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Understanding Personal Letters and Their Types

Hello friends, welcome back to Gia Academy Youtube channel. How's life? I hope everything is going well for you.

Agi was chosen to be a participant in the exchange of students from Indonesia to study in the United States. Agi wanted to share news with her brother. She wanted to tell the situation of the apartment, the city where she lived, and her schoolmates. Agy wants to tell you about it through letters because Agy has learned how to write personal letters before going to America So, in this video we will learn personal letters What is personal letters? Personal letters are letters you write to people you have already known well or been familiar with such as family members, friends, classmates, or pen friends So, personal letter is a letter that we write for people who are close or familiar with us Like family members, friends, classmates, or our friends Do you know the purpose of personal letter?

The purpose of personal letter are First, to tell good news or bad news Untuk menceritakan berita baik atau buruk Second, to tell about experience or activities untuk menceritakan pengalaman atau kegiatan third apologizing or giving advice meminta maaf atau menyiasati and the last one asking for help meminta bantuan There are 8 types of personal letter Family letter Penfriend letter Fan mail Celebration letter Farewell letter Get well letter Congratulation letter And love letter Friends, let's see one by one the type of personal letter Family Letter Written to a family member to share recent news Written for family members with the purpose of sharing the latest news Pen Friend Letter, written to a pen friend, written for a pen friend. Pen Mails, written to someone you idolize or admire, written for someone you idolize or like. Celebration Letter, written to acknowledge a happy or significant day or event, written to acknowledge a happy day or important event.

Farewell letter, written to say goodbye to someone who is moving interstate or overseas or changing school. Ditulis untuk mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepada seseorang yang pindah negara atau keluar pulau atau juga pindah negara. Get well letter, written to wish someone a speedy recovery from illness. Congratulations letter, written to congratulate another person for for a notable achievement written to congratulate someone on their achievement or success and love letter written to someone that you are having a romantic relationship written to express feelings to the person we love Now, let's see the structure of personal letter First, address, alamat pengirim. Second, date, tanggal penulisan surat.

Third, salutation and name, salam dan nama penerima. Fourth, introduction, pembuka. Next, body of letter, isi surat After that, closing, penutup Then, complimentary close, salam penutup And the last one, signature, tanda tangan Sekarang kita bahas bagian-bagian surat pribadi.

Heading, it is written in the upper right or left hand corner of the page. Bagian kepala surat. Bagian ini ditulis di sudut kanan atau kiri atas surat.

The heading contains, first, the address of the sender or the person writes the letter. Second, the date when the sender writes the letter. The head of the letter contains the address of the sender and the date when writing the letter. Salutation or greeting, it is written in the left hand corner.

You can begin with the word dear, hi, hello, then followed by first name of receiver and ended with comma. Salam pembuka ditulis di sudut kiri surat, diikuti nama penerima surat, dan dibubuhi tanda koma pada akhir nama. Introduction Bagian pembukaan surat Berisi sapaan pembuka atau tanggapan dari surat sebelumnya Teman-teman dapat meruliskan kalimat berikut How are you? Hope this letter finds you Thank you for your last letter It was so good to hear from you I'm sorry I should have written earlier Haven't heard from you in a while so I thought Body of letter, you state your message in the body.

Pada bagian isi surat ini, teman-teman dapat menyatakan pesan dalam isi surat. You can begin with telling your experience and tell your aim or reason. of writing the letter in the first paragraph.

Your second paragraph is your message. Teman-teman dapat memulainya dengan menceritakan pengalaman atau kegiatan. Pada paragraf pertama, menjelaskan alasan mengirimkan letter.

surat paragraf kedua berisi pesan atau tujuan surat dan you can end the letter with clear ending stating what you expect and your feeling kemudian pada paragraf terakhir teman-teman dapat menuliskan harapan dan perasaan kepada si penerima surat and this is an example body of leather Conclusion Pada bagian kesimpulan isi surat, teman-teman dapat menyertakan kalimat berikut I'm looking forward to seeing you soon I'm waiting for a quick reply My best wishes for the coming test Bye I will write soon I'm looking forward to hear from you soon I will have to stop now And see you Complimentary Close Your closing can be written as follows Your friend, yours truly, yours lovingly, with love It is followed by comma Nah, pada bagian penutup surat, teman-teman dapat menuliskan kalimat tadi Dan jangan lupa disertai tanda koma ya Signature, it refers to the sender first name and it is put after closing. Terakhir, teman-teman dapat menuliskan nama atau tanda tangan pada sudut kanan bawah surat. Biar teman-teman semakin paham, kita perhatikan contoh surat berikut. Question number 1. Johan feels everything different since A.

They all moved to another city. B. He passed his studies at junior high school.

C. They passed their junior high school. D.

Mick left them to live in another city. E. A reunion has already been talked about. What is the correct answer? A.

B. C D or E This question asks about Johan's feeling Let's look at the letter that Johan sent back In the first paragraph, we can find the word cinch The word is a keyword So the answer is after the word cinch This sentence is the same as the answer D Johan feels different since Mick left them to another city Question number 2. What does Johan hope for Mick after he gets the letter? A. Mick hopes that his new life is going well.

B. Mick will have a fun time. in school C.

Mick will send back Johan's letter D. Mick will move back soon E. Mick will write back What is the correct answer?

A. B. C, D, or E? Soal ini menanyakan apa harapan Johan terhadap Mik setelah mendapatkan surat. Kita dapat menemukan jawabannya pada paragraf terakhir. So, the correct answer is E.

We'll write back For the next question, let's look at the following letter Question number 3 What is possible relationship between sender and their recipient? A. Employees B. Employers C. Relatives D. Siblings E. Friends What is the correct answer? A.

B. C. D. E. This question asks about the relationship between the sender and the recipient of the letter. We can see it in the Complimentary Clause section. And the correct answer is E. Next question From the letter, we know that A.

The hills far from Tony's neighborhood B. Tony felt awful after moving C. The new city was not good D. Lily moved to another city E. Lily loves to go hiking What is the correct answer?

A, B, C, D, or E? Untuk menjawab soal seperti ini, sebaiknya kita cocokkan dari pilihan jawaban yang terakhir. Pilihan jawaban E menyatakan Lily menyukai hiking. Pada bagian body of letter menunjukkan bahwa Lily memang menyukai hiking. Hal ini dinyatakan oleh kalimat, Since you like hiking a lot, you hiking a lot, you merujuk kepada Lily.

So, the correct answer is E. The last question Apparently, this city is very fascinating and I think What is the closest meaning to the underlined word A. Attractive B. Boring C. Dull The ugly, e-bad.

Soal ini menanyakan persamaan kata fascinating, yang artinya menarik. Kita lihat pilihan jawabannya ya. Attractive memesona, boring membosankan, dull bodoh, ugly jelek, bad buruk.

So, the correct answer is A, attractive. Well, you can understand it here Okay, that's all my explanation about personal leather Stay healthy and see you on the next video Have a nice day