did you know that NASA has done research on the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and what they found aligns perfectly with what the Bible tells us the Bible says in Matthew 27:45 from the 6th hour until the 9th hour Darkness came over all the land this is referring to the time of Jesus's crucifixion now let's dive into some details Scholars generally agree that Jesus was crucified on April 3rd 33 ad here's where it gets mindblowing according to data from NASA the was a partial eclipse in Jerusalem on that exact day the duration of the eclipse was about 2 hours and 50 minutes which matches the timeline described in the Bible so if you ever needed more proof that the Bible is true here it is modern science backing up ancient scripture if you want more amazing discoveries like this make sure to subscribe and hit that notification Bell share this video with your friends to spread the word and if this message touched your heart comment amen below see you next time and God God bless