[Music] thank you hey guys thank you so much for tuning in to beauty and Brokenness my name is Crystal and today yes you see the title I am back with another sorority video and we're going to get into um just something that happened a little bit later but I kind of want to just give you some background about how this came about last week I was on my way to work and a car was in front of me and I just so happened to look up and look at the license plate and saw zeta phi beta so I say Lord if you want to do a video about them please give me a sign because God normally gives me a dream outside of aka the Holy Spirit just really put that on me um so before I even hear back from God I just do like a little bit of research nothing too deep at all and I didn't see anything alarming I mean I even saw that they mentioned the Holy Spirit and they mentioned God and then a few nights later God gave me a dream and in the dream the members of the organization were trying to get me to join and even repeat the oath with them that I did not repeat and um there was even a member trying to explain to me how they could be part of this organization and still honor God but I wasn't buying it so when I woke up I was just kind of like well God I didn't you know thinking back on the little bit that I did see I really didn't see anything disturbing about the sorority and then the Holy Spirit reminded me that I didn't see much about the other Greek organizations until I did further research so here we are um Holy Spirit has put a number of different scriptures on my heart concerning this matter but the one that sticks out the most is Ephesians 5 and 11 which says have nothing to do with the fruitless Deeds of Darkness but rather expose them so let me say this and I actually posted this on my community tab some time ago um but basically someone commented on one of my fraternity videos I think it was kappa's basically threatening me in so many words let me say this if I had my way I would not be doing any of these videos but God has called me to and one thing I will always do is be obedient to God being obedient to him is not an option for me is absolutely mandatory so I want to encourage anyone who is defending an uh Earthly ungodly organization to not let your Earthly affiliations cause you to lose your heavenly one okay second this is especially for Christians who are in support of these organizations or may be a part of these organizations I want to remind you of Matthew 7 23 that talks about God saying excuse me Jesus saying I never knew you'd depart from me workers of iniquity okay a lot of you think just because the organization does great deeds and they're part of all of these great things that God must approve of it and that's not true another thing that um I want to point out too is that when God has assigned someone a task to do when God is speaking through someone through his holy spirit sending a message to his people especially with these YouTube videos when they've truly been assigned to do these things and you come up under their videos mocking them you're not mocking the person making the video You're mocking God when you come up under their videos threatening them you're not threatening the person you're threatening God so I want to employ you if that has been you that you might want to repent and I mean immediately repent okay that being said let's get into the video I'm not going to do too much about like I did in the other videos um because lots of stuff you can look up and I'm going to link as much as I can below but just to get into the basics who is Zeta Phi Beta um Zeta Phi Beta said to have been starting in 1920 and their mission was on raising the consciousness of their people they wanted to encourage education among their Unity among their members excuse me they also were against towards elitism and their primary focus was basically addressing social causes which is definitely admirable definitely okay um they're also part of the mphc which is that divine nine and one thing that really stood out to me about Zeta is they are constitutionally bound to another fraternity which happens to be Phi Beta Sigma so let's pause right there and let's just get into some definitions here okay let's go over Constitution okay it says that Constitution is a body of fundamental principles to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed okay the second definition is the composition of something what that thing is made up of okay that's important all right now let's look at the definition of bound okay it says bound is defined as something closely associated with each other and and this is the key part it is difficult for them to be separated or escape from each other all right let's take a look at two uh excuse me I'm looking to Association one more now it says that this is a group of people organized for a joint purpose okay I want to take make a little side note here it's up to you to know what that purpose is whether it's known or unknown okay whether it's known or hidden it's up to you to research and find that out you could do that by Consulting God all right now the next definition says that it's the action of becoming a member of an organization with subordinate status which subordinate basically means lower rank um or position um under some sort of Authority or control so with everything that we just went over let's just put all this together okay Zeta Phi Beta is constitutionally bound to Phi Beta Sigma doesn't matter if Zeta appears as a separate entity and charger themselves they are from this definition governed by Phi Beta Sigma okay constitutionally and Also spiritually wanted to point that out and because basically this is a covenant in so many words I know they consider themselves sisters and brothers based