so uh just make sure that whenever you are doing the guru Mantra you are not uh you don't have shoes on okay so that is extremely important okay so uh we begin with om Guru namama 12 times okay when in doubt just stick with the guru Mantra and the Ganesh and I think um you know it's like a one of the best starting points okay so om Gama [Music] [Music] om G [Music] [Music] om now the last two remember what what I said you put it like this om and then we put the thumb like this remember yeah at the heart near the heart [Music] so okay so that was the guru Mantra okay now um this is extremely important because we are all like uh doing Jes so if he the navaga schlam okay so it is only two lines but the actual danana means in Sanskrit everything begins with like a danana okay before you go into any Mantra even any Mantra you always pay homage to the the Rishi the the uh Dy of it and before and when you are doing all that there's also a danana that is just before you get into the actual uh schloka or a mantra danana means like a it's like a meditation okay so it sets you up for the actual Mantra okay and this danh shlam is actually like a mantra in itself it's very powerful because it is the n the nine planets danana schloka okay now I'm not going to next time maybe we do all of these for each of them and it will be good if you know all of these it will be fantastic but I won't go into that okay just yet but what I would like you to do is this you need to really remember because in anything we will all always use this so basically and it is so simple Mangal Budd okay Guru shukra Shani ra so it is so simple okay so it's basically adiya which is the sua name for Surya uh Chaya that is is uh Chandra mangala is Mars Mangal buddhaya is um Mercury Buddha Guru brhaspati or um you know Jupiter shukra is Venus Shani basa Shani is it literally means Saturn obviously Rah is rahu kuu Nama that is I am praying to all of these for you know basically you want to anything you kick in because bulk of our work is you know Joes and the naagas so I would really encourage all of you because it is so simple ad mangay Budd Guru shukra Shani rahama okay so so simple so I would definitely include this um just saying it once is sufficient okay so now we come back to our um the um this is like a previous slid is this what you were uh the recording which you saw last time both of you Aziz uh you remember shabnam is that what you asked me is this the recording you saw uh yes I I think yes in the panga series yes oh it is a panga series O Okay so the panchanga series is like a little bit more uh kind of flexible um but it's okay if you ask me um for the you know the the thing because it's a the mantras out there they were more kind of generic you know so this is the real deal okay this these particular set of mantras is really the one so I think I have covered this so if you go back this is a soam mantras okay um because this is different from the whom Mantra the whom mantras are a little bit more flexible and so on and so forth but I would not care or I mean I'm not when you have the soam swaha mantras for Ganesh I would not worry too much about the rest of the mantras okay those were kind of more to do with the Rashi per se and also they are a little bit like I said a bit more flexible because they are the whom mantras they are different okay so they are kind of like the really baby basic entry level Mantra but for you people who is much more like you know in now going into moving forward I would go with that now there are a few rules for every day okay uh so the ganes is remember Ganesh is The Giver of everything in terms of as far as the LNA is concerned so some of these lagnas uh that we are talking about they are literally based on the lagna okay so let's say there are are people with lot of malefics in the lagna so that particular lagna is what you will have to give them is everybody understanding this yeah so now but there is a whole process to do okay now um anyone both of you familiar with the process at all no okay no we don't okay so the process is like this okay it is usually a sad for about a year okay first you have to make in the red paint the swastika okay use your fingers use ideally like a u vegetarian dye or something okay or the best thing is don't forget about the paint use kungum powder okay you can find it anywhere kungum powder take yellow piece of paper or white piece of paper and just do the swastika Mantra okay uh you can use for the background you know just to use your fingers for the Mandela uh you can just use um turmeric okay turmeric is fine your hands will be yellow but that is okay and make it wet a little bit and then uh put it on a blank piece of paper um uh like stick it somewhere uh where you are wherever you're sitting wherever like meditation or Mantra japa or anything just make sure that you're not looking down at the day okay you're look up is okay but not down okay up is fine or eye level okay that is a very important part of it the what all you need is a Ganesh picture and this particular drawing uh which you will do yourself without and you don't have to do it every day or anything you just have to do it once and that's it okay and it's very simple okay now so you draw this on the piece of paper and then you light a ghee lamp in front of the picture or the yantra of Ganesh okay now yantra of Ganesh is basically a mandala um I've drawn it somewhere it should be here um anyway I can't spot it but essentially the yantra of Ganesh is also like a mandala of you know uh Ganesh so you can use that I would recommend a picture or a morti like a Ganesh statue is the best really and of course you need the swastika and