Transcript for: Strategies for Selling High-Ticket Fitness Packages
What's going now guys? So in this video, I'm
super excited to show you this is how to sell high
ticket fitness packages from 3,200 to $5,000 plus for four months on average, this is the exact same type
of packages that I sold as a fitness trainer. And that I help my other
fitness trainer sell that got me to seven figures. So watch the framework,
make sure you take notes. It's about positioning, right? You don't have to be unethical. You don't have to lie,
but you have to position yourself as the premium
price and the premium person in the marketplace. So hope you guys enjoy it. Make sure I hit that subscribe button. I'll see you guys in the next one. The first thing is like,
let's pull this up. So this right here, I
believe is inside our portal it's called the eight points of a close. And so this is like a good
framework to follow as well. It's just making sure you're
asking the right questions. Okay, so you have your
problem, struggle challenge, why haven't they solved? What happens if they don't do it? What's their goals, their desire, right? Then you start asking about money, spouse, try to build trust and
figure out a solution, okay? Like sales, most of the time is framework. It's not gonna be some
magical thing you say, or one liners or two liners,
it's just gonna be frameworks and every call is a little different, every person has a little bit
of a different personality. So the better you get at
reading people and picking up on things and your tone
inflection and how you say things, the better it's gonna go for you, okay? Now this is a older script that I wrote. It's not old in how it's used, but it's older when it was written, right. And you guys can tell like, it's not like the cleanest font,
so you can tell I wrote it. So first thing I say is like,
make sure it's not verbatim. Some of you guys are reading
verbatim off your scripts. I would highly encourage
you not to do that. Because what happens
when you read verbatim is you stop thinking
and you're just reading. You're not actually
listening to what they say. And you can't think
because you're focusing on reading, right? So if someone's talking to
you or you're trying to focus, and you're also reading
doesn't work very well. So the reason I don't like
having a word for word script is I can glance to make
sure like, I'm on point, but I'm still listening
and thinking, right? So that's number one is like,
I highly recommend like this. Don't just read your script. Some of you guys have it
written out word for word, I guarantee you, it hurts
you because when they say something off topic or
they say something off base or they put in something
that's not in your script, you're not able to handle it like you would in a normal conversation, okay? So first thing I do and I'll
role play a little bit as I go. So first thing I do when
I get on a call, I'm like, hey, is this John? Hey John, what's going on? This is Tanner Chidester,
CEO of the EliteCEOs super excited to talk to you today. Before we dive in, tell me
a little bit about yourself? "Oh, you know Tanner,
I do this, I do that." Awesome, man like you got kids, like how's the Packers? You, you like football? "No," okay, I won't
bring up football again. What else do you like to
do or you like to snow? Great, do you ever have
snowball fights with your kids? Cool man, da da, da, da. You're just getting them to like you guys. So when it's building rapport, all you're trying to do
is get them to like you. Okay, when you go and you talk to people, you're meeting new friends, act interested in what
they're interested in. It's simple, don't talk about
what you wanna talk about, talk about what they wanna talk about. That's it simple as that. As soon as I get done with that
five minutes, max, awesome. John is super excited to talk to you. So what I wanna do on this call today? Okay, the right here on this call, my ultimate a goal is just
to give you clarity, right? I don't care if you sign up
or not, I just wanna help. Okay, so what that looks like... And again, notice I'm not
reading this word for word, notice what that looks like, but you guys can watch
and you can see if I like to say the same things, what that looks like as you
figure out what your goal is? What you're struggling with? And then what you need to
do to get to that goal? Does that make sense? And I'll ask a lot of
questions where I say, does that make sense? Are you following me? To make sure they stay
engaged and they're listening. The longer you drone
on the more you speak, the less you're selling. So it's always important
if you're talking a lot. Hey, does that make sense? Got it? Understand? Any questions? Did I confuse you? You okay? You like, you know what I'm saying? You gotta like make sure
that they're listening, okay? Once I say I go so awesome, John. So look by the end of the call, I'm just really looking to make
sure that you're able to do one or two things. First is you love what
you hear you say, yes, we get the ball rolling. Second, would be hey,
this isn't a fit for you. And that's completely okay? I don't want you to feel
like you can't tell me that this isn't a good fit for you. My job is not to force
you to sign up for me. My job is to give you as much
information as I can to try to help you make the best decision that's best for you, okay? And I promise you, as long
as you're honest with me, I will be honest with you
throughout the call and I'll make sure that I do what's best
for you, does that sound fair? "Yeah, it sounds fair." Okay, cool. So by the end of the call, and then you'll notice I reclarify. So by the end of the call,
you feel comfortable that you could give me a yes or no
decision, is that accurate? "Yeah," okay you're 100% sure? And like, I'll kind of
say it like you sure? Like a little bit of a joke because I wanna ask multiple
times until they give me the answer I want. Sometimes I'll be like well, you know, "We'll see how it goes," and
I'm like, what do you mean? He's like, "Well, you
know, I don't really like "to make decision on the call." I'm like yeah, I totally get that. All I'm looking for you to
do is by the end of the call, I wanna make sure I give you
all the information possible so that you feel comfortable telling me, yes, this is a fit or no, it's not. And if you don't feel like you're
able to do this on this call, what I could do is send
you some more homework. And then we could talk after
you've watched that because ultimately John, once I go
through the entire call, you'll have all the information you need. I'm not asking you to
make a decision right now, but I do need you to make a
decision by the end of the call. That's just my process and that's why I see people
give the best results, does that sound fair? Notice how I'm not attacking,
I'm keeping it lighthearted. Sometimes guys, all you have
to say is, "This is my process "I need you to follow that
for X, Y, and Z reason. "Are you able to do that?" If they will not follow your process, they're not gonna pay
you three grand, okay? They're not gonna pay you. Like don't think that if they
ignore you at the beginning, that they're not gonna
ignore you at the end, okay? If people will not
follow your process, bye. Like in a nice way,
like that's my process. I totally respect your decision. But that's what I find
gives people the best chance to be successful. So if you don't feel comfortable, we could reconnect in the future. And I've had people that
are like, "All right, bye." And they hang up, I'm like okay, great. Because I'm not gonna waste my
energy for an hour on someone who's not willing to listen, okay? People have to be in the frame of mine. One of the clients the other
day sent me a sales call and the lady got on was like, "Yeah so like, I totally
forgot, it was this time. "I'm literally going
through a divorce right now. "So I just like wanna
get down to the details. "Like, what's the price?" Like you're not gonna
sell her guys, you're not. She's not even in the right state of mind. So if I ever get any
animosity or aggressiveness, I will try to get them the calm down. I'm like, oh my goodness. I'm so sorry, I can imagine
I haven't had a divorce, but I could tell you got
some crazy girlfriends. I could tell, you're not crazy though. Like try to get her to laugh. And I'll say, you know what? If you'd like, I have this call because at the end of the day, the
price depends on what it is you you're gonna need. The only way I know what
it is you're gonna need is going through the call. So if it's not a good time for you, I can understand you're going through some personal stuff right now. Let's reschedule when you're
through that and get you help then because my process
is having this call. Otherwise, I just
wouldn't waste your time. I promise, like I don't like having these calls for no reason. So, if you're willing to go
through that, let's do it. If not let's reschedule when you can. "No, nope I just wanna do it right now," You know like I said,
I totally understand, but that's my process. If you're not wanting to do that, I think what's best is you know, we
could just hop off this call and I could try to recommend
you to someone else. Like they need to follow