on this connection but it's definitely a marriage of sorts I mean look at the fact that zeta's name is derived from Phi Beta Sigma much like a wife takes on her husband's last name we all know what scripture says about when a man and a woman become one flesh you know they're joined together and I I look at this as the same thing because I think what um a lot of us we always think about the literal term of things in a lot of ways and am I saying that doesn't apply in some cases but sometimes they don't and that just doesn't apply to the literal term of marriage becoming one flesh because we know when you fornicate you become one flesh you create demonic soul ties because you take an act that's meant for the glory of God under his Holy Covenant of marriage and you take and you committed under an act of evil to glorify Satan and can't figure out why you start to become tormented why you start taking on other people's demons and whatnot that's because you formed a covenant with them and this Covenant isn't too far from the Covenant that's between Zeta and Phi Beta Sigma and I want to point out that God is a respecter of all covenants Good and Evil good and evil simply because he's given us Free Will and we took it upon ourselves with our own free will to join these organizations it doesn't matter if we didn't know the root or not that's our responsibility to seek that out and to pray to God and get counsel from God about that and I tell you why it's always important to seek God out in every situation and I also will tell you why God honors all covenants good and bad Kevin you want to actually did a great teaching on this if you go to Second Samuels 21 and you'll read that while David was ruling there was a famine and David next got you know why is this going on and he told them that Saul had blood on his hands for killing gibber nights and now if you look in the history of the given nights they're actually the survivors of the amorites so if you go back to Joshua 9 you'll read how the amorites heard about how Israel was winning and they heard about what happened in Jericho so they decided to trick the Israelites okay what they did is they appeared to the Israelite people as a lost people if you read Joshua 9 and 6 it says that the MRI said we've come from a country that's far away make a treat piece excuse me make a peace treaty with us now this is how they had planned on deceiving the Israelites basically tricking them into a covenant now Joshua had enough sense though he had enough sense to ask some questions the issue is is that he was just taking for these people at their words because the Bible will tell you this scripture will tell you they came dressed the part they came looking poor they came looking needy they came looking like they had bearing gifts that had ruined over time and they even offered to uh serve the Israelites right they they came Bible said they came with busted sandals on like they really played the part so that lets me know that they were already ahead of the game they already knew okay I know they're gonna probably wonder where we from they're gonna ask all these questions let's just make sure we look at the part so we can answer all these questions and that's basically what they did they even denied they were even speaking about the amorites in third person as if they weren't the amorites they did all this they was buttering them up with compliments about how powerful God was because he is I mean they went all out they had a legitimate comeback for every question that Joshua had and again they offered to serve Joshua and then in Joshua 9 14 um the problem is highlighted okay because it said the Israelites looked over the supplies those people bought but they didn't ask the Lord what they should do so let's put a pin right there in that verse because a lot of us are trusting our own wisdom Beyond seeking the counsel of the Lord and that's how we get into these horrible Covenants that's how we get into these things that we have to fast and pray off of us and I'm talking about it it takes some work because it's it's of our own ignorance that's what scripture says people perish from perish from a lack of knowledge okay so you can't say now based on you know this video based on if you do your own research based on the fact that the Bible's involved there's great resources and tools that you didn't know okay that you didn't know because now you know and again it's just always best just to go research for yourself pray to God Don't Make a Move until God gives you the girl I'm telling you I am telling you from my own personal experience okay basically what happens is is that uh verse 15 and Joshua 9 says Joshua made a peace treaty with the people um who had came and agreed to live let them live okay so now we're back at second Samuel so David now knows the reason for the famine and you know he goes he's like okay you know go to The Giver how can I atone for this the given us like give us seven of sauce male descendants give us seven of them kill them and expose their bodies before the Lord Lord so that's exactly what David does and here's another Gem and here again this shows the importance of Covenant because scripture says in second Samuel 21 7 that the king Spirit the son of Jonathan which was the grandson of Saul because of an oath which is a covenant made before the Lord between David and Jonathan and if you know about David and Jonathan they were great friends Jonathan loved David so much that he done a lot to protect and help David Escape his father Saul who was trying to kill David now I say all this because I want you to understand that God unhonors all Covenants he honors all Covenants and we know that he does because after the descendants of Saul were killed the rain fell and the famine