Transcript for:
Summary: Seven Steps and Being Comfortable with Discomfort

hey [ __ ] don't forget to click the subscribe button we have already covered that portion of the seven steps the um probably the most difficult one of the most they're all difficult for for almost everybody but one of the most difficult is getting comfortable being uncomfortable because all our lives all our social morays exactly et cetera that i pounded to death it needs to be your parents and your family teach you not to do that i.e don't charge into the gunfire stay safe keep your head down you know don't make trouble about it from from the day you started in little junior school wherever you start all the way up the uh but focusing on the ends and not the means uh the um is uh it's hard when you can't pay your rent and uh some of you could lose some weight but not eating too much but i mean we've had guys lose 30 40 50 60 pounds because they didn't have enough money to eat and they gave their food to their families i don't think there's going to be anybody in this group that has to suffer that although three four could suffer but i mean the uh myself included um and the um and you think that say when i tell you follow uh your passion it's a lot easier to uh to work days weeks months hopefully not years until you make your first deal if you like what you're doing i've already said i'm a transaction junkie junkie you heard simon bell say he's a transaction company we can do anything we like to hunt the deal but uh it's lonely out there and you don't like what you're doing like where you are currently now many of you otherwise you wouldn't be here if you were happy as larry you wouldn't be here um but not everybody likes bedpans i understand that i don't like that band myself although i've done a couple of the biggest bedpan deals ever but it's it's easier not easy it's easier when you like have some passion and if you love it as sally would say then it's easy i mean it really is easy if you love what you're doing like the viking [ __ ] she's been in health care 24 years and she likes helping people and she likes giving back the opposite of me more or less and she's just crushing it but she would have crushed it without corona um because you know she's she's a true healthcare professional we don't have too many to come through the stable like that but if you like it that's why we often doctors go into the healthcare roll-up because they're naturals and they get the board easier they get the money easier people will acquiesce to seller finance easier it's just easier but not easy but it's easier because of the md after your name phds in biotech don't have the same luxury although you know in some cases the so-called doctor medical doctors have it easier just as if you're a veterinary doctor and you're rolling up vets i mean it's i'm not telling you it's a [ __ ] slam dunk but it's a slam [ __ ] dunk it just is now the uh we know that there's no rules and especially now in the new corona environment the rules have all changed except ours we're just about the only model that still really is untouched by the grace of allah destiny call it whatever the [ __ ] you want but uh and i've pounded my chest since the middle of march when the first uh lockdown happened uh that this is our time and every week that goes by and not that i need validation because i don't need validation from anybody i i know what i'm like and i'm spot on right on this one and when we're coming into the second wave and then the third wave and god knows how many more waves we're gonna have uh the uh you're gonna ride this wave pun intended until the [ __ ] thing is only two inches tall right now it's metaphorically speaking it's thousands of feet the waves a thousand feet high and as and i've said those who stay focused the longest win now i'm i've never done anything more than body surf so i don't really know and i almost drowned a couple times doing that but um i i never heard of a surfer get off a big wave before it's done unless he falls or she falls and some of you will fall and i don't know if it's really physically possible to get up on a wave after you've already fallen from it it seems to be pretty difficult after you've been crushed by it to get back up on it the same way but the wave is going to be there for a long long time uh and uh we're right now i know metaphorically when they paddle out and they wait for the wave that's about all i know about certain paddle acting away from the wave well we're there and it's honest we don't have to wait for a perfect time a lot of people in this room uh that have been in this room since they uh we started doing seminars in this room and a lot of people that have been in the old seminar room back in the old days uh well we're waiting for the right time you've heard that before well it's never the right time to make a tough decision never because you worry about the consequences and you worry about the failures i was just listening to a snip by uh somebody sent me i didn't listen to all the words about joe rogan somebody trying to do something to joe and some people are voicing their uh support of him and as you know i've been on a show and he was nice to me i have nothing bad to say about him he's got a great platform and i hope it gets rich the but they're always going to be people that make fun of what you do some of your kids that are old enough that have some of you that have kids that are teenagers or adults will think they may not say to you he's past it why are you wasting your time