Transcript for:
Understanding the Red Heifer Sacrifice

[Music] this evening i am going to as i as i promised from last week to dive into the depths of the red heifer sacrifice and for some of you that might even be the first time you ever even heard that word before a red heifer sacrifice or maybe you've heard it but god that's kind of archaic and this isn't that old testament stuff well i'm going to show you how much of the front of the book we don't read that that really paralyzes us from understanding the back of the book because remember most all of the back of the book all of the back of the book was written by hebrews every one of them were jews of the very first century and some of them were even rabbis like paul paul was a rabbi and his name obviously in hebrew was rabbi and so if if these are rabbis and and and jewish men uh that grew up as boys in in in a jewish cycle it's of cycles of life in hebrew society and we don't understand their nomenclature their idiomatic expressions their vocabulary and their cycles of life which are biblical the biblical cycles the feast days if we do not understand uh the feast days of our lord and the sacrifices that are found in the tanakh they called the scriptures we're not going to understand really hardly anything found in the new testament because the new testament is simply the old testament revealed and the old testament is simply the new testament concealed okay so we are going to dive into the concealment part of the scriptures this evening and we will bridge across the gap into the new testament near the end the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to clarify a couple things that i mentioned last week about clean and unclean and i want you to understand a little bit of what clean unclean is because quite frankly virtually all of the bible has to deal has to do with this concept of clean and unclean okay and so literally i could spend an hour uh giving a message and teaching on just this topic alone i'm going to scratch the surface and what your taste buds to your taste buds to study for yourself to see if you can pull some more nuggets out but the hebrew word for clean is tahor okay tahor is clean and tomay is unclean i'm sorry if her name is tommy okay your name originally means unclean um not really but tommy is unclean until horror is clean okay and why is that important te is and we just give it an idea clear and open manifestation of god is tahor okay now when we hear clean and unclean in american lingo we think of dirty and not dirty do we not and when we think of dirty we think of something that is unuseful or something that we sh you should stay away or even evil we might connect with it okay when we say an unclean spirit okay obviously that's an evil spirit but we don't have any other word to put before evil spirit than an unclean evil spirit but that is different from clean and unclean you can have a clean and unclean you can be clean and unclean ceremonially and have nothing to do with an evil spirit so first of all i want to absolutely make that abundantly clear that just because you are clean or unclean in old testament times does not mean that you were had a good spirit or an evil spirit it simply meant that something was unclean very much similar to if i could use an analogy of a dish a dirty ditch simply means that it's dirty it's not useful at that moment for eating off of okay you must clean it first before you can put it before the king and that is very similar to the concept of clean and unclean on tahor is is i want you to kind of think of an open manifestation of yahweh meaning that the doors of the temple are open for business and you have the opportunity for yahweh to manifest himself it's very clear when you're clean when you're clean it is clear okay in other words you can see clear and the opportunity for yahweh to minister to you in your life is at the highest tame is closed doors okay the analogy of closed doors of the temple it's hidden the manifestation of the creator is completely hidden from sight the largest sacrifices that were done in ancient israel as we're going to talk about and zone in on the red heifer sacrifice the doors had to be open before the face of yahweh which we'll talk about a little bit later so when you're dealing with clean and unclean uh i want you to think of it as open and closed okay it's not life and death like many of us kind of kind of get the the american you know christian idea of what clean and unclean it is it's life and the removal of life you see in a greek mindset it's life and death which has a life and death situation but in a hebrew mindset there is never never ever and i stress never a a emphasis on death ever did i say that enough okay we do not emphasize death as hebrews the biblical mindset the hebraic mindset is that you always emphasize life so even when you say i'm repenting from my sin you're not turning your back on sin you are turning your face back towards yahweh okay there is never you give the enemy he is the god of this world there's no question about that so he has the credit of the one starting and stirring all of the trouble but we always speak in positives as towards moving towards the light not away from the darkness is that making sense by default you are moving away from darkness but a hebrew mindset is always in the positive and so when we look at life and death it is life and the removal of life now practically jim how does that make sense here's how it makes great sense