had ended and again I'm important the hot and I'm highlighting this story because whatever five Beta Sigma excuse me whatever Phi Beta Sigma is associated with whatever they've made a covenant with Zeta has made one with them as well being that they're bound to Phi Beta Sigma which we learn is a covenant that isn't easily broken and isn't easy for Zeta to separate themselves from it or escape from it we've established that their association with Phi Beta Sigma is a joint agreement that they will abide by and serve all the organizations principles no matter what they are and you might not want to hear this part but Zeta is subordinate to them they are under the authority based on the breakdown of this constitution it doesn't matter what this appears to be like what matters is what God says it is and then what matters is the roots to God okay now we've already established in scripture the importance of roots okay if you go to Matthew 15 13 it tells us that every plant that the heavenly father has not planned and will be pulled up by the roots everything that God has not planned and will be pulled up by the roots okay what I want to focus on is the character of this organization do they represent what they State the organization is focused on okay that they stand for social causes okay we can even wrap social causes up and basically just the overall gesture of being kind and respectful to all mankind that that just goes for everyone you don't even have to be saved that goes for everyone but it gets deeper if you are a person of Faith you are called to exhibit the character of Christ at all times in every way no matter what being an ambassador for Christ means that you're picking up your cross it means that you're being called to do much more than a non-believer now I'll admit as I was reading zeta's initiation process I thought to God like well God they mention you and everything like I I'm not really seeing anything that that's weird or throwing me off here then again the Holy Spirit reminded me it's one thing to acknowledge God and it's another thing to walk in The Obedience of him okay and I always go back to when Jesus was fasting for 40 days and how the enemy tried to tempt him and every time the enemy came at Jesus Jesus will reply with scripture then what did Satan do he also quoted scripture I mean even demons knew Jesus and acknowledged him before they were casted out so all that tells me is that evil knows who God is they know the power and the authority of Jesus Christ and the scripture says in um II Corinthians 11 14-15 and no wonder for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of Light it is not surprising then if servants also his servants also masquerade as Servants of righteousness therein will be what their actions deserve in first John uh four and one says don't believe every Spirit but test the spirits to see whether they are from God for many false prophets have gone out into the world so again just because something appears to be one way did you really test the spirit did you really do your research to find out what what like what the root of this is and I noticed that the pledges are referred to as neophytes and if you look up the definition you'll see that this is a person who is new to a subject skill or belief or a belief and it's also uh the another definition is a covert to a new religion or a novice okay a novice is basically a person who has entered into a religious order um and they're also known as being are known as to be inexperienced all right so that poses the question what are you getting yourself into that you have no clue about besides what you're being shown much like Joshua you're going based on what you're being presented but not truly Consulting with God for direction and so basically here you are thinking you're joining an organization with the primary focus of social causes education and all this Good Stuff Etc yeah you are basically signing up from for some sort of religion and I always say words mean things you know I always say that God's words mean things so if you look up the origin of neophytes is Greek which means newly planted so here we go we're going back to this whole Roots thing what are you planning yourself into all right so here are some things that I want to point out to you now during the initiation ceremony okay the first thing that I notice when reading this is that the leaders uh will ask the pledges do you come here of your own accord to be a Zeta member and this is so important and here's why because scripture tells us that we as humans we've been given Authority and dominion over the Earth which means no demon has legal right to anything unless we give them permission and how do we give them permission we give them permission by willingly participating in sin that's the agreement that's the Covenant when we do that that's us making an agreement in Covenant with the enemy in the in demonic entity saying you're welcomed here okay that allows them to enter that's all the permission they need so at that point when you say yes or I do or whatever you agree to that's the acknowledgment that you're a willing participant that's all that demonic entity needs all right now they also ask do you take it upon yourself again this is saying do you are you willing are you doing this are you doing this of your own accord the laws and regulations Etc right of Zeta right but you gotta remember you're not just taking on the laws and the regulations of Zeta you're taking on Phi Beta sigmas that we haven't even discussed or went over yet or know anything about right now okay so you're taking on all these things and you don't even have depth and knowledge of what you're taking on here again you're further coming into Covenant more covenants and as far as we know it