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Crafting Effective Research Questions
Oct 4, 2024
Developing a Strong Research Question
Lighthouse Analogy:
A good research question is like a lighthouse guiding your research paper, providing purpose and focus.
Jessica from Scribbr.
Steps to Develop a Strong Research Question
Step 1: Choose a Broad Topic
Select a topic of interest for sustained engagement.
Example Topic: Social media.
Step 2: Preliminary Reading
Conduct initial research to understand the topic better.
Example Finding: Social media impacts high school students' academic performance.
Step 3: Narrow Down to a Specific Niche
Focus the research to a manageable scope.
Example Niche: Attention span related to academic performance.
Step 4: Identify a Research Problem
Find a gap in existing research.
Example Problem: Limited research on social media's effect on adolescents' attention spans.
Step 5: Write Your Research Question
Convert the research problem into a descriptive question.
Example Question: "What effect does daily use of Twitter have on the attention span of people aged 16 to 20?"
Types of Research Questions
Checklist for a Good Research Question
Concentrates on a single, specific problem.
Can be answered using empirical data or literature.
Example Method: Quantitative approach (e.g., eye-tracking).
Can be completed within a given timeframe and with available resources.
Suitability depends on the project's timeline.
Uses precise terms (e.g., "daily" instead of "often").
Cannot be answered with a simple yes/no or obvious facts.
Should contribute to the field or society.
Example: Social media relevance and unanswered questions.
Additional Considerations
Multiple Research Questions:
Suitable for larger projects.
Example: Investigate the impact of Twitter's infinite scroll on attention span.
Follow these steps to build a solid foundation for your research.
Further Resources:
Articles on literature review and methodology.
Good luck with writing, and see you in the next video.
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