which is more unclean a dead dog a dead pig a dead human being or a dead cow any guesses what is more unclean shoot them out i can't hear you they're all the same mark very good it is a dead human being why absolutely that's very good he said that the reason why a dead human being is the most unclean out of those four choices is because the human being has the greatest opportunity for life so when the life is removed from a human being it creates what a vacuum for death so there is more death inside of a human being that dies because it has a greater capacity for life now you say jim what does that have anything to do with anything it has everything to do with everything that we're going to be talking about this evening because because of the death of human beings that's why there is such thing as a red hat for sacrifice you might say well what is the red hat we're going to talk about that the whole reason why yeshua came was not because to raise a cow it wasn't to raise a pig or a dog from the dead it was to raise real human beings from the dead and all of us have sinned and fallen short of the glory of god and the wages of sin is what death all right we have a big problem according to the torah if you have death because if you have death in your life you are unclean at the highest level there is no other uncleanness that even comes close to the death of a human being this problem has to be solved and we're going to solve it this evening here we go the greater void just to give you another example of of uh of clean and unclean and in the void here of the lack of life is how about a son or a daughter now i have absolutely no clue about sons as you know i don't have sons i have five of the pink ones on the right uh but here's a strange torah commandment and some of you know where i'm going to go with this but a strange torah commandment says when a woman has a baby boy she's unclean for how long seven days and then she is continues in her uncleanness for 33 days okay or her her uh sanctified in her purity days of impurity for another 33 days for a total of 40 days but if she has a girl she's unclean for how long two weeks for and then a total of 80 days so twice as long in the sages for for centuries probably you know playing poker in the middle of the night you know trying to figure out you know what does this mean you know why is it that it's that the woman is had unclean for twice as long having a girl as a boy i mean they're both the same they're both child children so on and so forth but see understanding the concept of clean and unclean we recognize that it's not good and bad it's not life and death a woman has the capability of holding life within her does she not who has the greater capacity of life a male or a female a female a female has the greater capacity of life because she has not only the ability to carry her own life but she has the ability to progenate life inside of her she has the ability to have twice as much life is this making sense so when a woman has a child that is a baby girl she is taking out from her a woman that has the capability of having a child inside of her is that make sense and so from a clean and unclean the greater void is a female child because a female child has the ability to progenate more life it's a larger void it's twice the void so that's why there's twice the uncleanness does that make sense at all i know that was kind of like you can hit rewind on the dvd player later okay so all right so i just wanted to go through that a little bit so you can kind of set up and understand the concept of clean and unclean because this entire chapter that we're going to go through in depth is related to these two words okay the red heifer and the prophetic significance for today by the time we get done with this message you're going to understand why we are at the end of time unequivocally that we are we are nearing quickly to the end of days it's all related to the red heifer we can look at the signs in the heavens we can look at all the political and the geopolitical things that are happening in israel today we can look at sin in america we can look at all kinds of things but ultimately there's only one single thing that begins the end of days and it is this guy right here so we need to discuss this and find out a little bit about how it works we're going to start off in nehemiah chapter no we're not going to start there i got the wrong one up here we're going to start numbers chapter 19. so if you want to turn your bibles with me that's where we're going to start probably going to skip around a little bit here because i have a lot to go through in a little bit amount of time now yahweh spoke to moshe in iran saying this is the ordinance of the law which yahweh has commanded saying speak to the children of israel that they bring you a red heifer without blemish in which there is no defect and on which a yoke has never come now what does that mean that simply means uh according to the the uh the mishna and the rabbis and all of the traditions what they did for thousands of years is if they found two single white hairs on that heifer it would disqualify that heifer it had to be 100 percent or up to one hair but it had to be virtually 100 red had to be totally red the hoofs even had to be red so if you had a completely red heifer with black hooves it wouldn't work it had to be totally 100 red there could have no defect whatsoever one single boil one single wart anything on that heifer could disqualify