could be more demons each each time you say yes to a question this can be a new demon you're allowing again and I want you to remember this because we talked about this or I discussed this about Romans 7 about spiritual law all right we already discussed how God honors Covenant doesn't matter if it's good doesn't matter if it's evil we talked about that earlier now all this again might be to peer to appear just as some Earthly agreement to enter um a club or organization but you are spiritually through a ritual coming into Covenant you're coming into Covenant in the spiritual realm with Spirits Behind These organization organizations excuse me that's what you're doing and you need to understand that not only you not only I not only the Demonic entities and spirits and the enemy himself abide by spiritual law God abides by spiritual law the creator of the universe and everything and he abides by it again we see that we talked about you know Joshua in second Samuel earlier so this is the importance of spiritual law this is why it's so important that you understand what you're entering into what you're agreeing to and not Consulting God first okay here's another line I want you to pay very close attention because this is just further confirmation that I told you earlier about the revelation of Zeta being bound to Phi Beta Sigma all right the leader of this organization Zeta will say we are a group of women organized as a sister Greek letter organization to Phi Beta Sigma here do bind ourselves together okay now if you look up the word bind you will see many definitions but the ones that stood out to me is uh making a contractual or enforceable undertaking all right and the next one is a problematical situation so I ask you again what are you binding yourself to what are you binding yourself to that you don't know anything about now again Zeta goes on to talk about social projects higher education charity and exact and Etc again which are all Noble things but this is just surface level stuff that's how they draw you in that's how the enemy draws you in he makes things look innocent he makes them look good but completely negate the fact that you're making a pledge to someone other than God and that's problematic that's that's the problem with you binding yourself to something you don't even know the roots of because this is a contractional contractual enforceable which means it has to be honored agreement this is again where it all goes back to Covenant it all goes back to Covenant all right now the next thing I noticed here is uh let's see let's look at the line after the pledges have you know stood the test that there that they're required to take the leader um after now they agreed to all the things mentioned and more above uh it says Zeta has been written upon your heart and Minds you are now ready to receive the light of Zeta let's read that again Zeta has been written upon your hearts and Minds you are now ready to receive the light of Zeta now what does Scripture say about our hearts and mind what does Scripture say about light let's go right to Hebrews 8 and 10. it says for this is the Covenant here we go again with that word covenant okay again I can't stress it enough the importance that I will make with the house of Israel after those days declares the Lord I will put my laws into their minds and write them on their hearts and I will be their God and they shall be my people all right now let's go to John 8 and 12. when Jesus spoke again to the people he said I am the light of the world whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life so wait hold up let's go back here because I didn't see any of this in the initiation process for Zeta they didn't say anything about God's word and laws be written on their hearts and in their mind they didn't say anything about receiving the Light of Christ Jesus all they said was Zeta So based on scripture the law of God is the only thing that should be written in our hearts and in our mind Christ is the only light not Zeta so again neophyte pledge or whatever you address yourself as what novice are you entering into after you say I do or agree to all of these questions that this leader is asking you getting your permission and you're agreeing to it what Covenant are you entering into because the leader just told you Zeta has been written upon your heart and Minds not the law of God you are now ready to receive the light of Zeta not of Christ it says that after they hand you the candle they'll give you a flower as a white rose is supposed to be the emblem of Zeta now if you look up the definition of emblem it says it serves as a representation along with the Zeta pen that you wear it over your heart again this is just another stamp of what you're bound to now at this point you're going to take an oath just like with the other organizations they get the Bible right now again an oath is nothing more than a covenant at this point the Bible is present and you're making this vow before God you're not making it to God you're making it to a god lowercase G don't get me wrong but you're making it before God and what you say is or what you repeat it says once azeta excuse me always azeta and then the pledges proceed to kneel guys they proceed to kneel and you're placing your right hand over your heart and your left hand on the Bible which means you are swearing you are swearing before God you are swearing this before God then you make a pledge and this is the signature if you will this is the John Hancock if you will on this contract over Covenant to whomever you're making it to because it's not to God because remember you aren't just pledging Zeta you're connected to a whole nother fraternity and you're standing for everything that they stand for as well now the pledge that