress that we've made with this individual customer and we can also add tasks if we would like to let's say call back tomorrow um or send email tomorrow Etc um to keep on top of our productivity and workflow okay I'm going to be running through how to set this all up in a moment go down to payment we can manage our invoices so we can integrate our payment Gateway that's why we already integrated stripe we can create a new invoice straight from the platform and we can invoice a client out right away we can send over proposals and estimates and there are a bunch of different templates that we can use on here as well we can look at our existing subscriptions and transactions and any products and settings relevant to our payments but the majority of you guys will just be using invoices here if we go down to marketing I where it gets great I mean I love this so we can manage our social media accounts our Facebook our Instagram our Google LinkedIn Twitter or X now at Tik Tok and we can integrate each of those accounts and we can schedule posts from for those platforms directly from high level so you don't need to use um Sprout social anymore or Facebook's native scheduling tool you can go straight on here and you can schedule from any platform direct from high level okay we can go over to our emails and we can send email campaigns News letters Etc and a bunch of different templates and so on if we go down to automation this is where we can go through what are called workflows workflows are simply automations that streamline our client acquisition process and not just our client acquisition process but our overall systems as well okay it might connect a form that we've created to uh a part of the website okay now I've got a bunch of different ones that I've created this is actually an agency snapshot that we give away inside of our program and the affluent Academy and we've got a bunch of different workflows that we've already made for individual students uh let me give you an example so let's say for example we have our appointment setting flow what does this look like so it's very much an if this then do that type workflow so first of all an appointment an appointment is new we got a new appointment made okay what is going to happen once an appointment is actually made we've got a meeting booked we're going to create opportunity on the pipeline so we're going to move the lead to the pipeline stage opportunity set we're going to then going to set an internal notification to say hey we' got a new meeting there's a new meeting booked with this company and here's the details we have all these different import Fields okay import fields are really important to understand you hit custom values and then we can basically import any information then this will change based on the lead uh and the the specific details of that um relevant lead and contact or ad or whatever okay custom value for a whole bunch of different things so we're saying hey we've got a new meeting we're sending that immediately it's then going to send an SMS confirmation to the lead who booked a meeting hey like John your call has been confirmed looking forward to unpacking our system with you on this time at this date Etc so then going to send the same thing via email okay and it's then going to send your email meeting your meeting booking link sorry your meeting attendance link as well so your Google link or your Zoom link we're going to send a 24-hour reminder there's going to be an eight hour reminder and a 1H hour reminder Via SMS as well okay so this is a really simple way of automating and getting rid of any potential issue issues with show up rate for example if we go over to outreach and we can see what I have here is called a ghosting flow this is a ghosting flow as we've all reached out to a potential lead and they say yeah I'm interested in having a meeting with you and then for whatever reason they just never get back to you or what do we do in that situation how can we get hold of that individual well Chuck him in a ghosting flow right you said you were interested what Chang so first of all this triggers when we move someone to the pipeline stage ghosting okay they're in the Outreach pipeline we move them to the pipeline stage ghosting and this triggers immediately now what then happens is it's going to check are they in this ghosting flow already if they are um if they're not in this flow then it's going to continue sending it if they are in the flow then it's not going to send it to them it's going to send them an email and that's going to look like hey just checking check it in quick to find out you're so interested in how we do X for y okay how we get five new clients for athetic clinics in a month in all honest see there are many companies we can't help however we been looking at your business take all the boxes of someone we can really get decent results for and I'm happy to put my money our mouth is are you completely against jumping on a call so I can show you what I have in mind okay so then we got our signature you can change that got a similar thing going out by SMS waiting 24 hours have they responded Yes or no if they haven't then we're sending another one have they responded Yes or no if they haven't then we're sending another one and so on and so forth so we're taking away all of that manual followup think about how many leads you can reignite in your list who said yeah I'll have a meeting with you but now you don't have to manually contact them to get in touch with them you can just use a ghosting flow simple as that got a bunch of others a no show flow if they don't turn up to a meeting to try and get them rebooked in a nurturing flow which kind of happens after the ghosting stage so if somebody is they've ghosted us for a long time and maybe after a month we want to Chuck them in a nurturing flow almost like mimics a newsletter just provide some value to that individual and I got a bunch of different paid ads flows as well if you are running ads to generate leads for your business so all of the automations there too if