Transcript for:
Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse - Lecture Notes

hello dear friends welcome back to my YouTube channel Mukesh English this is Mukesh Soni dear friends in this video I have brought you a famous novel title Siddhartha written by a famous novelist from Germany Hermann Hesse Herman Hesse was born in July 2 on on July 2nd 1877 and he passed away on August 9 1962. a German novelist and a poet who was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1946 and the main theme of his work is the individual's efforts to break out of the established modes of civilization so as to find an essential spirit and identity hessi published his first book a collection of poems in 1899 he remained in the book selling business until 1904 when he became a freelance writer and brought out his first novel about a failed and dis and dissipated writer and the novel was a success his visit to India in those years in those years was later reflected in Siddhartha which was published in 1922 a poetic novel and it set in India at the time of Buddha about the search for enlightenment so this is a brief information about Siddhartha a famous novel by Herman Hesse which was published in 19 2022 sorry 1922 now let's know about the characters of this novel the main character is Siddhartha who is a protagonist Govinda Govinda is close friend of Siddhartha and follower of Gautama siddhartha's father who is a Brahmin unable to satisfy siddhartha's quest for enlightenment seminars Summoners are those peoples those who travel those are traveling ascetics who tell Siddhartha excuse me who tells Siddhartha that deprivation deprivation leads to engagement whose teachings are rejected but whose power of self-experience and self-wisdom is completely praised by Siddhartha next kamla kamla is a courtesan Siddhartha essential mentor and mother of siddhartha's son I mean to say young Siddhartha Kama Swami Kama Swami who is a merchant who instructs Siddhartha on business vasudeva who is an enlightened ferryman and spiritual guide of Siddhartha young Siddhartha who is the son of Siddharth and kamla who lives with Siddhartha for a time yet runs away to Adan so these are the characters which we shall find in the course of the story in the course of the novel Siddhartha so let us know a brief introduction about this novel here the novel Siddhartha was published in 192022 1922 and it's a novel by Herman Hessey the famous German novelist and poet this novel deals with a spiritual journey of self-discovery of a man named Siddhartha during the time of Gautama Buddha this is hessi's ninth novel which was written in German in a simple lyrical style or sometimes we may also call it as a poetic novel this novel was published in the United States in 1951 and became influential during the 1960s now the most important information the novel Siddhartha is divided into the two parts so when we go through the different chapters of this novel we'll find here the whole novel is divided into the two parts the first section of the novel The part one reflects his experience before the Enlightenment and the second part reflects his his Awakening to the idea that life is filled with meaning so remember there are two sections there are two parts one the part one reflects his experience before Enlightenment in the part two reflects his Awakening to the idea that life is filled with meaning so to begin with the part one the brahman's son the setting of the novel is ancient India 600 years before the birth of Christ this is the time of Gautama the Buddha his Eightfold paths provides guidance to the faithful in leading them towards Nirvana Siddhartha is a learned and handsome young Brahmin if he wanted to do so he could be a prince among the members of his caste he's known he's known to be destined for greatness this is because he has successfully mastered all the wisdom and rituals of his religion when he was still very young Siddhartha lives in a in an idyllic Village and appears to live an enviable life he is the son of a brahmana a religious leader and highly respected Community member it seems that Siddhartha will certainly follow in his Father's Footsteps Siddhartha occupies his time studying his Elders Hindu wisdom alongside his best friend Govinda he finds himself dissatisfied Siddhartha believes that that the brahmins like erudite brahmins like his father who has succeeded in perfectly learning all the contents of holy books but he doesn't think that they have reached the enlightenment he says that the brahmins have not yet reached any Enlightenment so a particular level of Enlightenment the mantras the mantras and the rituals he has been taught up here more of a matter of custom than a true path that would result in enlightenment so in order to transform themselves into religious men with their own communities standards Siddhartha believes that he and his friend Govinda would need to be like mere sheep in a HUD merely following determined patterns and the rituals without having the chance to question them so this prospectus this Prospect make Siddhartha terribly unhappy while while he respects the people of his village he loves his father but it does not want to exist in the way that did they do so until now Siddhartha has followed the example of his father with a sense of belief and conviction but now he wants to achieve something more so after meditating after meditating one evening Siddhartha tells Govinda that he plans to join a group of seminars seminars are wandering medicant priests those who don't stay at one place they keep on the sadhus they keep on going from one place to another place a group of them have just made their way through the city they also have come to city and it's kind of in encounter between among Summoners and Siddhartha