your process, guys, make them follow your process, okay? You're in charge, they need your help, it's not the other way around, okay? When you act desperate,
when you ignore signs, you're wasting your time and energy and remember part of
success for most of you is time allotment. One of the reasons I've grown
so fast and I've gotten big and I've stayed big is I'm very efficient. I'm like a machine, I'm super efficient. So when you guys are like, you know, well maybe I just take
it and see what happens. I mean, if you're practicing, sure, but if you're not and you
got your stuff dialed in or you know hey, if I get a
good look, I'm gonna close. Get off and go message,
get off and go do coaching, get off and do ads. Like don't waste your time, okay? This isn't door to door sales. You don't have to force
it down people's throat. If they give you signs
like that in the beginning, they won't follow your process. They're gonna sign up, I promise you. You're not gonna get somebody who's like, "well this is what I wanna
do, this is how it is. "It's like all right, like
you're not a good fit dude." People don't just say that
because it sounds nice. It's because they genuinely
are not gonna sign up, okay? So then they agree, they're
like, "Yep sounds good." I'm like awesome, cool. So let's go ahead and
dive into the questions and then guys here, just remember there's no specific questions to ask, but the whole point of
asking questions, right? And going back to this here. I'm sorry, where was it? Yeah, like 15 to 30
minutes we ask questions, so if you're watching a timer, you pick up at six by
6:30 you should be done with questions, max. Okay, that's your absolute max. If you're over that a lot of you guys you're way over that, way over. So most of you guys will do this. You guys will spend 35 to
45 minutes of questions. You'll do a 10 minute
presentation, you'll pitch. It's terrible, it's not good, okay? So you want about 30, 15, 10, okay? 30 minutes to question, 15 minute pillars, 10 minutes closed, you
can also go faster, right? But that's if you do an hour, okay? So let me go back to this. So then I just go into like
what I need to know, okay? So John, what's your goal? How much weight do you... And guys, what I do too,
when I ask questions is I'll give examples, Don't just be like, what's your goal? Be like so John, what's your goal? You wanna lose 10 pounds? You wanna gain 20 pounds of muscle? You wanna run faster? What is it you're trying to accomplish? Not only does it sound better, but it gives them options, right? So you're pointing the
direction of the call, you're leading them, right? So like let's say, I want someone to say, I want sign something up for Facebook ads. Hey John, let me ask you a question, if you could take $1
and turn it into four, would you do that or no? What do you think he's gonna say? Yes. I'm asking a question that leads him to the answer I want, a lot of you guys ask questions, but you have no purpose
in asking the question or you don't ask it in a way that gets you the answer you want. Don't ask stuff that you don't
want the answer to, okay? So I'll say John, what's your goal? You wanna lose 20 pounds? Or they're a business
coach, hey, you wanna gain? You wanna make X amount
of revenue, et cetera. This is my goal, got it. Cool, write it down. As soon as I know what the goal
is, I may dig a little bit. If it's a fitness goal,
I may say you know, hey you know, why is
that important to you? Why do you wanna lose that 20 pounds? Maybe get a little bit deeper. But you know, at the end of the day, once you've taken 100 calls, it's kind of all the same stuff, right? So I'll dig a little bit
to get them to say it. But then I move on. If they're overweight,
they have low confidence, they wanna look better, health issues, yada yada, yada, yada. Okay, if someone wants to make
money, I don't need to ask, like, why do you wanna make money? I mean, I can but it's not that powerful, "'cause like I wanna like
have my nice day," well why? Well, "I don't know, like it's
better than bad things," why? You don't have to like dig
and dig and dig and dig once you've got in the answer
you're looking for, okay? So I'll be like, what's your goal? Awesome, okay? What's your biggest
struggle and notice like I have stuff in here, but I
don't always do use everything. My biggest stuff I will use,
I'll say what's your goal? And then I'm like, great. What are you struggling with? I'm struggling with this, got it. So now I know the goal
now I know the struggle. So what's the next logical thing to ask? Well, what have you tried? Why is that important? Everything they say they try, you wanna say the exact opposite? What have you tried before? "I did keto and I hated it." Oh dude yeah, I hate keto, it's the worst. Why didn't you like it
though specifically? "I don't know, I just like
got so tired of eating "meat all the time and stuff." Yeah now, I totally get that, that sucks. So what is it you'd be looking for? Okay, notice that's not on the
script, but it makes sense. So, what is it you'd
like in a perfect world? "Yeah, like honestly, like if I could, "I don't mind eating that way sometimes, "but I really need to
have more options, okay?" So you're really looking for
something that's flexible, is that accurate? "Yeah," okay so, something flexible and notice how I'm saying questions and I'm giving them options,
so would it be clear? Would it make sense if? Am I correct when I assume that? Stuff like that, okay? So any questions so far feel
free to type in the chat. Like I'm just going
down the question, okay? Some of these questions are
obviously B2B versus B2C, but then I usually say okay, cool. Have you ever had a coach before? Like what have you done for programs? Have you ever done any programs? "Yeah, like I did Beachbody, did P90X" Okay cool, why'd you stop doing that? And I wanna hear what
they have to say because all the stuff they tell me, I'm just gonna use it in my
clothes at the end of the call. That's the whole point, guys. You don't ask questions
to just ask questions. You're asking questions so when they bring shit
up or later in the call, you can hit them on
exactly what they said. "So, I didn't really like this. "I did that, it didn't work." Why didn't it work? Why do you think it didn't work? What would it look like
if something did work? Everything they tell you you're just gonna regurgitate
it back to them, okay? If someone comes on a call and says, "I need help with Facebook ads." I'm not gonna talk about sales. All I'm gonna talk about is
Facebook ads because they think that's what they need, right? Give them what they need before you give them what they want, okay? If someone thinks it doesn't matter if you have the best program
ads or if someone thinks that what you're selling
is not what they need. Even if it is, they will not buy, okay? Part of the reason marketing
is out there is because at the end of the day, you could
probably compare, you know, 20 business coaches programs and they all have similar characteristics. Why do people buy someone else's then? Because they either trust that person more or they believe that that
person has a unique strategy they haven't tried, even
though it's probably all relatively similar, right? Just like a fitness program. Every fitness program is
relatively similar, okay? Probably. If I took 20 trainers, I don't think they're gonna do something super freaking unique, but you have to make the client
think you're super unique. That's the whole point, okay? So now I've asked these questions, right? Okay, got it. So John, I think I got everything I need. That makes sense. Are you ready to dive into
what I call the three pillars? Okay, so again guys, like you don't have to ask all this stuff. This is a script outline, this is not. Do you have a process in
place to get customers? What is a normal sales process? Okay go, are you comfortable? Like don't do that. These are questions to just
help you stir your mind. As you start doing sales, you can put in and take out what you have. Me honestly, now that I've
done sales a long time, I'll do the pre-frame. So I do this, okay? I'll get on, I'll do a little rapport. I'll do some pre-frame pretty
much the only questions I'll ask after that is,
I'll say what's your goal. Okay, what are you struggling with? What have you tried then? I'll ask like, you know, if
they're a fitness person, I'll say like, what programs
have you done, et cetera. If they're a business, I'll say, cool. Do you do ads? Have you done any sales before? No, 'cause I wanna know if
they have marketing, right? 'Cause if they're a
marketer, think about it. If someone's ran YouTube or
Facebook ads and I'm like, yeah, we help you with YouTube or Facebook ads. They're like "Yeah, I
already know how to do that." But if someone says, "I run
Facebook ads," I'll be like, oh cool, how do you run them currently? Well, "I run them to a webinar." Well then I go, ding, ding,
they already run a webinar. So if I say I do something different, that's more effective than a webinar. That's gonna help me close a sale. Because remember people wanna know that what you do is unique. That's what people really want guys. No one on this call will pay
