Transcript for: Understanding the Gastrointestinal Tract
Thank you, good evening, everyone. Well, welcome to the lecture
tonight where we're going to go on a journey. I'm gonna take you on
a journey through your gastrointestinal tract,
we're going to start with the mouth and we're
gonna end up at the other end. Your gastrointestinal
tract is a hollow tube and anything that goes
into that hollow tube is not part of you or me
until it gets broken down to tiny substances
absorbed into the blood, then it becomes part of you and me. And last night, when
we looked at the liver, we had a look at what
happens when it gets absorbed into the blood. We actually followed the journey of how it gets into the cell. But tonight, we're going to have a look at the amazing process
that transforms the food that's on your plate to
microscopic little substances that can then gets
absorbed into the blood. So this hollow tube,
anything that is in it is not part of you or me
until it gets into the blood, because the Bible says that the blood is the life of the flesh. Now in Australia, we have a
lot of sheep and they're born with tails, and what the
farmer does is he puts a little rubber ring around that tail, you know, the base of the tail, and eventually the tail falls off. Why does the tail fall off? Because that little ring
has stopped the blood. So that's why the blood's called the life of the flesh. The flesh is only alive because it's been bathed with blood. And, in our next lecture, where we look at the immune system, we'll be looking in a little bit more detail at the blood. What an amazing thing it is. But let's begin by taking
you on a journey through your gastrointestinal tract. So, notice that the main
hole in is the mouth. And here it is up here. The mouth is the first organ
and most people don't realize that digestion begins in the mouth and the pH in the mouth is alkaline. So what of the enzymes that
are released in the mouth? One enzyme is ptyalin
and ptyalin is called a salivary amylase because ptyalin breaks down starch, or you
could call that carbohydrate. So what is starch, starch is anything like bread, pasta, cereal, bread, pasta, cereal, cakes,
biscuits, things like that. Potatoes, they're all your starch. So, ptyalin is the salivary
amylase that begins the breakdown of starch. There is no ptyalin in
the mouth of a baby, and the first teeth that a
baby gets, four at the top and four at the bottom, and those teeth are called milk teeth. They're called milk teeth
because that's the main food that baby should have. But it's also taste time,
this is a good time for baby to suck on a piece of
apple, suck a gum away, maybe have little bits
out of a celery stick or a stick of cucumber. I remember we were eating
at my daughter's place in Tasmania, it was the middle of winter and it was very cold and she had a fire in the lounge,
I'm sorry, put a sheet on the lounge room floor
and we ate our meal there. And her little 10 month old baby, what did that baby want to do? That baby wanted to do what we were doing. And yet the baby's only got four teeth. And so, my daughter
said, what do I do, Mum? I said, give the baby one
of those steamed green beans and that little baby sat there so happy, thinking that it's doing
everything that we're doing. And it took half an hour
for that baby to get through one centimeter of that steamed green bean and little bits are all over the place. Do you know that's taste time. But baby's main food should be milk. The next teeth that come
through are the molars, the molars come through further along and the molars are grinders
and what do we grind? We grind grain. And when the molars are fully
through, then the glands in the mouth released the
salivary amylase ptyalin. So, a baby should not have any starch till the molars are through, what age is that? That can be anywhere between
14 and 22 months of age. And what are mother's told
to give their babies at four to six months of age? Cereal, what's cereal? Starch. Did you know that that's
where malabsorption syndrome can begin to be built up in the gut? It's way back then. Do you know babies were not fed starch? They weren't fed any types
of food a hundred years ago, 200 years ago? Now, I'll tell you a story to illustrate. I had a lady email me, she
said Barbara, my little baby, he's just not thriving. How old is he, he's 10 months old. What does he eat, bread,
pasta, cereal, vegetables. How many teeth does he have, four. What's his stomach like, bloated. But he's skinny so she's feeding him more. Is he breastfed, yes. So I explained to her and I
have a lecture on YouTube, it's called What Shall I Feed My Baby, which explains this. So she said, what do I give him? I said just give him
fruits and vegetables but keep back the starches. She mailed me back, ah,
his tummy got right down, he's actually starting to put on weight. See, the poor child he just wasn't able to process or metabolize that food. So, everything was good. When the baby's 14 months