the samnas are half naked and stout they must beg others for food they believe that the only way to reach Enlightenment is through ascetism acetism means that means to say the rejection of the body including the physical desire the samanas appear entirely different from siddhartha's own Community his communities religious Elders means to say both are very much different from each other they hear brahmins and samnas as he has not been able to find the wisdom he has been looking for in his own Community Siddhartha resolves that he will follow the path of the Summoners and find out what wisdom he can glean from them Govinda is frightened when Siddhartha tells him that he is going to join the samnas he sees that Siddhartha is embarking on his on his first step into the larger world that he will need to follow him Siddhartha is a dutiful son and he seeks his father's permission before departing with the samnas his father is upset about his plans his father declares that he does not want to clear the subject mention again however Siddhartha will never change his mind the father has trouble sleeping you cannot sleep the whole night he gets up each R to see Siddhartha in the Darkness standing with his arms crossed across his body his father reluctantly provides his permission the next morning he realizes that his son is immovable on this issue he won't change his mindset he requests that Siddhartha should come home to teach him the secrets of the Bliss if he is able to find it elsewhere he says that you can go but you should find the secret of the Bliss and he should come back to home and he should teach his father as Siddhartha departs to join the Summoners he is pleased to find that Govinda is also going to join them so Govinda also joins Siddhartha to join the team of samnas to seek the Bliss for which his father is also would like to listen or would like to know no with the samnas together with Govinda Siddhartha starts wandering along with the samnas the two men are quick in adopting the ways of the new group the dress in racks and accepts only the substance needed to sustain life Siddhartha and Govinda promptly take on the Stout and bed wrecked appearance of the fellow Summoners so they have properly they have totally adopt adopted the lifestyle of those samnas the samna's way of life is in is informed by the belief that the true Enlightenment will arrive only when the self is entirely negated or destroyed there is a philosophy of samnas this goal is the reason for their aesthetic practices after Siddhartha joins them his sole goal is to render himself empty of everything including Joy passion dreams wishes Siddhartha thinks that once he has destroyed all his heart's impulses there will be an Awakening of his innermost being embracing the teachings and the practicing practices of his new group Summoners Siddhartha quickly adjust to the new ways now he is able to do this because of the discipline and patience he has learned during his studies of Hinduism with his father he quickly learns the way to be free of life's traditional trappings he loses all desire of for clothing property sexuality and any any sustenance that exceeds that requires to live he hopes to achieve enlightenment through elimination of the self and he is successful in giving up the pleasure of the world and all the self's desire so finally Siddhartha takes on the role of protege to the eldest member of the samnas means to say he has become a sister of the eldest member of the samnas he has become a disciple however he finds that the most elusive secret is still hidden and eventually recognize that destruction of the will is not going to bring him what he seeks while it's true that both Siddhartha and Govinda experience a substantial amount of spiritual advancement while following the ways of samanas Siddhartha doubts that staying with this group will give him the spiritual Nirvana he hopes to achieve the way of self-denial fails to give him a permanent solution so he tells Govinda about his doubts pointing out the eldest of the Summoners who is 60 years old still have not reached enlightenment Siddhartha believes that this group has enjoyed no more success than the brahmins the two men left behind means to say go in the end Siddhartha himself Siddhartha expresses his disagreement he doesn't agree with sorry Govinda expresses his disagreement making note of the substantial spiritual progress both men have met he says that no we have already reached to the spiritual progress while Siddhartha is not convinced by these arguments so he and go in the stay with samnas Siddhartha and Govinda remain with the samnas for how many years for three years then they hear rumor of the existence of enlightened one called Gautama the Buddha then they come to know about Gautama the Buddha and this man is said to have successful overcome the suffering of the world and has created the end of the chain of Karma and rebirth the senior samnas and others hear these reports with skepticism but Siddhartha and Govinda find the news very exciting about Gautama the Buddha Govinda wants to find this new master and Siddhartha also believes that they should look for him although it is true that he has generally lost his faith in his teachers like samnas the idea of Gautama is used by Siddhartha to finally convince Govinda to leave the samanas so finally both of them have decided now it's a time to find out find out the where hours of whom Buddha Gautama so Siddhartha and Govinda decide to seek out and follow Govinda sorry Gautama siddhartha's announcement of the decision to leave angers the samna Elder Siddhartha is able to silence him though by hypnotizing him with his gaze so what does Siddhartha do the Elder samlas is very angry when he comes to know that both of them are