Transcript for:
Data Governance vs. Data Quality Discussion

[Music] hello and welcome to another in the ask the data governance coach video series and this video is rather a special one because this is actually my H hundredth ask the data governance coach video um so this will be the H hundredth time that I have answered one of your questions on a video I can't quite get my head around that when did that happen so thank you for all your support because I wouldn't still be doing this if you didn't actually like it and support it so I'm so thrilled that this is of help to you so how did I decide which question got answered for the h hundredth uh video so um I felt long and hard how to do this and then I realized that when I do my live online training courses the second day is an optional Day called a day to governance clinic and at it people get to ask questions about perhaps how to implement data governance in their particular organization but a lot of the questions are a deeper dive into the theory that we covered on the first day so I'm a bit of a data governance GE in case you hadn't noticed so I keep all the questions that people send into me and I thought for this 100th video it' be really good to look and see what was the most popular question that gets asked time and time again on those data governance clinics over the years and the most popular question as you you probably guessed from the title of this video is which comes first data governance or data quality and I think this is a really interesting I would do I'm I'm un biased but I think it's a really interesting answer and it's a bit of a two-part answer because I think there are two versions of the answer to this now if I put my data governance coach hat on and I'm being purely Ideal World and Theory then absolutely the obvious thing to do is to start with data governance because data governance is the thing that puts in place that framework gets the roles and responsibilities in place it helps us identify who the key stakeholders are for that data once we've done that they're then the right people to help us um write the definitions to prioritize which data is so important that it needs data quality um perhaps rules and and Reporting so you can see logically you would always start with data governance but that's all very well in the theoretical world in the real world it just never happens so let's be practical about this the vast majority of people that I work with have been doing some kind of data quality initiatives um for years even though they' never even heard of the term data governance so this doesn't mean that there was necessarily a data quality team but there's some data cleansing some data fixing going on it might have even been some basic data quality reports that just may not have even been called that they might have been called exception reports so data quality activities tend to exist long before an organization has even heard the term data governance so what we have to do though is stop that being just Little peac Mill little bits going on in the organization and turn those tactical things into something sustainable and more proactive and that's where data governance comes in so whilst I think in theory you absolutely would always start with data governance in practice you already have data quality going on in your organization so if you're just starting data governance your job is to find out these little pockets these activities that are already ongoing bring them in to your approach to data governance and use your data governance framework to make sure that you're focusing your data quality efforts on the most critical data and that you're prioritizing the right things so I hope you found my H 100th video helpful if you have please help continue on my mission to help as many people as possible be successful with data governance by liking commenting sharing this on your choice of social media I really do appreciate your help with that and remember if you've got a question that you'd like me to answer on a Future video just email them in to questions