old, she emails me. She said, Barbara, the
baby stopped eating, he won't eat a single thing. I began to investigate. Remember, we should all
be private investigators. Is he teething, yes, the
molars are coming through. I said oh, it's not
uncommon that a baby go off the food when they're teething,
they're not themselves. Is he breastfeeding, yes. Don't worry about it. She emailed me a week later,
what if he gets brain damage? I thought where's just
coming from, brain damage? What if his muscles start to deteriorate? I said, did you know that
God made breast food perfect? You know what the amazing
thing about breast milk, it's perfectly designed for the baby when it's two days old. Perfectly designed from when
the baby six months old, 18 months old. My last baby, I fed him till he was three. She said, but, you know,
it may not be enough. I said it is enough. A few days later I get
an email from her father, I'm a scientist at Loma Linda University. I believe that my baby, my grandson is gonna be brain damaged
because the baby's only on breast milk. We would like the baby to go
to hospital and be tested. What are they gonna do, take blood? What's that gonna do for the baby? And my wife's a physiotherapist and she believes that the muscles
are deteriorating. See, he was very, very premmie
this baby, so he was smaller than usual for his age. And he had actually stopped crawling. I said he's teething, he'll be all right. And then, I said to the father scientist, I said, did you know that
a hundred, 200 years ago, babies were not fed
food till they were two? Do you know what that means? Galileo, Einstein, Bach, Handel, hmm? They were not fed food as
babies, did they suffer? And I said, what are they gonna
do to the baby in hospital? What if the baby gets so
upset with all this blood being taken that it actually
stops breastfeeding? So they backed off. Two weeks later, the mother emailed me, the teeth are through, the
baby's feeding, eating more food, he started to crawl a bit more. I got an email from the
grandfather of this girl's father. He said thank you so much. Could I give you something? I said, if you want,
here's my bank details, 400 dollars in the bank. That man was very, very
grateful because I said what are they gonna do in hospital, put a G-tube down the throat? Force feed the baby? What's that, can you see
how you have to take it to its end result? These things will pass, of
course when they're sick they're not the same. This is a very important
subject because so many people have gut problems today
because they were fed starch too young as babies. The other enzyme that's in
the mouth, you have sublingual glands under your tongue and
they release lingual lipase and lingual lipase is an enzyme that breaks down short and
medium chain fatty acids. So the ptyalin breaks down the starch and saturated fat, which is your medium and short chain fatty acids, are
broken down in the mouth. Now, the most amazing and
beneficial saturated fat is the coconut. So coconut is unique, the
breakdown begins in the mouth. it's an amazing oil. Now, let's move on down to the esophagus, the food starts to come down here. By the way, before we move
on, there are exposed bone in your mouth, what are they called? Teeth, and they have a purpose
and that is to break up the food into very tiny
particles, did everyone here that? Very tiny particles. I was at a restaurant
one day and the lady just across from me, I think there
were two chews, swallow. Two chews, swallow, I thought whoa. Her poor stomach, the
poor organs down there, they don't know what's coming down there, there are no teeth in the stomach. Hmm? What's the old saying,
we should chew our drinks and we should drink our food. What does that mean, we
should be chewing up our food until it's almost liquid. It's a good idea to put
the knife and the fork down between mouthfuls and look at the view. If you've got a nice view
outside your dining room window. We're such a fast society today, we usually just eat too fast. I think it's such an
enjoyable time of the day, why don't we rush it? Some people say, well, I rush it because when I was a kid, my
brother, if I didn't hurry up and eat it, he'd eat my food. Yes, those sort of things
may start to happen. So, it's important to
chew, chew, chew, why? Because there are no teeth in the stomach. And when you chew, you break the food down to tiny particles, which
means there's a greater surface area for the
enzymes to work on and also, when you chew, you are
mixing the food with saliva and in the saliva are these enzymes so the breakdown can begin to happen. There's something else,
when you're chewing, messages are going to the
brain and the brain says ah, it's a bit of starch in there,
ah, there's a bit of fat in there, ah there's a
bit of protein in there, and then it sends messages
down to the pancreas, down to the stomach saying yep, yep, there's a bit of protein coming. Yeah, there's a bit, can you