leaving the group but Siddhartha tries to silence the eldest person of the eldest member of samnas by hypnotizing him with his gaze after baking after backing away the Elder blesses him so what happened what's the result the Elder samnas gives him ashirwad he He blesses him as the two men set off for gautama's Camp Govinda indicates that the mesmerizing power of siddhartha's gaze shows that Siddhartha has achieved a higher level of spirituality than any samna so we have a small indication here that some sort of Enlightenment has already been achieved by whom some sort of higher level of spirituality has already been achieved by Siddhartha make their way to the camp of gautama's followers the followers recognize them as a spiritual pilgrims and they welcome them Siddhartha and Govinda are deeply impressed by Gautama pure Enlightenment seems to radiate from his being his teachings include buddhism's four-fold way Eightfold paths and the other parts of the religion in addition to many practices similar to those same among the samnas Siddhartha and Govinda dedicate themselves to gautama's teachings Govinda promptly decides to give himself entirely over to the lifestyle prescribed by the new teacher Gautama he decides to stay with Gautama forward who Govinda decides to stay with Gautama forever however now let's see the another change here however Siddhartha has some doubts about doubts and discovers that he has difficulty with a complete acceptance of gautama's teachings look at here earlier he had a doubt with the samna's teaching so he is not much convinced now again he is not much convinced by gautama's teachings so Siddhartha unexpectedly unexpectedly sees Gautama in the Grove the following morning the next morning and he speaks to him boldly about his teachings he praises the achievement of Discovery discovering the unbroken chain of being of cause and effect however Siddhartha feels that the unity is imperfect the message is unable to offer for Siddharth or others to Secret The Secret of what has been experienced by Gautama himself Siddhartha also makes a knot of contradiction what's a contradiction how is it possible to embrace the unity of all things as Gautama requires if one is also instructed to overcome the physical world what is the contradiction here he says that how is it possible to embrace the unity of all things as Gautama requires if one is also instructed to overcome the physical world so now Gautama explains that he does not have the goal of providing perfect mathematical comprehension of the universe but rather to help people find Freedom from suffering he says that his main goal is just to help the people how to find the freedom from suffering now Siddhartha replies that while it is true that Gautama himself has found Nirvana he did it by himself with no assistance from a teacher so Siddhartha is implicitly calling into a question the efficiency of the approach that Gautama is prescribing to his followers so he says that how Gautama has reached to this Enlightenment or the Nirvana by his own similarly he does not want to follow others he also would like to achieve this Nirvana or this Enlightenment by his own admitted admitting that Siddhartha May technically be right in some regards Gautama points out that Siddhartha is unable to provide spiritual guidance Superior to that which he provides so what's the argument here Gautama says that Siddhartha cannot provide spiritual guidance Superior to that which he provides so Gautama asked Siddhartha whether Siddhartha is saying it would be better if his followers went off to the city for a life of pleasure see data departs from the meeting still unconvinced that the way of life Gautama is prescribing is right for him it does not get convinced Govinda would like to stay with Gautama so Siddhartha lives by himself and Gautama stay continues to stay with sorry Govinda continues to stay with Gautama and Siddhartha leaves Siddhartha embarks on a search to find a way to achieve knowledge of the meaning of life without being dependent on religious instruction so this is how he starts to seek he starts to move in search of Enlightenment independently without any assistance of Any teacher or any Guru Awakening Siddhartha is done with teachers and teachings by the time he abundance the grow he is determined to know and learn from and to understand himself he says that he would like to understand but only by himself his feeling is that he is viewing the world with all its magical and puzzling characteristics for the first time he recognizes that he is not enlightened he's in the middle of the world where is he he's in the middle of the world but that he has the ability to awaken as he learns more about himself he says that if I learn more about myself I will be having the ability to awaken I am still half the path Siddhartha experiences a sudden infusion of forceful forceful certainty in his own capacity of self-realization what is the experience he experiences a kind of infusion of forceful certainty in his own capacity for self-realization he now feels that he is truly a man he knows that his own paths to Nirvana cannot come from the following the prescribed lifestyle of another he says that if you would like to learn something Nirvana he cannot walk on the path which is decided by somebody rather he feels certain that his own way to Enlightenment must come from within himself knowing this he recognizes that his new task will be to find out how he will find Enlightenment please listen very carefully his new task is what his new task is to find out how he will find Enlightenment while he experiences an Impulse to go home to his father he recognizes that his his home is now the part his home is now sorry is now has become his past a part of his past so he knows