Transcript for:
Exploring Microbial Life and Its Importance

okay let's talk about a chapter 16 chapter 16 is about microbial life microorganism magnatum microorganism is very tiny that's why we do a microorganism you know buddy we cannot see them and usually our eyes we have to use micro scope microscope you can see like a bacteria bacteria protists Oh some kind of puncture somehow I also very tiny so this is a microorganism okay the first let's talk about precarious prokaryotes general piracy one precarious I prefer precarious is they're very small very tiny I like bacteria is one tire prokaryotes compare the Eukarya they say is very small but pro carrier in a wall is the biomass is very much for example if we collect all the bacteria for a carrier they will collect together then we use the scale imbalance improved bacteria in one side the balance then you collect the order you carrier like animal fans I plan human being you put in another part of the balance the in the bacterium how will be 10 cup more white more than their eukaryote that's him in the world in a whole world is by this famine n't by precarious very bacterial so the bacteria grow carrier they can we can find everywhere everywhere they can leave everywhere welcome arena welcome to Christ so we can see this this kind of pro carrier everywhere they even survived very cold very area they can see you can leave in there Oh Benny ha very hot they still can survive or vanish salty salty like a sore ass so late so late they has to do survive a very acidic base tea alkaline alkaline is basic in this kind of area the Eukarya cannot survive but proCamera don't have a problem right so they're tapped ation is they're very very well of course some bacteria is what the German captain is the organism they can causing disease they can cause disease like a Cosi human disease or lung disease or other animal to see this kind of organism we were pathogen so some bacteria is pathogens that can cause human disease or animal disease but most bacteria in inside of a body a lot of people entire party early inside our body or outside our party this kind of bacteria normally is benign benign is mean they know harmful but they know helpful to a puppy this utopia some bacteria is beneficial if you have helpful to human being so this is young bacteria so several countries this is but early in style patio and outside our body for example some bacteria live outside our body this is the country composted dead skin cell every day a lot of skin cell in our body tire and I visit say a die they become taxi taxi this bacteria they gonna eat disease that they sell it they deserve that the cream clean the dead cell that he composed the dead cell skin seldom kibo about it safe right some bacteria are live inside our body they can synthesize some kind of vitamins ich ensure vitamins what he says you're mean ich ensure nutrition or agency of vitamin that demean our body cannot synthesize this kind of nutrition only we cut the inquisition from the food we eat the food we have this petition if we don't need a food or body not synthesized Oh some some kind of vitamin or body cannot synthesize but inside the bacteria they can decide this vitamins so we all body can observe these documents from Nigeria of course the bacteria also take the nutrient from our body some kind of material again depends depends our puppy also depend they are clearly other pathogen organism so all of this is very useful very useful man a precarious inspire they can become hosts the dead organism for example today animal that their plan this is this can organism when a pet the bacteria attack they can decompose them decompose the organic matter and then release the chemical into the soil into this fire like a nitrogen potassium calcium are this kind of iron this kind of nutrition who released to the soil then they pulled on the plant roots they can observe this kind of chemical so the chemical element they can recycle in again entire ecosystem right in a plan absorbs chemical in synthesize their food so we need a plan we need a fruit vegetable so this chemical who to go to the inside our body this is here it's a go so you don't have this prokaryote the chemical recycle will be stopped so a lot of life cannot survive not survive so this is a bacteria they found they had to tie a bow or carriers we already talked about easy and general virus one with the mentioned here we check you some review one is a kiya IKEA IKEA ah the second is bacteria a bacteria is very popular very common we already know so all these Kanna bacteria we under microscope will say is a million million cups bacteria in the world everywhere but it will you handle microscope you can see welcome arena welcome to class so we do I'm to my guru stop we can see this bacteria the shake the cherchez have sweet higher share said went across he was causing a Cosi Cosi is easier Xperia a spherical the shape is spherical Jay like like this one liner so circular circular closely there the the back tears this air outside a bacterial cell is very sticky very sticky so the material in a nature there normally they attract each other so they gonna stick together stick together like this can cost a stick together become a chain very long chain ready launcher so we call this kind of sticky together launch and we go strap to a cozy chop the bossy a soft Costa try this one right they link together like this to track an extra taka see the cost so you need to remember what caused him in horsey but you're a share he's like a spherical we because he's like so cool so cool or like a like a turbo i i choose you know so close no so spherical sir okay you know the meaning anyway another type is basically basically base it is like all right let's draw this airline they sail shape i'm the microscope you see the bacteria like this one i share just like a rock he's passing it so you need to remember what is basically mean the sword shed only have this we share again spiria and a sphere of Spira Sphero like this one at like this Spira i ready some very long very long spear a very long also football we call his field as pillow kid spero keep like this one samkisha ladies very shocked we got a spear a spear allah o priest red is his theorem a spear every sphere of very