see what's happening here? And the other organs are getting ready. But three chews, swallow,
three chews, swallow, these organs are saying, what's coming and the
brain says, I don't know. We know it's not in there... Can you see there are several
reasons why we need to chew, chew, chew, chew? Coming down the esophagus,
there's a gateway in the stomach, it's in a double layered
gateway and it's called the cardiac sphincter. And the cardiac sphincter
opens when the muscles tighten to let the food through. And then as we get into the stomach, we get another stage of digestion. So the stomach is an alkaline,
no, acid environment. In fact, that's the only part
of the body that is acid, it's the only part of the
body that should be acid. And tomorrow night,
we're gonna be looking at the acid alkaline balance in the body. So the only part of our
body that should be acid is the stomach. And if someone says to me,
I've got a very acid stomach, I say fantastic. It should be. But how do you know it's acid? Well, it hurts. Well, it shouldn't hurt,
you see we've got a thick mucosa lining on that
stomach, so you shouldn't feel your acid, I can't feel my acid. Someone else said, well,
it keeps coming up. Well, that's not the acid, the acid's not the problem and by the way, if it keeps coming up, it can burn holes in the esophagus and the person can get an ulcerated esophagus. Can you see now it's not the acid? The problem's not the acid,
the problem is that gate. So why isn't that strong? Well, there are many people
today who are eating breakfast like a pauper, lunch
like a pauper and the tea is the king and the queen together. Because they're so busy. And so, when they lay down or sit down in their easy chair to
watch the television and fall asleep and then they go to bed, there's this huge amount
of food in the stomach. And when the sun goes down, our body knows it goes down
and when the sun goes down, the whole body slows down. When the sun goes down,
digestion doesn't happen as effectively and efficiently
as it does at lunch time and as it does at breakfast, you've heard of circadian rhythm? Circadian rhythm is set in our body by light and dark signals. When the sun goes down,
there's a whole lot of messages going into the brain. So, we don't digest as well as an evening as we do at breakfast and lunch. So having a big meal and gravity causes it to push against those little valves there and it weakens it. And that cardiac sphincter is
called the cardiac sphincter because of its relationship,
its nearness to the heart. It's a muscle like this, and
when it tenses, it opens. And when it's relaxed, it's closed. Now the mineral that is a
muscle relaxant is magnesium. So everyone that comes to
Misty Mountain Health Retreat that's got reflux or
heartburn it's called. Because we serve breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen and tea like a pauper, and we give them magnesium
supplements three times a day and just before bed, they go home without the heartburn. Easy fix. I had one guy come and he'd been on Nexium or the equivalent for 15 years. Is it working, 15 years? And by the way, you know
what they're finding now, long-term antacids is
causing or contributing to colon cancer, because the proteins not getting broken down, because
there's not enough acid to break it down, and so
partially digested protein goes all the way down here,
extra bacteria has to be created to try and deal with the partially digested protein and that can contribute to damaging the wall of the colon, whew! I have never met anyone
with an over acid stomach. It actually doesn't happen. By the way, dogs, they've got
about six times higher acid content in their stomach than humans. Do they get reflux? Do they get stomach ulcers, no. They need that extra acid
because they're meat eaters and they need a lot of
acid to break that down and get it through that body quickly. So let's have a look at the stomach. Let's have a look at how it works. So what is the food that
breaks down in the stomach? The food that breaks down
in the stomach is protein. That's actually the only
food that's broken down in the stomach because
starch digestion begins under the action of ptyalin,
but it's put on hold in the acid stomach. The lining of the stomach
has big folds like this. And those folds aligned
with gastric glands. And two-thirds of those
gastric glands is mucus, releasing mucus, there's your
thick mucosa wall to protect the lining of the
stomach against the acid. Now these glands down here,
they release hydrochloric acid and if you were to put one
drop of hydrochloric acid on your skin, it would
burn a hole in your skin. You see why God made it so
that is the thick mucosa wall? Now something else that's released from those glands is pepsinogen. Pepsinogen and hydrochloric acid unite but only in a very acid environment. And they, when they unite
they release pepsin. And pepsin is the enzyme