you'll make or the first line and listen to this it says I hereby pledge right now you know that a pledge is a solemn promise it's a commitment there's another definition that says that give as a security on a loan now that stood out to me because the next line says I pledge myself to be a law excuse me I pledge myself to be loyal to every rule and regulation of Zeta so you are basically offering up yourself for this organization at this altar that you're kneeling at and if you go to read further the oath mentions God again I'm not surprised and um there's even something they call a charge that states all of these things about being Noble and having all these Noble characteristics and doing all these Noble Endeavors and it even says always keep God in your life and exemplify the qualities of Zeta okay yeah that sounds good but what about the whole writing Zeta on my heart and in my mind and carrying the light of Zeta why not just change all of that to Christ Jesus and the law of God well let's go a little bit further they follow up saying I charge you to go forth holding High the light of Zeta that the world might know that you are a Zeta woman Etc whatever else they say after that again just because you throw scripture on something just because you throw God into something doesn't mean that it's spirit-led doesn't mean that it's of God okay now you know like I know the old saying you attract more flies with honey than you do vinegar so it makes sense to make all these Noble Endeavors and characteristics and and and and bullet points if you will about what this organization is about and even throw God in there in the Forefront because that draws you in but you still haven't learned the root and by the time they've drowned you with all the good stuff you don't even care about the root anymore because the root isn't of God now you again you can continue to read more about their processes and I'll link it below along with other things I'll mention throughout the video but you can actually honestly just Google all of these things to find out more information and um there's something else that was mentioned in the um initiation initiation process um there's a mention of open sesame and that Holy Spirit highlighted that to me at the bottom of the page and when I looked up the meaning I saw the origin of it is actually from a magic formula in a tale God has nothing to do with the promotion of magic or witchcraft he speaks against it highly all these little things all these little things they're not little they're big but he's minimized them to the point that again if you don't go research this stuff if you don't ask God for direction through his holy spirit you just so blindly follow these things thinking it's okay when is anything but okay again God has nothing to do with the promotion of magical witchcraft it's a magic term open sesame is a magic term or a term if you can you can almost think of it as a term in casting a spell if you will so there's that then I actually found that Zeta has a prayer and when I went to go look at the prayer here you see it it says nothing about God it says nothing about in the name of Jesus the only thing it says is amen um now I do want to point out that and you again I'll link all this below it gives more detail about it but Zeta has also been in some very controversial things surrounding hazing for example there are well-known documented events you can do all this you can research all this for yourself okay Jesus doesn't condone or represent mistreatment abuse of any person yeah this is all too common hazing is all too common a part of pledging now you would think that this organization who prides themselves on social causes for the Improvement of mankind shouldn't be hazing their pledges especially since they mentioned earlier how sisterly love is an important part of this whole organization and then also too I'm going to link a video down below it actually shows um I guess you would um Zeta pledges crossing over if you will and you'll hear a song and I'll go ahead and post the lyrics to that now so if you look at this song the first part it says and Zeta train is slowly pushing Gotta Keep On Moving pink and green you don't mean a thing which is a reference to AKA red and white get out of my sight which is a reference to Delta and you can just continue reading says because you haven't seen a lady until you've seen a Zeta so there's Pride all through this there's the elitism that they said that they don't want anything to do with all through this I mean I'm just asking why are you singing a song down in other denying sororities you all are part of an organization I know you're not in the same sorority but you're all part of this other bigger thing right so I asked myself you know how are you exhibiting the qualities of being what they call a finer woman when you're Downing other women I mean isn't that considered an important social cause like the building of women you know that already have it difficult on so many other levels in the world and I know that the comment itself in theory might seem heartless in comparison to a lot of other jobs that women get or what have you but again shouldn't organization against elitism take the higher role at all times and in all ways so the next time we're going to actually dive into the roots of Zeta Veer their brother fraternity okay I'll be doing a part two to this video because that's going to focus more on Phi Beta Sigma in their Roots which again because they didn't Phi Beta their constitutionally bound so when we're speaking about Phi Beta Sigma Roots we're also talking about zeta's Roots as well so we'll go more into that in part two so guys I want to thank you so much for tuning in I pray this video blesses you have an amazing day [Music]