for something that they feel they can get somewhere
else for the same price. That's what high ticket is. People will pay higher price if they feel what you're
selling is different, that's it. Otherwise they're not gonna pay. They're not, okay? Tom said, "What is your
best method to figure out "how much money they make if
they can afford the program "on the call do they judge off their job?" Yeah, so I usually judge off their job and I do that before the call Tom. So, you can ask someone like what, what is your occupation? They say lawyer or doctor it's
obviously they have money. If they say something else, I
might look it up and I'll ask, I'll say, hey so I saw in your application that you're a carpenter
with that being said, I love that you're a carpenter, but I know friends that
are also carpenters. And usually sometimes
cash is a little tight is your cash flow tight right now? Or do you feel like you're in a good place to invest into your fitness? You're not gonna offend them. That makes completely logical sense. And then you're gonna get the
inform you're looking for. Okay, a lot of you guys
are just scared to ask for what you need. You don't have to be scared,
like as long as you're nice, you can pretty much say
whatever you want, okay? Right, before someone says
something like racist, half the time they go, well
not to be racist but... And then they say something racist, okay? When someone says not
trying to be rude but, and I say something rude. You can pretty much get
away with whatever you want. As long as you have the right
tonality and you're acting like you care, right. So if I'm like, hey look I'm
not trying to offend you, but I've gotta shoot you straight. You've said this and it
doesn't make sense to me. Why would you say that? They're not gonna get mad,
they're gonna be like, oh well, you know, and then they
start trying to explain. So that's like the biggest
thing with a lot of you is one you pre-frame before the
call is part of it, right? If you get an application
and they say, you know, they're a serving at olive
garden, nothing wrong with that. But I was a server at all guard I only made three grand a month. So I already know like
hey, I might wanna address this before waste an hour of my time. Some of you get on calls
and get discouraged because you're taking calls, you shouldn't take, then some of you don't
take any calls at all. And that makes no sense
either, so there's a balance. You have to look for
patterns when you don't know when you're new, you
should take all the calls. Once you start seeing
patterns, then you go, okay, every time they say
this, I see this happen or they're not a good fit. And then that's how you start
adjusting your questions in your applications, okay? All the stuff we teach you guys. I didn't just pull outta my butt. Like I did it practice
and practice and practice. And then I saw patterns, I was like, oh, maybe I asked this question. Okay, this person I'm not gonna take. And then I just found that balance, okay? So again, just to go
through, I do rapport. I pre-frame, okay? Some people will disagree
with the pre-frame but all you guys should really do it, unless you're a super
experienced sales rep. There's really no reason
not to pre-frame, okay? Also, I know some of you guys
will get advice from Gentry, so, I wanna make sure I don't confuse you. You need to pick one path, okay? Every sales guy you talk
to will have a little bit of a different method, I'm a
little bit more aggressive. Okay, I'm a little bit more
blunt and to the point. Gentry has a little bit more finesse than I do, okay? There's no right or wrong way to do it. Gentry's just very skilled. So what I typically find
in my personal opinion, Gentry may disagree with me, but I feel the less skill you have, the less finesse you can be. You have to be a little bit more direct, a little bit more aggressive
because it's easier in my opinion, right? Just less work, okay? So do rapport pre-frame then
I just ask a couple questions. What's your goal? What are you struggling with? What have you tried? Have you ever had a coach? If it's a B2B, I might ask, have you ever done a
Facebook ads, YouTube ads, any type of marketing? Do you do your own sales calls? Have you done door-to-door
sales, anything like that? Just to see if they have experience right? More sophisticated buyers, if you're a business coach, you're gonna have to talk to
them a little bit different. Everyone else, if you're a fitness coach, you're something you're not having... These are not sophisticated
buyers typically. They don't get pitched a
lot, they're not in business. They're just regular
nine to five job, okay? So ask the questions, great. So now we're to the pillars, okay? And this is what 90%
of you guys miss this. 90% of you pre-frame, ask questions and then you go into the program, but you don't go into the program and how it's gonna be different. You go into basically
hey, here's what you get. You get a customized meal plan. You get this, you get this,
you get this, you get this, you give them this list, no one cares, guys, no one cares. I'm gonna like no one cares. That is the biggest mistake
you make in sales, okay? So what do the three pillars mean? Okay, not to confuse you. And if you guys have something
you're typing type this down as I'm going. So for me, what I do
when I have three pillars and I'll pull up a Word doc here, is there's three main points
to your program, okay? That's what three pillars mean. So if I'm a fitness coach,
here's my three pillars. Eat whatever you want. This is what I have, okay? You might have something different, okay? And I'll go down both so
you guys understand, okay? Sabotaging results, train, however you want without sabotaging results. And then... Sorry. Then who should you hire? Okay, me, in person trainer, Beachbody. Okay, so here's how this looks. And this is where all
you guys make mistakes. And this is why you guys
don't close as many deals 'cause you miss the entire
point of the damn call. The whole point of a
high ticket sales call is to demonstrate why they're
paying you more money, okay? It is not to demonstrate how
you can get them results. No, shit. It is to demonstrate
why they should pay you 3Gs instead of paying 300 okay? And a lot of you guys miss that, okay? So, this is where you get the
inferior awesome, so John, you ready to go into kind of what I call the three pillars? Cool, okay. So the first pillar is learning
how to eat whatever you want without sabotaging as results. And then I do what I call you. You just do compare and
contrast, that's it. It's not hard, okay? So what does that mean? I do compare and contrast. So I'll give you an example. So John, let ask you a question. If you had to eat chicken, rice and broccoli for
the rest of your life, and you knew you would
100% lose 20 pounds, would you do it? "No, I wouldn't do it." Well, why not? So if you 100% were gonna hit your goal why wouldn't you do that? "I mean, it's too hard, it's not fun." Right, so it's not about losing the weight. is about how you lose the weight, right? Because we already know
how to lose weight. If you starve yourself, that'll work. If you eat chicken and broccoli
every day that'll work. But that's not what you're looking for. What you're looking for is
how to eat whatever you want without sabotaging results. So you wanna have cake,
you wanna eat ice cream. Do you wanna have pizza? Because as far as I know,
you correct if I'm wrong and look how I'm asking these questions and keep okay, correct me if
I'm wrong, I may not be right. I'm not an expert, maybe
I'm wrong, you let me know. Which gives them control
as if they feel like they're in charge of the call. But I'm basically, I'm telling
them how it is, but I'm like, but you know, let me
know if I'm wrong, okay? It's like a little kid. Do you wanna wear red or pink? "Pink," I mean, you could wear
that, but I mean the red, oh man, the red really goes
good with your sneakers. Oh, okay I'll wear red. That's all I'm doing guys,
it's just persuasion. I let them think it's their decision, but I'm guiding them exactly
where I want them to go. My hand is on their hip the entire time. And I'm like, yeah, yeah. All the way to the clothes, okay? So everything I do is calculated and I have intention behind it. I'm not just saying shit just to say shit. If they think that you're just gonna give them a regular program that
does all the same as John down the street, they're not
gonna pay you three grand. Sorry, they're not. They're not gonna pay you four grand or five or six or seven, okay? Unless they have a
crush on you, that's it. That's the only exception. So I go... So look, the goal John is,
you know, you're gonna eat donuts and cake on your birthday and you're gonna drink alcohol, right? Okay, cool. So what I teach and what I
train on is how you can eat those foods and still get
results because we already know you can get results doing
something's super restrictive. That's not impressive, what's
impressive is the people who have six packs who still eat donuts, have cake and drink alcohol. That's where I wanna get you. That's what you're actually looking for. Does that make sense? Do you agree with that? :Yeah, I do." Okay, so that's the first thing. That's what makes me different