it from being a red heifer sacrifice if there was ever a yoke that was placed on this uh heifer it would completely dis disqualify matter of fact if you put a blanket on a red heifer it would disqualify it from being the red heifer why because it's carrying something it went as far as if you leaned on the red heifer it would totally disqualify that red heifer because the red heifer would have to resist you and therefore it is working the only thing that you could do is you could do you could lead it you could put a rope around it if it was for the benefit of the life to save the life of that red heifer or to bring it to a place that was in its best interest okay the red heifer i cannot stress to you how significant this animal is in ancient israel they have only sacrificed seven at the most nine there's a discrepancy most scholars say seven uh some say nine but seven red heifers in the history of the world you're going to realize why it's only been because quite frankly it's really difficult to find a red heifer that meets the qualifications uh to be able to do what it needs to do so before we actually continually continue to dive into this subject we're going to discuss the mountains of israel i want you to see from a bird's eye view exactly what jerusalem looks like because how many of you have heard of the mount of olives mount moriah and mount zion but we don't really know where those are we know they're in israel somewhere and they're all throughout the bible but until you actually see on a map kind of where these these these mountains are at it's it's difficult to kind of figure out in your head where they're at so here's how it worked number one excuse me number two that is mount moriah that is where the temple mount is you can see the square temple mount that is where the temple mount is in the center today obviously is the dome of the rock which won't be there when the messiah comes back i promise but to the right of the mount moriah you will see that green line that runs right up through number one and number two that is the kidron valley number one number one is the mount of olives okay so on the far right you see the mount of olives in the center you have mount moriah and on the left you have mount sion now mount zion in uh some people call it mount zion uh but it's pronounced mount zion and mount zion uh in the in the hebrew scriptures all throughout the bible is synonymous with really all of israel all of jerusalem can be called mao zion okay so it's not like the greek thinking of mount zion mount moriah mount of olives because if you notice where is the mount of olives how many were like me before i researched things and and began to ask questions thought mount of olives was a mountain okay i did i thought the mount of olives was a single mountain i did not know that it was a mountain range that runs that entire side of the picture there and so the mount of olives is that entire area it wasn't just one single mountain like we have here in the united states it's a much flatter terrain over there and so you have the entire terrain of the mountain of olives over there so this is going to be important i want you to take a quick picture in your brain because we're going to come back to this okay next what i want you to understand from this next photo uh is something that that is uh and i really wish i had a photo of the actual temple mount today but most of you know what the temple mount looks like you have the dome of the rock and then you have the uh the synagogue the muslim the the the muslim islamic synagogue on the uh south eastern uh the southern side of the temple mount and there's a discrepancy because right where the yellow is okay that's where the the mosque is excuse me not the mosque the uh the dome of the rock is now this is a a topographical map what's a topographical map it shows us the elevation changes the closer the lines are together the steeper the hill and then it always ends up with a circle showing us where the very top of the mountain is now in ancient israel in ancient israel what happened is is the way that they built cities or they built uh uh castles or or or structures where they're going to put their city is they would go to the top of the hill and they literally would cut the top of the hill off and they would use that to shore up a lower side of the hill and they would normally put the castle not at the very top of the hill but right near the top right below the top okay now without going into all of the the proof text for what i just said how many remember in their bibles when it says that the the enemies of israel would sacrifice to their idols on the high places in israel remember that all throughout the by the high places the high places are at the very top okay very top that's at the very top you see the uh go back to the slide there but you can see the very top where the yellow is that's at the very top of the hill never in israel where you see a temple or a a synagogue that's placed on the top of a hill never they're not there they are always if you go to the top of the hill the way that you'll find a synagogue in archaeology i've been there i've been on some of these things is you just go three quarter of the way down begin to circle around the top of the mountain and that's where you're going to find your synagogues the guess where the greek gods and goddesses were found guess where their temples were found guess where the high places to asteroth and bale were found on the high places