old timer you know don't you want to spend time with the grandkids but they don't say that i'm pretty much the only person on the planet that says what you dare to think but you know down deep inside the permutations and the negative negativity you know even if they don't say it because you think it the difference is steve jobs and uh and the guys that we've been studying and myself we don't think that negativity [ __ ] because we know negative thought rubs off just like poorness rubs off and virtually almost everybody in this room their relations vis-a-vis what our end goal for gender generation wealth or poll you might have an odd cousin or something that's got a few books but for the most part we're all from poe folk poe and you've never heard anybody talk about other than maybe sarcastically being a billionaire and i didn't even i didn't even heard the word a million and i told you that story about the first time i saw a minion was on a napkin in a bar officers club in ramstein germany that was it and the rest is history and um the but all this has been gone through the first three days to help you clarify your vision a couple of you thought that you came here with a vision that was already clear i'm almost positive all of you have changed that vision since you've been here it would be unusual if your vision hasn't changed and today this afternoon after lunch when we talk about affirmations gold etc uh and this this castle not this building but this castle in the grounds you know uh is the perfect place to have this seminar because it's a perfect medical for yesterday's dream become today's reality 15 minutes 15 minutes i wish it was 15 15 months after i uh decided i uh confirmed in my own mind uh that i wanted to live in a castle on an island i was here arguably this is not the island i had in mind although great britain is an island and sally reminds me that to make me feel better but i thought i was going to be in an old island an old castle on an island off the shore of great britain but i visualized and for those of you that have seen my uh my picture of me standing next to my dog being a country gentleman i saw that before way before i ever moved here because i saw that it was part of my my goals and my affirmations me ponching around the stage trying to be a gentleman farmer and they're and i tried to be a gentleman farmer when i first got here there is no such thing as a gentleman farmer it's a dirty filthy job and it shows i didn't know anything about it i didn't know you know that i thought you just run around in your ballets shines your boots every morning and pause around you know with your swagger stick well that's what i attempted to do when i first got here and i learned quickly because we raised cattle uh we bought 16 prize uh stud cattle i didn't buy any female cattle and i didn't know any better and the broker the broker scumbag never told me that you know what are you gonna do with all these 16 stud males he's dead now i i wish i had something to do with his death but he's dead now and so and then um and we got the they were about 200 pounds each they were pretty big and the kids fell in love with them and so we could never sell them so they died natural deaths after 10 12 14 years they died but so so i was gonna raise cattle with no female cows so i've been through that so but my vision of being here as a country gentleman or country squire or as say you're a layer delivered of the land i had it clear in my mind and some of you that have goals and you put down your goals it was obvious that most of your goals uh are associated with a number the number was way too low obviously a dollar sign or a pound sign and you really hadn't thought it through you hadn't thought it too if nothing else this seminar gives you a lot of food for thought and hopefully you'll accept most of it but i'm knowing after 27 and a half years you won't and so the ones that stay focused the longest the soonest i now say in this seminar soonest not just stay focused because you can stay focused for 12 or 13 years and i've already given you two examples of guys that hit it out of the park finally finally but 12 and 13 years later respectively well i'm glad they hit it out of the park and boy they're glad they hit it out of the park but [ __ ] that's a long time to wait but let's look at it a different way how long have you waited here to four how long have you waited up to today or this week some of you have waited longer than 12 or 13 years some of you have waited 20 25 maybe even 30 years because you didn't know what you didn't know giving you the benefit of the doubt and uh you did the best you could just the same excuse your parents give away why you didn't turn out better uh the um and we've talked about the kids you uh say fake it till you make it i don't like that but perception is reality you have two times to make a first impression the first is when i first see you visually and i asked you when a hot girl or a good looking guy walks in the room how long does it take you to figure it out instantly right you don't have to think about it okay i am training you and giving you the tools by tomorrow afternoon that you can look at a deal it takes me a microsecond because there's only five things that i look for actually assuming we got the motivated self if it's not a motivation i don't want to see the number i don't give a [ __ ] how good a deal it is because if the [ __ ] or the bastard is not going to sell to me or doesn't think he wants to tell me we're wasting our time or pissing in