Fundamentals of Graph Theory

Aug 24, 2024

Introduction to Graph Theory

Definition of Graph

  • A graph is a network that helps define and visualize relationships between components.
  • Vertices (Nodes): Represent the components (circles in a graph).
  • Edges: Represent the relationships (lines connecting the circles).
  • Graph theory studies the properties of these networks and how they can model and solve various problems.

Importance of Studying Graph Theory

  • Graphs are prevalent in many fields, including:
    • Mapping and Navigation Applications: Model roads and intersections as graphs.
    • Social Networks: Model friendships between individuals as graphs.
    • Sudoku: Graph theory can be applied to efficiently solve Sudoku puzzles by representing constraints as graphs.

Core Concepts of Graph Theory

Formal Definition of a Graph

  • A graph is defined as a set of vertices and edges, where each edge connects two vertices.
  • Mathematical representation:
    • Vertex Set: V = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}
    • Edge Set: E = {(0,1), (0,2), (0,3), (1,3), (2,3), (3,4)}

Important Terminology

  • Neighbors: Two vertices are neighbors if an edge connects them.
  • Degree: The number of edges connected to a vertex.
  • Paths: A sequence of vertices connected by edges. Path length is the number of edges in the path.
  • Cycles: A path that starts and ends at the same vertex.
  • Connectivity:
    • Two vertices are connected if a path exists between them.
    • A graph is connected if all vertices are pairwise connected.
    • Connected Component: A subset of vertices that are connected.

Types of Graphs

  • Undirected Graph: Edges imply mutual connection (e.g., edge from vertex 0 to 1 implies edge from 1 to 0).
  • Directed Graph: Edges are unidirectional.
    • Directed Cyclic Graph: Contains cycles.
    • Directed Acyclic Graph: No cycles.
  • Weighted Graph: Edges have different weights, representing metrics like distances.
  • Trees: Connected and acyclic graphs with unique properties (removing an edge disconnects the graph).

Representing Graphs as Data Structures

  1. Adjacency Matrix: A matrix that indicates connections between vertices (1 if edge exists, 0 otherwise).
  2. Edge Set: A set containing all edges of the graph.
  3. Adjacency List: Each vertex maps to a list of its neighbors; the most common representation for sparse graphs.

Interesting Problems in Graph Theory

  • Connectivity Problem: Finding if there exists a path between two vertices.
  • Shortest Path Problem: Determining the least length path between two vertices.
  • Cycle Detection: Algorithms used for connectivity can also solve this.
  • Vertex Coloring: Assign colors to vertices such that no two connected vertices share the same color.
  • Paths Using Every Edge/Vertex: Finding paths that use all edges or vertices exactly once; known to be complex problems.


  • Explored the importance and applications of graph theory.
  • Defined key terms and types of graphs.
  • Discussed methods for representing graphs as data structures.
  • Introduced interesting problems in graph theory, setting the stage for future algorithm discussions.