[Music] hello everyone madiha signing in from the platform of 101 incredible women of Pakistan I'm very thrilled to introduce my today's guest Dr senya she's the Director of Business incubation Center at Punjab University let's go and meet her because normally when we talk about Punjab universities are to talk about a lot related to this University practically from doctor thank you very much for inviting me uh lovely meeting you Sanya thank you so much and I'm loving the color you're wearing today I was really very amazed surprise and you held my attraction even more that we are doing a lot more when than we know and then I can I mean normally it's not Talk of the Town Punjabi University it's not latest Technologies uh write new Avenue for me that I've come to know and I really appreciate here and that you were talking about that it is all very much synchronized at firstly it's theoretical work then you do your research work what is required what is not and then field work and then it's not specifically like commercialized institutes it's totally based upon what is what is the demand of the country yes so how it all started I mean looking at you very young very energetic and yet holding a lot of strings in your hands how it all started uh it all started uh with me doing an MBA uh I did my MBA from IBA Punjab University and um I also had this mindset or Spirit of wanting to serve the society as well so I didn't decide to go and work in the corporate sector I decided to do something which would give back to the society so I decided to come to the teaching failed um fortunately I was responsible for this mindset I mean was there any background that you were carrying with you or it was your own personal Instinct yes absolutely am I both my parents my mother walked a lot in the education sector right she was a director and vice Chancellor of University of education and she as a un Laureate for her contributions to education she was always also given as as a physique for her contributions to education work so so it was something in your blood yes it was something that we had seen I'm not sure about the blood but we'd seen happening it all around us when we grew up as children and then we saw my father was also a professor and Dean of law so uh we saw that and both of them they were working in Punjab University so they uh we we saw them enthusiastically working for building up institutions uh building up new uh you know departments and all that I mean it's very comfortable to hear that it's like Punjab University Like Home to you your parents were associated with that and you carried that Legacy with you I feel lucky I feel so blessed that I've been able to and I I got the opportunity as well as some skills and abilities to be able to carry forward the torch which was a which was something like an ideal for me um I did my MBA I was offered a job inside Chartered Bank uh I did my internship over there and I was offered a job over there but I did not um but it never I mean tilted your focal point or your ear yes and then it is also because of my teachers they can say yeah now when you were doing your internship and you were exposed to the Practical life and you see that you are able to earn a lot of money yeah by the end of the day but why was that that you never got deleted from the parameters you said I was just telling that it was also because of my teachers uh my very very good teachers uh they um who were able to inspire me at that time they when I was I used to give presentations and I used to talk in the class and participate I was also very much active in the co-curricular activities I would arrange events and all that so my teachers would they actually pointed it out maybe it was not something which I realized or my parents never they told me that this is the career that you've got to adopt this is the discipline the apartment doctor engineering they never told me what to do or what career to take up they told me that it's your decision and whatever you want to do but it was my teachers who saw that in me and they told me that you can be a very good teacher so they encouraged you they've actually got opportunity to be in hands of the real teachers yes absolutely absolutely so that that into my mind watching you and listening uh whatever you are saying they must have given them I mean a moment of Pride and they must be yes I'm I'm sure that um I've been able to deliver something which can make my teachers proud of what I've been able to do um so but it is all because the teacher yourself yeah and now you are in their shoes do you do the same do you follow the footsteps whatever had been happen to you you see analyze your students and filter out km well yes I do that and particularly the job that I am doing as director business incubation Center um we are working with entrepreneurs we are facilitating them we are giving them opportunities to network to investment to Market we connect them with the right kind of people so it is very important uh for to me for me to do my job effectively to be able to analyze people and their tilts and my particularly because my PhD is also it is an organizational psychology so um I have read a lot about science I mean what is uh since your doctor you have done your completed your doctorate degree in that so what is this all about I mean can you please elaborate on this yeah my um I did my PhD from University of Glasgow in in a broad area of business management but my thesis why are you moving abroad at the time I mean I want your parent a bit I mean um concerned that she's going alone Betty yeah I I when I went for my PhD I had an entire family I was married yeah and they all came with me all right yes exactly actually we would move together I never compromised on keeping my family together that was also a very difficult decision because I was not able to get admission somewhere where I could take along my family because