Neural Mechanisms of Motion Perception and Brain Structure
Jul 14, 2024
Neural Mechanisms of Motion Perception and Brain Structure
Precision throwing: Uniquely human ability; visual motion is a shared ability among animals
Observations about stop motion: Difficulty discerning emotion due to loss of subtle facial micro-expressions and the importance of motion in lip reading
Importance of motion in daily life: Helps avoid predators, cross streets safely, etc.
Thought question: How would you code a system to detect motion in a video?
Importance of Motion Processing in the Brain
Speculation: Do we have special brain machinery for processing motion?
Practical scenario: Living in a strobe-like world would be difficult due to the importance of motion in daily activities
Future topic: Case study of a woman with motion perception issues
Neuroanatomy Basics
Human Brain Components: Overview
100 billion neurons
Neuron structure: Cell body, axon, dendrites, and potentially myelin sheath
Synapses: High quantity critical for brain function
Energy efficiency: Brain runs on ~20 watts vs IBM's Watson's 20,000 watts
Cortex: Outer sheet folded around the brain, size of a large pizza
Components of the Brain
Brain Stem: Relays information, primitive but essential for life (breathing, consciousness, temperature regulation)
Cerebellum: Motor coordination, debatable role in cognition, connected with many cognitive tasks
Subcortical Regions: Thalamus, hippocampus, amygdala, and more
Specific Structures
Thalamus: Grand central station; relays sensory info to the cortex but also involved in high-level cognitive computations
Hippocampus: Long-term episodic memory and navigation (famous case: HM, Lonnie Sue Johnson)
Amygdala: Emotion, especially fear; patient SM case study
Additional Brain Details
White Matter: Bundles of axons connecting brain regions, vital for understanding brain function
Cortex Organization: Mapping primary sensory regions (visual, auditory, somatosensory, gustatory)
Maps: Visual space, touch space, auditory frequency
Visual Cortex and Perception
Receptive Fields: Concept of neurons responding to specific visual fields
Retinotopy: Mapping of visual space in the visual cortex
Functional MRI: Identifying areas like MT in humans by comparing responses to moving vs stationary dots
Direction Selectivity: Neurons respond to specific motion directions; demonstrated through after-effects (psychophysical techniques)
Functional and Structural Differentiation in the Cortex
Visual Area MT: Evidence for distinct function, connectivity, and histological differences
Direction-selective neurons
Human MT response to motion, motion aftereffect demonstration
Damage to MT: Case study of patient with akinetopsia (motion blindness)
Distinct connectivity and structural characteristics
Key points: Understanding of primary sensory cortex, structure-function relationships, importance of connectivity
Upcoming Topics: Further exploration of neural basis of perception, cortical mappings, and computational aspects.