Transcript for:
Annalisa's Journey in Information Technology

[Music] hello my name is annalisa cool Torres and I'm a student at Florida State University currently I am in my third year at the University and will soon be graduating my major is information communication and technology with a minor in computer science I chose these majors because I have always been interested in technology and how it is used across social media platforms to share information my generation has grown up on the Internet and we are incredibly dependent upon this system with the internet we have become a global information society this means that our society is economic political and cultural activity is significantly affected by the creation use and manipulation of information the speed at which information is shared is rapid and almost instantaneous this affects business decisions as well as the decisions made by the heads of the government systems once I have gotten my degree I'll be going into the job force seeking a job in an Information profession as an information professional will be my job to make sure information is properly handled so the rights and security of every person is safe if I were to become an IT person at a company I'll have a lot of personal information of my fingertips so I must be sure to understand all of my roles responsibilities to clients co-workers society and the government first off as an information professional I would like to contribute to society and human well-being everything that I create should be used in socially responsible ways I didn't want any products that I create to be used in any ways that could harm others anything that could lead to an undesirable loss of information property damage to property or negatively affect the environment should not be created we must be sure to honor any property rights that are expressed in copyrights and patents using the materials of others without their permission is theft and copyright infringement continuing as an IT professional I will have administrative power of the computers of those I manage but is my responsibility to respect the privacy of other and honour confidentiality just because I can access private information does not mean I should therefore I will be sure not to infringe on the privacy of others by looking at any information that I do not need professionally it is my job to be competent in my position meaning I should make sure I am up-to-date on the latest news and updates in my field I need to maintain an extensive and working knowledge and all things that relate to information technology this in turn means I will have the capability to design and build information systems that will improve the quality of life it is crucial to know all the legal aspects that have to do with the sharing and use of information we must be sure to respect all existing laws such as copyright law and the Freedom of Information Act which pertain to professional works I'll be sure to honor any contracts agreements or assigned responsibilities that I am given in conclusion I agree and choose to follow all the roles and responsibilities I have discussed here today as an information professional I am tasked with protecting in a user's data clients data or any ideas I made myself create this is a very important job and I know I am capable of doing it thank you for your time here today [Music]