[Music] foreign if you eat eggs every day for 30 days well if you've read my books you know as a general rule the less animal protein you eat the better so let's go into the problems with eating eggs every day for 30 days first of all let's talk about insulin-like growth factor one igf-1 and animal protein correlation so first of all what is insulin like growth factor one well insulin-like growth factor as the name implies is a growth hormone growth factor and it looks a lot like insulin now most of us produce insulin-like growth factor and we should in fact up until the age of 40 we in general produce a lot of growth factor because we're growing after age 40 however our insulin-like growth factor should decline why because if you look at super super old people late 90s early 100s in my practice and in other practices they tend to run very low insulin-like growth factors and if you look at people who have low insulin-like growth factors they have a very low incidence of cancer development as opposed to people who have a high insulin white growth factor actually have a very high rate of cancer development and it makes sense growth factor as we get older quite frankly there's nothing in us that we want to grow there are really three factors that influence our level of insulin-like growth factor one of them is the more sugar we eat or things that turn into sugar the higher our insulin like growth factor goes but the second is the more animal protein we eat and that includes eggs the higher our insulin-like growth factor goes the third factor which I talk a lot about in unlocking the keto code is the more time restricted eating intermittent fasting we do limiting our eating window to about six to eight hours per day the lower our insulin white growth factor and as I talked about in one of my earlier Books St Louis University in St Louis Missouri has a big Nutrition Center where they've studied calorie restricted individuals and this is the calorie restriction Society where in general they 30 percent less calories per day than normal in an effort to live a long time they took these people and asked some of them to substitute a purely vegan calorie source and followed their insulin-like growth factor and their insulin-like growth factor in these calorie restricted people dropped over 50 points just by eliminating animal protein so that's one of the factors of limiting egg consumption so how much protein should you be eating well Dr Walter Longo from USC and I agree on this and it is controversial except Dr Longo is one of the great longevity researchers who's followed this I use his protein formula that I publish in all my books and in general all you need to eat in terms of protein is about 20 to 30 grams per day now I know you've heard that oh my goodness for adequate protein you actually should eat as many grams of protein as body weight in kilograms the average human being who is 150 kilograms that's 150 pounds that's 70 kilograms so you need 70 kilograms of protein not so fast again protein stimulates insulin like growth factor plus unbeknownst to a lot of nutritionists is we recycle our own protein every day we Slough about 20 grams of protein into our digestive tract from cells that line our intestines and we eat that protein so every day you're eating 20 grams of protein that you didn't know you had to eat because it came from yourself the other thing that's important to realize is that you don't need protein to build muscle for instance from the American dietetic Association there's a fascinating study looking at young adults and senior citizens they were given either 90 grams of protein per day or 30 grams of protein per day it turns out that the 30 grams of protein completely provided for muscle synthesis in both the young people and the old people so the 90 grams of protein did nothing more for protein synthesis nothing more whether you were young or old so where did that extra 60 grams of protein go well we don't waste calories so if we're not going to use it for protein synthesis and clearly we don't we convert it into sugar and it's called gluconeogenesis and guess what that sugar does it becomes fat so you're fooling yourself into thinking you need more protein now there's one thing that Dr Longo and I do disagree with he thinks that after the age of 65 you need more protein in your diet and he's right but he's wrong the reason he's right is if you look at senior citizens and look at their protein requirement it appears that they need more protein but what that doesn't take into account is that normally we have a surface area for absorbing nutrients of about the size of a tennis court but because of damage from our diet particularly from lectins senior citizens have a surface area of a bing bong table so naturally you would have to have more protein that you ingest to get absorbed through that ping pong table and what I've shown in my patients is I reduce their protein but take away their lectins and their total protein and their albumin which is how we measure protein in humans actually goes up lowering their protein but taking away the lectins so it's the damage that's been done the older we get because of the foods not the fact that we need more protein Dr Adkins this year I turned 72 which is the age that Dr Atkins died at Dr Atkins was originally was a cardiologist he was originally a high fat doctor he got into so much trouble with the American Heart Association that he morphed into a high protein doctor because what's wrong with protein unfortunately if you watched him through the years he actually became obese from eating a high protein diet because he was taking that extra protein that he couldn't use for protein muscle synthesis and turning it into fat and that's really one of the sad legacies of the Atkins diet all right so to answer the question is it okay to eat eggs every day for a month if you are very careful to limit your protein consumption especially animal protein so two and a half eggs meet your entire protein needs every single day so if you wanted to get all of your protein from those two and a half eggs be my guest but you should view those eggs as a way of getting other nutrients into your body particularly olive oil if you go to Crete and ask for breakfast they'll bring you a bowl with about a half an inch of olive oil with two lightly poached eggs and they give you a spoon and you stir those eggs into the olive oil and you basically have an olive oil and egg soup and it's a great way for the eggs to be a vehicle to get olive oil into your mouth so if you want to do that great another option as I write about in all the books in general the value of the egg is in the yolk that's where all the nutrients all the vitamins are the protein is mostly in the whites so do yourself a favor have mostly yolks take like three yolks and one white give the other egg whites to your dog your dog will just think you're the best person but not just any eggs make sure they're either pasture raised or at the very least omega-3 eggs in general omega-3 eggs are fed flax seed and or algae and they actually do have a very nice content of short chain omega-3 in their yolks the yolks also are excellent sources of choline choline is one of the most important factors for brain health and the egg yolk is one of the best sources for choline now beware if you see free range or cage free those chickens by law never have to go outside be wary of the words organic first of all you can't make bugs organic but you can make corn and soybeans organic and so if you see organic chicken eggs the odds are that those chickens have been fed corn and soybeans and you certainly don't want that unfortunately I have a number of patients with autoimmune diseases where it was the organic chicken eggs that was part of the problem in causing their leaky gut instead of eggs for breakfast try some alternatives most store-bought yogurts have tons of sugar so buyer beware most store-bought yogurts even Greek yogurt contain the wrong protein called casein A1 get yourself some plain goat yogurt get yourself some plain sheep yogurt if you want it sweetened buy some allulose allulose is a true sugar that has no calories that is actually a Prebiotic so you can get the probiotics from yogurt mix in some prebiotics and you're good to go also there's another great yogurt that I've actually had on my podcast the founder called lava yogurt l-a-v-b-a it has pilly nuts and coconut and it has a generous dollop of Prebiotic fiber from Green Banana already in the mix and it has living bacteria by certification it's a great option look for it in most Whole Food stores have some pop sorghum cereal with coconut milk but please make it the plain in coconut milk have a sliced avocado drizzled with olive oil I recently returned from Paris that's what I had for breakfast every morning they didn't blink an eye out came my sliced avocado with olive oil no one said Gee what a funny request this next one is sure to surprise you good sleep actually stops you from becoming insulin resistant and good sleep stops you from becoming carbohydrate hungry