you want to create a workflow just simply go on to create workflow there are a bunch of different templates that you can use that already built in on High level I always like to start from scratch and it's a very simple process when it actually comes to creating one just hit add your first action and these are all the different things that we can do first we need to set a trigger though and that trigger might be a different pipeline stage change okay so if we go down pipeline stage change for example but it can be a whole bunch of different things birthday reminder um add your first action we can create a contact we can send an email we send an SMS we can send a slack message uh we can send an in a Facebook message and Instagram DM okay this really does go on there are so many different things that we can do and even integrate that conversion AI that AI based chat B to you get the idea you can go as deep into this software as you want I want to do an a toz here for today but really this is just a to d u yeah I can get as granular as you guys want if you are looking at this thinking I really want you to go through this specific thing about high level drop a comment down below and if enough of you say that if enough of you request a specific function then I'll create a video for it but only then okay so those are automations these are key for you to maximize your meeting book rate these are key for you to maximize the sales that your you are making in your agency not just for yourself but also for your clients when you're running ads on behalf of your clients you need these paid ads acquisition flows in there you need to make sure that you're setting a notification for yourself so it instantly texts you when someone fills in a Facebook ad hey we've got a new lead for this client so you can call them up you can book them in for an appointment with your client you need to make sure that you can set them effectively you've got a goting CL noo flow nurturing flow Etc okay as a bare minimum you want to get these things set up for your agency and for your clients so that is automation next we have sites so we have two different options we have funnels and we have websites okay a funnel is a simple one page site okay so you scroll down on all the information is on that page okay this is really a modern website you don't really need multi-page websites for agency owners these days or service providers um you only really need multi Pages if you're an e-commerce store if you've got a lot of information needed so if we click new funnel and we go from temp templates you will see there are thousands of different templates on um on High level based on different things so we can search in here as well if we want to search for something relevant we can go on beauty and fashion and we can see Salon based funnels that have already been proven and you can use any of these just by clicking on them or you can hit the preview button you can go ahead and actually use this funnel as well when that loads okay so those are funnels then we have websites these a multi-page website same story hit new and and we go on template and we can see you got the navigation bar at the top there for different multiple Pages there okay so what I would actually recommend you doing now if you're going ahead and you're building your agency site so I'd recommend you going ahead and doing that on funnels instead of websites so if we hit new funnel and we go first of all i' actually like to show you if we do it from scratch if I do just call it test if you ever created a website or a funnel on God forbid click funnels before uh which I think we've all been there at some point if you've been in the industry for a while then what you can do on here which I think is great is if you hit edit this is a lesser known feature you hit new Step you can import from a clickfunnels link so you can literally add a clickfunnels website link and it'll rip that website link for you and recreate it on high level now this is not a golden ticket for you to go and plagiarize someone else's content don't don't be a dick but if you've already created a clickfunnels website yourself then you can go ahead and you can very easily migrate it over let's do it from templates let's go on here let's find something relatively sexy uh so if we go on coaching and business or maybe we go on Creative let's see what we can find let's find something as as modern as possible okay I've got a bunch of different templates that I've created myself in our Academy um but lots of these are pretty good uh let's have a look at this one here for example is quite a nice advertising on boarding clients this is a really nice funnel for an agency let's go go continue so I'm now going to show you how to actually use this editor if You' like to see this me actually building out an agency website by the way I recently put out a series I say recently but within this year called starting an agency from scratch I literally started an agency from zero scaled it um to a couple of clients within like 7 to 10 days signed up the first client in Just 4 days and I went through the whole process of actually building out the website there so I wanted to do is teach you at the functionality here but if you want to see me build an entire endtoend website go check out that on my channel okay it's called aent see from scratch series make sure you sub while there a lot of you guys who watch my content aren't subbed so that breaks my heart so okay first of all Frameworks let's look at this so first thing we need to look at is what we have what called sections the what you see as the green here are sections then indiv then underneath that we have uh rows and then we have columns and then we have elements okay if you want to have a look at those on this top nav bar we go manage you can see we got the sections and green here we have our rows here which are blue uh then we have columns which are pink and then we have Elements which are orange okay you're very rarely going to use this unless you're like experienced with web um but