Full Stack Food Ordering App Guide

Aug 9, 2024

Full Stack Food Ordering Web App Tutorial

Project Overview

  • Building a full stack food ordering web app using ReactJS.
  • Components: Frontend, Backend, Admin Panel.
  • Uses M Stack.

Homepage Features

  • Lists available food items.
  • Menu categories: Desserts, Noodles, etc.
  • Responsive design.
  • Sign-in and sign-up functionality.
  • Cart management with quantity adjustments.
  • Checkout and payment integration using Stripe.

Admin Panel Features

  • Add, list, and manage food items.
  • Order management through order status updates.

Development Steps

Frontend Setup

  1. Create folder named foodDel and open it in VS Code.
  2. Initialize React project with npm create vite@latest frontend --template react.
  3. Install dependencies using npm install.
  4. Set up routing with React Router DOM.
  5. Create folder structure: components and pages.
  6. Build Navbar and sidebar components.
  7. Implement food listing and cart functionalities.
  8. Integrate payment using Stripe.

Backend Setup

  1. Create backend folder for the server-side code.
  2. Initialize backend with npm init and create server.js.
  3. Install necessary packages: Express, Mongoose, JSON Web Token, Bcrypt, CORS, etc.
  4. Set up MongoDB for data storage.
  5. Create API endpoints for food items and user authentication.
  6. Implement CRUD operations for food and order management.

Key Features Implemented

  • User Authentication:
    • Registration and login functionalities.
    • Password encryption using Bcrypt.
  • Order Management:
    • Users can place and track orders.
    • Admin can manage orders and view statuses.
  • Responsive Design:
    • Ensured app is responsive across devices.
  • Dynamic Routing:
    • Used React Router for navigation between pages.

Testing and Verification

  • Used Thunder Client for API testing.
  • Verified data flow from frontend to backend.
  • Payment process validated through Stripe.


  • Successfully created a full stack food delivery application.
  • Utilized best practices in coding and structure for scalability.
  • Encourage viewers to subscribe for more tutorials and to refer to source code provided in the description.