sharp very Richie this is Canada theoria we can cover superior and fear Allah they shed a shape some very long plus over with spiro spero Kate spooky so this is here but your shape with a sweet picture this is a cozy a so close your circular and I when they stop Europe if I have another material here about to hear a key a real we need a chemical signal attract this material coming so I dropped into fatty remove together they never stick together so this thing together become a chain the chain become longer in Lombok alright because if they have this thing no they become long long very long because this is longer chain like this one the Basel II this is like a rock like a rock will I rock this yes Spira superior because he very long very flexible with us Peter kid spero kid so this is some kind of a yes stay and so all the bacteria we are to make up absurd theory because it bacteria have no color so you just take the bacteria under microscope you cannot see anything you do not see anything so we know Marie we use their tide pustynia I use the tightest in em right to have a steam iam digital still stinging so they can have a different color so you can absorb so no more it combines still we go collapsed in Cranston East Asia method is a method this method this steaming method this tingling method is developed by by the scientists we got from from this time state aid from kaalavela this is stinging method they use different die together to steal so we all know him so you use it near his name to be make this kind of method we got some Stimpy I plastic clean my grams daily when you use scrap steel to sing or a bacteria in the world Alameda working above your uses the same type of steel so you can see all the bacteria they have to try of color some is toku Paulo poco a poco poco color some is pink color Simon to think how I think hello so only have to tire cover either is pink Allah or leader is focal column even a bacteria we use Cranston the color is Popo we call discernible but here you go competitive so contrastive still bacteria will be toppled the color purple so I'm the microscope are using purple do you know this bacteria from positivist in a positive material why they become popular because this tip bacteria they see war there are silver contain the more peptide type clacking peptide tackle a genious you go yes you go is the panel saccharides is he a major component of the Civil War the bacterial cell wall we novel answer a war is them component is steady loss but the earlier palencia which compose up peptide a Cragin gram positive stable but here a cell wall is they have more fat that are again so they can hold the top coat i they tie college football they can hold it tight inside a cell wall so I know microscope we can see and now the column negative column negative is less have the Tagalog and in the same war so they cannot hold its Popo color dye so I have the watch the alcohol watch so this is tidy profit I do little they move out it's clean not stay inside a cell wall so we cannot see put so we use the pink hello this hold this pin hello inside so you see the color pink so you are so you can see this picture events in the picture you can see you can see the picture is the bacteria so you see this is a pop of color the pop color is positive the pink color the economically material this is you have different I have a fever together but we only have to type of color my either is poco either is pink all about here so we can defy all the bacteria war two two tire atheria one is gram-positive another lamp lit like me we can divide a human being a two-tire human being one is male another female biologically I pile a story we can separate like a may everything is have the Y chromosome Y parameter female is having X crumbs ax right so did he only had to tie a human being bacteria we use Gram stain we already have two time bacteria so did so this is very important for human being of is specially medical in a medical area for example if you are posting in fact by did bacteria okay sick here you go to the hospital they total have to identify what kind of a theory in fact you again is cannot has been Okinawa active so they can take some tissue like a plant or something then cultured then use Cranston to identify even positive bacteria then you use different methods medicine specific to cure the column positive bacteria if you can have negative bacteria then you use column negative until this medicine to cure these bacteria I had a different time so this is very important the first step to identify the bacteria and so this is a gram positive negative so you need to remember gram positive what karma column when I'm negative a bacteria what can makalah up after quarantine I why this is it Popo why is pink so you just understand some appear outside is there war they have some structure with outside MOC war for example I have a cascade caps to obscure some appear you have cash capture temporary sticky sticky layer he's composed a polysaccharide hello Sakurai did you shoot Oh as usual I was some kind of protein for example this is a bacteria right outside layer I have a layer a layer I'm very sick but it's typically very sticky I protect this bacteria also till caps you are very sticky they can I hear today subtype for example of this year I hear today food this is a food in here the bacteria got attached to the food so I here to the food in the attack the Newton from the food Oh in a inside a body inside the oven Marty they can attach it in their eye so they can we protect the material is there for example if bacteria attacked a human being go to the entire body because your body have decision new system immune system will release something about Sara or protein to kill the bacteria this but we already have the consumer so they protect they say oh so there are I am you see them and not key or iam so this bacteria continue to grow we have a lot of baby then finally we could ok sick when a kid gets sick we can say do we have because it has to be no to take medicine right because I am you see we are not doing anything to them we had at a limitation to cure this bacteria so this is your capture only some bacteria have capture again people mercury the outside is structure different we see this this is a