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Article II of the 1987 Philippine Constitution
Jul 21, 2024
Lecture Notes: Article II of the 1987 Philippine Constitution
Article II of the 1987 Philippine Constitution
: Declaration of Principles and State Policies
Divided into 28 sections
Sections 1-6: Declaration of Principles
Sections 7-28: State Policies
Section Breakdown
Section 1: Democratic and Republican State
: The Philippines is a democratic and republican state
Key Concepts
: Rule by the people (Greek: demos - people; kratos - rule)
: Government system with power resting on citizens (Greek: politea - rights of the citizen)
: Democracy (ideology) vs. Republic (form of government)
Current System
: Democratic Republic
People have sovereign power
Elected officials represent the people
Fun Fact
Direct Democracy Aspects
: People propose laws directly
: Laws accepted or repealed by popular vote
Section 2: Renunciation of War
National Policy
: Philippines renounces war except for self-defense
International Law
Follows Doctrine of Incorporation: International law is part of national law
Policy of Peace
: Adheres to peace, equality, justice, freedom, cooperation, amity with all nations
Section 3: Supremacy of Civilian Authority
Civilian authority is supreme over the military
: Head of civilian government and AFP's Commander-in-Chief
Section 4: Role of the Government
Government Role
: Serve and protect the people
Military/Civil Service
: Compulsory, personal, law-defined
Section 5: Peace and Order
Government Duty
: Maintain peace, order, protect lives/rights/properties
Section 6: Separation of Church and State
Church and state are separate and inviolable
No official religion; religious freedom
Section 7: Independent Foreign Policy
Foreign Policy
: Independent and non-dictated by other states
Section 8: Freedom from Nuclear Weapons
Forbids nuclear weapon storage/manufacturing
National Interest Clause
: National interest can permit storage
Section 9: Promotion of a Just and Dynamic Social Order
Ensures prosperity, independence, and freedom from poverty
Full employment
Rising living standards
Improved quality of life
Sufficient health, education, housing
Section 10: Promotion of Social Justice
Equal access to wealth and opportunities
Focus on the less fortunate (poor, underprivileged, uneducated, disabled)
Section 11: Promotion of Human Rights
Human Rights
: State values dignity and respect for human rights
Commission on Human Rights
: Investigate and protect human rights
Section 12: Family as Basic Social Institution
Protect and strengthen the family
: Illegal, except to save mother's life
Sections 13-14: Role of Youth and Women
Recognizes contributions of youth and women to nation-building
Sections 15-16: Right to Health and Ecology
Right to health and balanced ecology
Section 17: Prioritizing Education, S&T, Arts, Culture, Sports
Social progress
Human liberation and development
Section 18: Labor as a Primary Force
Workers' Rights
: Protection and welfare promotion
Labor Laws
: Faithful enforcement
Section 19: Self-reliant & Independent Economy
Free from dependency on other nations
Section 20: Role of Private Sector
Encourages free enterprise and investment incentives
Section 21: Rural Development and Agrarian Reform
Promotes agricultural sector and protects farmers' rights
Section 22: Indigenous Cultural Communities
Recognizes and promotes rights of cultural minorities
Section 23: Non-Governmental and Community-based Organizations
: Voluntary groups (e.g., Philippine Red Cross)
: Community members with common interests
Examples: Neighborhood associations
Section 24: Role of Communication and Information
Communication as vital for national progress
Section 25: Autonomy of Local Governments
Local Autonomy
: Local governments can create their own laws
Section 26: Prohibition of Political Dynasties
Political Dynasty
: Succession from the same family
Prohibited to prevent corruption
Section 27: Honesty and Integrity in Public Office
Government office is a public trust
State mandated to combat graft and corruption
Section 28: Full Public Disclosure Policy
Right of the people to know government transactions
: Confidential matters endangering the state
Important Concepts
Doctrine of Incorporation
Civil Service
Civilian Authority
Foreign Policy
Political Dynasty
Social Justice
Indigenous Cultural Communities
POs and NGOs
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