Acupuncture Points on the Foot-Tie-In Spleen Channel
Spleen 1
- Location: Jing-Well Point on the big toe
- Distance: 0.1 cun from the corner of the nail
- Reference: Inside corner of the big toe
Spleen 2
- Location: Depression distal and inferior to the first metatarsophalangeal joint
- Reference: Palpate ball of the foot, move distal into a depression
Spleen 3
- Location: Proximal and inferior to the head of the first metatarsal bone
- Reference: Similar to LI3, find a corner pocket proximal to the head
Spleen 4
- Location: Depression distal and inferior to the base of the first metatarsal bone
- Distance from Spleen 3: 1 cun
- Common Mistake: Feeling a joint or the navicular bone, come too far medially
- Reference: Start at spleen 3, feel along the lower border of the metatarsal bone
Spleen 5
- Location: Junction of the lower border and anterior border of the medial malleolus
- Reference: Avoid drifting into Liver 4 territory
Measurement Options on Lower Leg
- Tip of medial malleolus to popliteal crease: 15 cun
- Tip of medial malleolus to spleen 9: 13 cun (preferred for accurate measurement)
Spleen 9
- Location: Depression at the angle formed by the shaft of the tibia and the medial epicondyle of the tibia
- Reference: Level with gallbladder 34 (yang mound spring)
Spleen 6
- Distance from malleolus: 3 cun
- Reference: Posterior to tibia in the soft part
Spleen 7, 8
- Spleen 7: 6 cun up from Spleen 6
- Spleen 8: 3 cun down from spleen 9
Spleen 10
- Location: 2 cun above the medial superior corner of the patella
- Reference: Height or width of patella is 2 cun
Spleen 11
- Distance: 6 cun above spleen 10
Abdominal Measurements
- Spleen 12: Level with Ren 2, 3.5 cun lateral to midline
- Spleen 13: 0.7 cun up and 0.5 cun lateral
- Spleen 14: 1.3 cun below spleen 15
- Spleen 15: 4 cun lateral to the umbilicus
- Spleen 16: 3 cun above spleen 15
Chest Measurements
- Shift: From 4 cun to 6 cun lateral as moving from abdomen to chest
- Intercostal Spaces:
- Spleen 17: 6 cun out, similar to stomach channel
- Spleen 18-20: Located in subsequent intercostal spaces
Spleen 21
- Location: Mid-axillary line in the 6th or 7th intercostal space
- Reference: Midway from axillary crease to tip of the 11th rib
- Focus on locating the empty spaces between tissues rather than changes in skin color.
- Special thanks to contributors and models for the demonstration.
These notes cover the key locations and techniques for finding acupuncture points along the Foot-Tie-In Spleen channel, as outlined in the lecture. The focus remains on distinguishing the points by feel and anatomical landmarks rather than relying solely on visual cues.