that breaks down protein. Can you see one of the
pepsin not released here, it'll start eat up your stomach wall. So the hydrochloric acid
release, the pepsinogen release, they unite to produce
pepsin and it's pepsin that breaks down the protein. pepsin will only work or only
be activated I should say, in a very acid environment. So if someone's drinking with their meals, they water down the enzymes in the stomach and the stomach knows
that so digestion stops. All the fluid has to be
got rid of and then it has to go back to digesting the food. And isn't that an Aussie
habit, drinking with the meals? Every time Michael and
I go to a restaurant, the first question we're asked is what? What are you gonna have to drink. And we always say no, we've already drank. Oh well, we'll just bring your water. Now we let them because otherwise they'll never leave us alone. we're such a fast society,
people are busy, busy, busy, busy, no time to drink, sit
down to eat, oh, haven't drank. Is that right? We should be, we should
stop drinking half an hour before the meal, and that
means that we've got a nice acid environment, and
then resumed drinking one and a half hours to
two hours after the meal. If you sit to eat your meal
well hydrated, you will not need to drink with your meals. In fact, at Misty Mountain Health Retreat, we don't serve water with the meals, and I have people say, I
keep reaching for the water. I said yeah, that's the habit, that's what we're gonna
look at on Sunday morning, rewiring that and you
can rewire your brain. But I'd like to speak a little
bit about hydrochloric acid. Hydrochloric acid isn't just
to unite with pepsinogen to produce pepsin, hydrochloric acid is antifungal, it's antibacterial. so that if any bacteria
happens to be on the food, coming into the stomach,
it'll wipe it out. So that's why it's very
important to have nice, strong hydrochloric acid. Another thing that can
exhaust hydrochloric acid is constant eating. You see, digestion,
approximate, there has been lots of research to prove this,
it takes three to four hours to digest a meal. And then your stomach
loves a one hour rest. That means we should be
leaving about a five hour break between a meal, and the
only way you can do this is to have a high-fiber diet,
we looked at this last night, to have generous amounts of protein. And to have your healthy fats, what are you healthy fats? Fats as they come from
the hand of The Creator. So there's your nuts and your seeds, your avocado, your coconuts,
and the two oils extracted from the flesh of the
plant which have been eaten for centuries, is your
coconut and your olive oil. So it depends where you live
I guess, what you grow up on. We live in Australia so take your pick. Personally, I like the taste
of olive oil a little better. These are the three
foods that keep the food in the stomach longer. Fiber because it slowly
releases the glucose, protein because it's in the stomach, the protein is broken down,
and fats because it coats the food so it takes a little bit longer for the enzymes to get in there. And that allows us not
to faint between meals because we're getting the nutrients. And, by the way, even
when the stomach's empty, as you'll see a little bit later on, the food's getting absorbed down here. so even when the stomach's empty, we're not gonna die of
starvation, you know. We're still getting those
nutrients going through. Many people who feel hungry
two hours after a meal, it's often thirst because
your body doesn't know the difference between thirst and hunger. So it's only two meals,
two hours since a meal and you're feeling hungry,
have a drink of water. I remember one day my son,
Peter, he was 15 at the time, he says Mum, the water's
not doing it anymore. Because I say drink. And I looked at the clock and
I said great, it's lunchtime. And that's what you find when the water's not satisfying your anymore, it probably really is hunger. I know as a mother I didn't want to be in the kitchen all day long. I love cooking but I don't
want to be in the kitchen all day long. And when you feed your
children all day long, you're almost in the kitchen all day long. And when you feed your
children all day long, you sit down to a good midday meal, they're not interested, because they had an apple an hour ago. They had a biscuit an hour ago. And you've probably worked
out when children say they're bored, I mean when
they say they're hungry, they usually bored. And when they say they're starving, they obviously don't
know what starvation is. Trouble is the mother's
heart pulls to this. Makes life a lot easier when you just feed your children at mealtime. Dr. Michael Mosley, you've
probably heard of him, he has a few shows on SBS. He's just written a book
called The Fast Diet. And he talks about fasting between meals. And he talks about time restricted eating, have you heard of time restricted eating? It's actually quite popular now. It's eating two meals in