capture is your outside a layer because you have sure and inside it is a bacterial cell so very sticky the effects do digital tents your humans here the entire body is our body the net so I texted you humans there so they attack the nutrient from our cell right then release the toxic chemical in human cell you can say so you capture this is the adaptation they organized our temptation so some pro carrier also have different tired external structure some have consumed some may behave on the other different section for example have their flat Allah flat Allah by a prism little bacteria they were fragile and fragile alike this one and approximately it's very big very very sick I also lungo button number is very few after you own some maybe you have one some may have two a sweet only have a few the some bacteria have B flat Allah I be flattered can make the material moon appear a movement a movement some bacteria have some hair like the projection like a fin Bria very tiny very tiny like at a hair light and like a hair like Allah or some kind of hair pili pili is like this very sick also he is like this is gonna be speedy happily at this like a hair like this is a timber gap Tim URI are very sticky very sticky they can here attached to another bacteria and for example this is another bacteria they can heal you finally become a clue ethereal colony is sticky together the Yamaha colony or realistic to the life change similar to the Quechua testing today the hostler say right so this is young some kind of bone external structure for example this is fragile on some bacteria don't have fractional some help is different but here it is our tiny structure different and this is impure le sticky but the number a lot of number and many many is not like a d-flat la karachi only you also Ellen Show and so you can see the supercarrier population the globe by manual repetition I'm gonna be fishing is there all the bacteria too low is a sexual reproduction a sex are sexually potassium a sexual reproduction issue by binary by valeriy onion like this it's bacteria I didn't continue to below then they become ladies ladies right they become a follow this follow become people in deep or finally began to baby bacteria this year a sexual report touching this one Bavaria become too so this bacteria is the same as this one the DNA the DNA is ever seen a genetic information but some bacteria up to have the reproduction the baby may be mutation the mutation the DNA cheese for example this baby may be different from this one or different from this one because the mutation a mutation so he didn't environment change so so we use some chemical in here about area D chemical let me kill this one also clear this one right here this one but we cannot kill this one because this DNA different from this one different from this one and so that's why a bacteria top tasting is so good because even the environment change some may be tied but because they mutation someone is still survived I view this so this is some kind of bacterial some bacteria they have space yourself the specialized cells we got windows form in the spa for in the sports in the sport is one minute for example this this is bacteria right so if the environment is very cold or very hot they will be they will produce some kind of substance to to rock to rock very sick substance blow up this material inside so one is luckier a rock inside they become permanent well Domon Tama disease are not low it is not glow no acne just stay inside but in no - you survive so this is because the outside have this very sticky hair to protect Lisa so even you dig in violent very couple of anyhow they cannot clear the bacteria even more than 100 degree centigrade they Steven survive so you induce force this is adaptation to receive very trim condition very call / ha right but they don't grow they stay in their installment chair like at the plants eat like we see their plan see a soybean seat or rice each other we collect the seeds with under the Sun to try I'm gonna try to teach them no water depth so you can put the seat at home to keep this city for one year half year or two years in the forum the seat is still survive no time at the city no glow no crop and we got almond after receipt whoever we want belong we put it in the soil in water the seeds germinate they become a new plan the material Judaism where it was forced in for like this one determined when they wonder if trim the condition that very common had not cleared them in the spring coming water running water running also ever temperature suitable energy minute then close then I hey baby I'm a baby this is bacteria so light let's go back man you can see here this is yeah no more bacteria they come to law hey baby but this is in the spot so did you bacteria inside the outside they have a layer realistic layer here so they protect protect this the endo spot when I in the spa they can resistant to the extreme condition the environment very calm very hot very so they're very basic this these are not children this when a suitable because did they in the spot even know caloric almond inside this is the adaptation evolution adaptation prokaryote exist much more nutrition diversity they're gonna different nutrition diversity oh yeah you can see every wire and a for example they can get a energy some bacteria can get energy from sunlight from the light like a black similar to the plan I got to tow trucks Photoshop that email discernible organism they can use the light as energy gel like a plan like plan they can cut a photo synthesis photo is alight try new neutral and nutrition and nutrition time stamp a fear of the camera can watch our business I mean they use the organic matter you take the neutral easy food you have to eat the food to get their energy from the food this is it Roger this is the energy and the energy source is carbon havoc at Harbor some bacteria is or être où tu drop the photo dot auto shop these auto top is one in they can take the carbon from and I cycle on the air they come and ask each other my plan was to Optra programmed and used to become in the oxide and uh photosynthesis this is some kind of a pure Judaism while some header row drop hetero chart is one only can get their carbon from the food heaven from the