of the you know constraints of uh resources financial resources and you know how we're going and again yes absolutely so but I didn't I got opportunities in various uh universities where I could go alone but I did not give that up um but I I didn't compromise on keeping my family together so I always made it sure that my family does not suffer because of my career so I took them along so you held tightly that particular part of Womanhood that you never compromised on your duties being a mother or being a family member definitely I mean parasol and then you took your yeah I took them along yeah I took them along long and I did my PhD from University of Glasgow my PhD thesis was basically about positivity right it was based on a discipline of positive psychology and positive organizational scholarship and I uh evaluated it sounds very interesting it's it's absolutely interesting and the whole discipline is something which which must be do you talk any changes in yourself before starting that uh doctorate course or after you have completed definitely if I mean if you do your PhD with uh with some real passion your PhD is about something which is really close to your heart so uh it is something which I felt very much uh not only giving you the title of doctor with your name but it has shaped your person yes absolutely PhD is a is a lifelong journey it is a life-changing Journey if you actually do it with the spirit um so yes the the word that I did and the things that I studied they transformed my personality um they made me a lot more positive a lot more optimistic a lot more uh you know um somebody who would take an initiative with a lot of confidence having a lot of faith because these are the things that we talk about in the positivity literature influencing others influencing others but influencing others with with good intentions influencing others with gratitude with passion with love yes with generosity with giving and what we did was what what was important about this discipline is that it is something which is scientifically bad usually we talk about these things in you know in the moral approaches but in these books in the stories absolutely but size doesn't talk about love and attitude and generosity that it is something which can actually come back to you but what we did what we do in uh in the positivity literature is that we explore it and we scientifically prove it that doing good is actually something which gives uh you it gives gives you back it gives organizations back if organizations they contribute to society to do things good if they have a culture which is a culture of learning and generosity and giving over their people thrive so it's like upward spirals uh so you do one good thing uh 10 good things uh you know come out they will be coming back to you they will come back and they will grow they will grow more so even a good smile can you know if you get a good smile in the morning from your boss or from your colleague you know that charges up your day definitely that is something which I worked on and it is something which was I was really passionate about and it was something and this is something which is never ending it's never yes that's how you're going to do the more it's going to grow absolutely yes knowledge are also something which is never ending so wherever you try to find the truth and you find try to find the knowledge that is a path which can which which is and you know people usually feel that once you know you've got a PhD you know it's actually a start of the Journey of the quest of knowledge it's very fulfilling that you're doing something out of the world um coming back to Pakistan wasn't it a difficult this year now you went abroad now you have got exploited to all the resources better resources and everything well it's all yeah it's it I was given a scholarship by Punjabi University and by the higher education Commission of Pakistan so it was my responsibility to come back and it was told to us and it was uh our uh you know in it it was ingrained in our spirit that you we've got to come back and we we've been given this scholarship I was working in Punjab University as a lecturer at that time we were given that scholarship as a faculty development scholarship and we if there was never a question that we're not going to come back that was something which was given to us for the purpose of developing us so that we can come back and we took it very I mean you show a very responsible behavior towards what opportunity had been given to you yes that's I mean something it is a personal opinion I believe that Asian students they have way more potential as compared to those uh I mean if I'll talk about other countries is it true or not are very hard working they are very much focused on uh their objectives of Education right uh they are very good in English okay yes uh because I've it's about language or communication communication confidence confidence they've got confidence they're very good in English I I started with the um people from number of uh ethnicities and uh nationalities um I'm not going to name uh but people from other nationalities they have uh you know their English communication is always something which is uh struggled which is which they uh speak with this stuff yeah I mean it's a basic tool you're holding in here yes absolutely but Asian students particularly Pakistan students Indian students also have an accent right uh they are also a little bit uh you know but but they're fine as well um Asian students because probably because of the uh British rule uh and because of the adoption of English with a lot of and it has got its disadvantages but the thing which I think is complemented with the confidence yes absolutely so that is something which uh gives them a distinction right uh in a lot of students uh which are starting abroad so Asian students do perform very well so I had a I mean yeah but but