Transcript for:
Strategies for CASPer Test Preparation

that's okay that doesn't mean that you have to  say nothing you can usually find something to   draw on what's important in all of these is to  just demonstrate the experiences that you've had   what you've learned from them and how you've grown  from them. So we have a much longer blog post that   goes into a lot more detail about all of these  I'll make sure to put that in the comments or the   description below so that you can check those out  and get more detailed information about this but   these are probably the three most common types  of CASPer test question and these strategies   that I've given you will work in any number of  different scenarios with any number of different   types of questions you just have to practice so  that this becomes your sort of second nature way   of answering these kinds of questions. And with  enough practice that's exactly what happens. So   I hope that you enjoyed this video and that  it was helpful if so please do go ahead like   it share it with a friend who might benefit from  it. Be sure to follow us on whatever social media   platform you're on right now. If you'd like us to  help you click the link that should appear either   above or below this video to see our programs  and schedule a free initial consultation. We'll   set you up with one of our admissions experts to  answer any questions you might have and get you   started with your preparations. We have programs  to suit any of your needs and we're always happy   to work with you to determine which plan will  support you and your goals most effectively. As   ever thank you so very much for your time,  take good care, and I'll see you next time.