food we go ahead a ritual so we come which energy how this material carry energy how this material kept there a cap so we can't defy this material the modes of nutrition are bacteria they have four Chi ammunition modes the Pope's is the photo Auto job photo doesn't mean they can cut the energy from the light out of I don't mean they can get the carbon from the carbon dioxide get a carbon from from NASA that mean chain like flag like a prime again what or something okay some technical issue let me go - okay okay all right okay so uh some you into the class as moto right we enter the class Moodle right when you do something then you have a next time you turn the class go to participant for this one when your product for a participant then you will know affected me because if you go the mood or I am NOT a writer not a writer is you like me so you do something they are do you change so it's time you will try to figure out how to train the class is their participant and not photo the motor right so this is your Canon usage in mode photo Auto - ah I like a plan and talk to those in the see some is both or header of that photo editor job is one they can take the energy from the light but they can portray the carbon - carbon from the carbon dioxide air they have kept the carbon from their food right we got photo hetero drop another who came auto top came who is getting energy from there okay mica much better life from the food but I can get the carbon from the air from the carbon dioxide gas so did you we became Auto job some is it came of hetero job came a hetero job is getting carbon in a caddy carbon in energy is all from the food I opened the food still it to understand the definition are all this for tired musician mode right so this is life you need to remember understand the definition let me ask you a question about it you see a human being which human being nutrition more which one is human being also have this one this one this one or this one you can type type in your answer to see some other you can answer it which one is a human human being also have the same nutrition mode which one it is this one this one or this one or this one nice one two three four is number four number three number two number one which one in the body can answer the question you can type you can type on a typewriter your answer last Karenina say it number four anybody have any different opening came Oh Heather Oh drop this is crap oh crap because of human being we only get the energy from the food we also can get the carbon is from the food because we cannot use the comma dioxide from the air to make food so this is number four this is human being that is one but material some a theory this one and sobriety or this one's a fact here is this one a sub bacteria is this one so we can see the bacteria everywhere because they have a different higher nutrition moved nutrition mode so you can see everywhere so this is a key example example we actually we have this kind of a bacteria in our lab in the specimen but because there we cannot go to the lab to absorb so here I said you in the to Santana is raffle for example did you photo Auto job this bacteria can get up photosynthesis yes hello is Korean hello I can Gandalf orogenesis these came Auto job they can use the energy from the food but they can use some at the higher side from air and take the cabin this is a photo hetero table they use the sunlight as energy but they have to use their food to get a cup and this is like human being came of hetero job they only can either fool to ketika Bernie and energy both position we can see this equation we already answer ready and which come with describe your motor musician the human being even in musician always came oh hello Roger camera Heather Roger biofilm what's my human bio film is reality a lot about mafia consists of one or several species of prokaryotes we know need bacterias the so force is very sticky he'll have capture or have cambria or above pili pili already is kind of structure is very sticky so the poppy regatta trolleys the other they become a chemist a mess a colony they are messed up bacteria I am s team s become lateral halacha because then they can produce a signal to attract aboutyour to move together we commenced or some kind of anti some kind of funk time the front side is say are also sticky some type of anti some kind of con side is sticky so this is Sigma also attracted sticky sometime so the parent I also come here sticky together become a or something a protist support is outside also very sticky so they stick together so this become a group of the different organism a mess this mess maybe the same only a step higher species maybe different species sometimes higher practice but urinate together when we mess big very sticky the solid release the signal they become large latter you can say signal release they can attract more can bacteria fungi to move this side so become latter in lateral a lot larger then finally they can stick stick together and so he very typical to remove them we get very sticky so this is their again form and the most support like at the right soil organic matter or the so for stinging water very very sticky they become larger in lateral and so this is we go by a few by of you have filled what means this this biofilm this kind of definition you didn't know yet this is a organized colony compose up one or more species cap and together they stick together biofilm so biofilm is very sticky their formation began to build a for a carrier a security signal molecule at shot nearby cell into a cluster so the biofilm become larger in lateral so they suffer is the other the pollutant in a support for example is here a rock the biofilm glues together stick together in this rock so it very difficult to remove them because very sticky in there and stick it in there to biofilm you acidity one example this is Japan the Shoei Japan should we see farm she which time you can see the G biofilm that becomes larger and larger finally they sticky the entire pond there the time so the whole organic move that cannot move through so they you go inside of remove the very typical very very sticky we take lot of time and a lot of time with Nora biofilm is very useful in environment so we know bacteria is