that he's entirely alone so he momentarily shutters at this thought he rejects at the thought of going back to his home so now we are moving to the part two so in the part two after realization of self-awakening kamla a new woman enters a woman enters in the life of Siddhartha Siddhartha wanders aimlessly for a period he perceives the world with the new eyes admiring the animals he catches sight of the lovely plants that he greet him along his path he feels a real part of the prison for the first time he sees the world as it is now instead of casting it aside to focus only on more abstract and spiritual thoughts the first night of his new life is spent in fairy men's Hut filament those who bought the person who sells a boat from one show to the other Shore so he spent his for he the the first night of his new life is spent in the fairy men's Hut he dreams of Govinda and what is the dream in the dream what is a dream in one of his dreams Govinda seems to imitate Christ he asked why has thou forsaken me he then transforms into woman Siddhartha suckles at govinda's breast Siddhartha requests that the fairy men take him across the river the following day he requests the ferryman you should take me to the other end of the river the ferryman informs Siddhartha that he has learned a great deal from the river Siddhartha is comforted by what the ferryman says when they get to the other bank the other side of the river Siddhartha feels guilty about not being able to pay to this fairy man f e r r y m a n the fairy man does not appear to mind not being compensated for his service he doesn't mind he announces the prophecy the ferryman announces a prophecy a kind of bhavishyavani he announces the prophecy that Siddhartha will come back to the river in the future Siddhartha will present him with a gift at the time very nice this fairy man he he announces he he prophesies that Siddhartha one day will come back to this River in the future and this Siddhartha will present him a gift that time now a young man appears at the Village Edge she tries to seduce Siddhartha why she tempts him and inner voice instructs him to resist yet the next woman he sees as he goes into the city the another woman when he goes to the city there's one more lady she attempts him in a way he whine he sorry in a way he finds and he cannot resist and this ladies here kamla she is in Kamala is an elegant and beautiful courtesan she's carried a sedan cheer past Siddhartha he smiles at her she smiles back it is clear what his first worldly goal will be Siddhartha goes to the river for a bath he gets a haircut and a shave from a kind of a very kind Barber after this he goes back to Kamala she finds it amusing that samna would emerge from the forest and ask to be instructed in the art of love she gets surprised to see a person what he was early and how he's early how he's now the whole getaway changed although she's willing to give him a kiss in exchange for a poem she declares she will teach him no more she will teach him no more until he comes back adorned with fine clothes and bringing gifts she says that she will not teach anything until it comes back with a nice clothes and few more few gifts in spite of the amusement she appears to feel she gives Siddhartha a recommendation to Kama Swami a wealthy businessman and his and her friend she says that Siddhartha must be his equal not his servant so she says here when he comes back he must be just like Kama Swami not like a servant now amongst the people now Siddhartha amongst the people while Kama Swami says he will receive Siddhartha into his home he remains suspicious what Siddhartha will be able to do for him Siddhartha listens to kamla's advice and reference from begging for work rather he acts in a way that that forces Kama Swami to treat him in respectful manner Kama Swami asked Siddhartha questions about his wish to become a businessman not expecting much in his answer Siddhartha replies with an honest answer he demonstrates that he can read and write Siddhartha says that I can read and write Kama Swami is impressed by his abilities and says he will allow Siddhartha to be his protage to his disabled to be sorry to his disciple his student Siddhartha is allowed to live in Kama Swami's house he works with him taking the role of merchant Siddhartha finds it relatively easy to handle the business world however he reference from being emotionally attached to any of the results of his Ventures he is able to laugh off failure as readily as he feels pleased with his success so both are equal for him success as well as failure Kama Swami finds his apparently flippant attitude worrisome he attempts to motivate Siddhartha by allowing him a small percentage of all gains from transactions he says that I will give you some percentage now you have to be quite serious enough in this business however Siddhartha still sees business it's just like a game he's not so serious this means that there's nothing that Karma Swami can do that will cause him to see business in a more serious way Kama Swami offers the suggestion that he spend more than he spent more time sorry he spends more time enjoying all the pleasures that wealth can afford Siddhartha however will not alter his Pros his perspective the time he spent as a samna taught him an important lesson he recalls what he had learned from samna that many people live in childish and animalistic ways allowing themselves to suffer over things with very minimal meaning such as pleasure honor money but he rejects this kind of suffering on the other hand ler kamla teaches Siddhartha what the world of love Kamala teaches Siddhartha the world of love this excites him a great deal this excitement great deal more than the life of business offered by Kama Swami Siddhartha must work hard