you may be seated Dr Dr Conor and first lady Carter all of your staff and Dr pogs each of you it's good to be here land of the dying on our way to the land of the living I'm certain you've stopped already today to say to the Lord thank you for him bringing us safe this far he didn't have to wake us this morning but he did that alone is enough to be thankful for we worship God because of who he is we praise him because of what he has done and God is so awesome till there are some things about God that God himself have never seen God have never seen a situation that he could not solve God have never seen a sinner that he could not save God have never seen a substitute for his son God had never seen a sinner that could save himself David said can I say something what do you want to say David he said well I have been young and now I'm old he said but I've never seen the righteous forsaken or their seed begging for bread he deserve our Praises I want to thank Dr Carter and staff uh for this wonderful privilege uh that I I have been able to experience today and tonight thank you so much for a allowing me I know there are thousands of preachers you could have brought to this place but you gave me that privilege and I want to say thank you so much for that I discover people don't have to be nice and when they are they don't have to be nice to you and when they are you should show your appreciation so thank you so much thank you thank the Saints of Salem that came here to be with me thank you and all of these wonderful pastors and each each of you I am grateful Acts chapter 20 Acts chapter 20 verse 28 take heed therefore unto yourself to the flock from which the Lord has made you overseer de feed the Church of God which he have purchased with his blood I want to talk about bleeding while leading [Applause] bleed in while leading there are at least three different ways to approach any text in the Bible that's what you call topical teaching textual teaching and expiratory teaching topical teaching is when you think of an idea and you go to the scripture to find a text to match your subject what you normally do with that is isog the text instead of EXO which mean you read into the text your own belief instead of pulling from the text what the Holy Spirit have deposited into the text as quite as it is kept you can actually make the Bible say what you want it to say uh I can actually show you in the scripture where it's right to kill yourself Matthew chapter 27 verse4 the Bible said Judas went and hung himself Luke 10:37 Jesus said go and do likewise [Applause] John 13:27 he said what you do do quickly because many times when we approach a text we bring baggage with us to the text we come with preconceived ideas and we take the scripture out of context can I use a couple examples we said the Lord will give you the desires of your heart it says it but it really don't say it psalms 37:4 say if you delight yourself also in the Lord he will give you the desires of your heart the emphasis is not on desire is on Delight but when you Delight God changes your desire the stuff you used to desire you don't desire it any more of course culture has a lot to do with the way we approach in a text we look at the text based upon how we grew up and sometime we hear songs that someone sung and they wrote the lyrics of the song and they put something in the rhyme and we back it up and think that's the word of God but then that's what you call textual teaching textual teaching is always good teaching but you can even error with textual teaching because the Bible was written in its original Hebrew and Greek languages changed to our modern translation in the Hebrew and Greek languages there are 12,000 words in our English translation there are only 6,000 words when the translator translated from the Hebrew Greek from 12000 he had to compile or duplicate some words to put 12,000 in the 6000 meaning you can see a word in the text that spell the same way but have different meanings Matthew 28:18 Jesus came speak at all power the Greek word is exoria which mean Authority acts 1 and8 say ye shall receive power spell the same way but the Greek word is dunamus where you get the word Dynamite Ephesians 6 and 10 finally my brethren be strong in the Lord and in the power the Greek word is cre to us that's demonstrative power is spelled the same way but have different meanings and then that's what you call expository teaching it deal with interpretation investigation and application that mean investigation you find out what the Bible is saying interpretation you find out what the Bible mean and an application you find out how you fit into the text whenever you read the scripture and don't see yourself you're not reading it right because whenever you read the Scripture it is like standing in front of a mirror and when you stand in front of a mirror you don't see the person down the street you see the one standing in the mirror talk to me somebody for instance there's a passage that's written in all three synoptic writers Mary come and she washes Jesus feet with her tears she wiped them with her hair it looked like Mary just showed up where Jesus was she got emotional and had enough tears to wash the feet of Jesus but what you fail to realize is at that day They Carried with them tear balls whenever one would cry they would get the tears and catch in a bottle if they was GRE they would catch grieving tears if the hearts was broken they would catch brokenhearted tears if they were lonely and sad they would catch those tears Mara's tear bottle f up when a tear bottle f up She Found Jesus when you found Jesus she pulled her tears on his feet which meant she was pouring all of her problems at the feet of Jesus talk to me somebody the text open by saying take heave PR PR PR ego take Hees is in the imperative mood which mean it is a command it's in present tent which mean continuing in action it's an active voice mean the subject is performing the action it's an in plural form that mean y'all do it it's in second person there are three person in the English language first P person second person third person first person is one doing the talking second person one talking to and the third person one you're talking about he's in the second person so he's talking two Paul is the pinman of this text and Paul is trying to deposit into young preachers what he have already experienced I say this and I said across the country that all of us need at least three people in our Liv we need a Paul that's the person that's been