the very top of the mountain now what you're seeing right here is very interesting picture because this is uh infrared okay i'm going to show you this in a little bit actually i think the next picture yes tuvia sagiv is an architect that lives in in israel he lives in tel aviv and what he did was he didn't buy the idea that the temple uh was actually built over the uh the dome of the rock and because he believes that god is smarter than that and so what he decided to do and i have no idea how he got the permission to do this but he actually flew over the temple mount in a helicopter and shot infrared waves over the temple mount now what is infrared infrared picks up heat through radiation so the hot sun will beat down on the temple mount and heat up all of the rock okay but when it begins to cool the more solid pieces of rock will maintain more heat than the than the just the regular dirt and so right after sunset flying over the temple mount began to literally begin to see something that was incredible which was this picture that i just showed you is that this yellow pentagon here is right around the dome of the rock meaning that there is no hebrew synagogue or temple for that matter found in the torah that yahweh told his people to make in the form of an octagon okay or a pentagon and so in this we know for a fact through history that the goddess asteroth the phoenician goddess which is pronounced easter today uh where we get easter from is uh there her temples guess what the shape of her temple was this shape okay in first century judea in jerusalem the temple mount was not as large as it was it was all the way back almost half of what it was today and then it was added on by the hasmonean dynasty after that in the 140s okay and so what we have is literally we have the temple you see the red part there that's the holy place and the holy of holies guess what he found in infrared the foundations of the real temple it is not over the dome of the rock there's no need to remove the dome of the rock because the real original second temple is built right in between the synagogue that's on the temple mount and the dome of the rock and so if ever the politic uh changes in israel and uh the jewish people barter for the temple mount they don't need to destroy either the synagogue or the mosque they can build right on the foundations of the temple isn't that incredible yahweh is good and he's good all the time so i wanted to show you that that the high places are always on the top synagogues and temples are always right below that okay all right let's move forward and get into nehemiah's temple to show you something this is a rendition of nehemiah's temple of what it would look like all the way back in the time of nehemiah and emi obviously was a leader of israel that came back and decided you know what uh as a minor prophet we need to shore up the walls of israel we need to begin to rebuild the walls of israel what did he do he had a sword in one hand and what did he have in the other a torah scroll in the other it's by the word uh and by the testimony is how the power is going to be there and so this is nehemiah's temple this is what it looked like this is the basically the same picture that you have except we have the gates now i want you to turn with me to nehemiah chapter 3. we're going to set this whole thing up if you didn't bring your bible i would encourage you to bring your bible because it is your sword then eliashib the high priest rose up with his brethren the priest and built the sheep gate this is the beginning process where each family chose to rebuild jerusalem the walls of jerusalem what's incredible about this is that this did not happen by you know subcontracting out to the egyptians you know or calling the local you know contractor down the road that's been there one of the phoenicians or the canaanite or the jebusite uh you know people these were families that belonged to the tribes of israel that said i want to see israel grow again and they invested their own time their own talent and their own money to rebuild the walls these are people that that were invested with their lives this was their city and so i wanted to start off by this is showing you that they started out with the sheep gate everybody see the sheep gate at the very top right very top right hand corner and then he begins and i'm not going to read it to you for the sake of time it goes all the way around counterclockwise and he ends up in verse 31 he says after him one of the goldsmith made repairs as far as the house house of netane and of the merchants in front of the inspection gate as far as the upper room at the corner and between the upper room at the corner which corner top right corner as far as the sheepskate so what happens it begins with the sheep gate and it ends with the sheep gate that should mean something for those of you that believe in messiah as being the lamb of yahweh the beginning starts with him and the end ends with him but what's very interesting is right before you get to the second time that the sheep gate is mentioned first time sheepgate is mentioned figuratively is genesis that is the beginning of creation the word created the lamb of yahweh the word of god created the heavens and the earth the second time that he comes to visit this earth is the second time that the sheep gate is mentioned so prophetically what's interesting is we need to find out what is the gate right before the sheep gate because that is going to be