is I'm gonna teach you how to do this without sabotaging results. That's key, this is 90% of results. John, does that make sense? So now he's like understanding, like, this is how Tanner's different. This is why I am on this call. Most of you guys in this
part, you're like, yeah so you get a custom diet and
like I'm super experienced. Like I'm super ripped and
you know, you get to text me. They don't care guys, no one
cares about deliverables. No one cares. You should talk about your
program for two minutes, the entire call, that's it. Seriously, zero. Like it doesn't matter, okay? So then I go the next thing. So John, pillar number two
is how to train however you want without sabotaging results. So look, the average person or trainer, they're gonna put you in
the gym five days a week, two hours of cardio
and you'll get results. But how long do you think that
you could keep working out two hours every day
with the hour of cardio? Do you think that's realistic? "Probably not." Right, so again if you knew that you could lose 20 pounds guaranteed, but you had to run a marathon every day, why wouldn't you do it? "It's too hard, you
don't have enough time. "You don't have a life." Right, why do we want to train two hours, three hours every single day, we don't. The goal John, is how can
you get maximum results with minimal effort, why? Because as you get older, as
you have kids, as you move, as you go on vacation, we don't wanna have to
do a super rigorous plan to keep you in shape. The goal should be how do you
do as little as possible while getting maximum results, right? So what I do is you can literally choose how much to train per week and
I will make it work for you. And the other reason that works is again, 90% of your results come from nutrition, it's not the gym, everyone
tries to sell you on the gym, but that's not the truth, John. So yes, will you be more
healthy if you go longer? Absolutely. Should you try to go every day if you can? Absolutely. Do you have to get results? Absolutely not. So you could go to the
gym six days a week, John. But what I wanna do is get you in the gym one, two, three, max days per week, doing it the way you want
and still getting results. Because end of the day, if you go and start doing
Beachbody and P90X and crossFit, do you think you could do
crossFit when you're 75 John? Do you think you're
gonna be doing, you know, barbells over your head
and throwing stuff? Probably not. So the goal is to teach
you how this works. So as you mature and you age, you know how to adjust
the programs on your own. The reason people quit programs is 'cause they can't do it forever. So why would you start a program that you can't do till you're 75? Does that make sense? "Yeah, it makes sense." Okay, cool. So the first thing is, learn
how to eat whatever you want without sabotage results. Then the second thing
is, learn how to train however you want without sabotage results. You follow me so far, John? "Yeah." Do you guys, do you guys see
like none of you guys do this. Like none of you guys do this. At least the calls I've
heard, none of you do this. So it makes your call so freaking weak. It's just, it's weak
because you're not hitting on what you're doing, that's different. And I'm not notice I'm not
talking about the program. Did I say how many
jumping jacks he has to do or what he has to eat or what
Jimmy's going to or how... I haven't said any of that. All I'm selling him on is
my theory, my points, okay? Matt, we'll do that that at
the end with the objection. It's a smoke screen. They're full of shit by the
way, so we'll get to that. So that's where I'm at so far. Now I have to bring the point home. So they're like yeah, that sounds great. But no shit, it's like, of course I want it to be sustainable. So, this is where you
guys don't understand. Like they're looking at different options, why should they hire you, right? So someone's like well, why
should I hire you, Tanner? There's six other business
coaches who offer me the same thing for less price. Well, what if I'm like oh, well you know, like mine's better. It's not gonna convince anyone, right? So then I go, so look now, John, you understand those principles you agreed with it, great. So now it comes down to how
are you gonna get results? Okay, so the first one is you can hire an in person trainer. And this is literally what I
say, and keep in mind guys, I can switch this to fit
any situation I want, there's pros and cons to everything, okay? So if someone like let's say
someone was like choosing between me and another coach. If it was me, I'd be like, well look, did you hire this other coach? But they haven't done eight figures and they don't have a big company. Which probably means if they're not big, what makes you think they
can get your company big? 'Cause everyone's selfish, right? So people will only do what
they can do for themselves. So if he can't do it for himself, what makes you think he
can do it for you, right? But let's say I'm the small guy. You turn the AC by the way. Let's say I'm the small guy. I'd be like dude, look you know, Tanner's done eight figure,
but let's be honest. You're not even gonna talk to Tanner. And on top of that like
how good of a service are you gonna get? They're a huge company. So you could work with him, I get it. He's bigger, but guess what? Like you know, I only
have three clients, bro. I can give you all the time in the world. I literally just changed my positioning. It's the same situation. I just changed my position, that's it. So whatever your positioning
is, use it to your advantage. So if I'm a online fitness trainer, okay? I can literally just say, okay, look so you could get
an in-person trainer, but what's the issue with that? Well, first they don't really
want you to get results. Why do I say that now? They probably care about you,
but at the end of the day how do they get paid? They get paid when you show up, what happens if you stop showing up? They don't get paid. Not only that it's
illegal for them to work on your nutrition. But we said earlier, John, that 90% results comes
from nutrition, right? So why would you pace an in-person trainer who doesn't actually
want you to get results? 'Cause that's how they get their check and focus on something
that doesn't get you most of your results, it's 10%. Why don't you focus on the 90%? Does that make sense, John? Do you follow? "Yeah, I follow." Okay, cool. Do you have any questions? Notice how guys the whole time
I'm asking, do you follow? Do you understand? Does that make sense? They have to understand to buy, okay? These people are not experts,
treat them as such, okay? So then I'm like okay, so
here's your next option? You can do Beachbody now, and
guys be honest on the calls. Be like, here's the pros, here's the cons. It makes you sound more truthful. So look, here's the good
thing about Beachbody super cheap John, love it. Super cheap, everyone can afford it. Here's the downside. It's cookie cutter means
they send the same thing to every person on
earth, so think about it. If Georgie is 45 and has two
kids and 30 pounds overweight and Emily is 26, a 100 pounds overweight, why are they doing the same programs? Why do you think they quit? Because they pick a
program that is too hard that they can't stick to. Sure you'll get great
results in the first 30 days. But think about, they make
it hard enough that people will get extreme results,
but they can't stick with it. So they lose a bunch of
weight in the first 30 days. And then they rebound because
they can't do it forever. Think about it. Could you go on four hours of
sleep the rest of your life? No, but you could do it for a month. Couldn't you? That's what Beachbody does or
whatever program you're like, and it's not hating on Beachbody. They're doing the best they
can with the situation. But the reason the product is
cheap is it's not customized. And if it's not customized,
you're not gonna stick with it. So if you're not gonna stick with it, why would you start something
that you can't stick with in the first place? You want long term results right, John? Right okay, so that leads
us to the final thing. So why do people hire me, John? Well, not only am I gonna
teach you how to eat and train however you want
without sabotaging results, but I'm gonna show you how to do this. You never have to hire
someone ever again because here's the thing. If you keep hiring in-person trainers, you keep buying Beachbody. It's only gonna work until
it doesn't doesn't work. And then you have to buy
a new one and a new one and a new one, and guess what? If you learn how to do this
once for the rest of your life and how it scientifically
works and how you can continue to adjust on your own when
I'm gone or you stop deciding to pay me, you'll still
get results, right? Think of getting a college
degree that you can use for the rest of your life versus you have to go Google something
every single of time, you have a question. The person who has the degree
in the long run probably will save money versus the
person who has to constantly go Google stuff has to constantly pay someone every time they have a question. Think of a mechanic who
