foreign there is no such thing as a perfect body all people have different types of bodies and abilities some people even have invisible disabilities which are disabilities we can't see by looking at a person like chronic pain or anxiety brain injuries or Autism Spectrum disorders people with disabilities live their lives in different ways from people without disabilities some of them might not share that they have a disability other people are proud of their disability and will make it visible to those around them people with disabilities however they identify have the same rights feelings and wants as everyone else this includes the desire to be in relationships and explore sexual and romantic feelings if you're a person with a disability you may have the same questions as your friends do about your body and puberty and might be starting to develop sexual or romantic feelings towards others whatever you're feeling know that it's natural and healthy and you have the same right to these feelings as your friends and classmates you also deserve the same access to information and Health Services your rights include choosing whether to be or not to be in relationships with others deciding how to take care of your body when it goes through puberty or menstruates communicating when and how people can touch you and making decisions about birth control and pregnancy your body is yours and even if you experience the world differently you have a right to make the choices that are best for you [Music]