the last prophetic gate to open and it's called the inspection gate now there's so much that is packed in here that i could talk for hours on folks because every story that's found in the scriptures in the tanakh and what we call the old testament is designed for to show what reveal sin invite you showed them in in egypt invited them out for 40 years what happened they went through all the gates and they were inspected at the very end before they crossed the river jordan were they not they were inspected and they fell short they could not go into the final sheep gate the second coming of the messiah if you will the promised land right before the very end my friends we will be inspected now let's find out what the word inspected here is in hebrew because this is really going to be spectacular the word inspection so we want to focus on the inspection gate the word here is method all right everybody say mifkad all right meepka now you speak hebrew you didn't know you could do that meefcat what does meep cod mean it's strong's number 4662 never believe me always look it up for yourself so you know that i'm not copying and pasting something else just to make a point from strong's it comes from strong 6485 whenever you see that that means that there is a it's a longer word method i believe is a four-letter root word a hebrew word and it can be broken down into a letter foundational root so that's what it means this is from strong's number which is piccad all right means to count okay picab means to count an appointment mandate a designated spot specifically a census or a number so does that make sense why they called it the inspection gate because the inspection gate is the gate that they counted they inspected something it was an appointment a designated spot it was specifically the the the gate of the census okay prophetically it's incredible because right before yahweh comes back and with his son what happens we are going to be coming through the gate and he is going to inspect us there is going to be a census and what does he say what he's going to do what do the prophets say he's going to divide the sheep and or the people into sheep and goats sheep and goats it is the inspection gate so continue with me because this is going to get pretty amazing this is another rendition of uh nehemiah's temple or nehemiah's jerusalem and i wanted to show you if you look very carefully there we see where it says the temple that's where the temple was actually located all right where was the uh the mifkad gate located the meep khan gate was located right here just north and just east of the gate now if you know anything about the torah what is i believe it's leviticus and i believe it's chapter 1 uh verse 11 but don't quote me on that i believe it says that if you're going to sacrifice a heifer all right or these animals they are to be north of the altar so they would sacrifice the animals they would kill the animals north of the altar before they put them on the altar this is going to be important when we get to the red heifer sacrifice so from the mephcod gate there was a line or a bridge a three-tiered bridge that went over the kidron valley over to our green mount of olives okay here's maybe a little better picture of that just kind of a little artist rendering of what it might have looked like now why would they build a bridge going from the meep cod gate all the way over to the mount of olives to sacrifice the red heifer is because according to the torah you could not touch anything dead or you would be unclean well the the mount of olives and the kidron valley is where all kinds of thousands of of uh tombs are in cemeteries and the bones of dead people and so you were not allowed to cross over a grave or you would become unclean ceremonially unclean why because when you cross something that is when you touch something that's dead or you you touch a dead body or a dead bone or you walk over something that is unclean you are coming in contact with death and yahweh is all about restoring people back to the garden which is life is this making sense is why the whole point of yeshua coming to begin with so they would walk over all of that not touching anything so that they could get to what they called in the scriptures a clean place all right so now let's go to ezekiel chapter 43 verse 21. to me this is just amazing now i remember i'm a professional kindergartner so i get excited easily but chapter 43 verse 21 says this thou shalt take the bullock also of the sin offering and he shall burn it in the appointed place of the house without the sanctuary without the sanctuary meaning outside of the temple the walls of jerusalem okay not very many things had to be burned outside of the wall of jerusalem things that dealt with death the the leprosy the man who had leprosy was dealt with outside the priest had to go outside of the walls of jerusalem okay and there's a couple other things this one was one of them the red heifer had to be without the sanctuary at the appointed place guess what the word in hebrew is for a pointed place it is god you mean so that's just that's okay that's good what does that mean it means everything because this tells us that it was the meep god or the appointed gate that was used for the high priest and the priest that would follow him to take the bull the red heifer and they would walk it out it would get inspected at the mythcod gate and they would take it across one last inspection and take it across to the kidron valley