very useful to clean up the contaminant the intoxicant code in the environment because by bacteria they have very typos musician mode they can lead different high of chemical right somebody toxic chemical some bacteria maybe medium is the food man speaks a fattier I got lead to chemical when he needed tax chemical de tigre decomposed attacks chemical did may come in and taxied become non-toxic so who uses the material to clean the environment or some bacteria the bacteria at a pace invaded very well you can bacteria can survive everywhere also Reagan from biofuel for example biofilm a very sticky very sticky also some kind of toxic chemical also can be attached to this valium about XD biofilm so we remove this biofilm from this area the toxic chemical also remove so this you can about we're gonna use this canal pro carrier to clean the environment with CODIS we got bioremediation bioremediation bioremediation you find me the usual ISM to remove the pollutant from swallow air in water we call it bioremediation you need to remember this definition again by elimination is when we use the organism to clean the environment environment because it is easier so use the organism like a bacteria to clean the environment so for example their sewage a sewage they see with you from our kitchen and we lives today to the tree to the twin so we will use the bacteria the environment a sewage worker then you see the material go inside I check the food like chocolate chemicals then clean the water cleaner water the sewage and I see which of course given so this is a very very common to use it is bio red mediation to clean a sewage treatment treatment facility a buddy who you used yeah he would issues in their hair very toxic very toxic chemical inside a sewage the end this vial by or elimination is you know what why the detached chemical maybe kill the bacteria to kill his material so bacteria can go below they cannot grow but I check this Canepa organic matter of course affect the treatment of the sewage and so I so some kind of a in touch trio came back the chemical released the sewage area then you cannot use it by already mention because the the attacks chemical may kill the bacteria so this is one kind of a problem so the buyer elimination is becoming a very useful to clean up a toxic chemical yes why our water environment what would most that we very commonly use in this day because it's very cheap also very friendly to the environment you don't certain you city but here you do eat the touched chemical so the environment clean if you'd you don't use by elimination you use the other chemical to clean clean this chemical so the other chemical who lived here is also affected environment also but he use the etherion in the environment is shape I said for example here is number here this is Jessica Alyssa car the wire leading Velasco in the ocean the people get a wire from the ocean they never the the palm the family leaking when a leaking the voyage leaves out leave out in inner being contaminate the covered a entire water surface in the ocean in there a lot of fish in both there is sea board again survive so we can spread separately the specific bacteria very speaks area they can eat it is this gonna boil he it is royal they're wise here is food as is a wire when I need a wire did you clean a wire clean it what so this is a very useful and the clean the wire because it did I eat she touched the chemical you have we got identify specific bacteria is now out of a key earlier each player only one tie-ups Beach Civic bacteria they can eat the wire in a while so we're gonna clean clean them so this is young the Environment Protection so we're gonna start in a optimism in a war the new study up genome we got analyze the genome what genome genome actually is DNA DNA or DNA inside the organism together we go Gina Gina like a human being human when we have four days six chromosome with that email we have 46 DNA how did it for the six to be ended together we go humanum human genome so every organism have a specific genome and I have Stacy genome so we analyzed the DNA so we got to buy this off32 me in a while 118 is Eukarya you carrier you actually do carriers you carry a belong to this new carrier another too many bacteria bacteria material is belong the bacteria to me another a carrier a higher ecology is belong to a carrier to me and I so sweet Oh Mia you have some idea that's enough we talk about a bacterial list of about another pro carrier is a carrier a carrier is not only they're living a dream environment conditions or very high or very cold or very ascetic very basic this got a trim condition normally this condition eukaryote cannot survive but this a KO and so high in the air for example again Lillian if Jimmy helped hire Hal applied is very salty this can make environment like a so late in the Utah Utah State Avis flag Isola is the the water belly so the other organism cannot survive but is a higher no problem they also vary in their weight room niha similar fire is very hot like our hot spring and spring water have a bottle they can steal them so bad right that is this very hot spring water the water very high more than 100 degree but they are highest you survive near they good they have specific protein inside their body inside a body so they can survive another very common a kaya is Massanutten Massanutten is very common bacteria a verifier they live in the amniotic environment is no oxygen the Libyans and a no oxygen they can produce they kept I checked the maquette okay me meadow released the Maison Martin didn't cast mass in the cast net cast the component of an education for example the case we we cook we cook our food at the kitchen we use the nature cast is imagine Nathan Nathan is you used to cook this mess imagine they can hide check organic matter for example decompose it lumpy or did they charge a caterer order they're messy they can release this methane methane decay and need net you case for example here this is Lamphere a lot of our trash food in here so in the inside the Lanfear they have no partition so the mass merchant the glory sided like Chucky's organic food then release the gas the mass in the mass in case you can Union so duty to inside so the cast Wow did you use the container