knows how to fix a car or someone who has to pay a mechanic. Who's gonna save money over the long haul? "Well, the mechanic will," right John. So those are the three pillars. Learning how to eat, whatever you want without sabotaging... Knows how I keep going over it. Like I'm drilling this shit in their head, 'cause this is where
the call is sold guys, the three pillars is
where the call is sold. If you don't convince them
in these three pillars, you're screwed, you're not
selling a lot of people. You're not. This is how I cruise
60% to my fitness calls, 60 to 70% of my calls. if I got them on the phone, 60 to 70% gave me something
doesn't mean I got paid in full doesn't mean they were all to pays, but I got something because
they could not argue with me. Like, they agree with
everything I'm saying. They're like yeah, it makes sense. Like yeah, 100% I follow. And then I hit on this. So, and then it's who you should hire. You could hire me. You could hire in-person trainer. But the issue is they don't
focus on the 90% of results or you could do Beachbody. But the issue with that is
it's so hard that after 30 days you're not gonna stick with it anyways. It's not sustainable. So those are the three pillars,
does that make sense, John? Do you have any questions before
I move forward in the call? Nope, that makes sense. I do the exact same thing
with business coaching. Okay, if you come on the script, these are our main things. Guys first thing you gotta
package and craft an offer to assure you don't become a commodity and I'll start giving examples, right? Like that's why you
guys have issues selling because you guys are doing
this thing right here. That's what you guys are doing. That's why you guys can't
sell as much because you're just like yeah, like
my program's really good. And like it gets you
results and it's customized and here's this shit you get in it. Bullet point, bullet point, bullet point, you wanna buy? No, they don't. Okay, same thing. I'm like no, you have to
create an automatic asset. You have to make sure
that you consistently can drive leads into your business. Then I give them an example, right? Then a lot of times I go into relying on the wrong business
coach look, you can hire, you can hire Rob or John but guess what? John hasn't done it. Why would you wanna hire him? You're gonna hire John, just 'cause he is cheaper, right? What's the other thing? They haven't even gone to
the level you want to get to and guess what? They don't even have it anymore. If their business was so successful, why would they shut it down, right? Like there's a million
different ways you can go. But it's trying to get
someone to understand what it is that you do different and to assert your
authority, that's it, okay? So then I say, do you have
questions this and then I go, okay, cool. So next let me go into
the program briefly. Guys, I'm talking two minutes,
two minutes, two minutes. You guys are like some of your calls guys. I lose my mind, it's like
15 minutes of telling them what in the program, who cares? Okay, so you're like, cool. So here's how the program works. You get six group calls week. And this is just an example. So like let's say I'm a
business coach in this example got six group calls week Monday's mindset. Tuesday's copywriting. Wednesday's messaging, Thursday is sales. Friday is leadership and Saturday is around Robin with Tanner, okay? All the coaches are specialty coaches. You can get special help. You also have a private one
to one coach that you can DM and get on Zoom calls as needed. Plus we have a membership site and we have live events, okay? All of that's included top of the line. These guys are experts, they
very good at what they do. And you will have the utmost
support as you go through the program. Do you have any questions about that? That is literally all I say
that was like 60 seconds. That's it, don't say anything
else, they don't care. They're not listening,
you're just hurting yourself. You're not gonna make a sale, it's stupid. Makes no sense to talk
about it anymore than that. They don't not care,
they do not care, okay? Let me say it one more
time, they do not care. They don't care, they don't care, they don't care, they don't care. Just like drill that down in your head. If you talk about what's in your program for more than two minutes,
you're missing the point. This up here is where the call is sold. The three pillars, okay? Wherever that is, sorry. I lost my place. These are the three pillars,
this is what people care about. They do not care about the other stuff, they don't, they don't. Sorry, they don't care. No one cares, if I came to you and said, hey, I can make you a
millionaire in 30 days, you don't give a shit how you
get there, you don't care, you don't, you just wanna get the result. That's how every human
being is wired, okay? When I wanted to become a millionaire, I told someone I would lick the floor. If I thought, if they told me to. I literally would, I would've done it. I would've licked the floor of my tongue. That's how bad I wanted
to be a millionaire. I wanted it that bad,
they're the same way guys. They don't care, so I go into that. Any questions? Nope. Great. This point I'm wrapping
up calls, almost done. Okay, look at it we're
45 in, I'm wrapping up. Here we go, so I'm going into my pitch. So then I go, so last thing I wanna do is set expectations, okay? So, I call this the Michael Jordan
versus fifth grader analogy, I say this on call , this is what I do. So look, if I'm the best basketball coach in the world, Phil Jackson, and you can use whatever
analogy you guys want. This is what I like to use. Michael Jordan's the best player on earth and then I have a fifth grader, who's gonna get better results? If I teach them everything, I know both get the equal
amount of information. Well, Michael Jordan, right? Michael Jordan. So why do I bring that up? Because at the end of the day, I will teach you everything I know, but the results could vary
based off your effort, your performance, your
knowledge in the past, how hard you're gonna work. If you do everything I tell
you to do it will work, but you have to commit to
doing it and understand that if you're closer
to a fifth grade level, meaning you're just starting
your fitness journey, do not compare yourself to Michael Jordan. That doesn't make any sense, right? So I wanna make sure
that's super clear, okay? Then the next thing is just when you come in I wanna make sure
you understand what happened, you sign up, we do your onboarding, you get your customization. I send everything out. We start having weekly communication. And then we start going
from there or whatever you wanna say when I was
doing business coaching, I was like the first, the
second thing is, I want you to understand you're
gonna pay a lot of money, why am I telling you that? Because look, do you really think I can teach you how to
make $100,000 a month and it's gonna be cheap? That doesn't even make sense. It's gonna be expensive
because what I'm teaching, takes a lot of work and
effort and I will help you. But I have to give you
a lot of my time, okay? If it didn't cost a lot, I
hope you would be concerned. So, I'm like getting them ready. I'm like this shit is expensive. You guys could try that out,
if you want you could say, hey, so the first thing I let you know is this is gonna be expensive. And I don't say that I'll
get you to hang up on me, but I want you to know
what I'm gonna teach you it took a lot of trial and
error and effort on my part. And I'm gonna give you my 100% effort. And if I'm gonna give you my 100% effort, it's gonna cost a lot of money because I can't be working with
other clients, okay? You can use that or cannot
use that, it's up to you. I'm not saying you have to, but I do have an expectation section, okay? I at least do this. Then after that I'm like, cool. Then the next step is
we're gonna get money for ads using organic. And then after that we're
gonna set up your systems and we're gonna turn that baby on. Does that make sense? And they're like, so now they like, they understand the pillars. They understand how the
program's gonna work. And I didn't tell them hardly
anything about the program. I didn't tell them how
many calls they get. I didn't really go into the specifics. I was like, you get this, this and this. And that's what you get. And da, da, da, but that's
not why they signed up. They're gonna sign up
because they think up here, this is what makes me different. Everyone they talk to gives
them a custom meal plan or a custom business. Like everyone does the same, guys. That's not different. You saying that you're super experienced does not make you different? You telling them how many
certificates you have, does not make you different? It doesn't, okay? So then I go into the clubs right now there's a million
different ways to do this. Different sales advisors
will give you different ways to do it. But I like doing it
this way because I feel it's the best for beginners. Most of you guys are
still beginners, okay? Most of you guys are not
doing so much revenue that you're just kind of like whatever. And you have sales teams and stuff. Most of you guys are still