about a six hour period in a 24 hour day. So that's what we suggest and we do it in our health retreat. Main meal at breakfast,
another main meal at lunch, and if you have something at night, because maybe you're working
hard and you weren't able to get a decent lunch, just
have something life at night, because you're just about to go to bed. So soup, bowl of soup's
good, smoothie or a herb tea, something very light. Now, there's something
else that's released in the parietal glands down here because, remember two-thirds of those
glands are releasing mucus, it's the intrinsic factor. So what's the intrinsic factor? Let me give you the B12
story because B12 is a, is a bacteria and it's
not often understood. So let me use my fingers. This is B12 and this is
R-protein and in food, R-protein and B12 are connected. And when R-protein and
B12 get into the stomach, the hydrochloric acid releases them. So now, B12 is released
from the operating, and in the stomach, the
intrinsic factor is released. so here's intrinsic factor, now B12 and intrinsic
factor float together, all the way through the small intestine, and getting to the end
of the small intestine, intrinsic factor and B12 connect, and when they are connected then they get absorbed into
the body at the last part of the small intestine,
it's called the ileum. And then, when it gets into
the circulation of the blood, it's taken to the liver
and it gets caught up in the enterohepatic circulation, which is a circulating affect. Do you know all the B12
you eat is just recycled, so much so then someone can have no B12 in their diet for 30 years
before they show a deficiency. So most people with B12
deficiency it's because they don't have enough hydrochloric acid, or they're not making
the intrinsic factor. You see, meat eaters and
non-meat eaters alike can suffer from B12 deficiency. And Dr. Neil Nedley, you
might have heard of him, famous American doctor, he's written a book called Proof Positive. And he shows in their the
research that is proving that B12 can be found in rain water, B12 can be found on home grown vegetables, on apples picked off trees. B12 can be found in organically
grown root vegetables. So there are the facts
that I'm giving you on B12. So let's move on. Coming out of the stomach,
here's a little valve down here, it's called the pyloric sphincter. And the pyloric sphincter has sensors. So the pyloric sphincter will only open when it knows the food's broken down to a certain state. And when it gets the messages,
the food's broken down to a certain stage, it opens. Let's say this is breakfast
and little by little, it comes in, but let's
say mid-morning someone has a biscuit, and a
cup of tea or a sandwich and a cup of tea, how
many Aussies do that? Or maybe they're really
healthy and it's an apple and a handful of nuts, whatever it is, pyloric sphincter quickly shuts. Oops, something's just come
in, it's not broken down. And that will stay shut until
this newcomer gets broken down to the right state and ah,
and then it can open again. And about an hour later, what happens? Lunch, lunch comes in,
quick, shut the gate, something's just come in and it's not breaking down properly! Do you know what the research is showing? Some remnant of breakfast
can be still in the stomach at the end of the day when people are eating all day long. We've got one stomach,
cows can eat all day long because they've got about
four or five stomachs. Humans have one stomach. So now what's happening when
we get into the duodenum. A lot of things are
happening in the duodenum. The duodenum is the first
part of the small intestine. So this is the duodenum
here and notice you've got the liver and the gallbladder,
connects with the neck of the pancreas, here's pancreas, and there are enzymes
coming from the gallbladder, basically from the liver and the pancreas. So let's have a look
at what they're doing. So the next organ is the duodenum. It's not really the
organ but it's actually where these other organs drop into. So let's begin by looking at the liver, which, as you can see,
releases into the duodenum via the bile duct. Now when you get to the duodenum, now we're in an alkaline environment. We're back to alkaline now. Remember the only acid is stomach. So what's the liver releasing? The liver releases bile,
and bile breaks down your unsaturated fat. Where as the saturated fat, remember where its breakdown
begins, in the mouth. So what bile does it breaks down your unsaturated fat into
tiny little particles. Pancreas. As you can see by my illustration here, the pancreas is also releasing
enzymes into the duodenum. So what does the pancreas release? It releases pancreatic lipase. And pancreatic lipase further breaks down your unsaturated fats. So the bile breaks it
down to small particles and the pancreatic lipase
further breaks it down. Then it can be absorbed into the blood, which we'll look at in a minute. Also, the pancreas releases
