How to Disagree Politely in English

Jul 28, 2024

How to Disagree Politely in English


  • Disagreeing politely in English can be challenging yet essential.
  • Cultural implications vary; in some cultures, disagreement is seen as a chance for dialogue, while in others, it can be seen as disrespectful.
  • Importance of understanding the nuances in the language and cultural landscape.

Key Strategies

  1. Stay Calm

    • Maintain a neutral tone and body language.
    • Avoid expressing emotions in your voice.
  2. Aim to Learn and Understand

    • Focus on understanding others' perspectives rather than proving them wrong.
  3. Avoid Assumptions

    • Do not assume without evidence.
  4. Be Clear

    • Clearly state why you disagree.
  5. Keep it Impersonal

    • Avoid using the word “you” to prevent personal attacks.
    • Focus on the topic of disagreement.
  6. Connect Rather Than Contrast

    • Avoid contrast language like “but,” “however,” etc.
    • Simply state what you think.

Common Phrases

Acknowledging and Understanding

  • “I see what you’re saying and I think...“
  • “I appreciate and respect your point of view. My thoughts are...“
  • “That’s a valid point, and I think...“
  • “Fair point, I have to say I disagree.”
  • “I understand where you’re coming from, and my perspective is...“

Including an Apology

  • “I’m sorry, I have to disagree on...“
  • “I’m sorry, I don’t agree.”
  • “Sorry, I’m afraid I disagree.”
  • “My apologies, I respectfully disagree.”

Expressing Neutrality or Uncertainty

  • “I am not sure I agree with you on...“
  • “I could be wrong, but my understanding is...“
  • “I don’t think you and I have the same opinion on this issue...“
  • “I’m not sure I see it that way...“
  • “I have a completely different opinion on that...“

Real-Life Scenarios

Scenario 1: Disagreeing with a Client

  • Example: Client wants changes without altering deadline or budget.
  • “These are great suggestions. However, I feel we don’t have enough resources to implement significant changes. The proposed changes will require an additional 3-4 weeks and will significantly impact the original plan and budget.”
  • Add solution: “I would recommend that we…“

Scenario 2: Disagreeing with an Acquaintance

  • Example: Condo board discussion on renovation.
  • “Sorry, I have to disagree with the proposal to renovate the coworking space. Residents hardly use it. Instead, I think we should renovate the gym.”

Scenario 3: Disagreeing with a Close Friend

  • Example: Friend’s opinion on government carbon taxes.
  • “To be fair, I’m unsure whether the carbon tax is truly necessary. Moreover, it increases our cost of living. What do you think?”

Scenario 4: Disagreeing with a Loved One

  • Example: Vacation planning with family.
  • “No way, I agreed with you until you suggested cage diving. I’d much rather go whale watching.”
  • Informal phrases for close relationships: “You must be joking,” “I totally disagree.”

What If No Agreement is Reached

  • Use the phrase: “Let’s agree to disagree” to close the conversation.

Challenge Questions

  1. Think of a past disagreement and identify if you used any of the strategies or phrases mentioned.
  2. Imagine a disagreement with a boss about a team-building weekend. How would you approach it?