as an I mean this top section you're really going to be using this stuff on the left so what are the stuff that we're going to be doing let me just make this smaller so you can see everything what are we going to be doing if we were building this website the first thing we might want to do is edit logo so this is our working area on the left hand side so we click this section here and then we go down to images we hit this button we scroll down we can then go um upload file and then we can upload a new logo for us to replace there we can change the size of it if we want to so we might want to make it bigger or smaller okay we'll keep it the same you get the idea we can choose where we want it to be aligned on the website so we want it to be centralized for example we can even choose an image action when we click it goes to our website URL Etc you get the idea if we want to edit this text it's very simple we just simply click on it and we type we want to change the font on the left hand side we can go and change it to a head different headline font to do that we hit settings and we go on typography and we simply change our headline font and we change our content font I love that um high level have this integrated because so many people have multiple different fonts on their website so important to keep it regimented you got one headline font you got one content font and you don't use Too Many Colors a maximum of three different colors on your website really okay so we got that and we can edit that we can move these things around okay so we can kind of toggle with this move and we can drag them around the page based on where we'd actually like them to be it's all very simple and intuitive you can mess around with advanced settings as well if you would like to you can add a border to individual sections um you get the idea change the line height of the text okay scroll down let me see if there's anything else you're not going to get the idea of case so this image of course you can just change the imagees by clicking this here we can change the opacity of images as well if we' got something else going on in the background this is a really nice agency funnel template then we go over to settings and we can change the SEO metadata okay so SEO metadata is simply when we shared this link it's going to go over to when we share this say on Facebook for example what is the information that comes up on screen okay so what is the title so we want to have this like our agency website name we can change the description there as well we can do the keyword um so we want this to be relevant to our agency and then offer or ATC name and change the social image as well so when we share that link all the relevant SEO data is there this is also going to be the SEO data that Google picks up and helps you with ranking organically tracking codes we can add our Facebook pixel as well any other tracking that we may have we can add in the header or in the footer depending on the software that we are using and if you go down to custom CSS if you've got any web experience you can add custom CSS here as well and we got background this will change our background color of the website we can also add a background image if we would like to too we can edit the popup so let's say we want this button to actually trigger a popup okay so if we go click on this button what do we actually want this button to do we want this button to open popup instead okay so all right what's that going to do well it's going to open this bad boy so we're going to get a popup up we can then add a row and let's actually just build this out a little bit we can choose between one column two column three columns four columns that simply means it's going to break it these sections up by multiple different sections to give you an idea of what I mean by that one column just means we can just add sections just we can add things one by one okay if I add two columns instead then I can add two different things here so I can have a title here and a title here you get the idea so we might have a call to action there we might add another little something we might have a so this might be sign up below obviously you want to make sure you got this copy written properly and then we might want to add a form onto this instead so we might want to say hey here's a form okay and we can create a new form so we hit create click here we can go ahead and we can actually create a form just allow that to load once that's loading it come off I'll show you how to do the form in a moment okay there are a bunch of different elements that you can add to the website so blog post links videos custom code as well if you want to add an if frame um you can do divide you can do even an order form on here as well if you want someone to check out to actually buy a low cost um ebook for example but I probably recommend you using one of the templates uh that are already built for that functionality if you haven't already um played around with that or done it in the past okay so let's say we want to do this popup form got the form let's go on here and we then going we're going to do add form start from scratch or choose from template if we would like to let's have a look at those templates all these different kind of designed templates here for the forms don't need to be complicated though you're going to keep this very very simple add form start from scratch and this might just be a simple optin this might be a simple um fill in your details and we'll get back to type form okay so on the left hand side on the right hand side sorry um no we want to do on the left hand side yeah there we go we got full name we can drag that in we have email address we drag that in we got phone number and we got button to submit and we move that down and we can change that to submit and then if you scroll down we can make sure this button actually does something right okay it's already a submit button it's fine sweet we can add address we can customize different fields play around with this but this is a simple full name phone