pancreatic amylase. Now, do you remember what ptyalin is? It's the salivary amylase. That ptyalin is a saliva
amylase and it starts, starts the starch digestion,
whereas the pancreatic amylase, it finalizes starch breakdown. Remember, starch breakdown
begins in the mouth, put on hold in the acid stomach, now comes into the duodenum
and the pancreatic amylase finalizes starch digestion. The pancreas also releases trypsin. And trypsin is an enzyme that
finalizes protein digestion. Remember where protein digestion began? On the pepsin in the stomach. But also, the pancreas
releases chymotrypsin. And chymotrypsin is another
enzyme that breaks down protein. I've got some good news,
it doesn't get much more difficult than this. We're nearly there. Students, what is the
main organ of digestion? Pancreas. Can you see that, it's the pancreas. The only food that's broken
down in the stomach is protein. Most of our digestion is happening here. And that is why when someone
has pancreatic cancer, they usually die from malnutrition, because they cannot finalize
digestion of all their main nutrients and if that can't be finalized, it can't get out of the
gut and into the blood. So the person can die from malnutrition. Proteolytic enzymes. Proteo. Proteolytic enzymes are enzymes
that break down protein. So, a proteolytic enzyme is pepsin. A proteolytic enzyme is trypsin, and chymotrypsin. in Psalms 104:14, the
Bible says God gave herbs for the service of man. Did you know that there are foods that are proteolytic enzymes? So from the pineapple,
the core of the pineapple, an extract of bromelain can be taken out, it's
a proteolytic enzyme. And from the papaya or the pawpaw, papain can be extracted and
it is a proteolytic enzyme. So if someone has pancreatic problems, they should go on, and
you can buy them from the health food shop, they're often called digestive enzymes, and
they contain bromelain and propane, which are
proteolytic enzymes, which can help in the final
breakdown of the protein. Before we move on further, what if someone has low hydrochloric acid, how can they boost it? They can boost it by eating
breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen, tea like a pauper, by not drinking water with their meals. But, if they have the juice
of a lemon in a little bit of hot water just before the meal, that can get the acid up
and a quarter of a teaspoon of cayenne pepper in a little bit of water just before the meal,
that'll wake anything up. And did you know that cayenne pepper can heal the stomach ulcer? Black pepper can't, chili pepper can't. Only cayenne pepper can 'cause cayenne comes from the capsicum family, chili from the chili family. Well students, we're just arriving now at the grand finale of digestion. Do you remember when I
said anything that goes into your gastrointestinal
tract is not part of you or me until it gets broken down and taken into the blood. Lining the small intestine
of villi and the villi basically look like this. And up the middle of
the villi is a lacteal, that's part of your lymphatic system. And then, all through the villi is your blood capillary network. Now covering that villi,
and we looked at this on Tuesday night, is a thick turf wall and it's made up of
lactobacillus acidophilus bifidus bacterium, makes a thick turf war. And that thick turf wall plays a very important role
in the final act of digestion. Did you know that when a baby's in utero, there's no gut flora? Their gut is what's called sterile and when the baby is born,
it's literally showered with the mother's
microorganisms and colostrum, that thick, creamy
substance that's in the milk in the first few days,
it's rich in the gut flora. So what happens when a baby is born and when it has that colostrum, did you know that a farmer, if
the mother dies in cow birth, in cow birth, is that what you call it? If the cow dies in childbirth, what the farmer does, and
the farmer told me this, they squeeze that utter
and get it into that little calf's mouth, it is so
important that that baby calf get that colostrum. In fact, he said if we can't do that, we might as well kill the calf, it will never, ever be strong. Let's take that to human standards, how important is that? You see the role that it now plays, this gut flora, it's responsible
for the final breakdown of our food. It's responsible for the absorption of the nutrients out of
the gut and into the blood. It's responsible for protecting the blood against any harmful pathogens
that might be in the gut. It's responsible for the
nourishment of the little cells that line the gastrointestinal tract. How important is that gut flora? So what would break it down? Antibiotics break it down. All your statin drugs break it down. Contraceptive pill breaks it down. Cortisones, prednisones, break it down. Ibuprofen, regular use breaks it down. Now, when you've got
gaps in your gut flora, you've now compromised the