the wind and for you girls it's harder to piss in the wind isn't it you know it's not impossible for a girl to piss in the wind but it's more difficult than for a guy okay but we're pissing in the wind so but by tomorrow when we go get ready to put your kilts on i mean it'll take you 30 seconds 60 seconds 90 seconds and then some of you are going to plug numbers into a spreadsheet then you failed because as soon as you start to plug in numbers and look for a different permutation there is there are no different permutations there's only one and that's why i can look literally 100 deals at more than 100 deals a day assuming i'm giving the right numbers and assuming uh and that's that's a big assumption because you will fight just looking at the numbers that we're going to show you how to look at andrews milner who's a star no matter how you cut it a little slower a better star on his eighth deal i believe or ninth i lose track uh as a financial analyst for almost 15 years so he was fighting that at a pretty senior level he was fighting that every time he looked at a deal now i'm hopefully you're not fighting it now andrews but as much maybe is because you don't get rid of 15 years of experience you know just overnight but he'd want to look at the other numbers he'd want to look at the next page he's want to look at the footnotes he wanted all these things that because i was a financial analyst myself all these things the difference is i sold insurance door-to-door and was a financial analyst andreas never sold anything door-to-door he couldn't give away sex to a sailor drunken sailor so but we're going to teach you how to just look at the deal but two times right now most of you look okay until you open your mouth and you know when you open your mouth you already know and sense that what do i say and you're thinking subconsciously and i say this because i've done this a long long time yeah i i hope i adapted those [ __ ] templates if you're not asking you that question that question of yourself on a conscious level i i bet you're my ass that you're asking yourself on the subconscious level and just because all these people that we've had up here up here vis-a-vis uh webinars have been able to do it until you do it doesn't mean [ __ ] and there are occasionally people that can't do it but they're rare they're and so i don't i don't talk about it other than right now i'm going to talk with you and so uh but it's doubtful that you'll be one of those those individuals we've had people with 80 iq to 100 400 million dollar deal 80 [ __ ] iq two steps about above an imbecile and a guy with 180 iq did a 40 million dollar deal and you're already thinking well maybe he was a gifted industry or maybe he had asperger's i i've been i know this i know what you're thinking well how stupid is adiq some of you don't know how what your iq is if i were you i wouldn't get an iq test now i would just you know i would for forego those because sometimes the iq tests are false positives or and so and then you that's why kids take the test 200 times on my website thinking they're going to get a different result now so this is on one slide what we've already talked about and we started and we completed our dream team yesterday afternoon uh the uh and today um we're gonna give more examples of the dream team and getting a chairman because that's the most crucial part uh and then we're going to talk about uh your war action plan uh and uh the uh very little are we gonna talk about internal growth uh or what you might call organic growth and then we're gonna talk about uh external growth quite a bit and um we'll show you examples and then uh but if you don't do six and seven pay yourself directors employees you wasted all that time doing the the first uh five and if you don't exit now not everybody exits does the qla program some people want to build a legacy business to leave to their children their family etc those are few but there are people that do that okay not everybody does one uh industry or a vertical in one industry uh and we have people that are doing rolling up uh various different kind of companies uh to build a conglomerate okay we've got maybe five percent of the kids are doing that but if you don't exit you have it does you're not realizing the money and 95 of all the businesses that go up for sale worldwide don't sell you're 95 because they're all asking too much money because they're trying to get rich off one transaction they work 20 30 40 years even sometimes more than that and they wrongfully put all the money that they made back in their own business because you've heard that say told to you well i mean uh nobody knows your business better than you why invest in something else why not invest in their own business because you control it and then you've got a business that you work 35 years for and you try to sell it and get rich off one deal and it doesn't sell it doesn't sell real wealth is built off a series of transactions and i said yesterday that for the kids that are in their middle 20s you can do this five six seven times relatively easy and then you exit and then as one of the webinar participants said um the gang banger uh from uh the vietnamese gangbanger he said and i'm gonna do it again and again and again you start build exit start again start building and then you'll have uh generational wealth now we've given you some examples although i don't call 40 50 70 million dollar generation well we've given you two or three examples of people that within a year have created 40 50 