a very important uh aspect is also that uh particularly Muslim Students they have faith uh in their abilities and also faith in you know in the almighty Allah so that I think makes a difference because a lot of difference I mean my children whenever they have to do something different every time they call me up and they say even from their colleges or universities I have to do this tell me if I have to do this or not and as a yeah yeah so there's a lot of uh I think uh because my work is also in positivity literature and that also emphasizes the importance of prayer and faith and you know whatever faith that you have uh it has to be strong and it actually uh gives results it has it's a topping it has outcomes it makes you a more confident person it uh um it makes you confident confident in your abilities and in the things that you do uh so you you think that you've got a support you know I attractive support from uh from the Supreme Being so it adds to your confidence and definitely when you have more confidence you're able to give better outcomes agree to that yeah because since you've seen you seems very passionate about your work you know the incubation Center you're working in and everything and you are very much I mean articulate about whatever is happening in that incubation Center where do you look your uh I mean the work you have started after five years what do you think you must be able to achieve um well in in five years the incubation process is something which is uh which which doesn't have a very much defined trajectory right uh sometimes you know the success of uh startups is about uh you know 10 right so uh if there are 100 startups 10 are going to actually survive a year of uh successful uh you know uh operations and then uh as as the time goes on the uh the numbers yeah because it is something which is uh which is risky uh which is um uh something which is not very much predictive predictable because uh with startups with entrepreneurs it's all about the person who is the founder the team which is the founder sometimes what happens is that they start with a lot of passion but then they get a job somewhere yeah yes yes it's the whole thing collapse is the old passion this goes down try to give a lot of energy resources and everything to it when I'm getting particular about buying yes so some people they they so entrepreneurship is something for which you really need to be passionate about and again you really need to have a lot of faith in yourself uh and interesting you're able to yes absolutely and you've you're really strong that yes this is something which I can do uh so but the thing is that mindsets can be changed so what we're doing is that in incubation centers we are giving them that kind of training that kind of uh exposure that kind of you know we uh they meet with people who have uh established successful startups so that gives them a kind of you know a vicarious experience that uh yes well that can do it do and do that kind of stuff so I can also do it uh and and we we train them uh particularly people from the science backgrounds who haven't have any business education we train them for different kind of skills uh you know uh how to so a science student can be a part and parcel of this uh yeah that's the that's the whole idea about that business incubation Center you said we're in in the University we are doing things in a very you know uh stepwise manner so first we uh I used to go to uh Punjab University's Library just imagine two days but they were huge I mean instead of books there yeah and now I see my children by The Click they are having libraries at home and it tells them stories that how we used to go there search for a one book and it was sometimes we never used to get that if there was a lot of struggle required yes um education has become a lot more easier but that it makes it a lot more complex as well as well a lot more challenging as well because everything uh that 20 years ago we we had to go to the library to to get a book and then read it and then be able to do something about it now we can download 20 books in written 20 meditation and a lot more then you know you've got you books that's the opportunity that you've got to deal with so you know for anybody realize everything is actually so you've got to select what we've got to study what you've got uh but you don't need to read and so now you've got to make a lot of decision about which information you are you it's all about your choice you know the information is unlimitedly available and it's about your choice what do you for example look it up if you use the social media platforms uh you know the kind of advantage advertising that you will be exposed to is the kind of Plex that you make then the kind of it's like more and more and exploring more and more and going deep and deep and deep and extracting out very much challenging that's very much complex you really need to be very much focused about what is the objective of your uh you know using this platform while using LinkedIn why are you using Twitter what kind of channels are you following what kind of information are you taking in it's your earlier information was something which was given to you right now information is something which you seek yourself so you've got to make a choice and it's all the real responsibility whether what your uh what your learning or what you're seeing is something which is going to be better and that's hard time it was hard work yes that was hard work but now it is very much smart work thank you very much for joining us today and sharing a beautiful piece of information with us and seriously I got I mean very excited to know that you have done your doctorate in a subject that is all about positivity thank you so much about that and I'm I feel blessed to be working on some kind of uh topic like that looking forward to see you again thank you so much foreign [Music]