[Music] in the introduction of Chinua Achebe's things fall apart readers meet the main character okonkwo who gained fame and respect by winning a wrestling match against an undefeated champion since then Okonkwo has became wealthy marrying three wives and fathering ten children in whom ophea one of the nine villages of his clan his successes contrast with the failures of his father a gentle musician in debt to his entire community ashamed of his father Okonkwo was driven to be the opposite of him fierce and hyper masculine in the rising action clan elders choose Okonkwo as guardian of akima funa a boy who arrives in the village has payment from a neighboring clan whose members murdered a woman from a wolf iya akima funa adjusts to life in a mafia and comes to view Okonkwo as his father nui o Kenko son grows fond of akiima funa but when the priestess chielo orders EK mo funa to be killed a village elder as a you do warns okonkwo not to take part in the killing he does so anyway fearing that if he doesn't obey the Oracle he will lose respect Mui in particular is devastated a zi maha daughter of Okonkwo second wife a quiff II becomes extremely ill with a fever and equi fee is terrified the child will die later as a you do dies and during his funeral men beat ceremonial drums and fire their guns Okonkwo's gun explodes accidentally killing as a you do son the punishment for killing a Klansman is seven years of exile Okonkwo and his family settled with his mother's clansmen in an Bonta when Okonkwo's friend OB Rika visits he describes the destruction of the album a clan at the hands of the white man the Oracle had said that white men would descend like devouring locusts and destroy them when missionaries arrived in in Bonta and other villages and request land to build a church villagers begin attending services including Moyet who leaves his father to join the missionaries Okonkwo decides it's natural for him to have a weak son as he puts it living fire baguettes cold impotent ash oak on coal returns to elope eeeh after seven years but he finds that much has changed the missionaries are now well established he wants to fight them but obey Rica warns it is too late the white man's presence extends further than the church as British officials have set up a government with a judicial process led by a district commissioner Enoch as Ellis Christian convert commits the crime of unmasking a blue goo Klan leader in the climax of the novel the egg woohoo and village leaders respond by destroying enix compound and the church in the falling action the district commissioner jails six leaders including Okonkwo they're humiliated and tortured in jail once released Okonkwo vows vengeance and he killed a court messenger for trying to stop a Klan meeting in the resolution of things fall apart Okonkwo has hanged himself the district commissioner reflects that Okonkwo story might be worth including in his book called the pacification of the primitive tribes of the lower Niger you