here you can plug it in a geocache you know go home to cook several ten years ago my hometown in that time my hometown I have no electricity and no electricity because I live in follow up in a village village so we have we don't have electricity we had energy so we keep some kind of a device for example we put this Quran or we have the Quran we put a poor hope a hole and put a hole you take a hope any big help in here inside and the Quran the movie is the concrete you eat the categories here like we build a building here to see so the water cannot leave this kind of view a container in this Hall I can dinner it is digital is Quran so we see her this container again side we put it inside a candle I will put some kinda biogenic better like a feci the animal faces like at the Cow Hollow pecci buffalo faces or human they see everything or digital number or chemical matter like a wise food we put in here an apple inside they we Co Co the the container I because you see inside I have no action so in imagine OG imagine watching like a clear below inside the tide check they eat their messy eater pie see when he interfaces they check the organic metal then they produce they get massive protein message so here we connect we connect a tube a pack when I let you have time again then go to their kitchen for the kitchen man so you beat your oven it is the stop then you put the container we put the food here so you let your cast you can cook you can cook use the case to cook then I have the one month later the case is you see ah and low case anymore then you open you open you remove this is this Kevin Wiese this is wise this wasted because it's like checked by the Akai also you see here have no oxygen so the bacteria hydrogen the insides is complete clear calmly cured so little waste we use the device as the fertilizer okay Nick for the laser again put the light so you can fold the light so cool oh cool oh they are caving food like a vegetable after root and the organic food so we do so this is very useful for the light of last is my hometown we always do this stuff a lot of developing country now still use this this metal to produce energy in agriculture below also right but my hope time not to anymore because we are have you can omit Avella very well now so we have the electricity electricity have so we don't need this one so this is here so we can say this year what bacteria archaea share the same characteristic that is not belong to you carriers this we are recovering in general manage one again with actively with you bacteria in a capias belong to query us pro carrier mean doesn't mean they don't have nucleus no one usually I have no nucleus also I have no en follow membrane though a mill going in close open er there to have nucleus also have no numeron enclosed over here so it is a red marrow country or they don't have chloroplasts they don't have ecology of our toes I don't know lysosome I don't have this structure eukaryote is is hell nobody asked have envelope enclosed veneers inside a cell this is different this is different both bacteria archaea is the same is belong to prokaryote we don't grow carriers so this is the different new carriers we will be by out of this bacteria in Korea too for a tie a fight higher poverty area we don't separate them based on a D&C genetic sequence DNA the force is a pro proteobacteria pro theory about here all of this loop is gram-negative bacteria gram-negative bacteria right you will use the Cranston the color is poorer this is one group the second group is peaceful you also have one species here with the beam with film material the reachable mercury is very useful to humanity they got this bacteria symbiotically live inside a root inside a loop oblique implant and live inside we got symbiotic symbiotic symbiosis she magically live inside doesn't what leaking flag leave him to land like a soybean like we need a soybean right soybean Pina this kind of a plan we call Lincoln flap when the leak of the root you can see some illusion not you know who is like a digital ooh and is it loop there in our suppose you have some kind of a tumor very tiny tube with Lu not you actually it is not not not that you more it is a bacterial below inside this year reads of them but your grow inside there this will read in bacteria they can use the nitrogen case from the air become a nitrogen compound become an attitude combi so this is nitrogen compound and be absorbed by the plant root all the organism cannot use the nitrogen from the air cannot only this material and do the Bahia you need nitrogen gas from the air the synthesized because nitrogen come from the nitrogen come on so the pollen root can use this nitrogen compound as nitrogen and nutrition and nutrition of course this bacteria also taken sugar from their fruit whether the pollen can can talk for the Genesis so this is to see species live together they can go suffer eyewitness apply this material cannot survive so they need benefit each other with autism fight symbiosis symbiosis you want me his close association between organism up two or more species they rely on each other this symbiosis TomTom is very to each other like it is visible material in the little camp lamb some maybe one take advantage of their another this is sympathies Samsa Mars is most ability each other some nice Mouse's is a one take advance pitch from another for example parasite hello Sayid see one species rebounded from another another species peptides also belong to symbiosis endosymbiosis endosymbiosis if I mean his one species live inside the body of another species we go in the symbiosis like this bacteria living inside is root living inside a loop we call this incident in those chimayo see some similar CC live outside and live outside I was on a so-called Java nurse visit but some species is eco inside so within those in my office so this is the definition the second group is the current positive bacteria gram positive bacteria is he used the title steam is become the football right so one very famous bacteria in this club is Chapel and streptomyces Sir Thomas is it can produce antibiotic so in a famine see in touch to your company we follow this company to low a lot of this material they attract their antibiotics antibiotics from this bacteria