email and submit we can add some text on here as well if we want to we can just add that on hit save okay you can also add to change the theme so we got different themes here going on okay so you can use from the templates or you can change the Styles yourself different padding settings different background colors different font colors and so on it's all very intuitive play around with these things and you'll see them in real time and being adjusted so now then if we go over to here and it says you don't have any forms well we can open the settings we can click that and we can click this drop down here there you go form one we've got it and it's going to embed that form for us so now we've got that form embedded for us and we can submit so if we hit save okay saying we've got no SEO data that's fine hit save if we then go on to previews we can look at this we can click that button it's going to add the form there we go fill in our details we're all good sweet next thing you want to do is really important when you are making a fun or website always make sure you click on mobile at the top here and you edit the mobile so you want to make sure this is optimized for mobile as well don't make the mistake of building it all for web and not optimizing the mobile you can also hit the code editor here as well so you can hit this what's going on there okay you can hit the code editor and then now you can go inspect element and you can save different elements on the website there as well so if we come off sweet we got our first step of the funnel we also do have different steps this funnel this this individual step has a booking form as well um it also has a thank you page as well and obviously you can go ahead and edit and you can edit any of those individual sections you can create what is called a split test this is great let's say you you're split testing two different funnels on the behalf of your client or on behalf of just yourself and a split test is simply just like an ad we are testing two different landing pages and will automatically switch between the two and then give you data on which of those is actually converting the best and working the best if we go over to products this is where we would add individual products that we may want to sell if we go on publishing we can change the url here as well for individual Pages go on to Stats we can see data for the website so page views opt-in sales earnings Etc go on to sales self-explanatory we can see all the sales hit settings we can change the favicon which is the little icon that comes up in the corner of the URL we can go on the dropdown and change our URL so this our domain this is really important if we're creating our agency website we want to make sure that we add our custom domain we can add any track heading tracking codes and body tracking codes if we just want the same tracking code across the entire website we can also change the we it path there as well and all we need to do is just hit save at the same time if you want to do gdpr compliant fonts don't know why a font needs to be gdpr compliant just enable that so next thing we have is blogs okay and actually just before we move on to that I would recommend you guys making or creating a website in this one place especially if it's just starting off I would recommend you creating it on the high level the reason being is makes it so much easier for you to integrate all of your client acquisition systems when you generate a Le on your website on a high level you don't need to have some external software that's linking it in to to to your CRM those leads will automatically get chucked onto your pipeline and then from there you can put them through automation immediately you can get a phone automation you get an SMS a SMS automation email whatever that needs to be very easy to make sure that you are getting a yes or a no or squeezing a yes or no out of every single lead you can post blogs on your website here you can manage your WordPress website there's a client portal if you want to create a membership site you can manage all your forms surveys you can create you can create a chat widget on your website you can manage your media again you can go as granular as you would like on this if any of these features are calling out to you let me know drop a comment down below and we can go into it memberships uh if you have any kind of info products you can host them within here as well communities too but it's not relevant to you guys reputation this is where you would manage all of your reviews you'll see your Google reviews your Facebook reviews Etc and you can manage your reputation there too okay so you can see when new ones are coming in and all the trends reporting if you integrate your Google ads account you will see all of the ads that you are running at any one time and the results that you are generating without having to go out of the software and go onto something else same again for your Facebook ads if you're generating or you're running ads for your client or even for yourself to generate leads then you can see all of that data there nice and easy you can also have a look at an attribution report so exactly where all of your sales are coming from you can look at a call report if you've got closers or appointment Setters calling on your behalf in your business you can listen to their individual calls you can see how many calls they're making per day um and then also agent reporting will dive into deeper on that as well so in how many smss individuals have sent how many emails individuals have sent how many opportunities they have won Etc okay and same thing can be said for this appointment report so it's great for when you scale your agency and not just when you are starting out got the app Marketplace so you can plug in a a variety of different apps okay straight into go high level from AI chat Bots all the way through to accounting tools and so on have a look through these and see what is relevant for you my uh what I would say to you is don't get to kind of shiny object syndrome um just