Transcript for:
Tracking Down a Missing Ancestor

I finally found him I found the record I was looking for I'm going to show you how I found a missing eight-year-old boy in the 1870s census coming up next [Music] meet my great-grandfather Henry gustoff Henley he went by Gus a lot of times now I haven't looked at him in a while because I've been working on other branches and going farther deeper into the tree but there was something missing in this record and I had come back to this because it's tied to some other branches that I'm working on and so I went wait a minute I went and looked in my notes my research notes said I have done this reasonably exhaustive research I cannot find the 1870 census and so I thought I would give it another shot so the 1870 census was you know clearly if he was born in 1862 then he should be about eight years old and honestly his mother was also missing from the 1870s census and after doing Page by Page kind of review of the Census records for the 1870 where I knew there were some other family I finally found her but Henry her son was not listed in with her let me show you because it helps explain the story as to how I found her so here is the 1870 census and when we view her and we're going to always drill into the record we see Rebecca Henley daughter Margaret who's three years old in Virginia one well where are the rest of her children you can see that she has multiple children she is Mary Margaret William Henry Ellen Flora Virginia Oscar and Fanny there's a whole mess of kids that this woman has okay I'm not going to go into all of her story I'm just explaining that in the 1870 census once I found her she's a single woman she's a seamstress now how do I know this is the right woman first of all well primarily because the ages of these two children are the right ages while she says she's 35 she's actually 40 I believe she is a seamstress and born in North Carolina so we've got a lot of things that are working for us that are telling me that this is my great great grandmother and if we go down the page you know you always want to be looking up and down the page I see her other son at six years old bound as an apprentice farmer born in North Carolina this broke my heart this is one of her children who is living nearby but he is bound out as an apprentice farmer this was common for single women who were having children out of wedlock as Rebecca was at six years old her son William is is farmed out so where is my great-grandfather Henry Gus Henley he's not here so I started searching this microphone roll up and down left and right trying to find Henry Gus Henley in all my searches were fruitless I tried searching by Gus I tried searching just by H Henley I tried searching by G Henley nothing was coming up I tried changing the last name from h-e-n-l-e-y to h-e-n-l-y as her name is spelled incorrectly here it is h-e-n-l-y here when I know that is h-e-n-l-e-y in all other records so that's when I got to thinking well if William is farmed out as a laborer at six years old then maybe my eight-year-old Gus has been farmed out as well but searching isn't finding him so what do I do this is when I pulled out my trick and I decided it's time to see if we can extract the data out of this entire census record and do some filtering to see if we can play with the filters to see if we can find Gus and let me show you what I found by the way there is a handout for this episode so it's got all of the step-by-step instructions so that's the channel members the patrons and the academy members also on the website for individual purchase all right let's get going okay as with everything that we do we're going to start with the known and we're working to the unknown so we're trying to find Gus we have Rebecca his mother in the 1870 census so we're going to drill into the 1870 census and of course we're always going to drill all the way in there's Rebecca so now what we're going to do is we're going to pay attention to what image number we're on we're on image 16. now I'm placing bets that Gus is in the same role somewhere but the search engines are just not working for me I don't know if there's an extra space or an extra character hidden in there but I can't find him we're going to take note in our mind that Rebecca is on image 16. so what we're going to do is we're going to extract all of the data out of this role now normally what we do is we would go back five or ten pages to the left of five or ten pages to the right using these and kind of search for him my gut instinct was that we need to do this entire role it's only 30 pages we're going to extract all that data and how we do it is we open this up and first of all we're going to see that all of this is already transcribed so this is really helpful plus we can copy it right so what we're going to do is we're going to go back to image one and we're going to hit go so remember Rebecca's on 16. so what we're going to do for this very first page is we're going to hover our Mouse over the left hand side we're going to click and we're going to drag all the way down to the lower right I'm going to control C or command C if you're on an Apple I'm going to copy that information then I'm going to bring a spreadsheet out now if you're not into Excel you can do this in Google Sheets but I'm not going to demonstrate that today okay so what I've done is I've put a little bit of a source citation at the top and I put the word image here so what we want to do is we want to start on this next one because we need to keep track of the image numbers so what we're going to do is we're going to right click paste Special by clicking paste special we're going to put say text now if you don't do this this way if you were just to go control V to paste or just paste it's going to put everything in one column and you don't want that so we're going to paste it special and then we're going to put text and butter Bing all of that information that we just copied including the headers are copied into our census sheet right here this allows us to filter by field we can't really do this kind of filtering on Ancestry or you can also do this on family search I'm going to put number one over here because this is image number one I'm going to copy all that down I'm going to get rid of this word close what I'm going to do is I'm going to continue to do this go back to ancestry I'm going to go to page two now I'm on image number two now this time I want to do this a little differently and from here forward I do not need the headers anymore now we're going to take our Mouse we're going to go to the left of the number one line I'm going to go all the way down and to the right Ctrl C to copy come back over here I'm going to paste special text okay there it is this is image number two I'm going to grab that little handle on the lower right side I'm going to click and I'm going to drag that two all the way down we're keeping track of the image numbers because those image numbers are going to be important later on so now we can see that we're starting to extract the data out of this one roll of census so now that we have all of this highlighted we're on image number two if we don't touch this screen and we only go to the right hand button everything stays highlighted on image number three