so that he can afford the clothes and gifts needed to quote kamla also he feels he learns a great deal more from her than from Kama Swami he learns not only about the physical act of love but also self-respect and patience he believes that she understands him more deeply than do kamasami or Govinda the reason she has a better understanding than kamasami is she always has the option of retreating from the material world and being herself it seems that her life has meaning and purpose it is in this way that her life seems similar to the life of Gautama so now Siddhartha and kamla the feel of sense of connection and great intimacy however they are not in love sex is only a part of kamla's work as a courtesan courtesan it is primarily the motive of financial gain that has caused her to spend time instructing Siddhartha in a similar way Siddhartha is interested in his time with kamla only only because it gives him knowledge of the world of love he's also selfish he would like to learn the world of love the knowledge of the world of love that could make him better able to ultimately achieve the enlightenment so love also plays very important role in the process of enlightenment Siddhartha both recognize that they are the type of people who cannot be truly in love now samsara Siddhartha becomes wealthy during the time he is employed by Kama Swami he enjoys the intimate company of Kamala he lives in this manner for a period of many years gaining more and more success in business initially while he sees business as a game he feels a sense of superiority to those who seek worldly riches and Pleasures however he gradually falls under the same spell he has become a truly a true businessman he starts acting and looking like a wealthy Merchant he eats rich food he wears the finest garments and gambles the spiritual voice he has always had with him is now no more so the spirituality is quite has run away from his mind from his body from his spirit so he has become completely empty as for the spirituality is concerned he's become very materialistic person now Siddhartha is unable to find peace even in his relationship with Kamala he won in his relationship with kamla he is unable to find his peace 20 years have passed he sees the traces of gray in his hair there are wrinkles on kamla's face Siddhartha starts to have dreams that indicate it is likely now time for him to move on now he dreams that he should leave all this worldly desires in one of his dreams he remembers a conversation he had with Kamala in which she expressed some interest in Gautama Siddhartha discourages her from looking for the teacher in a different dream he sees that the rare Songbird kamla keeps in a cage is now dead he flinks it into the streets into the street as though he throws away everything that is good and has value in his life he feels death in his heart when he awaken he feels the death in his heart when he awakens and finally he finds the inner voice that has been quiet for too long and now a kind of realization has come out and he has understood that what has he been doing for a long time he should go to seek the enlightenment so now what happens Siddhartha goes into the pleasure garden and tries to meditate Siddhartha thinks about his life in the city this is a life he created by being an appeal by being a trainer to Kama Swami it now seems like a mere diversion from his paths on the way to Enlightenment now he feels that he was distracted the evenings of eating dancing drinking they gave him only Pleasant sense of Oblivion nothing more it's true that his time with kamla has given him pleasure and taught him lessons about love but it cannot go forever if he wants to reach Enlightenment love is not enough to seek the enlightenment he realizes that he has been playing the game of samsara samsara is a sin is a is the cycling path of life in which the individual lives suffers and dies while he needed to play the game he does not have to play it forever he says that yes it was a need of my life I have played it but now I cannot play this game of samsara forever he departs from the city in despair not telling anyone he's leaving when kamla finds out that he has gone Siddhartha has gone she lets her song bird free from the golden cage kamla does not take any more lovers from the day forward she soon finds that she's pregnant with siddhartha's child so now remember where is Siddhartha going Siddhartha is moving towards the river where there was a forecast there was a prophecy that he will come back he will meet the fairy man and he's going back to the same river so when Siddhartha leaves the city he goes back into the countryside jungle he feels so miserable that he thinks about suicide he contemplates the paths he has followed in search for enlightenment when he was with the samanas he refrained from every kind of physical Indulgence while in the city he allowed himself the to setiate every sort of physical desire neither of these ways of being allowed him to achieve enlightenment so a kind of repent feeling past chat up is going on in his mind he wonder he wanders back to the river he goes back to the river where he had traversed where he had met the fairy man he is getting ready to slip into the water let himself drawn because he would like to commit suicide he goes deep into the water to die but the sacred word om the sacred word om suddenly reverberates inside him this awakens his Spirit he sees how foolish his plan of suicide is he lies down in the grass to sleep when Siddhartha wakes up he finds that a Buddhist monk is meditating he is meditating beside him he sees that that Buddhist monk is Govinda Govinda also fails to recognize Siddhartha however introduces himself go in the informs him that he still follows Gautama remember Govinda continue