focus on the things that truly matter which are building out your website getting your pipeline set up and having your automations and workflows set up correctly so you can make sure that you have a good fluent client acquisition system so with that in mind let's go back to our checklist and just go through and just make sure that we haven't missed anything for you guys so opportunities pipeline change your stage names okay to make sure that they are relevant to your agency to do that all you need to do is go over to pipelines okay we need to create our first pipeline so what do we got why is this not coming up there okay pipelines might need to do this from settings settings pipelines create new pipeline there you go okay now I would recommend you keeping your cold Outreach and your paid ad separate so if you're doing cold Outreach I would call this Outreach pipeline okay and the general stages that I would recommend you having if you are just starting out if you want to keep this as simple as possible are new lead conversations ghosting appointment set no Show cancellation negotiation client close nurturing okay so new lead these are new leads that have responded positively to you when you're outreaching you don't want to upload all of your cold leads on to you're going to have hundreds if not thousands of leads on here in no time only add leads onto your pipeline that have responded positively to you they've answered the phone theyve responded to an email whatever so these are new potential leads conversations is when you're actively engaging back and forth in conversation with them so you know you need to continue following up on these you need to stay on top of them ghosting are people again that are just they expressed interest but now they just ghosting you appointment set people that have booked a meeting with you no shows are pretty self-explanatory they didn't turn up to your meeting cancellations are people that canceled but need to be rebooked negotiation these are people that you've already pitched a price to but you're maybe waiting for the second meeting or the third meeting for example client close great you've made some cash nurturing these are people that have been kind of ghosting you for a long time that you're chucking them almost in like a newsletter style flow awesome so these are the pipeline SES I would stages I would recommend um and I would recommend you doing similar if you're doing a paid ad pipeline as well I can run through that in a future video if you would like me to okay so that is your pipeline done we then have already gone through marketing so connecting all of your active social media channels the social planner and we've also gone through workflows automation Etc so how to actually set them up EG ghosting flow for example and Publishing all the flows that you actually intend to use if you don't know how to publish a flow it's pretty simple we create a workflow uh let's just go on um let's just do this just create one from a template for now and then we hit save so you can save at the top as a draft okay and you can also trigger to P publish there but you can equally just go on this button here and you hit publish workflow and now we know this is actually going to work and it's actually going to be running it needs to have the status published for it to actually be running that is very important don't miss out that final step okay now some of you guys might be thinking wow well this is quite a lot of setup today right um and and I have to I have to do a lot to to get this where I want it to be yeah sure you're going to spend a couple of hours if not a half a day setting up your high level account when you're first starting out but it is absolutely worth it and what you need to know is once you set it up once you do not need to have to go through all this manual process again for every new ad account or every new sub account sorry that you create because high level have this functionality called snapshots and snapshots allow us to quite literally take a snapshot of everything on a sub account and then reuse that on future accounts okay so we can replicate all of our workflows we can replicate all of our website templates we can replicate our pipelines already so we don't have to go through and recreate these individual pieces of functionality for every single client that we sign okay or for our individual agencies let's say we're working with an aesthetic clinic and we built out some workflows that are relevant just to that aesthetic Clinic we build out a pipeline that is relevant just to them but they also can be used for every other aesthetic Clinic well when we sign up a new client all we now need to do is use the snapshot that we created that has been proven on the 1 so to do that we go back over to our agency view let's make this full screen now and we go down to account snapshots okay and now we hit create new snapshot and we call this athetics we're going to do it and we're going to choose the account we want to create a snapshot from and we hit save and this is now going to save absolutely all of the data from that account not the contact details not the people in the pipeline just the relevant information that we actually are going to want to use okay so if we give this a minute and maybe we refresh the page it's going to come up with that relevant part that relevant snapshot that we have just created cool so now if we want to um if we let's say we make changes to it in the future and we update the funnels we update the automations all we need to do is hit push update to linked accounts and it'll update every other account in the pipeline with that information we can also hit refresh snapshot which will make sure that it updates that snapshot with the relevant information on the the host SN uh sub account and if we want to actually use this then all we need to do is go over to sub accounts if you don't want to create your own snapshot and I would recommend you doing it but if you don't and if you really are just kind of scared to mess around with yourself is you