then you have to place it at the eye level and so on and so forth and light a ghee lamp Okay and then you chant om whom namama okay home room so notice the r sound and the o sound okay room so uh don't get confused okay here this is the room okay so it's like her room yeah so it's room Chan n okay it's not CH okay not y you don't pronounce the last a okay please note it's sound okay it's the year sound year sound it's not haa it's not haa it's not y it's y okay so this is a very important part so this Home Room CH yah the F the there are two year sounds the first one is yah y okay it's very simple okay and the n Sound which is the n Sound is literally half okay so [Music] it's that's it you don't go you don't say that okay so it's om room okay simple and this little Mantra has got a huge power of the AG tatwa okay room sound is of AG very very strong AG that's why Shri Ram's name began with r r sound with r when we say Rama Ram um it is you know the r sound is agne very strong fire and whenever you're lighting any lamp even if it's a candle if you just say om room Chama is fantastic for you okay and then you touch the mat the ASA with a middle finger and recite the ASA Mantra now the ASA can be anything okay um ideally there are ways um you're supposed to put a Mandela there and you know that is I'm in the process of actually designing and uh doing like a whole series of Asen like in various colors like red and yellow and all that but for people I mean you know that'll take time but till then just any cotton or anything use that the ASA okay any cotton like a square one uh or silk you know natural substance yellow red not black never black never navy blue never green and never pink you know white is all right uh White is perfect but yellow and oranges are ideal in color that is the mat that ASA you cannot lose it because you will need this everywhere okay anytime you're meditating or doing anything um you will need it now there are many schools of thought there is one uh very famous artist joori and he's written a um book on the chakras and he also recommends um like you know like various animal skins like tiger skin and so on and so forth it's kind of like for the advanced uh people you know tiger because it does entail killing of the tiger of course so um I would I mean I'm not saying it's like terrible or don't do it and all it has its pluses but as of now I think even a Dura grass okay any Dura grass it's like a natural grass mat which you can get easily in lot of the stores on Amazon you will get it if you have a problem getting it let me know I will try sourcing some but you can use that mat as well that is very powerful and then you can put your ASA on top of that that is fine too you know there are many many combinations okay so um essentially you will need the mat though okay so that's the Ender now after that um touch the mat with the middle finger that is always a right hand middle finger and recite the ASA Mantra swastika swaha so swasa is this symbol swasa and it's a joint word swastika swaha okay so it's B together okay so just once you don't have to worry about it okay so that is the beginning okay it's very simple once you just it's just just write down on the piece of paper and then you'll start getting used to it it's not a big um deal okay but don't make this as an excuse like oh my God so many things now because we are going into the Rishi NASA and the water and all if you cannot do any of this it's still fine okay but don't make this as an excuse for not doing anything that's my view okay sometimes I don't do all of this okay I don't do the aam but I have other stuff that I do um which is kind of like you know it's fine okay and sometimes if I'm at the temple then I may not even be able to have access to all of this so that is fine too but because I'm at the temple so you know there is no all I'm saying is that if you are surrounded there with all this then it is very good but don't get bed down by the details like oh my God I can't proceed because I don't have all this just remember the it's it's good to do it's very powerful the effects of it it's more um you know positive but then if you don't do it and if you're just doing the Mantra that is fine too okay but don't keep this as an excuse for not doing anything so Now read the following Vin yoga so this is the VIN yoga okay so it's all always all Vin yoga all of these have to be said only once okay so it is worth it to write it down in your own writing on a piece of paper Okay so om GES mudal remember I told you you have to always bring in the Rishi because these mantras are not your property they belong to the Ries they belong it's in a particular Chanda Chanda means it's a it's in a particular Rhythm of the um Rhythm or a meter a particular um Rhythm of the um the way it is written so here it is vir Chand G so deata so the ganes is the d uh uh GES deat soam and the be is soam okay as we will see later so the beim also we have to see because we have to acknowledge that this is we are getting into this Mantra but I pray to you that please allow me to use it it's like you not just going to do something and then um without acknowledging that thank you very much for giving these uh things so in a way that is more powerful that's all uh so be swah Shah M so [Music] Mama Sid so Mama bisha meaning please make all of these sidha for me sidha meaning make them happen for me make it uh manifest for me okay and V yog okay so is japa that is I'm about to embark on the the Mantra japa and Vin yoga then we come to a a okay so which is nothing but like little taking a little bit of water it's like a cleansing process okay and we take a little water on your