Gotthold Lessing- Historical Jesus

Sep 2, 2024

The Old Quest of the Historical Jesus

Background and Context

  • Old Quest: Refers to the period of historical investigation of Jesus between the 1770s and World War I.
  • No Quest Era: Supposed hiatus in historical investigations until 1953.
  • New Quest: Commenced around 1953, lasting until the 1970s or 80s.
  • Third Quest: Current phase of historical investigation.

Key Figures and Developments

Gotthold Ephraim Lessing and Herman Samuel Reimarus

  • 1778 Publication: Lessing published Reimarus' writings posthumously.
  • Main Claim: Reimarus argued that Gospel stories were fabrications, challenging their historical accuracy.
  • Approach: Analyzed Gospels through rationalist perspective, questioning supernatural accounts.

David Friedrich Strauss

  • Publication: "The Life of Jesus Critically Examined" (1835-1836, English translation in 1846).
  • Methodology: Detailed analysis of Gospel stories; introduced the concept of mythological elements within the Gospels.
  • Impact: Challenged both rationalists and supernaturalists, suggesting Gospels were mythological rather than strictly historical.
  • Outcome: His work was significant but controversial, impacting his career.

Developments in Gospel Criticism

  • Matthean Priority: The assumption that the Gospel of Matthew was the first written.
  • Markan Priority: In the 1830s, scholars like Weisser and Wilke proposed that Mark was the first Gospel, leading to the Two-Source Hypothesis.
  • Two-Source Hypothesis: Suggested Mark and a sayings collection (Q) were sources for Matthew and Luke.

Heinrich Julius Holtzmann

  • Contribution: His 1863 work established the Two-Source Hypothesis as the norm in Gospel studies.
  • Implications: Offered a counter to Strauss by seeking historically reliable material.

Ernest Renan

  • Background: Initially trained for the priesthood but lost faith.
  • Publication: "Life of Jesus" (1863), blending historical approach with imaginative writing.
  • Perspective: Portrayed Jesus as a political figure, appealing to 19th-century idealist views.


  • The Old Quest laid foundational work for understanding the Gospels and Jesus' historical life.
  • It involved diverse perspectives, challenging traditional views and shaping future scholarship.