can hit new add new sub account and you can go and you can use high level's own snapshots so they've got a day Spar snapshot they've got a dentist snapshot hit no more and you'll be able to get an idea of some of the information on it you can go and watch this okay they got a CrossFit snapshot they got a coaching snapshot they got a gym snapshot so these are snapshots that high level have created with automations um that are relevant to that specific Niche okay now my personal preference is that I like to create things myself I like to understand the ins and outs of why things work and I like to go through trial and error cuz if you do that as an agency owner you're gaining experience and you're gaining fundamental knowledge that your competitors who just use templates cannot begin to compete with and so my recommendation for you is take what I've gone through in this video today apply it to your Niche apply it to your agency through your best ability and make your own best judgment if you're a part of our community then you can use our snapshots I've got a series of lead generation snapshot I've got an agency snapshot you can use RS that we've created in the academy to take the guesswork out of you but at least then I will explain to you absolutely every reason why we have individual pieces of functionality you can go ahead and use one of these templates sure but at the very least use it and then try and understand the workflows don't just set it and forget it without getting an idea of uh what the automations actually do why the funnels are built the way they are because if you don't understand that you're not going to be a good agency owner in the long run and good agency owners they know it all right I can advertise for any business confidently any business business any product any service any country I don't care who they are how much money they got to spend I will close them on a service that will generate them Revenue because I'm a good marketer because I did all this myself for years now the final thing I'm going to go through today for you guys is the agency dashboard okay so this is your overall agency account I want to run you through the functionality of this and its purpose now high level have what is called an agency SAS option okay and this is where you can resell the software two other um businesses right now for the majority of you watching this will be straight up majority of you watching this your agency owner is offering probably a lead generation service to your clients this is not going to be the best option for you if you want to make money you want to build a business of worth I would recommend you going out there and signing up clients and delivering the service yourself I wouldn't recommend you selling the essentially a wh labeled software with automation um for people to go in ahead and Implement themselves it's going to be much lower um lower cost to them therefore lower re for you they're going to have to learn how to actually apply this and long term you're not building as much of a business of worth and you're not really increasing your knowledge base so I would recommend you guys instead just focusing on the conventional agency model but there is some nice functionality for or from high level for some of you that this may be relevant to so the dashboard will show you guys what kind of money you're making through reselling the software okay it will plug into your stripe account um you can also re resell or add additional money on for smss and emails so everybody that signs up to your SAS version of high level you'll be able to add a little bit of cash on top for SMS or email for example and make some extra money there you can also go to Marketplace and pay high level to set up basic accounts for you or Advance accounts or even get priority support you can access your affiliate portal if you want to send an affiliate link everyone's automatically in affiliate to high level and you can make some decent commissions if you want to sign up a friend or family or maybe you got another friend who's starting up an agency send them over your link and you can get some reoccurring revenue from high level if you go over to template Library this will actually show you some websites that you can create to resell your high level SAS and then we have Partners so you can find affiliate Partners we've got University this is a really nice place for you to learn how to use high level wi in more depth okay and then what else have we got we got SAS education n too we've got various different idea dumps and these are just links that will just give you quick access to knowledge from high level and of course you can access the mobile app as well but as I said to you guys I would recommend for all of you or most of you that are watching this video the key is just to follow the client acquisition system that I've gone through today your biggest benefit of using this software is using it as a sub account for your agency to develop a great client acquisition system I've seen so many people get blinded by shiny objects and opportunities and I'm going to sell software and I'm going to use all these templates and resell them don't do that for now now if you want to build a agency of worth use this tool to be a better and more efficient agency owner not a lazier one okay use it like me to maximize on your client acquisition and you'll make so much more Revenue in your agency your existing agency or if you're just starting out you'll skip years of learning curve of using multitudes of different softwares that I had to go through in my early stages by keeping everything in one simple place now finally there is going to be a link in the description you can sign up using that or you can't it doesn't make a difference to me but it will give you an extended trial if you want to try out high level and of course drop a comment down below and sign up to our newsletter in the description if you want to gain access to that full step-by-step to-do list on how to set up your high LEL account I'll see you all soon cheers