to stay with gothama whereas Siddhartha left now Govinda still believes that Govinda still believes that his path as a spiritual Pilgrim is the right one Siddhartha says that he is a spiritual Pilgrim too he Govinda is skeptical skeptical on this he points out that Siddhartha appears well fed and has the appearance he looks very healthy wealthy Siddhartha relays a shortened version of the events of his life since they parted ways so Siddhartha tells him the whole flashback what has happened in the last few years he says again that again he says that even though he's a spiritual pilgrim that still searches for enlightenment he's still in the search of Enlightenment Govinda still skeptical but he gives his old friend a respectful bow before going on his way Siddhartha before going on his way Siddhartha believes that there's nothing more he could learn by again join the Summoners or the followers of Gautama he eventually concludes that his overthinking has compromised his prayer attempts at achieving enlightenment the Zeal evident in the way he tried to attach himself to the ways of being in religious moments was in error it was a mistake in a way he tried too hard to find that of which he is in Pursuit he looks down at the river and starts to feel a strong degree of affection for it and he decides he will never leave it now the fairy men the same ferryman after he has decided to live in a new life at the river Siddhartha promptly meets the same fairy man who once helped him to cross the river so many years earlier the ferryman's name is vasudeva what's the name of this fairy man vasudeva he remembers when Siddhartha was a Samana and that he slept in his heart he asked if Siddhartha would like to share it once more Siddhartha declares that even though he has the appearance of a merchant he would like to live with vasudeva by the river when Siddhartha tells vasudeva about all of his experiences vasudeva realizes that the river spoke to Siddhartha he says yes then he says yes he can be his assistant ferryman says that Siddhartha you can be my assistant Siddhartha spends all his time with vasudeva working eating sleeping alongside him vasudeva teaches Siddhartha everything he needs to know to be a fairy man so he is now learning a new skill it is during this time Siddhartha greatly questions vasudeva about the link between his life at the river and is apparently enlightened detachment vasudeva explains that the river holds many secrets and many lessons so which are the secrets the river holds here the first lesson the river teaches Siddhartha is that time does not exist remember what's the first lesson the river teaches Siddhartha is that time does not exist when he asks whether vasudeva has learned that secret as well vasudeva gives him a broad smile he says yes he has learned Siddhartha is excited about this discovery and comes to understand that all difficulties hostilities anxieties suffering self-torment they have all anchored in the time it is when people are able to overcome the idea of time that all of this will disappear the moment you start thinking of the time all such things will disappear and after some time passes vasudeva Smiles even more widely more widely not widely he smiles with more degree great degree when Siddhartha takes a note of the fact that the river the river has a number of different voices it sounds like everything and everyone that exists everything and everyone that exists and that when the voices are perceived in unison the sound om can be heard all the sounds together from the voice if you bring it together you can hear the voice of om news that there was a news that Buddha will soon die that news gets spread across the land hundreds of pilgrims start appearing to pay their homies to Buddha two of them are kamla and her son out of those so many people who are about to pay their homies to Buddha and out of these so many people there were two persons Kamala and her son the son didn't want to accompany his mother because he too much loves the Comforts of home kamla stops to rest a short distance from the river and is bitten by a poisonous snake so kamla is bitten by the poisonous snake vasudeva hears the boys Cry For assistance he carries kamla to the fairy man then crosses the river with her with her to his heart so the fairy man brings kamla to his heart Siddhartha see the destiny here dear friends just see this Destiny Siddhartha recognizes kamla his wife and he also finds her son very much familiar to him resemblance will be there obviously father and son he quickly recognizes that the son the boy is his son kamla stays alive long enough to speak to him in this final conversation kamla realizes that she does not need to see the Buddha to fulfill her dream of seeing an enlightened one she says she says that now I don't want to see Buddha the Buddha is in front of me the enlightened person is in front of him in front of her that is her husband Siddhartha she sees that Siddhartha is the same as Buddha Siddhartha feels that he's blessed himself and he has a son now now this is the Sun once kamlas shundle is over come lies no more once kamla's funeral is over Siddhartha tries his best to console his son and provides for him the boy however is cynical and spoiled he dislikes being with the two fairy men and wants to go back to the city in the life of wealth he has always had Siddhartha is unable to make him believe that the trappings of wealth such as fine clothes servants have little meaning Siddhartha thinks he ought to raise the boy himself he thought that just leave him to grow himself vasudeva agrees at first but however even though he tries as hard as as hard as he can he can make his son happy and teach him how to live a good life Siddhartha discovers that the boy is full of Rage