Transcript for:
CH. 1.7 - Understanding Feedback Dynamics and Thresholds

Now, feedback processes are divided into two:  positive feedback and negative feedback. (negative) Let's take that deer-and-grass example  again. When the amount of grass decreases,   less grass leads to less deer — a bunch  of deer die. Positive or negative? What do you think? Huh? Well I'm prepared to bet  that many of you are thinking,   "That's negative," — decrease in the number  of deer — minus sign in a population of   deer — negative. Or alternatively,  "poor Bambi" — emotionally negative. Forget that thinking. It has nothing to do with this concept here.   Positive feedback is when the cause and the effect  go in the same direction: an increase leads to   an increase, a decrease leads to a decrease.  Negative feedback is when the cause and effect   go in the opposite direction: an increase in  something leads to a decrease in something else;   a decrease in something leads to an  increase in something else. OK? So   less grass leading to less deer — a decrease  leading to a decrease — is positive feedback. The decreased number of deer allow  more grass to grow — decrease   leading to an increase — opposite  direction — negative feedback.   The increased grass allows an increased number  of deer — increase leads to increase — positive. Right? And then the increased number of  deer lead to a decrease in the amount of   grass — negative. OK? So maintaining that  balance — that zigzag — basically involves   alternating positive, negative, positive,  negative, positive, negative, feedback. And the negative feedback is the most important  one of the two, because when things start to move   away from equilibrium, negative feedback is what  brings it back — keeps the equilibrium stable.   Negative feedback keeps a system in balance. Now let's consider an example where we have  positive feedback and no negative feedback.   What happens? The example I'm going to give  you now is — we'll take the whole planet,   OK — the water cycle. Water evaporates,  goes into the sky, forms clouds,   and precipitation. Precipitation over  most of planet Earth falls as rain,   but there are some places where it falls as  snow. Near the north pole, near the south pole,   where the temperature is cold, it falls as  snow. Sorry this illustration's a bit cheesy,   but it does show the snowy regions around  the north pole and around the south pole. Snow is white. White intercepts the heat coming  from the sun and blasts it back into space,   keeps the earth cool, OK? So, let's start this system with a process .  . . with some external process that cools the   planet down a bit. What happens? The area of  snow around the north pole and the south pole  gets bigger. Bigger area of the earth becomes  white — repels more of the sun's heat —   the earth gets colder. That in turn  makes the area of snow even bigger,   which repels yet more of the sun's  heat, and the earth gets colder yet,   which expands the area of snow  further . . . You get the picture.   Within an incredibly short space  of time — years or decades — we've gone from a warm climate  like today, into a full all-on ice age.   Now again, don't get confused by Hollywood.  There's a movie called The Day After Tomorrow, where they managed to get to an ice  age over the course of a long weekend.   That's Hollywood: that's utterly absurd. But you know, for the longest time — and  some people still today — think that it takes   thousands or millions of years to get from  a warm climate to an ice age. No, no, no! A few tens of years at most. Positive feedback.  Once the process kicks in there's no stopping. It   gets colder, colder, colder, colder, colder.  Totally happened within a person's lifetime.   And we've got geological data that  shows that, repeatedly, in the past. How do you ever get out of this? Now the Earth  is an ice cube, it's white, it repels the heat   from the sun, it's going to stay cold, isn't  it? Well, to break out of that, we need a new   process, something different to kick in. The  feedback processes we've been talking about,   which were positive only — going in the same  direction — there's no . . . there's no breakout. This brings in the important concept of a threshold. A  threshold is when something different kicks in,   and breaks the cycle. In our ice age example, how does that work? Well,  the ground — the land — cools down pretty quickly.   The ocean is not just broad, it's  also very deep; the water contains   a huge amount of heat. It's going to  take a long time to cool the ocean down. That's going to take thousands of years. Gradually the ocean temperature drops,  drops, drops. Once the ocean is cold,   what happens to the rate of  evaporation? Evaporation drops off, and now the question, "Is precipitation going to  fall as snow or as rain?" doesn't really matter,   because if there wasn't any evaporation, there  is no precipitation of either rain or snow. So now we stop adding white. The Earth is frozen: doesn't it stay  white? Well, any of you who've lived   somewhere where it stays cold throughout  the winter will know the answer to that one. Over time snow gradually disappears. We always  think of snow melting and turning into water,   but actually, under the influence of  sunlight, very slowly, snow evaporates — it   goes straight from solid to gas — can bypass  the liquid. So at temperatures below freezing,   the amount of snow on the ground very slowly  decreases, decreases, decreases. Eventually as   the snow starts to disappear, the ground turns  from white back to dark. The dark absorbs the   sun's energy, the planet heats up, the ice  age is over, almost as rapidly as it began. OK? So hopefully these illustrate the concepts  of positive and negative feedback and thresholds. Another example in your book for a threshold — very simple one — imagine you have a pot plant; you water it regularly. One day you give it some  fertilizer and notice that it grows better. So you give it a little more  fertilizer, and it grows even better.   Then you overdose it on fertilizer — and kill it! That's the threshold. That's the book example. I like the ice age one better  personally but, anyway, you get the idea.