final breakdown of your food, you have now compromised
the absorption of your nutrients through to your blood, you've lost your border protection. And your cells that line the gut have now lost their nourishment. How important is that gut flora? Hippocrates said all
disease begins in the gut and he didn't know the
fine details of what I've shown you tonight. So, what happens if you've lost your gut flora, it can
return, how do you return it? How do you know? In fact, some of the
symptoms are diarrhea, some of the symptoms are constipation. It's called irritable bowel, and that's the connection
with chronic fatigue syndrome. The person's not getting the
nutrients out of their gut and into their blood, so no wonder they've got no energy. You see, God made it so that
we've got strong acid in there to wipe out any harmful pathogens but all do, the persons
drinking with their meals. Oh dear, the person's eating all day long. They're stressed out with their meals. So hydrochloric acid's
low, so the microbes are getting through further down. It's all right. It's all right, we've got another system further down to protect,
it's the gut flora. Oh no! They've lost their gut flora. Can you see the two processes
to protect the blood have both gone down? And so, harmful pathogens
can get into their blood. So, how do we heal from
irritable bowel syndrome? Number one, stop. Stop the foods that irritate
the lining of the gut. What are the foods that do that, caffeine. Refined sugar. The hybridized wheat. We touched on the
hybridized wheat last night and I'm gonna explore
it a bit more tomorrow in the acid/alkaline lecture. Dairy. I acknowledge that Lulabelle in the paddock, eating
organic grass who gets milked and made a proper cultured yogurt out of it, that can be healing to the gut. But there aren't many
Lulabelles in the paddock. If you were to feed the
milk in the supermarket to a newborn calf, the calf would die. so sorry, you can't even
compare to what's in there, you're best keeping away from it. People say, what milk
do you drink, Barbara? I say I'm winged, I eat food. Milk is for babies. We're the only creature that
drinks milk pass babyhood. Number one, stop all the things that can irritate that lining. Number two, take a probiotic,
what's a probiotic? a lactobacillus acidophilus
bifidus bacterium supplement. Do you know they are the
two permanent bacteria that live in your gut, all the
others come from those two. Number three, do you
remember Psalm 103:14, God made herbs for the service of man? There are two herbs that
coat, soothe and heal the lining of the gut and
they're both a bit slimy, because the lining of the gut is slimy. I think we all know aloe vera. And aloe vera has a growth stimulant. It stimulates rapid healing
in the lining of the gut. The other herb, when
you put water with it, it just goes a bit slippery,
it's called slippery elm. And slippery elm coats, soothes and heals the lining of the gut. Is it that simple, it is,
let me give you a story of a lady that came to
this lecture in New Zealand when I was there about 18 months ago. She said, I'm 70, I've had
irritable bowel syndrome for 30 years. She's been on cortisones,
anti-inflammatories. She said the things that
you have told me tonight no one has ever told me. She said no one ever
told me that these foods were irritating my gut. She was very excited,
that was Tuesday night. She went home, she immediately implemented everything she'd heard. She had coconut cream on her breakfast instead of cow's milk. She had a bit of honey on her
breakfast instead of sugar, she stopped the wheat
and bought some spelt sourdough bread, I think
she had some millet for breakfast instead oat. Some can handle oat, some cannot. She started to have a
dandelion instead of a coffee. She immediately implemented, she's 70, 30 years she's been struggling with this. Thursday night, what's that? Two days, two nights. Thursday night, she came
up to me and she said, I've stopped bleeding from the colon. She said I have no more pain. She said instead of going six times a day, she said today, I went three times. Wow. Two days. Is she healed, no, but she's on the road. You're the doctor. What does her body just told her? Yes! Yeah. Those cells that line the
gastrointestinal tract, they remain every three to five days. So the gut can respond very quickly, where's my little two letter word, if you give it the right conditions. I have seen that happen again and again. How often did she take slippery elm? She was taking it before every meal and before she went to sleep at night. So it coated, soothe
and healed the way down. If someone's going to the
toilet 10 times a day, they can take slippery
elm every half hour. You see, you play with
it, you play with it. As the healing happens
you can ease back on it. Most of your food is
absorbed by the halfway down your small intestine. And then, we come down
to the ileocecal valve. And that ileocecal valve