we know the theory of Colo very fast so you just use it a container you do some nutrition the liquid solute solution a liquid solution their nutrition and liquid so you put the bacteria inside of the urban area or something the material in psychology so you extract the antibiotics inside so you're very cheap very cheap right so this is these do one type is this is a structure destructor mices then produce many antibiotics and this is the so group the bacteria is saina bacteria stand up a theory or they can this jump you can prove by record count of photosynthesis we don't need different light thank flag left run like a OG there they can conduct photosynthesis yeah they can use the sunlight in carbon dioxide to make sugar makes you like a plan for example one species like a a novena and apena each species they can control for the synthesis at the same time they can use the nitrogen case to make the nitrogen come huh alright we call natural defection lie or Gouda like a result with him like a reason which I talked about aleikum route these were fewer tourism what they both they can kind of photo synthesis they a syndrome they can conduct Majid infection can use the nitrogen gas to make the nitrogen compound so these sign of bacterial cell bacteria they can conduct photosynthesis is he photo auto job for the auto job they have different species different species initiative one of species and they this is one of species here and a beer and Amina actually our allah we allah we have this we are similar or sunnah bacteria but we cannot go to the lab anymore because the these virus the school is closed as the number four group it really coremedia this group a party or a most species in this group is a pathogen they can infect a human being without disease result exist for example in chlamydia trachomatis Crimea automatic these species they can make the human impact a human being Blanding list so to some people getting in fact by this bacteria if you don't go to hospital at get a medicine there will be this portion with the eyes become blank and plan is blanks a lot of developing country people can in fact they become bland because they're developing country very poor they don't have medicine nor to have enough that they don't have enough hospital also they can cause some species in this group dragon cause you're a Stratos us forest this is very most common sexually transmitted disease transsexual to him it disease so didn't cause disease some people maybe have several different higher for Panama sexual sex Panama the very easily kept disease especially some partner the people never know before as the occasion and meet very easy you are not protection very easy to get this disease this cannot profiteer they live inside a animal cell or human cell they live inside that is a human self animal self european-style insulation so this is a busy crew the last group is polluting spirited we know spirit it is like this the shade like this one which also they can receive a lot of different cause disease is partisan for example some kind of causing syphilis as civilized the syphilis disease is very common is also very common sexual transmitted disease so transmitted disease very common very common this disease another limb disease lambda Z Z he was kept in fact by this but this kind of material symposium Carol M disease they were very kind very people can fever and people also very had a bombing TZ a lot of symptom a very subtle very suffer for example this year this is your one tire board then costly simply simply it's disease similes it's very common set your transmitted disease very common all the organism we our body we exposed to the patent a theory all the time but because your body in new system defense didn't kill the bacteria effect so we still healthy in a later chapter and let each other we'll talk about your museum how our body you have dizzy immune system defends our body and they can kill the bacteria all right so later chatter with our so the material in fact our body they can cause disease because reduce the poison hides in a poison produced some toxic chemical taxon they have to diet action in this bacteria reproduce exit action watch a extra touch it mean it's reduction is the bacteria still survive with a bacteria below and one body I become to become a colony below when they follow when ft5 when so they release the toxic chemical to our body it wouldn't belong inside our body they continue to hey baby then each baby they released the touch chemical so they continually toxic chemical accumulate more more generations there is out we can say we call it extra exactly is a sailor the bacteria still survive they continue to cool off is that then what is the extraction when starting producer their impeccable body then produces the tax chemical released to the tissue and we do the tissue another is in detection inlet action is there it mostly in deduction is there is Clum negative bacteria we wish still I use the tightest in the color this kind of a theory there below we never below the toxic chemical is inside the party they don't release through there they don't release through the human tissue and so they cool off when they are continue to glow we don't get sick we don't get sick we don't know we even don't know this this is bacteria in fact nobody already we don't know because they grow we don't care sick so they have continued to have ready our party have this kind of young museum they can kill when they kill you they type the toxic chemical release here then the touched chemical relief then we can see and we get sick so we got again deduction so they say when they leave the chemical the tax can we go inside the poison is inside a body they're not affect our body we still healthy but no body mm you see them to clear him when Hakeem then in toxic another we can see right so you have to co2 HAP total has to be done right so de endotoxin Canyon huge lesson Tom like a fever ash some damn dangerous drop of blood pressure this gaba in touch and amigo in the Tuscan so you know touching is different from exit action we already talked about exigent you are they say us to survive they continue to call out and release that can we go in note action is this the bhakti-yoga law they don't they don't release the