taking your own calls, okay? So when this happens I usually
like to do a price drop, why? It anchors the price and it helps force them into a decision, right? If you're not a super skilled sells rep or you don't have a lot of experience, it's easier to make it
logical in my opinion, okay? So what I do is I'm like, cool. So next thing, just
getting the nitty gritty and the details ready, awesome. When you drop the price, do
not go on and on and on and on. Shut up. Some of you guys keep talking
after you drop the price and just makes you look unconfident. So the price is this. And the reason the price is
this is this and this and this and that and that and
that and that and that, and that and that, and
this and this and this. What do you think? Shut up, say the price. Be quiet, okay? Sound confident. So I go in, I go so look,
the price of the program is typically four months
or 16 weeks, okay? Price of program is typically three months to 12 weeks, okay? Awesome, now at the end of the program, and you can say this, if you want, again, this is an example. You don't have to do
this, but I'd be like now at the end of the program,
three things will happen. We can give you extra time if you need it, you can
pay for a continuation fee or you can upgrade and
move on to the next phase. Or you know, you can obviously
go your separate way. You have everything you need to know. My job is to make sure by
the end of this program, that you have all the information and to go out and do things
on your own if needed, right. People don't continue with me because they don't know what to do. They continue with me 'cause
they get amazing results and they love having the accountability. Does that make sense? Yep, great. Not only does that strengthen yourself. But it makes it so like when
people get to your resigns, it's like you're already
setting the frame of mind for them to resign in the future, okay? And then for most of
you all do two options. If you have a team this may
change, but I'm like, okay, so look, option one, the standalone price. The standalone price is $6,000 okay? Now, where are they at guys? Okay, so in this scenario,
here's what I like as a close this is one version of it, okay? And this is also why I say it's a script, but here's like what I would
say in most of your positions. I say so look, the price of
program is typically $6,000. Now the reason it's 6,000
or I'd say usually typically the price of program to
work with me is $6,000. Now the reason that's $6,000,
I'm the CEO, I'm super busy, there's a lot of stuff I need to do, okay? The second option is you can
work with one of my coaches and as long as you can put down a minimum deposit today, okay? I like saying this because
it anchors it, right? I can give you 50% off, and it's $3,000. Now it's the exact same program. You get everything I said
above the only difference is you're working with my
team instead of me, right? Now, I will still be involved,
I'll see what's going on. But your daily communication
will be with that coach. And so that saves me the
time 'cause I cannot work with everyone, okay? So that being said, which
option sounds better for you. Okay, if you don't wanna do two options, you just say awesome. So the price of the program is
simply four months, 16 weeks, it's $10,000 shut up, shut up, okay? Unless you're giving them
two different prices. There's no reason to speak
after saying the price, okay? So then they come down here, okay? And this is all you do, you just agree. You take them back to paying you go back to the close. So they get down here and
they're like, awesome, sounds good you know,
I'll make a decision. I'll move on this next month. I'll be like, wait John, you
wanna move on this next month? You just told me... And remember all the
questions I asked back up here in the beginning of the call. Well wait, you just told me
like this was super important to you in that you couldn't
wait any longer to do it. Why would you wanna start in a month? "Well, you know, like I just
wanna look at all my options "and stuff like that." No, John mean I totally get it. I mean, that's why you're on this call. Let me ask you this though. What's concerning you the
most about the program 'cause you seem super excited and then as soon as I drop the price, you didn't seem very excited anymore. What's the issue? What are you thinking? Like it's not hard to tell
guys, if you say something, it is pretty easy to tell
like, if they shit their pants, if the price was too high or you know, I need to think about it. It's like figure out what
the hell the actual issue is. Ask them right? If a girl says that she has a boyfriend, does she really have a boyfriend? And she's just trying to get rid of me. I'll be like, oh, I'll really
be like, I'll say like, oh, do you actually have a boyfriend? You're just trying to get rid of me. And she'll be like wo, wo, Well, like just ask. So let's say they do that. I'm like okay, well
what's the actual issue. "Well, you know, I just
want to think about it." No, I totally understand. I mean, John, look the whole
reason you're on this call is you've been thinking about it. You've been thinking
about it for two months. Notice how I throw in
a little bit of humor. Like keep it light, keep it fun. So, usually when I hear that, John, it's not that you need
to think about it more it's that you're undecided based off a couple different factors. So let me ask you what
what's making you pause and John, just to
reassure you, like I said, if you don't wanna sign up, we can hang up right now
and you can be on your way, but I'm trying to genuinely help you. I know this program
could change your life. I've done this a 100 times, so I'm just trying to figure
out what is holding you back? What is scaring? You notice my tonality? I'm confident, I'm calm, I'm clear, I'm genuinely
acting like I give a shit like guys acting like
you actually give a shit goes a far away, okay? And like the way you start giving a shit is actually just start giving
a shit about people, okay? When you see results in people's lives, it gives you conviction. The reason I'm convicted
and I get pissy sometimes is because I've been where
all you guys have been. So when people give me a
bunch of bullshit excuses, I'm like bro, that's not
true because I've been there. So I'm convicted. So I don't mind telling
people what they need to hear because I'm like, that's not true, I've been where you're at, right? Oh, I don't have the money, but so what? I don't have the money either. Well, it's hard, yeah, so what? Of course it's hard, right? You don't have to buy into their bullshit, it's bullshit right? So I'll just say that, I'm like what? What's the real reason, man? What's going on? "Well you know, it's really the price." What do you mean by that? "Well I mean, it's just really expensive." Yeah John, I totally get it. I totally get it's expensive. But remember you said
earlier in the call, X, Y, Z, A, B, C, right? So let me ask you this, if
this could fix your problem, would it be worth it to you? 'Cause if it can't, obviously it's not worth it. If this could fix your
problem, would it be worth it? Well, I mean, yeah, but okay? But you're still worried
about price, right? And now, because it's been two times, I'm gonna go and I'm gonna
push him into a corner, okay? John, let me ask you this. Is there any other reason
you wouldn't sign up today other than price? No, okay? So just to be clear, if we're
able to figure the price out, you're you'll sign up, is that accurate? Like I'm getting them to say yes before they've even said yes. So he's like, "Yeah I'll sign up." Okay, cool. Let me ask you this, John, what's the most that you
could afford to do without taking advantage of the situation? So, you know, the price of the program is at least three grand. What's the most you can
afford to do without taking advantage of the situation. Meaning taking advantage of me 'cause I'm trying to help you. "Well you know, I could
probably do like 500 a month." Okay, 500 a month? All right, I'll tell you what
John, if you do two things, I'll do 500 a month. One, you work really hard. All I ask is that you do everything I say and you give your best effort. Can you agree to that? Yes, two, you don't tell anyone that I give you a discount, why? 'Cause obviously it's gonna
piss them off if they didn't get the same discount as you, is that fair? Awesome, what's your credit card? Is the same shit every time, whatever objection they
give you, you disagree. You try to find the actual issue. Once you think you found the
actual issue, then you say, is there any other reason? Is there anything else
why you wouldn't sign up? And then once they say
no, they are in a corner, they have to now sign up or
they have to become a liar. That's it. And then every time that it gets tense, or it gets aggressive or I
feel them like pulling away or getting mad, I just
say hey John, look man, I'm not trying to make you
upset, I'm just trying to help. The reason I'm being honest
with you is 'cause I want you to get to where you want to be. But look a lot of people
probably wouldn't tell you the truth, John. They'll probably tell you that
you really don't have to do this or that, you know what? Because you can't afford it. It's too expensive. You could just hang up and