right palm so you can see the the containers here they are very fancy some of them are in Copper some of them are in silver or whatever you can afford you know terracotta but copper I think needs to be you can use steel but I think ideally you need this Ladle and it's only a a small little thing uh in Copper is really the best way okay so take a little water on your right palm like I said always the right palm um and then swallow it uttering the mantras wash the Palm with water wipe the lips with clean palm and wash the Palm again so there are three steps one is first you put a water with your left hand onto that little drop only okay and then you wash your hands then you swallow the water and then the third thing third time is like you then eventually wash okay and then you say autama aut aut is our Traditions um you know obviously our Rishi you know autama anant is the Rishi for ketu anama and goind namama of course there's another name for Krishna so goind so these names you will find even all the pandits everyone does it this is like a minimal even if you've taken a bath even if you've done everything but this is like an entry um everyone every Pandit they always do this particular procedure it's very simple you will get used to it you have to just remember three names autai uh anant and goai just three of them and then add number to it okay simple yeah so don't keep it too complicated if you forget to wash your hand that is fine to all I'm saying is just remember something okay something is better than nothing and that's my view okay but again don't make this as an excuse like oh I can't do it because I haven't done the steps properly don't get into that okay okay now we come to the Rishi the ridi nas so this is basically you are putting the bees various bees you know on all over your body okay um it is quite simple and again all this has to be done only once and the Rishi the NASA the process is called NASA and it's Mantra Chand that is a Chanda that is the rhythm of the Mantra the davata of the Mantra the be that is the seed sound uh which in this case is soam and the shti at the respective points of the body has to be placed for it to activate those chakras in order for it for the Mantra to recite and be super active Okay so this is the Rishi home mut Gish okay mudal and then you put on she she C that is put it right on top but you don't have to really say oh my heart and my face and all of that it's just there for your um like for you for you okay so the main thing you have to do is these are the main things okay um so till namama is you have to stop and then Muk is the face so om Virat Chand say so Virat is a Chanda okay Virat is the name of a Chanda Chand say namama so you stop there so this is a main thing this is the Rishi always begin with the Rishi and touch the wo on the now here it is saying touch the wo on the head but usually you can get away with just doing like this okay there's a gap there don't touch it you know just leave that Gap there then touch the lips home Ghar deama so ganaraj dama and this is at the Heart level so the D needs to sit at the Heart level so home garaja because the whole sad the whole Mantra we are doing for Ganesh this is the very first thing you will begin with okay om gharat namama so and then touch your heart again you to leave a little Gap not like not like touch the heart like don't you know don't do things like that just softly you don't even have to touch it but you have to overround it okay and then um om soam beama which is on the private part again don't touch the private part you have to just over above it okay please note that om soam beama because the be the seed will sit at the bottom but the private part is depiction of the swadishtana chakra which is right at the back okay but this is kind of like a symbolic way om swaha Shak Nama and touch the left foot again it is saying touch the left foot but I would not touch any of the body part I would just hover around it okay you don't have to really touch anything that's sufficient okay so this is a very simple procedure everything once okay then we move to the um second one this is the sharang this is the procedure for placing the Mantra sound of be which is the tatwa in the six body parts and this is the real protection of the body if this is done before the Mantra japa then the body is also protected against any evils diseases and suffering so essentially om grama so again the heart procedure okay om green Shir say swaha so again at the top of the head home G groom shik was so right so one is a top the other ones right at the wall of on the head and then home gra kavai home so cross over like like you know as if you're embracing so cross over the hands over the chest home gr uh gr home and home ground home ground [Music] okay so om ground okay so touch the three eyes with the three fingers okay so something like this okay three eyes is like this the the yeah so and like this okay so touch the three eyes with the three fingers I think with the eyes is fine to touch and then uh you swirl The Palms three times so you do like this three times okay when you are saying this oh gra a okay and this is for the mind so one 2 three and then three fingers you take three fingers okay not the last one not the thumb three fingers and then you do it like this so three times swirl and when you swirling it you can say home grum uh home gr okay and that's it so this is quite easy like I said you don't have to worry too much oh my god I've forgotten I've swirled it oh my God it's okay it's there's no don't worry about the timing and everything okay just bear in mind that the pronunciation should be okay and just say it once okay