60 70 million dollars to their account um and for for some people that would be generational but generational wealth to me is hundreds of millions and uh which i did for myself and i've seen others do it and on the list of the hall of fame uh the uh i'm not even in the top 100 or 125 guys and gals so i've created at least 100 people that have created multiples of what i mean multiples and in some cases tens of billion um and they keep doing it they exit and keep doing it the exit and keep doing it and we've already gone over the concept the two most powerful things are other people's money and other people that's the leverage you have opm other people's money in other people and the rich guys don't use their own money and we've showed you a methodology how to use sellers finance seller's equity as the equity in a deal because you're going to be asked from your chairman to every single person you're going to recruit on the dream team to the accountants to the lawyers to the um where's the money coming from who's got skin in the game where's the equity coming from and your answer and the answer that i've been giving for 50 years directly or indirectly to our professionals and or our board we've financed tens of billions of whatever the numbers are which is true directly or indirectly through our board and our professionals that's where the money's coming from you could ask and the sellers but then that confuses people when you say well how are the sellers gonna because we're talking about sellers though so just leave that one out but directly or indirectly to our board and or our professionals and again it's the only game in town that you don't have to have any money and again when i developed this and i found it and uh found andrew carnegie and copied it from mr carnegie uh and i give him credit i've been giving him credit for [ __ ] almost 30 years as opposed to all the other gurus don't give him anybody credit somebody once guesstimated 25 percent of the slides and seminars in the world today are mine they just don't have qla on them or my name it might be higher um and um and so you have all these tools and we don't even allow you in the menu we don't allow you to decide which tools to use we tell you which tool not tools uh which tool to use and when to use it because given to your own devices you make the wrong decision sometimes you'll make the wrong decision because you're engaging in self-sabotaging activity uh and you don't know it not everybody that comes to the seminar um believes they deserve to be wealthy you hear a lot about it they show you uh adverts uh commercials on television some poor little black kid in ethiopia but whether he makes it to london or not nobody in that village knows and probably nobody in that village cares some of those people are happy in there if they've got water clean water food and shelter and they can procreate most everybody's happy and it's the do-gooders that think that they're unhappy so we're going to change your life a lot of those people nobody asked you to change my life and sally and i have been in rwanda we've been in ethiopia we've been in all these places and we've been in the villages and if you go back five six seven eight ten years the show is in these villages and we've sponsored schools and we've done all that stuff and we sponsor school and they stay there they don't come to london they don't come to [ __ ] newark they don't [ __ ] come to dallas they stay there because they're no different than you they don't want any [ __ ] change either all they want is clean water and they deserve that and a place to go to potty and not in the clean water which a lot of them are going potty in the clean water so you've been given these things and um when you associate your goals and affirmations which we cover after lunch with something hopefully you're passionate about but even if you're not passionate remember just as the boards are in transition your idea probably is going to be in transition and so we call it if you don't if you hate you start in bed pans you start and whatever and you hate it then you pivot pivot is a complete change to another industry some of you will just morph morph meaning changing let's say you're in bed pans and you don't like bed pants to change to chiropractic or something in the healthcare or vet but most of you that change from the initial idea you had will only morph you won't pivot uh i'm not telling you not to pivot but you just you'll stay you know well i kind of like how i got to find something in healthcare i like and so you'll stay there and more uh crematoriums are healthcare nurseries are considered nurseries not the way grow plants but nurseries where they take care of kids that's considered healthcare as well but all this information that you've gotten here before only works if you just [ __ ] do it and pull the trigger otherwise it's like all the other seminars you've been to uh all the other uh podcasts that you've listened to and all the other books etc it's no different it's no different other than with no qualifications or reservations i can i can tell you with my hand and where my heart i for sure you had a heart is they work but until they work for you is still a statistic once it works for you then it's not a statistic because it's 100 it's you it's you uh and um but those who stay uh focused the longest on the fewest and pull the trigger the quickest um earn the uh the uh money not earn like an income but uh create a generational wealth and we do have kids that create wealth and then