toxic chemical when they die they'll really detach the chemical out right so this is a both different we wish to take a few minutes to you can yield because we started at a class late a little bit so we maybe take five minutes until you can to talk a little bit practice practice practice practice mean flatus is most practices unicellular organism the product is different from bacteria practice is what practices eukaryotes eukaryotes bacteria is precarious so this is different and really different listen most Pilates is the light material if you unicellular the one organism only have one cell but some is they have more motorboat cells some tear yourself right but pasta is unicellular eukaryotes and this is you carrier that you watch a live human being tell me like human beings here they have they have nuclear they have mitochondria or they have this carnival over here right so what is the practice mean practice is there and you carry on this Eukarya is not planned no animal no fanta right it is no fun time no plan no animal right this you you carrier so that is why we call practiced so products what Pilates definition practice is the Eukarya not plant not pants I know and this kind of organism we got flattest is special special clue so we talk about most we are very very common the practice is very common to us we can see for example Pilates Pilates also had people in blue one could look we go although jogger edgy we are very stealthy very common in a water in a water you can very healthy in a river in a stream in LA in LA in the ocean and the LG air which you can conduct although sinesses like a plan we call it plan like flattest plan like Pilates is like a plan plan light plum like flan life flattest the energy energy you can see everywhere in a water energy is supporting higher ecological system in a water you don't have energy the bottle have no life no fish no anything flow the others body heat energy the big fish is movies have the food chain have the food chain in a water food chain in water this is pro to so if you don't have there we have the energy no any life in life in the water I'm having a thorough job hello road job we call mmm your life like an animal they only can eat the other organism like eat their bacteria eat the practice we got producer producer who is the head or job alright this is only then eat like human being Oh neither eat the other organism another header row type parasite some flat is the federal site they can live in there other organism body like a human body animal body or plant body and family message ah this very unique message ah major charge of I mean they can conduct photosynthesis at the same time they can relieve the other organism both the message job this is very unique only practice have this group of the products you can not find from any other organism have this message are only practiced and practiced so we gonna keep this example here you can see this this example example this is a green energy the energy have different type energy is very common so this is out of a bourgeois they can kind of photosynthesis this is fair aside the parasite and this is a message one you can see they have clean color including color is a pigment they can cut down forests industries he they have chloroplasts chloroplasts H I like it easier HD the color across the bank it's in time they have their you can they can eat the other organism they you can see they have D flat Allah they have this flat Allah also the flashlight here you see flat Allah the flat sealer they cannot let your animal like an animal they can make this this Euglena this the organism will allow you Karina this is a message are they can conduct a synthesis because they have chloroplasts they also have the animal like animal they can make movement so so this practice they can find we can find anywhere anywhere you can find in the moisture area we also can find inside a other only some party at it like a human being inside of party today which I stop here I stop here ok next time we we still have a one stage a symptom a hablar we can understand our class so you go home to your study in the material complete come read the assignment all the assignment I applauding on a blombo the lab in homo and you know do no assignment everything and they propose you go there you'll judge contact people you miss you cannot contact their assignment on time in udemy okay email me if you dare Simon clothes like homework clothes you can email me I can be open for you because I know you are some of you will have have a job Oh some maybe you have family to take care some time you may be miss miss the deadline and a bomb you jive email me I can be open for you don't miss the assignment you meet you get zero go right in there then you would be trouble if you you can take their second example alright I got going you are very much maybe have a little bit but you not much because we have a lot of assignment a lot of assignments so one assignment a long way I will no effect it too much alright so to miss you miss again 0 then you will be big trouble you will have any questions I email me email and I do is just stay home if you don't you're not necessary don't go out if you have you have to go out you have you shopping or something keep long-t a little bit long distance at least 6 foot 6 feet and wired from they are not posted a 16-2 avoid contact from the other people don't go to party because it is virus very tetris two days ago i just watch the news in italy italy is very a lot of people died in there more than nearly 4000 people died already one day is 7 7 people 20 they even don't have in coffin to do to hold this to rock this dead body as a very very dangerous they don't have enough hospital so they have to select people some patient the invasion are they o.o strong faces they can allow the has to be facing at all very weak they child leave them that because they'd only have enough hospital to treatment so did bad dangerous you'd be careful tamil eesha do practical trump project I'm crazy you say not interest only society quite it didn't do anything but the America so you have protecting yourself so a boy from these people okay it's safe okay today we we we finished election so we see your man and I wanted a as you want you