where you're trying to go that's barnabus the person that will tell you the truth and then that's a Timothy coming on behind you talk to me somebody he says in this text he said take heave he said mean be alert he said listen uh understand where you're headed he says in the text really exercise your mind because Satan likeed to play Mind Games second Corinthians 2:11 said be not ignorant of Satan's device the w word is noar where you get the word noo where you get the word noose which mean mind Satan Play Mind Games and to be honest he can take you out with just your mind oh yeah you see you can live weeks without food days without water but only minutes without hope if he can't get you with guns and bullets and alcohol hauling women he can just take you out with your mind uh Ephesian Philippians chapter 4 verse 6 said be anxious for nothing marryam no which mean listen don't stress yourself out uh one of the greatest Killers is stress you see what stress do is it actually Harden your arteris when it Harden your arterus it cause your blood to flow too fast when your blood flow too fast it raises your temperature when it rais your temperature it cause you to have cholesterol Le cholesterol caus you to have type 2 diabetes type two diabetes cause your immune system to drop when your immune system drop it cause you to easily pick up diseases and when you pick up diseases you'll have a disease talk to me if you care it's all with just dealing with your mind he should be anxious for nothing I asked him how do I hand that how do I contain that as a preacher a man he said you have to really build walls around your mind he said in Philippians chapter 4 verse verse 4 he said rejoice in the Lord you see I can't Rejoice if I don't already have joy Cairo is the Greek word for rejoice it mean leap for joy that mean everywhere I go I don't walk with my head down I leap for Joy how can I have joy caress Greek word for joy it's just a three-letter word j o y J stand for Jesus y stands for you when messes up is this o in the middle because we allow that to stand for other things and other folk reason I ain't got no joy I got something or somebody between me and Jesus but to have real Joy I let the J stand for Jesus I let the why stand for you but I let the o stand for nothing that mean I got nothing between me and Jesus and when there's nothing between you and Jesus you can say this joy that I have the world didn't give it to me the world can't take it away he said build up walls of Praise but then it says in Philippians 4 and 5 I get back to the text in a moment he said listen let your moderation be made known unto the Lord that mean I build up walls of patience shout patience you see you have to learn how to be patient with other folk because many times people that offend you they're not mean they green [Applause] man police officers was on the side of the road out in the rule and old man decided to make a U-turn in front of the police office he said sir sir you can't do that he just kept on oh yes sir I can make it he just turned around and kept on going there people that offend you and you get upset with them and some mad right now but they wern't mean just green be walls of praise be walls of patience but verse 6 Philippians 4:6 so be careful for nothing but everything by prayer the Greek word is pruk for the word prayer PR is an intimate word it mean face to face you see when we pray we become face to face with our heavenly father you see the same word in John 1 And1 in the beginning watch the word the word was with same Greek word Pros face to face God the father and God the son were always face to face there was only one time they would not face to face that was when Jesus was at calary the reason they was not face to face did is because my sin got in the way you see the same word in Ephesians 6 verse 11 put on the whole arm of God that you might be able to stand against same Greek word PR face to face he said listen the reason you need to become face to face with your heavenly father is because one day you're going to become face to face with your enemy but if you have been face to face with your father when you run into your enemy your enemy can't handle you talk to me somebody let me get back to the text here's what he says take heave then he said therefore I don't like to waste words if it's in the text it's saying say something about me because Jesus said in Matthew 4 and4 it's written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that receed out of the mouth of God normally you wouldn't PID this that for in intention in the text because it is a conjunction and all through our Seminary training they taught us that when you study the Bible and prepare sermons look for the verbs in the text because that's where the action is and then they said then seek the subjects out in the text because when you find the subject of the text you find out what the pinman had in mind when he pin what he pin and if you find a sentence without a subject you become the subject of the sentence preach R but we pay conjunctions no attention but the conjunctions in the Bible is like cement in a brick wall you pull up to a bill and you see the bricks but to pay the cement no attention but it is a cement that keep the bricks in order it's the conjunction that keep the Sinners flowing and in order and that's what you call a contrast conjunction contrast conjunction is when the siners is flowing in one way but when you get to the conjunction it will send you another way y'all got a minute uh Ro Romans 6:23 say for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life it send you another way Jonah 1 verse 1 2 3 and 4 read like this now the word of the Lord came unto Jonah the son of am saying arise go to Nineveh that great City and cry against it for that wickedness have come up before me verse three but Jonah Rose to flee under Tasha went down the jper found a ship going to Tasha paid as Fair they are went down T Tasha with them from the presence of the Lord verse four but God that when your butt head in One Direction God got another butt to send you another way and is a conjunction but a is a connecting conjunction it connect what has just happened to what's getting ready to happen in many instance it connects a promise with a PR principle we love love the promises of God but we ignore the principle but if you don't apply the principle you will not experience the promise can I give you just one John 14:16 and I will pray the father that he will send another comforter that he may abide