here stops anything going back that way. Everything coming out
of your small intestine into your large intestine
is a little liquid. So one of the main functions
of the large intestine is to take water out so stools are formed, so you can pass with ease. So what happens if you've
got the other problem, which means you go once
a week, or twice a week? Dr. Kellogg said three
intakes of food a day should equal three evacuations a day. So if you eat 10 times a day, how many times should you go? Hmm. So what can we do to make
sure we are going regularly? Drink adequate water, if
you're dehydrated more water gets taken out than should be taken out. Eat plant foods, plant
foods sweep the colon. And by the way, is the appendix a mistake? Does God make mistakes, no. Well, what's the role of the appendix? It has two main roles, it's
called the colon's oil can. It lubricates the contents
to get it through easily and it also releases antibacterial fluids, so that if what's coming
out of here is toxic, how would it be toxic if a
person's eating a high meat diet which putrefies and a
lot of sugar and alcohol, what's coming out of here is pretty nasty. And so, that appendix
has to quickly release that antibacterial fluid
to sort of calm it down so that can get it out of your body without poisoning you, whew. So make sure you eat a lot of plant foods to get that sweeping action through. Right down near the end, you
see there's a little loop. And there's a muscle there that's holding that little last part loop up. And we're very glad of that muscle, it's called puborectalis. And that muscle prevents
us having accidents. But let me show you something
about the puborectalis. Here is the throne, and here is the person
sitting on the throne. When a person sits on the throne, puborectalis remains taut. Now, things can still get through. But if a person sits on
the throne and in the front of the throne, they put a little stool, or they might buy a Squatty Potty from Bed Bath & Beyond, and they're mimicking
the squatting position, the knees are up in the air. And when the knees are up in the air, mimicking the squatting position, then puborectalis relaxes and
when puborectalis relaxes, then the colon totally
opens and the contents can be released with great ease. Do you know, in many countries today, squatting still happens. I was in Punjab, India at
the beginning of the year. And as I travel down to New Delhi, I stayed in an apartment there before I flew out the next day. It was a beautiful apartment,
all lined with marble. I went into my bathroom,
all marble and oh, there's a hole in the ground. that was the toilet. In many countries people still squat and it has found to be,
scientifically and medically, they prove it today, the best way to do the daily evacuation. If someone's not going,
and they're sitting and they decide to put some strain there, that puts a lot of strain on the anus and hemorrhoids can come out and hemorrhoids are not very nice. So squatting can heal hemorrhoids, squatting can prevent hemorrhoids because squatting takes all the
pressure off the anus. Probably two years ago, Squatty Pottys were about $50, well they're
becoming quite popular. And so ,I think you can get
them for about even $20 now. But it's worthwhile investing on that. But it's also a good
idea to practice this. Got that, every day. We should squat, and in many countries that's a very natural position, it became a very natural position for me when I read a book called
Active Birth by Janet Balaskas. And I practice squatting
all through my pregnancy and when my baby was born, the whole baby flew out
of me with one push, with the bag intact,
they to catch the baby. Well, squatting does wonderful things. (audience chuckling) Because squatting opens
that whole pelvic area, so it's very important
to practice squatting. You see, when you do squat,
when you're coming up, all the pressures put on
your quads, your thighs. So, if you can't do
that, just go up and down like this every time you're washing the dishes or doing things, and get get those muscles strong again. Very important to strengthen
that pelvic girdle, so that we keep the muscles strong. And tomorrow night, I'm gonna
be talking about exercise. And I'm gonna be showing
you how muscle knows no age, whether you're nine or 90,
your muscles can be strong. And what's really sad
that, many people today getting into there, believe it or not, 50s, 60s, 70s, are having prolapses. Purely because their muscles
aren't strong enough. But, if you get into
the habit of squatting, to go to the bathroom every day with that little stool in front, and
even getting into the habit of squatting in your daily exercise, you can strengthen that pelvic girdle so these things do not happen. So, thank you for your attention as we went on the wonderful journey through our gastrointestinal tract to see what happens to the food we eat. I mean to give everyone a break now. ("Amazing Grace")