lose it and and i'm not suggesting that that's a good part of the the model but now you know you know how to do it once you stop feeling sorry for themselves and you know they dust themselves and uh you know you can do it again now you realize there's not that many animals on the earth that have the capability of feeling sorry for themselves uh nobody does it better than a human although our big dog lola has got the hump as they say in this part of the world she's pissed off because people aren't paying enough attention to her other than barking at you and a couple of people that she's seen around she's got the home she'll when you leave in a couple days she'll be happy as [ __ ] larry because then she can prance around the whole estate the whole castle and pee wherever she wants whatever and then as opposed to somebody orchestrating where the hell she goes our older dog who's 15 in a boxer he knows that you're going to leave eventually something he's not too bothered you know i've seen him coming i've seen him go he probably is thinking uh which is true yes you know a lot of them come and go uh the uh so now uh we're gonna get down to more of the short strokes uh and again uh the uh we will answer questions and we will uh uh we hammer uh the chairman in the board and and and the motivated seller because excuse me we hammer the the chairman the motivated seller and uh the uh the banks because those are kind of the the pegs or the legs that the the stool the qla still stands on because if you if you pick a bad chairman you have to be willing to change sooner than later and as you heard the viking [ __ ] say when she was got rid of her uh chief operating officer i mean she made excuses she took you know she actually called against our rules he called one of the really qualified kids that i trained here experienced m a guy who happened to be in her group uh what you're not supposed to do to help her walk through how she was gonna fire the guy and then it took 30 seconds less than 30 seconds all the consternation all the worries he had it took less than 30 seconds and he was a professional and that's it and it's the same when you're taking stock back these guys are not worried about having two percent of your [ __ ] dream remember right now you got nothing you got a 100 of zero that's a bit of an exaggeration because some of you have some money uh but um that so they they're they're not gonna fight with you they just don't it doesn't sound logical why they something that's worth something they're not gonna fight over because most of the people don't don't either have the time or the temperament and sometimes the money to fight so even if you have the money to fight you know litigation even though it's a business tool i'm very good at it um it's time-consuming and it can suck it will suck the energy uh out of your qla uh march and so uh i'll get a call or i got an email a couple days ago this guy cheated him about you know what would you do i said five more acquisitions i would tell you to go after the guy but now you've only got one acquisition and you've got the model where you understand uh what you're doing i i'd wait and there is normally a limitation of time lapse where as long as you assume within three years or one year or seven years you can still go soon so you ask your in-house lawyer what's the statute of limitation on this and he and they say five years well then that's good so you know we'll go back and get him in two or three years and last night you saw steve which is he's iconic uh he's bigger than life i haven't spoken oxford like he did uh he said uh he was nervous before he spoke because he realized this was going to be on youtube he's another guy likes to use four letter words and i believe he didn't say one bad word in his talk at oxford so what are the takeaways about uh see mrs obama yes sir um don't sit around with the thumb up your ass and just take action yeah that sounds familiar i mean which is true it's just you what else about steve yes sir learn how to hire and fire people quickly yeah that sounds familiar god damn i wonder why i i gave that film to you to watch what else yes sir he changed his dna he was painfully shy he mentioned and then um he was hanging around the football team and they would have they would have [ __ ] him for practice if he didn't grow a pair to say the least well all these guys are [ __ ] for practice you know uh gerard said stand up like a man i mean in a very new york way he said it but it's true these guys will take they will take your your nine-year-old virgin daughter from you and [ __ ] her for practice all these guys are the same success leaves clues all these guys are 99.999 the same they're all tough even though 98 of them are introverts you can be a tough introvert these these guys uh now steve balmer is an alpha male so so far he's the only alpha male other than myself that you've heard uh a gerard is an alpha male uh what else about uh steve yesterday put your heart body and soul into everything your goals and rights everything i've never seen a part-time high-performance person i'm 75 years old i've been doing this about 50 years i've never ever ever seen a part-time high-performance person they're either all in it's like in poker when they go i'm all in okay that's what this deal is if you're gonna make it work the best for you yes sir if you're a one-trick pony you're a billionaire and if well i i pray i don't care if you're get the second trick i just pray you get the first trick uh you know you'll satisfy dan penn