full of Fury the boy starts criticizing his father and steals from them he just tries to run away from them Siddhartha discovers that although he has never been able to love before this now he loves his child it's all because of this he just he dismisses he dismissed the bad behavior as the results of the boy's mother's death he thinks that his son will in his son in a particular time will be persuaded to follow the same path he thinks that one day after few days the his son will also follow the same path which he and vasudeva are following vasudeva eventually tells Siddhartha that he should allow the boy to leave if he wishes although old men like them may feel satisfied with only fearing passengers across a river a young boy may be unhappy in such a life he explains he says that you just leave him let him live his life vasudeva reminds his friend Siddhartha that his own father had not been able to persuade him to stay home and not join the samnas or learn from the lesson of worldly life he says that your own father could not stop you then how can you stop your your own son vasudeva says that the boy should have the chance to follow his own path even if that causes his father unhappiness Siddhartha does not agree with vasudeva Siddhartha thinks that the bond between a father and his son is very important he also feels that as the boy is his son it is inevitable that he will be driven in the same way he was for the search for enlightenment the river is a place where true learning and Enlightenment can be found therefore Siddhartha feels that it should be an ideal place even for his son also to live so still he has attachment with his son the worldly attachment and he wants that his son should stay should stay along with him one evening the boy yells at his father that he does not have the authority or the will needed to dis to discipline him he starts colding shouting he says that being a fairy man on a river is something he would never want to become he says he would prefer to be a murderer than a man resembling Siddhartha this is a reaction of a son Siddhartha does not reply to this the next morning it is found that the boy has run away taking all his fathers in vasudev's money vasudeva thinks that Siddhartha ought to let the boy go he says that my dear Siddhartha let your son go but Siddhartha believes that he needs to follow his son still there is an attachment father and son if not just out of the concern for his well-being Siddhartha sets out he also starts searching his son but soon he recognizes that it's a very futile task it's of no meaning there's no meaning to search for his son he knows that the boy will hide if he sees him he keeps going until he gets to the city so finally what happened his son has entered the city life he sees the city again sorry here I'm sorry sorry Siddhartha goes to the city in the search of his son Siddhartha sees the city again in many memories comes to into his mind flashback he recalls the time he spent with kamla in Kama Swami he suddenly realizes that he needs to let his son go he knows that there's no amount of reasoning that could possibly persuade him to want to stay while his son may eventually become a spiritual Pilgrim like his father the quest needs to be undertaken by himself needs to say he should realize I should not persuade him so Siddhartha is so exhausted that he collapses to the ground vasudeva has secretly followed him was also following very secretly vasudeva awakes Siddhartha up and these two men from City they goes back to the river living siddhartha's son alone in the city see so both of them have come back to the river om Siddhartha meditates on the loss of his son for many days he feels a great deal of sadness and pain on one occasion on one occasion Siddhartha looks into the river he sees the water laughs at him for allowing the wounds to hurt him so deeply he recognizes that there's an inevitable Flow To Life in this way it is just like a like a river when he was a boy he himself left his home even though his father protested greatly his own son has now left him it is because of this doubled perspective that Siddhartha is able to sympathize with his father and his son at once he comprehends that there are some sorrows in life that we cannot prevent that will pass through generations he now has a feeling of Peace because a kind of realization has emerged that evening he reveals vasudeva about everything he has felt his friend appears to absorb his Sorrows Siddhartha now understands that vasudeva has the same level of Enlightenment is the Buddha so so this fairy man vasudeva looks like a god the Elder ferryman tells him to listen more intensely to the river they sit on the bank of the river and Siddhartha finds that all of the images of his life come before him he hears the voices of Good and Evil joy and sorrow laughter and mourning but he does not allow himself to be caught up any one voice he does not want to be distracted he hears only and only one word that is om he suddenly recognizes that his self is only a part of the Great Perfection that is compromised by all of the world's voices speaking at once he's no longer doubtful of his place in the world he no longer second guesses his actions his face is now reflective of the same kind of divine understanding that is first saw on vasudeva's face when he met him it is in this hour that Siddhartha seizes stops fighting his fate this Syrian the serenity of knowledge makes his eye glow in a singular way vasudeva Witnesses this and declares that death he has been waiting for this to happen vasudeva says my dear now the time has come I was waiting for this moment where you start realizing a self-realization he lives into the forest he he lives going into the forest so vasudeva goes into the forest now