to the mount of olives it is the meep cod gate now we're going to cruise back to exodus chapter 38 verse 25 and 26 and we're going to connect something here exodus 38 25 says and the silver of them uh he's giving instructions here and you can read the context later if you'd like but for the sake of time we're just going to start off in verse 25 and the silver of them that were numbered of the congregation was a hundred talents and a thousand seven hundred and three score and 15 shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary and they're going through and they're numbering all the men of israel what is if you number the men of israel what is that called that's right how many had people in the last year to come to your house and ask you how many people lived in your house or got something in the mail right that's what we do even in today's world they want to take a census well that word numbered here in hebrew is piccad picad it's to to number now let's go to verse 26 because it gets even more interesting so now we're back the pekka gate okay which remember pika was the foundational word from our original mifcod gate here we go a becca for every man that is a half a shekel after the shekel of the sanctuary this is where it gets interesting because now we've established that the red heifer was taken out of the mythcod gate across the kidron valley and sacrificed on the mount of olives which we'll continue to go through in just a moment but now in exodus it's talking about a becca for every man it's in the census what is the word that's connected because we have a census a numbering system and we have the man that we're going to number at the end of time every man will be numbered so what is the word man here in hebrew see we have to go back to the original we're going to miss everything and we just start throwing around these english words because then the word in hebrew here is go galette it's a skull by implication a head or a pole it means every man like counting by the first century this particular place was called golgotha it is not a skull a mountain that looks like a skull it is not a rock that looks like a skull it's not a little pole with a skull on it it has nothing to do with this with a skull it is the idea of counting your skull okay as you golf as as in the old testament when they did the tithe the the the animals would come underneath the rod and it was the tenth one maybe they hit it right on the skull but it was the skull that was what it's talking about the gold galette all right the skull of a man that was counted and so when they did the census doesn't it make sense no pun intended that that's where they would count the men because that's where you come in the mount of olives you have the mifcod gate that is the census gate the numbering gate and that is the gate that is clean and that is the gate where uh when it's very close to the gate of the city and so everyone is numbered or the census was taken through that gate and so doesn't it make sense to you and to me i think it does that yeshua it says was was crucified we know on out golgotha but all these people were coming by and they had the ability to see him how could that be because that was the main place where people came by of the road of the census it was a very well-traveled a place that was right in the way to getting into jerusalem and everyone would have seen the crosses that were right there that were done in that clean place we'll go more through that a little bit but i want you to see that connection to me i don't know about you but to me that's an incredible connection to see how gogolet is connected to a man at a census and a poll has nothing to do all of these scholars believe it or not it's all over the internet all these scholars and all these people over the last 50 years have been looking for the place of the skull assuming that that means that they called it this place of the skull for the geographical or the geological uh formation of the earth has nothing to do with that it's simply that's where they counted the skulls can you imagine if paul or any hebrew is alive today how much they would go oi these americans they're my back to my pakistani hebrew accent all right let's cruise back to numbers chapter 19. kind of all over this evening but we want to establish some patterns here in verse 4. it says this and eleazar the priest shall take some of its blood with his finger and sprinkle some of its blood seven times directly in front of the tabernacle of meetings so here's what happened and for the sake of time i was going to read this whole thing there's no way i'm going to be able to do that with the little amount of time that i have so i'm just going to kind of tell the story what they would do is they would take the red heifer they would cross the gate across the kidron valley and they had a place that was clean now when you hear of a clean uh a tomb in the scriptures or a clean place what that meant it was newly hewn rock okay because rock was not porous it was the clay that was porous and so if it was newly hewn and there was no graves in the vicinity that would be called a clean place okay and they would they would paint it white and so on and so forth by the way it's coming to me remember when yeshua says you white-washed tombs who look so beautiful on the outside is because their tombs that they would build were beautiful they would hewn them out of rock paint them white and they sparkled clean now what's but they had dead