Transcript for:
Variations in the Holy Quran

do you write color like this or like that do you say privacy or privacy garage or garage obviously this is all correct English and these are but variations with the exact same meaning English is naturally not the only language that contains variations like these Arabic as well has different variations depending on where the language which is spoken since the Holy Quran was revealed in Arabic it too had variations within and this video we'll tackle the concept of variations in the Holy Quran so let's get started by answering the first question what are the seven of Quran and what does even mean at the time of the revelation of the Holy Quran there were many different variations of the Arabic language people use different pronunciations and they spelled words differently and sometimes the grammatical structure of the sentences had variations too for this reason the Holy Quran was not revealed in one variation but in seven each of these variations is called har when the Quran was revealed it was revealed with all seven variations at the same time we call them the seven or in Arabic so these represent seven variations of some words in the Holy Quran so each difference no matter how minut or minuscule it is it goes directly back to the prophet peace be upon him therefore these variations are not up to us so there is no and has never been any space for us for using our own variations of the Holy Quran so why do do these and that is by the way the plural of why do they exist there are mainly three reasons why there are variations of the Holy Quran first it is there to make it easier for people with different dialects to read and recite the Quran without any problems like in this example what you see in this Ayah is a variation in the last word notice and hear the difference between how the last word is pronounced since some dialects did not use H in this position it is acceptable to drop it making it easier for those who already speak this tongue another example to confirm the point [Music] so again there are some differences between these two examples they are the exact same aah second is that some of these variations that we see in the Holy Quran they actually add another dimension without contradicting one another like in this example [Music] in the first variation of the word the word is translated to have been killed which would make the meaning of the verse as follows and the Deeds of those who have been killed in the cause of Allah will not go to waste but then looking at the second variation of the a we see that the word means have fought which would make the meaning of the Ayah as follows and the Deeds of those who have fought in the cause of Allah will not go to waste as we can see it adds a miraculous Dimension to the Ayah adding and enriching its meaning so the Deeds of those who have been killed and those who just fought in the cause of Allah will not go to waste so the variations here added another dimension without contradicting the one that is already there and the third reason is that it is to tighten the challenge made against those who don't believe in the Holy Quran that still with different variations the Holy Quran is consistent and only gets richer and more challenging without contradictions and without any mistakes the next question is what kind of changes are there when we talk about the seven or in Arabic what kind of changes can we expect now the variations may involve difference in nouns that for example in one variation a word is mentioned in the plural form and another it is mentioned in a singular form like in this example so the word that is plural and the word that is singular another type of difference is a grammar difference like difference between the conjugation of verbs like in this [Music] [Music] example and of course these two verses mean the same thing but it is only how different people say the same thing another type of variation is the absence or the addition of a word and this is one of its example notice here that the change is merely syntactic meaning that it doesn't affect the meaning of the aah but just the choice of words to say the same thing last is some differences in the application of the Taj rules like in this example another example [Music] [Laughter] now that you understand what a is in the Holy Quran why it exists and what kind of variations there are linked to each har now let's find out what are then the word is a plural of the word which translates into a way of recitation of the Holy Quran so a is a way of recitation that is attributed to a master so is just the selection that the k Master has made based on the variations of the seven now let's have a look at an example to understand this point fully in the first Surah of the Quran Al we can see that there are many variations that we can choose from these variations as we have understood represent the seven of the Quran of course I'm going to give you an example of the variations ofah this is not everything there is for example the word Malik you could say it as Malik or Malik and in the seventh verse the word it starts with a s some variations of the word in this position is turning the S into sin so you would say but some variations as well will turn this s in this position to an almost Z so you would say so here we have three choices only in this word moving on a little bit further with the word now we can say so as we can see there are many choices that are a aailable that we can choose from now the master has made certain decisions and will choose from these available variations of this Surah the product of his selections will be called a so a selection of variations equals there are 10 confirmed masters of and all of them combined cover all the seven you can find the list of the Masters of the in this poster which you can download from the description of this video so these 10 masters of K are the only 10 confirmed Masters that are directly linked to the prophet bisb APM each one of these Masters has two confirmed students and each one of these two students has learned and specialized in a distinct variation of the Holy Quran these students are called RI or narrator so for example aim has made a number of decisions and selections from the seven of the Quran and he taught it to two of his students and they are H and Sh and today we have the of which is one of the most famous nowadays which means that H is therefore the student of aim andum is the one who made the selections from the available variations of the Quran now the students of the students are called or method so the students of are then called let's have a look at an example that involves the of from two different narrators so the first one will be and the second one will be [Laughter] so now you might be thinking well these people have made choices based on the seven can't I just have my own choices in reciting the Quran and the answer is yes you can actually pick and choose what you want from the variations of the Quran because it is all Quran and it is all confirmed and can be Trace back to the prophet peace be upon him and now you would think well since is just another word for dialects can we just use the Contemporary dialects that we have nowadays for Arabic to read the Holy Quran and the answer is definite no that is impossible the choices that Allah has made for us are made this way for a reason the variations of the Holy Quran do not contradict one another and do not change the meaning but if we for example want to use uh let's say Sudanese dialects and some of the dialects in Sudan they turn into so they would read this a completely differently and of course the word is completely different from the original a which is Al so this would change the meaning or if you want to use the Egyptian dialect of Arabic they turn g into G and this would be very confusing for some dialects in Yemen that actually understand G as so if they hear the word they would think it is actually which would completely change the meaning and it would lead to Big confusions and one last example is that some Turkish Brothers they is that they exchang the letter into and that is actually a mistake because they would read but the problem is if you come across an Ayah like this and you would apply this rule to it you would completely change the meaning of the a to a point that is completely unacceptable and of course is a completely different word than so the Contemporary variations of the Arabic language nowadays cannot be used to read the Holy Quran now here are some of the most important sources for those who are interested in learning about the differences between and if you want to add variations to your recitation all right so the First Source that we will talk about today is and on this website you can find the comparison between all the different so here you can choose the Surah and you can choose the from here and then when you choose the AY that you want to see compared it will show all the 10 confirmed and each will have two narrators so in total there will be 20 so in this example we see verse number 24 from and then we can see that the differences between each is highlighted with a different color you can also listen to it if you click on this icon to see how it is pronounced the other source is is the website called Quran and this website will also give you a mus with different so you can see you can also find and you can also see mus and many other types of muss so you can find different types of mus and of course each mus with a different will have its variation written down in this type of mus the last source is an app that you can download on your Android smartphones and it is called Bridges translation and this is a translation of the Holy Quran that takes into account all the different variations between all the different and finally if you think I am a beginner in the Holy Quran do I still have to learn all of this the answer is yes and no yes you have to be aware of the fact that the holy Quran was revealed in seven and that it has variations since some people out of ignorance attack Islam claiming that there are many distinct versions of the Quran and that Quran like other books has been changed so it is important to know what this is so that you can stand on a solid ground however you don't have to know the details of the different variations of the my advice is that you should focus on just one mode till you master it and you become confident at using it afterwards you can enrich your knowledge by learning more thanks for watching I hope you've learned something new today if you did please like and share the video for other people to learn from it and please subscribe to my channel if you want to see more videos like this thanks for watching and I'll see you next time