with us forever he said listen I want you to know you have access to all three of the godheads and I that's the son we pray the father that's the father we send another comforter that's the Holy Ghost it's the son who prays the father to whom he prayed the holy spirit for whom he prayed creation is God behind us Bethlehem is God With Us camar is God for us Pentecost is God in us donated at Bethlehem demonstrated at cavar but Illustrated at Pentecost he said you can have all three but now wait a minute that's the promise what is the principle just beg up the verse 15 if you love me keep my Commandments and I will praise d a witness if is a conjunction but it is a conditioning conjunction got to watch this little if it hang out everywhere you go there's a if riding with you you see you spare life l i f e drop the L off the front of the word life e off the back of the word life sandwich in the middle that's an if that's why the old people used to say I will see you next Sunday if it is the Lord's will talk to me somebody the Lord said I have left it on record if you fulfill one verse of scripture in the Bible he said it can revolutionize planet Earth can I give it to you only 40 words in this verse but it start with if 2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray seek my face turn from thy Wicked Ways then will I hear from Heaven forgive them of thy sins heal thy land take he therefore Watch what it say of yourself it's hard to bless somebody else when you're bleeding in yourself too many of us trying to help somebody else and we need to be on the couch ourselves do will have a witness take care of yourself God has given an assignment to the Servants of God St Paul that pinned this passage Cuts in and said to one of his young preachers Timothy he said I need you to do several things he said number one you have to be a man of the word he says 2 Timothy 4:2 preach the word Greek word for word is logos logos but then that's what you call the Rama word Rama work from the logos John 1 And1 in the beginning was the word logos the word logos was with God John 1:14 and the word logos became flesh dwelt among us we beheld his glory that of the only begotten of the father full of grace and truth Matthew 4 and4 it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word Rama Romans 10:17 Faith come by hearing hearing come through by the word Rama let me explain if I can my daughter is here I thank God for her she call me every day check on me make sure I'm doing okay because I travel so much sometime I miss a call when I miss a call and when I finally get to get on the phone she get smart with me said dad I call you you didn't call me back I said but I text you read your text some time God when you have the logos when God respond to you he text you Lord I need I need help I call you for some help and you didn't call me back the Lord said but I I text you Psalms 12 ver1 verse1 I lift up my eyes to the heels from which cometh my help my help comes from the Lord Lord I cried all night I tried to reach here but you didn't call me back he said but I text you in Psalms 30:5 weeping me endure four nights but joy cometh in the morning he said you ought to be a man of the word shout word word it is universal in its appeal it is reasonable in its teaching it is reliable in his promise it is doable in his conflict far reaching in his vision it is accurate in its prophecy it is simple in its application it's new and modern in its statesmanship but you have to read it to be wise you have to believe it to be saved you have to practice it to be holy it is a pilgrim staff it is a pilot's Compass it's a Christian Chariot it's a soldier Serv that's 1,189 chapters 31,2 14 verses 7737460722 do [Music] I a witness he said Lord he said number one you got to be a man of the word but you got to also be a man of the wind because it said be instant if Fe me the Greek word for instance is a military term it mean hold your [Music] post because there are Lord some things in your life will cause you to leave your post he said whatever Lord hold me a moment you do hold your post come hell a high water hold your post if they love you hold your post if they don't like you hold your post but then watch what it say be instant he said in season you caress in season you caress mean in good times when they celebrating your birthday hold your post when they giving you big anniversaries hold your post when they tell you how much they love you hold your post when they send you on vacations hold your post but then it say out of Seasons a caress just move the EU and put a a on the back a caress that mean in Bad seasons can I tell you if you work for the Lord you going to have some bad season I I don't need to do that if you work for the Lord somewhere along the way you going to have a bad season but you know what I discover Bad season it's just a promotion because Psalms 11:0 says s still while I make your enemy your foot stool I couldn't understand it at first till one day I was changing a light bulb in my house I couldn't reach the bub so I had to get a stool to step up in it and while on the stool I was able to reach what a couldn't reach your enemies would help you reach some stuff that couldn't reach without your enemies because your enemies will send you to your Bible your enemies will send you to your knees your enemies will have you go the church when the doors are not open that's why every once a while you ought to sit down and write your enemy a thank you letter and tell them I just want to tell you thank you oh Lord thank you for what you've done for me I'm out of here watch what it said take he to yourself and to the flock from which the Holy Ghost shout Holy Ghost you see you didn't start this by yourself you didn't call yourself to preach the gospel the Holy Ghost call you and whatever he call he enables he may not come when you want him but I don't need to do this he's always right on time have I got a witness him just shake one hand say hone I'm not here on my own I'm not doing this by myself I got somebody that walks with me he talks with me he hold my hand he guide my footstep have I got a witness him I got one more little piece in the same text he said watch the church that he purchased with his own blood shout blood one time can I tell you that about his blood it happened out on a Hill Called calary they hung him H they stressed him wide he died anybody know he died he died [Music] he died he died Sunday morning say Sunday morning [Music] [Laughter] sunay morning [Applause] [Music]