now um so basically the ideal Rosary the japamala the 108 bead one um the 108 bead one is the ideal okay it can be rudraa with Crystal if you cannot get the uh for the Ganesh one you cannot get the coral beads the coral beads are expensive okay so don't worry about it just stick with the rudraa beads with alternating with um what do you call spatia spatia is um is it written here rudraa beads with Crystal okay so it's like um I will take a picture of it and send it to you guys okay um I have it lying around in my bag so rudraa Plus Crystal okay um so you can do this if anybody wants to order I can get them for you you know um I'm going in mid October to India I can bring a whole bunch and send it so it's not a problem okay so it's easy yeah so this is the best and then choose the 12 Ganesh names chosen by Shri Narada uh but it is based on your lagna or ascendant only okay when you do this only on based on the ascendant or now this is a proper sadana okay you may or may not want to take it up that's up to you the 15 malas every day for a whole year with 22 Mala on chaturti why chaturti because it is ruled by the de for chaturti in your panang which is the fourth one Krishna Pak or Shukla Pak um uh is on chaturti is ruled by Ganesh so that's why chaturti and so so 22 malas on chaturti but you know what there's no hard and fast rule um but that is for people who want complete sidhi on this okay um but one thing you have to be aware of very very much if you have a problem with Focus if you have a problem with your distractions if you have problem not able to grasp the astrology of anything or ult or anything it can be any study okay if you have problems with all of that then I would encourage you to do this because the reason behind it is it will give you very strong Focus that is why we are choosing the lagna because Ganesh is the dity the core dity for our lagna you have to understand this Ganesh is of course the Kaka is Surya but the Dy person say is ganes because he is the one who will open up all the Avenues of your brain open up all your you know uh the way the in the way intelligence should work it is Ganesh who will open it up and he'll open it up in such a way doesn't matter what your LNA is does not matter how Afflicted it is the fact is that the intelligence needs to work on your behalf you know not on somebody else's behalf not on you know uh funding somebody else or you know it needs to work for you that is the whole purpose of worshipping Ganesh so that all the obstacles are removed all the badha is removed that is all the obstacles in your thinking in your which are projected in your everyday life that is disappears let's say you have issues with finances or something and there is a block every step of way some jobs you get and then it's taken away or something happens you go into the third round of interview and then boom you can't make it you know or you're going for the final round and then something happens and you fall sick or something these are all obstacles and there is only one Savior for this Ganesh because it is coming from the lagna it is in your being the intelligence needs to start working properly because once the intelligence works then the right ideas will come to you the right um way of dispelling some of the problems will come to you you will know how to fight out some of the stuff okay remember Ganesh rules intelligence okay the there is a very very I will cover this in uh uh in this uh um these particular um lesson that I'm doing um about Ganesh and kti that is Ganesh is ketu energy and karti is mongal energy okay Mars energy and Ganesh is ketu South node of the Moon energy so they are both brothers they are always fighting but Ganesh is more karti is more about like okay like mongal oh let me use might let me fight and all that what while kuu is more intelligent in terms of in seconds he's got the answers in seconds why because he's using intelligence he's not using his might so there is a big difference that is why we worship Ganesh because he will dispel of all your problems okay so and he's also the deity for creating getting rid of your obstacles in terms specifically of your material desires this is very important that's why Ganesh is so important and he is the first deity to be worshiped okay now let's move forward uh with the actual uh okay so now this is um the mesha and Tula so here there is a different clubbing uh ma they're opposites right Aries and Libra okay so this is Aries and Libra this is Taurus and Scorpio okay so it's basically these are all the uh uh all of those okay now this is the whole list one by one as per the uh all the 12 signs okay and they are the same list home soam swaha soam so mituna Kata simha all of these are the soam mantras okay so let's move to um yeah okay so here as you can see the Mesa that is the Aries one okay uh the Aries one is om soam so this is the beer which is common to all of them okay soam this is a beam Bea soam which is common to all of them and so literally it is for um Aries it is soam the form of ganes is wakunda wakunda swaha okay it is such a simple Mantra but so beautiful all of these so om soam vgar swaha and that is for Libra okay Tula okay and then we come to the Taurus and Scorpio second house and Eighth House natural Eighth House and second house Taurus visha which is om soam swaha and for Scorpio om so dumra swaha so they are beautiful mantras each one of them so it's ideally if you know all of them by heart you don't have to but you know over the years it's nice to just know all of them um then we come to the mituna that is a Gemini this is a g for the Gemini and this is for uh sorry Sagittarius okay so om soami uh kilak