move on with your life. But we both know that you've
been stuck for long enough. And if you hang up and
you don't take action, you're gonna continue to not take action. That's just the truth,
and don't and if you try don't lie to yourself and say, you're gonna do something else 'cause if you would've done it
before this call already you're on this call 'cause you need help. Not because you wanna be here. I'm good at what I do
John, I can help you, but you have to meet me
halfway, but I'll tell you what? If you can meet me halfway, then I can drop that price down there. But you have to meet me
halfway, sound fair enough? I mean that that's all it is guys. That's all closing is,
but I will tell you guys the number one thing that screws you guys is not the clothes and
the objection handling. It's the three pillars. I can't even tell you
how many calls I hear. It's just completely skipped over. It's it's not even mentioned,
it's an afterthought. It doesn't even get brought up. I'm like, what the hell
are you talking about on the whole damn call for? You guys are better off
sending a payment link and getting them to pay in
a messenger than you are. If you're not gonna bring this up because remember high ticket, the whole point of high
ticket is why they are paying excessive amounts of money to you. Why should I pay you an
excessive premium price versus doing this? And if you cannot demonstrate
that they're not gonna pay it. Why should I pay for a
Lamborghini that has the same gas mileage or looks exactly
the same as a damn Mazda? It makes no sense. Why would you pay for that? Oh yeah, this Mazda's like way better. It's 500 Gs, why is it better? Well, like it goes fast and it has a break and it has wheels. That's what most of you guys sound like. It's like, so it's a fucking car. That's my presentation, do
you guys have questions? You guys should be able to unmute, I think if you wanna talk, does anyone like have questions or like, does anyone not understand something or does anyone want clarification? - I got a question, when it comes to like the deposit, like say you do so mine
obviously is a fitness offer. I've never done. You know, if you pay in
full it's whatever, say 2000 but if you pay in like
two payments, 2,500. - Yeah, and guys that's real quick, Tom, that's another way to close. You guys could also say, hey, so look, typically the
price of the program is four months for 16 weeks. If you pay up front it's 2000 if you pay installments, it's 2,600 and that can like get
people doing they're like... Or like the other way to do
is you don't say anything. And sometimes you'll be like, so the price of the program is $2,000. Like cool, do you have payment plans? And I'll say, well,
most clients pay front. Is that gonna work for you? And sometimes they'll pay
just because you told him there wasn't another option or
you said most people do that. Does that work for you? I could only say there's
a payment plan, right? So just that that's another
way to close as well. There's a million ways to do it. Guys the best thing I can tell
you is just sound convicted in what you're saying and
actually care about people. If you do both those
things, you'll make sales. Go ahead Tom with your question. - Yeah, so my question is like before, when you're talking about, if
you like the pricing you had, whatever it was, when it
comes to the deposit, like, obviously I know at the end of the call, you wanna at least get something to show that they're committed, right? But like, do you always aim
for like a certain percentage of like your package price
that you want to try and smash? If they're gonna just do a deposit, like, should there be numbers that
you always aim for to hit? Like obviously you wanna maximize you obviously you wanna
get paid in full, right? But like say if like they
really they're tight on cash and blah, blah, is there
a certain percentage you always aim for? - Well, so to me a deposit is like, they're not gonna start
yet, is that what you mean? Or do you just mean like in general, like just get as much as you can? - Like get as much as you can like say, I had a client who could
only start paying like a month later or something like that. So I said, okay, we'll get it. You know, let's do a deposit now until you start or whatever. - Okay so, I mean the
goal is to always get as much as you can. Obviously the bare
minimum that I would do. Like if it's a fit, it's usually 10%. So if like I'm doing a fitness offer, the lowest I would ever
go was like 250 bucks. If it's a business offer,
the lowest will go is like, I mean, we really shoot for
10% because the other thing is if you get a deposit
that's less than 10%. Typically they're not that serious, right? Because it like, unless
they've been saving money the whole time, it's like, if I get a business deposit, let's say it's a $10,000 program and they put town 100 bucks, way more likely they don't come back or ask for refund than 1000. 1000 is just way more commitment. So there's that then the second
thing I do is I'll typically I will typically try to get
them to start the program or I will be like, you know, I get a set date when they're gonna start. So I'm like, so look, you said
you can't start for a month. What day can you start specifically? Like the first, the second. Okay, cool. So what I'm gonna do is I'm
gonna set up your payment to go on the second and
we'll go ahead and like, get you started now, I'll give you a couple weeks
for free and then time hits. It's gonna start, does that
sound fair or whatever? Like, I wanna start them as
quickly as possible because the longer it goes, the more time they have to
think about it and back out. Right, so for you to if that happens, I would definitely get the start date. So you can lock in the payments 100%. Don't just be like, oh cool. You start in a month, all right. We'll just stay in touch till then. It's like nah dude, like what's
what day are we starting? - Yeah, that makes sense. Thanks man. - Yeah. So, that's what I would do. And then the other thing
is if they're like, I can't start for a
month, if you can be like, well look like we'll go ahead. I'll go ahead and start you in two weeks and give you two weeks for free. And then that first
payment will kick in then. 'Cause like, I wanna
just get that commitment and get them moving, right, We've even had times where
someone's like, well, I can't start for a month. We're like, cool we'll just
give you this month for free. You don't get any one to one coaching, but you'll get all the portal access and then we'll kick in
your time next month, how's that sound? Because we're trying to
take away any BS objections, we're just like yeah, no worries. We'll just go ahead and start you, okay? Anyone else? (coughs) Excuse me. No. Going once. Questions, questions going twice. Okay, so just to finalize this guys, whether you're selling
business or fitness, it like, that's a very easy framework to follow. Okay, and it works, like obviously and the funny thing, is the more once I started
getting on calls and I was truly in the intent to help people
and not waste time and not do a bunch of like mumbo jumbo, lingo and all this bullshit they
teach, like my calls went faster. They were more efficient and
they sounded more genuine. I made more money. Like I would even, and like
the irony as you make money, you're gonna care less anyway. So it automatically, it
actually helps you, right? The hardest time is when you're broke, because that's when you
can sound desperate. But if you get on the call and
you're like, you know what? I'm just gonna like, go through this call, genuinely try to help this
person explain why I'm better than everyone else, it's
really easy to close. But most of you guys
you're missing the point. You guys think it's like
some special language or well, how much can I add in my program? Like, they don't really give a shit. They really don't, right? Now, if you're a business
coach that stuff can come more into play with sophisticated buyers, sophisticated just means like, they've been around the block, they've been on sales calls, et cetera. But for fitness, all you
gotta do is demonstrate why you're so much more expensive. And if you follow those
three pillars, I did, it's super easy. Business is the same
way they're like well, why should I hire you, Tanner? You charge 10 or 12 this guy charges six. I'm like, well, I mean, that
guy makes $10,000 a month. And then I'm like, I'll just like, wait to see their reaction. I'm like so, I mean, you kind of give what you pay for man. So do you want someone who's
built an eight figure company? Or do you want someone who's built a $10,000 a month business? I mean, you tell me? Like that's not... It's not hard to get them to
see the value, it's like yeah. I mean, you could definitely
do that, but it's not gonna get you where you want to go right, or I tell, try to find
other things, right? So that's why like, if I
could go to someone and say, hey look, you can pay as you make money. That sets me apart. Or if I say hey, you ran
this webinar, it didn't work, what if I show you something called convergent conversations, that'll double your application right, would that help you? That sets me apart. So, it's looking for, there's really... You're really to set yourself
