Java Programming Lecture by Mosh

Jul 16, 2024

Java Programming Lecture by Mosh ☕

Introduction to Java Course

  • Instructor: Mosh
  • Objective: Learn everything needed to get started with Java programming.
  • Course Structure:
    • Install necessary tools
    • Learn Java basics
    • Execute Java code
    • Build simple algorithms
    • Professional coding tips
    • Write good code like a professional developer
    • Solid foundation to advance in Java
  • Audience: Beginners and anyone interested in learning Java
  • Instructor Background:
    • Software Engineer with 20+ years experience
    • Taught over 3 million people
    • Runs a coding school at
    • Emphasis on making Java simple and accessible

Installation and Setup

  1. Java Development Kit (JDK):
    • Download: Search for JDK download on Oracle website
    • Installation:
      • Accept license agreement
      • Download respective file for your OS (dmg for Mac, etc.)
      • Open installation wizard, continue, and install
      • Delete installation file after completion
  2. Code Editor Options:
    • Popular Editors: NetBeans, Eclipse, IntelliJ
    • Recommendation: IntelliJ (community edition is free and sufficient)
    • Installation: Download and drag to Applications folder

Anatomy of a Java Program

  • Basic Building Blocks: Functions
    • Perform tasks (e.g., send emails, convert weights)
    • Defined with return type, function name, parameters (optional), and curly braces
  • Main Method: Entry point of a Java Program
  • Classes: Containers for related functions (methods)
    • Define with class keyword followed by class name and curly braces
    • Methods are functions belonging to a class
  • Access Modifiers: Public, private, etc.
    • Determines accessibility of classes and methods
    • Commonly used: public
  • Naming Conventions:
    • Classes: Pascal case (each word starts with uppercase)
    • Methods: Camel case (each word starts with uppercase except the first)

Creating a Java Project

  1. Open IntelliJ IDEA: Create a new project
  2. Select Java SDK: Ensure it is not blank
  3. Create Project from Template: Choose command line application
  4. Project Naming and Structure: Selection and definition
    • Project name: e.g., Hello World
    • Base package convention (domain name in reverse)
  5. File Structure: Project panel, source code inside src folder, base package, and file
  6. Code Execution Process:
    • Write and execute first Java program
    • Print output to terminal (e.g., Hello World)

Java Code Execution

  • Steps: Compilation and execution
  • Compilation: Convert Java code to bytecode using Java compiler
  • Execution: bytecode is executed by Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
    • JVM translates bytecode to OS-specific native code
  • Platform Independence: Write code once, run anywhere with JVM
  • Command Line Usage: Compile with javac, run with java

Interesting Facts about Java

  • Developed by James Gosling in 1995 at Sun Microsystems
  • Originally named Oak, then Green, finally Java (from Java coffee)
  • Four editions of Java: Standard, Enterprise, Micro, and Java Card
  • Latest version: Java SE 12 (released March 2019)
  • Popularity and usage: 9 million developers, billions of devices
  • Average salary of a Java developer: $100,000+ per year in the US

Course Structure Overview

  • Parts:
    1. Fundamentals of Programming
    2. Object-Oriented Programming
    3. Core Java APIs
    4. Advanced Features (e.g., streams, threads, database programming)
  • First Part: Basics of Java
    • Variables, constants, primitive/reference types
    • Control flow statements
    • Clean coding techniques
    • Error handling and deployment
  • Second Part: Object-oriented programming
  • Third Part: Core Java APIs
  • Fourth Part: Advanced Java features

Variables and Constants

  • Variables: Temporary storage in memory
  • Types: Customary int, String, boolean, etc.
  • Initialization: Before use, give an initial value (e.g., int age = 30;)
  • Cosmetics: Naming and readability (use of underscores, meaningful names)
  • Operations: Incrementing, copying values
  • Constants: Fixed values (e.g., final float PI = 3.14;)

Primitive and Reference Types

  • Primitive Types: Byte, short, int, long, float, double, char, boolean
  • Reference Types: Used for complex objects (e.g., Date class)
  • Memory Management: Reference types hold addresses, primitive types store values

Type Conversion and Casting

  • Implicit Casting: Automatic, no data loss
  • Explicit Casting: Manual, risk of data loss (e.g., double x = 1.1; int y = (int)x;)
  • Wrapper Classes: Parsing strings to numbers (e.g., Integer.parseInt())

Math Class

  • Operations: Rounding, ceiling, flooring, min, max, random

String Manipulation

  • String Methods: substring, trim, replace, indexOf, length, etc.
  • Escape Sequences: Newline (\n), tab (\t), backslash (\\), double quote (\")


  • Declaration and Initialization: int[] numbers = new int[5];
  • Multi-dimensional Arrays: Use curly braces or loops for initialization
  • Fixed Length: Arrays have fixed size once initiated

Control Flow Statements

  • Comparison Operators: ==, !=, >, <, >=, <=
  • Logical Operators: &&, ||, !
  • Conditional Statements: if, else if, else, switch
  • Ternary Operator: condition ? value1 : value2;
  • Loops: for, while, do-while, for-each
  • Break and Continue Statements: Terminating or skipping loop iterations

Building Projects and Error Handling

  • Project: Create a mortgage calculator using Java
  • Input Validation: Use conditional statements to validate user inputs
  • Error Handling: Use loops and if-statements to handle invalid inputs


  • Fundamentals of variables, types, and control flow
  • Clean coding practices
  • Enhanced loop control and error handling
  • Preparation for advanced Java programming