Siddhartha is left to be the fairy man now only one ferryman is left that is Siddhartha alone the Elder ferryman has left into the forest has gone into the forest now Siddhartha is only the one fairy man here now Govinda so Govinda siddhartha's friend has come back to the river to search for enlightenment Govinda here fails to recognize Siddhartha Govinda is very surprised at this moment as he was because he did not recognize Siddhartha at the river even earlier also he requests that he requests Siddhartha to teach him everything what he knows Govinda remains for the night but siddhartha's hurt he explains that wisdom cannot be taught because of the limitations of verbal explanation they are incapable of communicating Enlightenment in its entirely while knowledge can be passed along why knowledge can easily be passed but individuals are required to find their own wisdom that is the explanation given by Siddhartha when Govinda asked him that you should teach me about the wisdom then Siddhartha further says that one needs to categorize or divide the world into samsara and Nirvana into sorrow and salvation into disappointment and Truth Siddhartha knows that every truth has an opposite truth no one person is every completely centrally or completely sinful Siddhartha also declares that he only wishes to love the world as it has been as it will be and as it is he wants to see all creatures he wants to see all creatures with reverence admiration and love Govinda ask whether there could be some additional advice that he might find helpful Siddhartha instructs Govinda to kiss him on his forehead and go in the kisses siddhartha's forehead when he does when he kisses him go in the seize the Timeless flow of images and forces that make their way before his eyes this is exactly as Siddhartha has been able to Envision them in the river there are tears streaming from govinda's eyes Govinda Bose before Siddhartha and siddhartha's smile is exactly that of enlightened Buddha Siddhartha and Govinda have both found the enlightenment they started to seek in the days of the youth so here the novel ends so let's have a recapsulation of this novel with the help of the few themes so here the theme of the novel is the search of self-realization by the young Brahmin Siddhartha realizing the contradiction between reality and what he has been taught he abundance his comfortable life to wander his goal is to find the sentinity his goal is to find the peace that will his goal is to find the peace that will enable him to defeat fear so that is that's going to enable him to defeat fear so what's his goal his goal is to find the serenity that will enable him to defeat the fear and to experience with Equanimity to experience this the equanity with the contrast of life including joy and sorrow life and death secondly ascetism including fasting does not prove satisfying nor do the wealth or sensuality and attention of a lovely courtesan kamla so despairing of finding the Fulfillment it does not get the Fulfillment he goes to the river and there he learns simply to listen his self he discovers within himself what a spirit of love and learns to accept human separateness in the end Siddhartha grasps the wholeness of life and achieves a state of the Bliss in the highest wisdom as the son of a Brahmin Siddhartha enjoys comfort and privilege while while uh we can say sequestered in his own home Village what whatever he has learned however as it grows older his heart is moved by burning desire to acquire wisdom and new experiences so telling his father his intentions Siddhartha and his childhood friend Govinda they leave the safety of home to join the Summoners a group of wandering ascetics and finally finally they both of them they received the enlightenment so let's have let's do some up so we find in the part one the episodes the brahminson with the samnas Gautama Awakening part two the lady kamla who becomes siddhartha's wife amongst the people samsara he becomes a materialistic person then again he goes to the river by the river the fairy man the son his own son and the sound from the river om sound and finally the he finally he receives Enlightenment along with Govinda so so dear friends this is how we find here uh the novel the novel Siddhartha just have a recapsulation in a simple way that the part one we find here Siddharth and Govinda they become uh samnas they both of them become samnas to seek Enlightenment and go in the follows Gautama while Siddhartha goes he just runs he just goes away Siddhartha meets Kamala gaining wealth to win her affections Siddhartha hates his Rich sinful life and he decides to live and the sound of om keeps Siddhartha from drawning himself Siddhartha becomes a fairy man and a peaceful and the kind person called vasid vasudeva he's also fairy man Kamala dies nearby leave siddhartha's son with him the spoiled son runs away breaking siddhartha's heart Siddhartha listens to the river and he achieves Enlightenment vasudeva departs into the jungle his life's work is over Govinda arrives seeking wisdom from the wise old fairy man that is Siddhartha Siddhartha helps Govinda to Glimpse unity and Enlightenment so dear friends this is how I have tried my best to summarize this novel thank you so much I hope we have learned we have got a lot of Enlightenment by listening and by by listening to this interesting and very important novel title Siddhartha by famous German novelist Herman Hess thank you so much dear friends thank you so much for watching this video you can reach me at Mukesh English the rate of please do subscribe the channel click on the like button for more videos on literature workbook pronunciation grammar communication skills presentation skills interview skills stay in tune with Mukesh English thank you once again