apart and charge more guys. It's what's unique about you,
so unique mechanisms, right? So in fitness, it's how
to eat whatever you want, train however you want and
who they should hire, right? And then in business, it's the same thing. Do you do lead gen different? Do you do ads different? Can you do performance based work? Is it done for you? Like whatever, like we did
this the other day, okay? Just the other day. Ben did a launch for Elite 360. What was his whole pitch to you guys? Hey, you guys, I have
all this set up already, but you should do ours
'cause it's cheaper. So, that's the only time in history we've ever sold a cheap
product, but it's automation. So you guys are like oh, so
like it does the same stuff, but it does it better and it's cheaper, yeah okay, I'll buy
that, that makes sense. But what if we did the opposite? What if we came to you guys and said, hey, this is 10 times more expensive, but you're gonna get 10 times more sales. So who gives a shit? It's the same thing. All people are looking for is
for you to give them a reason to pay you more money. But if you can't give them that reason, they're not gonna do it, right? Like if I go to Grant
Cardone and he is like, hey, it's $50,000 for an hour phone call. And I'm like well, I don't know. He's like I might, this guy's cheaper. He's like, all right, well yeah, the guys doesn't make as much
money as me, so go for it. So, it gives me that
logical reason of like, why should I have to pay
an exorbitant amount? So hopefully that makes sense to you guys. The biggest thing that I see
is like the three pillars. So you get on the call
rapport, blah, blah, blah, shoot the shit, then you set the expectation. Hey, so by the end of the
call, this is like the goal. This is what I want you to do. Do you feel comfortable with that? Does that make sense? Let them know how the call's going down. Like it's like if you ask a girl on a date and you do something, she's not expecting, she's gonna get mad, right? If you tell someone
you're gonna go out to eat and then you take them over to your house. That's probably not gonna go well for you. That's how people get on sales calls. They just wanna know what
they're getting themselves into. So tell them hey, this
is how it's gonna go. You cool with that? "Nope," bye, see you. Next, right? It's just like dating guys. Like this is business
is so similar to dating and that's why I think it's funny. It's the same thing, okay so you do that. Then you ask the questions
after you ask the questions hit the three pillars, all
three pillars stands for is like what is unique about you and your program? And guys, if they're not good,
they're not gonna buy either. It has to make sense,
the whole reason I did eat whatever you want, train however you want and
who you should hire is because that made the most damn sense because that's what every
fitness person wants. They want to eat like shit
and they wanna look good. So tell them they can eat
like and they can look good. As long as it's within
while being ethical. And that's true guys,
I've been eating like absolute dog shit. Do I have 6% body fat, like Rob? No, but I'm sitting there
like 10% I look fine. Most of these clients don't
wanna look like Rob anyways or George's picture like
they're shredded as fuck, they don't care. Like bro, you wanna get to 15%
and eat pizza, is that hard? That's like so easy to
do, you're not lying. You're not like telling people... Like some people like that's a lie, it's like bro, 15% body fat eating pizza? That's not a hard, like that's easy. So you hit on that. And then once they get to the end, anything they say you're like, yeah. But look, the whole
reason is more expensive. Or the whole reason this
is better is because as of what I said earlier,
remember, oh yeah. Oh yeah, that does make sense. All people are looking to
do is for you to justify why it's better. The reason most you guys struggle is you're like pre-frame questions. And then you're like, so what's included in my program
is da, da, da, da, da, da, hey, it's $4,000 do you want it? And they're like, like, "No." And you're like, why not? And they're like, "Well, the
other guy has a save stuff." You're like no, he doesn't. No, he doesn't, and you're like, yeah, you just listed out all
the same shit he did. It's not about what you
give in the deliverables. It's about the process, what
is different in your process that's gonna be different for them to give them a different result, right? So, the best way to do that is think about all the shit people bitch about and then do the exact opposite, right? That's why we're trying to
build new divisions in EliteCEOs Done For You Ads, Done For
You Messaging, Elite 360, we're looking for weaknesses or things people complain about. And then we're trying to
address it with solutions. That's it? And then it's easy, it's like, why would you pay for Elite 360? If it's 10 times cheaper and it does all the same stuff better. Why would you pay for Done For You Ads? Well, you don't know how to
run your own ads very well? We'll do it for you. Well, why should I pay you for a closer, well, you suck it closer. So like, we'll teach
someone to close for you. Why should I pay you more money and not this business coach? Well I mean, I've been in
the industry four years, I've done more money and
I've gotten better results. It doesn't even, it
just has to be logical. It just has to make sense. So people can justify sub
part of sales is emotional. But the other part is pure logic guys, I don't care how emotional you push. If you can't bring little
bit of logic into it, it's really hard to become a good, closer, 'cause there's a lot
more in my experience. There's a lot more logic involved than people give credit for,
it's not just purely emotional. So hopefully that's helpful for you guys. I'll see if I can get this
like loaded up into the portal and yeah I mean just please
hit on the three pillars. Don't go through calls and fudge that up. Like it's so critical guys. Like that's the most
critical part of the call. And if you miss that there,
you're gonna miss a lot of deals and you're gonna get frustrated. And you're like man,
like I'm doing so good. Like I'm saying all the right things. Like I I'm doing all the work, but you're missing the point of why should they pay you a premium price, okay? And if you can't convince them, they ain't gonna do it, right? Like when I'm looking for rent
in Miami and someone's like, I want 20 stacks for this penthouse. And I look at it, it looks
like a piece of shit. Why would I pay? I might bro that thing
sucks, like this is 10 grand. Why would I pay you 20? And if he can't give me a
good answer I'm like, yeah, I'm not paying you 20 I can get the same thing for 10, right? But if he's like, well I
know it's a piece of crap, but you get a free chef and
you can have unlimited parties and you get a free table at
live every night if you want. Oh, all right. It just has to make sense. And a lot of you guys go through the calls you make zero cents. You get no reason why
they should pay for you. And then you're like, yeah, but my program has like all
these things and they're like, they don't care because that's not what they're hiring you for. They're hiring you for the result. They're not hiring you for
the deliverables, okay? Anyways, hopefully this is a
PG enough to go in the portal I don't know, but I will
try to get it in there. So, hopefully that helps guys
and just implement this. It's easy, and don't get in your head, it's just get on the call you're there to help people,
if you have the framework, just follow the framework,
don't read word for word. Don't try to... You're never gonna be good at doing that. And it's not gonna work,
but just follow framework. And as you finish each step, you're just like check, check, check, and you just keep going and
it's straight line selling. I store in of Belfour it's
big thing's like make sure that they're moving down
the line, the entire sale. And that's why I like that
framework because it's very, it's like I hit this, I hit
this, I hit this, I hit this, I hit this, I hit this done. And that's, and that's why all my calls are the same time length because
it doesn't take more time to run someone through the framework like, it's the same shit. They either go with it or they don't, and you're not gonna close
every sale, but I promise you, you know, you'll close a lot more. That's how I've sold so much. 'Cause I just like I get
on the call, I'm confident. I make a logical argument. And then when they give
me objections, I'm like, I just push them in corners like, hey man, like what's the real reason. So they give me an answer. So anyways, hope that
helps you guys, love you. Just make sure you do that on your calls. You'll close more deals. That's it just do it and
you'll close more deals and then I'll try to get this
to best so we can like update it in the portal, okay? (upbeat music) All right guys so that is how you sell a high ticket fitness package. Let me know in the comment section, if you have any question
hit that subscribe button, I'll see you guys next time. (upbeat music)