all we have to do is Ctrl C to copy go back over here we're already there and then we're going to right click paste special say text say okay we're going to label this as image number three we're going to grab the little handle in the lower right corner we're going to drag it down I'll show you why we're doing this in a minute I'm going to do one more page as an example everything's still highlighted we're going to go to the right we're now on image number four everything's still highlighted Ctrl C to copy back to our Excel spreadsheet right click paste special text okay by the way something important you need to know is that you have to have a later version of excel to do this I'm going to drag that number four all the way down we're going to save early save often now I've already saved this as an extraction in my file so keep that in mind you need to save often and by the way I am using Office 365 which is the version I'm using but I know some of the later versions of excel this works as well earlier versions it will not Okay so we've extracted four pages of data here as you can see if we scroll down we've got four pages well there was 30 pages in this document as you can see right here but I've already done that for you and so I'm going to show you now what we can do with this information first of all if we take our Mouse and we hover over the number four here because we want to preserve these headers so that we can see them I'm going to come over here to freeze panes and I'm going to say freeze panes that way when I'm down here and I'm scrolling the headers stay there in fact we can make them bold and make them pretty if you want that way you can see them as we're scrolling around the headers stay there so that we know what we've got now we're doing this because we want to filter in different ways that we can't filter on Ancestry or family search and so by doing this we can sit there and manage this data by individual columns and so as you can see we've got all 30 pages extracted this really only took me about 10 minutes to extract all this kind of once you get into a workflow you kind of get the idea of how to do it so now we've got the top three frozen here and we're going to create some filters we're going to click into the number three row here where our headers are we're going to come over here to filter and we're going to custom filter this with this tab now you can see these these little drop down arrows everywhere so now this is where the magic happens this is how I find Gus in this 30 pages of census so you could search by h-e-n-l-e-y nothing gnly and hit OK and it's going to truncate to just Henley I'm still not seeing Henry Henley in this list so then I got to thinking Hmm okay let's filter in a different way so we're going to go back I'm going to select all you can also come over here and hit clear clear filters which is already grayed out because I've already cleared the filters so then I thought all right I'm going to search by Henry and I get all that a lot of Henry's but I'm not getting any Henley's so what's up with that why am I not finding any he's he's still not showing up so I'm like hmm okie dokie let's clear that filter I'm going to hit select all and go back so then I got to thinking all right he's an eight-year-old boy so in this a census he might be seven eight or nine listed so let's go by age so if we go I'm gonna I'm gonna deselect All I'm gonna drop down and go seven eight or nine year olds and I've got a lot of them so then I could say all right he's male so we could go uh let's deselect that select mail we're getting a shorter list now okay we still got a lot of people here all right so we're we've we're not sorting by name at all we're sorting by age and gender so far and then I got to thinking well wait a minute if he's farmed out he's an apprentice or something other than being at school or at home because at home means he's in in the home of his parents most likely so let's turn these off now we have apprentice and farmer and but a being there he is there is Gus Henley right there as an eight-year-old I'm going to Mark him in yellow so that I can see where he is he is on image number 24 that's a long way from image 16 where his mother is alright so now here's what we're going to do we're going to unfilter this we're going to select all actually let's just go over here and we're going to clear the filters and we're gonna see where he's at so he is on image 24. all right let's take a look at image 24. now we've got all this data here but let's look at it on the census record so we're going to go back to the census record we're going to dial in image 24 and we're going to zoom out a little bit so we can see where we are let's see if he's in here and sure enough there he is he's listed as gustavius no wonder we couldn't find him we couldn't find him as Gus we couldn't find him as Henry we couldn't find him even as Henley he's with the family of Nathaniel Steele which is another story in itself line 32. let's go look at this line 32 Gustavus Henley h-e-n-l-y for some reason it was not coming up in the search even though I did a search for h-e-n-l-y nothing look at this the Henley and the Gustavus are switched the surname should be Henley not Gustavus this is him this is his birth year he's apprenticed out okay we could try to fix this in the index by clicking in here and then clicking into Gustavus name and change it but in this situation it's not appropriate because the record we don't ever want to change an original record it would be one thing if it was just a typo but in this case in the surname column it is listed as Gustavus the census taker just wrote it wrong in this case I would not change it but you could by double clicking into the names let's say it was a typo somebody misread a letter you could fix it by clicking into it changing it and then give a reason like it's a transcription error long story short I'm not going to change it I have marked it in my tree as to where he is so now we found him let me tell you the story behind this I get to looking at this and I'm going okay he is an apprentice farmer eight years old just as I had suspected he's in the household of Nathaniel Steed then I got to thinking wait a minute that name sounds familiar I think I've seen this before well sure enough I go to my tree and I search for the name Steed and look at that I have Nathaniel Steed Benjamin Franklin Steed so I'm going to look at Nathaniel Steed and it's Benjamin Steed is the son of Nathaniel Steed okay well how does that relate well we go back to Rebecca and look at her profile I have done a lot of research on this woman she had a lot of children out of wedlock and sure enough that one of the fathers is Benjamin Franklin Steed who is the son of Nathaniel Steed whom my great-grandfather Gus is living in his father's house you think there's a story there so now I can update my research notes and can put the right information in there with a source citation right there and then I can move on to the next problem I hope that was helpful please give it a thumbs up don't forget there is handout information in the description box below and for the channel members and the academy members and the patreon members at the right levels you already have a handouts all right thanks see ya