copywriting is honestly a form of art and while that is the case another side of it is science and psychology because specific words phrases and strategies can honestly be what makes or breaks a certain campaign but what are these triggers and psychological elements if you stick around in today's video i'll be teaching you copywriting psychology that you can use to boost the conversion rate and performance of any sales copy these are some of the most effective psychological triggers you can use in advertisements content and other material beginning with targeting a pain point because people buy something emotionally and justify with logic later they're trying to buy something to solve a pain point or a problem whether they realize it or not there's a harvard professor that believes 95 percent of the purchasing process is actually emotional and think about yourself and even i'm guilty of this how many times we've bought something and then we barely used it it sat in our closet it sat in the basement or the garage and often that was an emotional purchase and then we didn't even end up using it later for example check out this product description for a hair loss supplement if you read the copy here i mentioned various symptoms that a customer would be experiencing like thinning hair hair loss lost luster hair being healthier in the past and someone that is going through those things can actually relate to the copy they're going to feel the related emotions their insecurities their self-esteem those things are gonna come up and the product is positioned as a solution secondly humans love fighting for a cause and being on a team that's why the second psychological trigger i want you to test in your copywriting is having a common enemy when you and the customer can gang together and beat something it creates camaraderie and a certain attachment and relationship that's really hard to form otherwise for the customer it feels like you really understand them you have their back and you're on the same team and then later on you can position the product as a way to overcome that obstacle and whatever group or obstacle you're targeting it has to be something that they've seen before and it causes them some kind of pain or problem i think an awesome example of this is the advertising battle that bmw and audi had back in the day and even today you'll see advertisements like this where cars and different brands will actually target each other and kind of poke fun and make fun of one another's products and services and the ad from audi pokes fun at bmw for winning a car of the year award but they have way more awards and tournaments and races so if you're an audi driver you're gonna really resonate with that and think yeah like we're going against bmw we're better and you're on the same team and then the bmw people want to fight against that so you have that common enemy thirdly is visualization and imagination because when we visualize something and imagine it we also get the associated emotions and as i've been talking about obviously purchasing something is very very emotional so what you can do as an advertiser or copywriter is actually help the customer imagine what it would be like to use the product and how it changed their life the feelings they would have how people would treat them differently how their day-to-day life would change and a really cool thing is that the subconscious doesn't actually understand the difference between imagining something and actually experiencing it and that's why we get such rich emotions when we imagine something so there's two ways you can go about this on one hand what you can do is essentially help your customer picture what it would be like to use the product talk about all the feelings the benefits they've experienced and how much better their life would be now on the other hand you can also help them imagine their pain point so for example let's imagine someone's trying to make money online start up a business you can talk about how it's really tough to not have a lot of money you can't pay off your debt you can't pay the bills you're gonna feel really urgent so try targeting their pain points not just also painting a picture and i'm a huge car guys and you probably tell and i love ferrari's new ad for the ferrari roma now there isn't necessarily copyrighting in this ad particular but i think the visual speaks enough and all throughout the video this car is driving around and people are staring at it they're turning around when it drives by and it's super subtle you have to look into the back of the video to even notice it but i think this is an amazing example because it's helping you imagine using the car what it would sound like what it would look like what would feel like and how your day to day would change number four is group think and social proof because as humans what we tend to do is look at the group look at society and then follow that because it saves us time and energy and it prevents us from making bad mistakes so now in copywriting what you can do is take advantage of social proof by using things like testimonials case studies and reviews so when customers land on a sales page a sales letter and so on they can see that other people bought the product they enjoyed it and they recommended it and in fact 93 of people actually read online reviews before buying something number five is fomo or fear of missing out which creates a sense of urgency humans are deathly afraid of missing out on good deals good opportunities social events and so on we're hardwired not to avoid these things because it can actually mean really bad consequences i like how nordstrom actually did this one of their promotions here so you can actually see that they have a spring jacket shop that's up to 65 off but it ends on a very specific date it's an online flash event so essentially when a customer landed on the nordstrom website they would see this deal but it's only lasting a certain amount of time creating that urgency and they have to buy sooner than later that's one of the best ways i recommend using this psychological trigger is using some kind of time restraint on the offer or making the inventory and the limited availability and accessibility well known and this brings me to number six which is feast and famine it's pretty close to urgency in a lot of ways but more particularly it's called scarcity now when something is in low supply low volume it's actually more desirable there's actually a famous study called the cookie jar experiment where researchers took a group of people and they essentially had two cookie jars one was nearly empty and one was full and you could probably guess that actually most people would take a cookie out of the jar that was nearly empty because it seemed more valuable so i recommend you do as a copywriter is take advantage of low inventory warnings this is amazing on e-commerce pages or anytime you're selling a product let the customer know that it's not going to be available for long so they have to take action soon it's also really good for events and webinars where you can let people know that there's a limited amount of seats and they have to get theirs reserved before it's too late number seven is storytelling this is probably gonna be one of the most powerful psychological elements you can use in your sales copy because we've been using stories to communicate for centuries if not thousands of years or more and this is a classic way to communicate with customers get them resonating with an ad and also helping them imagine the outcome or pain point of a certain experience so it's essentially going to use a lot of the copywriting triggers and strategies all in one it's actually a fact when we read stories neurotransmitters are released that get us feeling better more attentive we retain more information we see ourselves in the story and there's so many things that go on the brain it's really fascinating stuff and a lot of copywriters and marketers still don't take advantage of this i have a lot of copywriting clients for example that on their website and different sales material they don't use any stories it's a huge missed opportunity and as soon as we introduce some kind of story even if it's very light conversions usually go up if you'd like to learn more about copywriting psychology go read my full blog post in the description you'll see more examples and strategies in there also let me know in the comments below if there's any other topics you'd like me to cover subscribe if you're new to the channel and i'll see in the next video