swaha for Gemini and om soam balachandra swah okay similarly for cancer and and for Capricorn it is om soam gajak swah so gajak so you will pronounce that K wak okay Waka swaha and then for Capricorn it is om soam vak swaha okay no problems everybody yeah easy yeah not too bad and then we come to the uh last two ones um so this is Leo okay so that is om soam lambod swaha okay there is also another one for there are one or two of them have got extra ones it is also you can do mahoday swaha m o the ra okay mahoday swaha you can also say that or lambod swaha and for Aquarius it is om GH swaha so G okay it's not g is G the sound in Sanskrit is n okay okay so it's like n with with a like a little dot at the end like n like n with a DOT at the end n that is the sound not n it's not g g okay please note this this is very important Shola remember this because you are Aquarius rising and I'm Tau I don't know if anot is here is anot here no probably not but um the G you know the n Sound is very important here okay then we come to the Virgo one om soam vikat swaha so vikat swaha okay and then for Pisces it's om soam G swaha so swaha okay everybody get got this yeah so Aziz what are you which lagna Capricorn marar okay so then we know about so this is like in the order that I've given so Capricorn is towards the end Makara so om soam vayak swaha okay it is the same as this uh Capricorn V swaha okay so just remember your own to begin with okay shab what are you cancer LNA okay so om soam gaj swaha so remember this wak it's a little bit fiddly the the sound gajak so you have to pronounce that K there okay this is very important gajaka swaha okay and then mirinda I know is Virgo Rising um so so mirinda om soam vikat swaha sorry that is um yeah om soam vikat swaha hopefully she's not sleeping she already is familar with this though mirinda maybe she's gone off somewhere okay and then we have um schola schola yeah so what are you K right G yeah yeah GH no okay it's not n remember remember this is don't be very careful see um the Pisces cancer and Aquarius are a little bit tricky okay um it is g g so it is not n it is not the n Sound in English it is no okay there's a DOT there's a dott here n n you're hitting the tongue on your teeth n Sound okay Nancy it's not Nancy sound we we are talking so you are hitting the tongue not on the teeth but on the upper pallet and rolling it a bit right so om soam GH swaha okay please remember this unfortunately I can't change that mantra for you okay and give you another one as much as you would like you know but you're welcome to do the lambod if you really are struggling but I would just go first with the ghap swaha okay you'll get there Chola don't worry okay so everybody happy with this yeah okay so my advice is if you're finding uh too much of an uh problem doing all of this just do the autama anama goind namama and this one AA Shri gan mudal why because you are mudgal Rishi it's he's the overseer he's the main um teacher for bring giving these mantras okay V huh um what sign is Ganesh Associated what what what sign is GES associated with huh interesting um see Ganesh is associated with the sign of um not sign but he's associated with kuu okay you this this is what you have to remember very uh well okay K is afflictions or kuu problems is always G Ganesh okay always Ganesh and ketu's home where is K's home guys scorpion Pisces Pisces no it's the mool Trona remember the big difference the mool Trona for ketu is Pisces but the home where kuu is completely at home with is in the sign of Scorpio okay so you could well say that it is probably Scorpio but really in a way it is because but the main link is coming from that Ganesh has a very close link with the ketu that is the main thing so the Scorpio is coming only by because ketu home it's swetra is Scorpio that is why is everybody understanding this yeah maybe in a week's time we will do all the swetra we'll revise all the swetra and all of that okay and but before that don't forget to do the next come next Friday because I will cover the basics of lot of them and next week is Guru Pima okay which which is a very very very important uh time Pima means the full moon but this particular full moon is very vital for everyone okay it's like you're paying homage to the teachers give some donation whatever it is to whichever teacher but do something okay it doesn't have to be like Financial donation it can be anything okay um so this is a very important time for the full moon so I am uh going to be uh doing a series of three to four classes um so yeah so do join because I will cover some of the little Basics and sometimes it is never um it's always good to go through some of the basics okay always very good okay anyway so is everybody okay with this yeah so just start it start any day Thursdays or Sundays but just do something even if it is one Mala now do all what's aala again huh what a Mala yeah what about it what is AAL again can you remind me okay um give me a minute okay uh let me just get my uh Mala [Music] okay here we go okay this is my Mala bag okay it's very simple okay very simple it's like a little bag yeah and this is the Mala okay now if you see here let me just [Music] um okay if you see here can you see everyone yeah now this is made from rudraa and spk which is Crystal okay if you can see here and it is 108 now this is a customade rudraa which I have made for myself okay you can make any uh any number of rudraa uh things um there is a process to calculate how many the lines on the rudra if you see here okay if you can see here how many lines it is so all of these lines the they are called the faces of rudraa okay okay so each of these