your senior year if you get uh one trick but i've got a lot of guys that are two three four trick ponies um because once you learn how to win and it becomes fun you want to keep winning and most for those that the first thing that they've ever done in the winner's circle is doing deals then you never want to do anything else you don't need dan to be kicking you you know we got to get these deals done before the year end we don't have to we have to have dan kicking you annoying at 75 of all deals commercial banking deals get done the last part of the calendar year you just want you want to do it because of the the endorphins that it releases i mean uh the uh the feeling good about yourself which you know you may or may not have ever experienced and i know the uh you know not athletic society because i wish i had been a great athlete like my dad but i wasn't i mean athletics aside i know there's one thing i do better than almost everybody on the planet and i still like doing it here i am 75 years old uh because i know out of this group you will react more slowly than i did uh more slowly than some but you know when you're a multi-millionaire you know one or two or three years from now uh not that i need the validation um the uh your wish some of you have already said i wish that i had known you 20 years ago i was here 20 years ago anyway the uh so uh it's not like i wasn't here now we've had some real old gifts that god i wish i knew 40 years ago 40 years ago i was around but i wasn't doing this i was as they say trading for my own account in those days um the being a winner it's like i i said yesterday the day before i can't really recall the last time i lost in anything whereas most of the kids come here have to think hard about something that they want but now 45 years ago or whatever it was you know i had a jail incarcerated uh the uh flunking out of the university at least three times arguably a fourth time uh the but i didn't get a uh i didn't get a dismissal notice the fourth time so i don't count that one i talk about it though you know so you can say i [ __ ] up school four times um the uh one of the saddest days of my life and i and i i don't believe i've ever been depressed is the two days our two sons got arrested and got thrown in jail and in the same cell block that i had been in in county jail los angeles the same [ __ ] cell block it broke my heart i mean i just said oh god and trying to stay positive of the boys but they had seen daddy and heard about daddy going to jail getting in trouble rising like the phoenix which i did so so they caught me i went to jail the [ __ ] for those of you that are parents i still get chills just thinking about it broke they broke my i knew i had a hard thing because i felt it break i felt it break i mean it cracked in half but um but they took it turned out so but the kelly our daughter says i'm not stupid like the boy i don't have to go to jail to prove anything so and in that regard sally sally and i do believe that kelly is the sharper because she didn't have to go to jail and as far as i know i don't want to know any other information kelly she never did anything that warranted going to jail if you did honey just keep it to yourself now your today's your birthday happy birthday you're 30 you're you're you're 34. happy birthday i don't need to know okay just keep that information to yourself uh although the boys say dad did you i don't want to know i don't [ __ ] want to know you know fine you know i'm going to go to my grave thinking that you know she's not made it's goody tissues but uh okay what else about uh steve yes sir fail often and rapidly what else yes sir he's very passionate and enthusiastic about what he does well for the most part with one exception of the webinars all the kids are enthusiastic again just as i said i've never seen a part-time high performance person i've never really met a person even introverted and shy that wasn't enthusiastic about what they were doing that's why if you do something or when you do something that you like it's easier it's not easy but it's easier because there are going to be rejections you know as uh as the vietnamese gangbanger said you know they get through the rejections and especially when his family which he's now disassociated himself with or telling him how successful he was because he had a little construction business and from for the american dream coming from vietnam he was successful he was i mean and that's what you're supposed to be able to do when you come to america or in some cases come to canada or not america north america because he's from canada or you come to the uk that's what the model is about now in my opinion the model isn't that you let nine million uh you know people from other countries uh that uh are sick and lame into the country that's a whole other story i give a whole seminar i i'd love to speak in front of the united nations about that you know telling them what the [ __ ] lord knows um what else about steve yesterday he said get new muscle pardon he said develop new muscle correct develop new muscle now there are some of the slides you're going to get are uh described we don't go through them in the seminar describe him uh being taken to court you know when he was beating one of the programmers trying to throw him out of window i personally saw steve jobs through a computer program years ago and now can you imagine trying to throw a programmer out of [ __ ] window you can't imagine i think you know we should uh go back okay youtube thank you you