rudraa faces um basically the lines con one between one line and the second line constitute a face of rudraa so depending on how many lines I think this is what like uh this is like seven I think yeah but anyway so this is so seven uh pH rudraa maps to the uh the seventh house okay we have a method of calculating which one you need I can do that for you guys it's not a problem but um we um because it comes from the fifth house we have like a bit of calculation um but this Mala is very very nice you know because it is very um you can do a lot of Davi mantras on this Davi means Shakti mantras you can do uh Shiva mantras with this Plus you don't need really a coral bead because this will do even for Ganesh okay so there's lot of things that are taken care of so one Mala like this and one Mala of like a um wooden one any wooden bead 108 for the Vishnu mantras is sufficient for you yeah so all you need is two and then like a bag you know that's it and then the holding of f is very important okay see you have to hold it like this you cannot ever touch your index finger always in the right hand uh never in the left hand um don't even touch sometimes I mean it's there but don't even touch with the uh left hand but always with the right hand and never with the index finger and then you move it around like this okay towards yourself okay yeah easy yeah chol okay simple and so one Mala is is a complete rotation then of all the beats and sorry what what what's that so one Mala is a complete rotation of all the be and but when you hit here the main you cannot go beyond it okay so what I mean is that you've come let's say okay you've come to the end here right like you've chanted this you've chanted another one you've chanted here and then you are on the very last bead here very last bead here okay you cannot then go go beyond this so you stop here at the you stop here okay not at the big bead but just before the big bead you stop here and then you do not go beyond it okay for the next set of M you twirl it around on your finger and begin again so you're going back literally on yourself that is a very important part you do not cross the head bead ever okay otherwise you get the wroth of the dayes there's a very specific rules you can't do that okay A lot of people do like this or you know all kinds of combinations like this or you know or or they'll do like this or uh you know like this or you just do whatever but just make sure that the index finger is not touching the beads and you are not crossing the head bead you're then going back on it okay turn the Mala around that's it simple and when you have finished everything you can put the beads like this in a bag okay and leave this bit out okay the head bead out and then you just like keep it like this maybe in your purse or maybe in your um place of worship don't travel too much with it you or you can have another set of beads for um like a travel bag um to travel with you know but if you have to then just travel but just put it like this okay because this uh this bead which is called the mount meu uh which is a very auspicious one and this is called like it has great Powers um it has a lot of fire energy which will come to you even if you place it here at your desk or something just like this the all the fire generator through your chanting will emanate towards you it it'll be very very positive okay that is the reason why you don't shut everything up okay everybody got that yeah yeah yeah so it's fire agne huh it's fire agne yes yes Agy AG yeah okay so any questions let me know I want to ask something we learned that we can use this mantras for the for the opposite of the badas yes you can and opposite of Ru whenever Ru is placed yeah because then your K2 is the B right natur natur yeah yes yeah yeah you can do that there's many many things or you can use badak sign also you can do but I think ideally you need first and foremost to do the lagna the lagna is the main thing okay that is like the first step at least do it for six months before you start experimenting with everything else you know that's my recommendation okay okay thank you very much yeah so um mirinda is everything okay okay mirinda must have a lost connection there hi mirinda yeah she has a lost connection okay and could you please send us a picture of this uh M how can it be okay um I will send you a picture of the mat um but ah one sec you can even use your you know for namas you know for Nam yes yes we have the same think in for namas also yeah okay yeah so you can use those but remember maybe like a plain yellow color or something oh yes okay yeah or any light color actually even if it's not yellow any light color okay okay okay okay a red color is fine if you have a strong mon if you can deal with it I will take that yeah can I use it then huh can I use it then yeah if you want sure you know but um yeah but uh um but don't use black color okay don't use navy blue don't use all that if you have to use green then use like a pale green like a pistachio green um basically any of the pale colors are beautiful okay any of those use um or yellows and you know yeah okay okay or oranges even is very nice so schola instead of using uh red color use like orange that will be much better for you okay why because orange is a color of the sun you know more than red I mean red is like mongal is you know uh super activated okay so okay so maybe we next week or um or the week after we will maybe do the colors of the planets and all of that you know we'll do a little class on the planets and the uh the the rashis and stuff like that okay okay okay thank you very much thank you bye bye bye bye have a nice day bye bye thank you