bones on the inside now what's interesting is guess where all the rich men's graves were in israel if you were rich guess where your tomb would be on the mount of olives the mount of olives is where the rich men would be and some of you might know that there was a rich man that gave up his tomb for a richer man all right so numbers 19 4 he sprinkled so they would take this red heifer and they would put it on the mount of olives and so now pretend this is the kidron valley here and uh and and brandon you are the temple okay temple of the holy spirit you didn't know so we're gonna build a bridge across here and what i would do is i would take this this heifer anybody want a volunteer to be a heifer okay i didn't think so all right we'll pretend we have a heifer up here and what we would do is we would take this heifer and we would face it due west towards the e towards the temple into the eastern gate and we would we would strap it down and the head of the cow would be looking directly at brandon at the temple okay then what they would do is they would open up the doors of the temple they would slaughter the animal they would uh they would they would kill the heifer and then they would take uh they would take uh and light it on fire they would begin to burn the pro they would in that process they would burn then they would take hyssop they would take cedarwood and they would wrap it in scarlet wool and throw it on top of the fire now anybody in their right mind would go this is a witch's brew this is bizarre you know i mean now we know where half the world got their strange ideas of how to do strange concoctions right not so fast there's a reason for everything that's found in your bible everything that happens is for a reason the sprinkling what they would do is out of his left hand right hand they would cut and slice the throat left hand they grabbed the blood and he would have the blood in his left hand then he would take his index finger of the right hand dip it into his left hand and seven times he would sprinkle it towards the front of the sanctuary towards the doors because the mount of olives is about 200 feet over mount moriah over the temple it was very easily seen you could easily see inside the temple doors so where does that come in that comes in when we move to numbers 19 4 it's connected to hebrews chapter 9 verse 13. it says for the blood of bulls and of goats and the ashes of the heifer sprinkling the unclean sanctified to the appearing of the flesh how much more shall the blood of the messiah who through the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to god purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living god we're going to come back to that verse at the very end but i wanted to bring it up and connect it immediately that we're talking about the messiah the entire red heifer is about the messiah it is a ceremonial process of cleansing all of israel from the fact that they are dead men and yeshua is going to do the same thing once and for all what's so incredible to me about this particular sacrifice is that yeshua is taking the place of not just the red heifer sacrifice he dies when when does he die what feast day does he die he dies right there in the feast of passover during the feast of unleavened bread he's born in a manger that's in a levitical barn that they raised the azazel goat for yom kippur so he's connected to the yom kippur sacrifice which atones for the sin of all of israel he's connected with the death of the firstborn of the passover rectifying the the death of adam the sin of adam because remember it says that through adam all sin entered into the world but through the second adam yeshua life entered into the world he couldn't have died on any other uh connected to any other feast day then passover because passover is the redemption of the first born you see a pattern here there's one left sacrifice that's critical and that's the redhead for sacrifice because not only are we going to redeem the firstborn not are we going to redeem us from sin but now we have to make us clean to be able to put the white robes on to stand before yahweh when yeshua comes back you can't be a priest that's set free from the law of death that's been sanctified as a firstborn and not have a white robe because you can only get a white robe when when you are mikved through the pool of siloam and you come out on the other side you are considered ceremonially clean and you are now qualified to wear the white robe being clean from death is everything and see because we grew up in religious circles that don't understand the difference between clean and unclean and really in life and death we don't totally get why jesus died he didn't die just to redeem the firstborn he didn't die just for your sins he died as the red heifer sacrificed so that you could have the right to put on that robe because you can't put it on with just a passover sacrifice and you can't put it on just because there's a yom kippur sacrifice that is qualified for you you must be mcfed and it happens through water what's interesting about the red heifer sacrifice not done with our story as soon as it's all done they would burn it to the ground and then they would beat it with hammers and with uh uh their stone uh that they would beat the the the all the way down to the animal till it was ashes then they would take these ashes and they would put them in a clean place and after three days they would take the ashes and they would mix it with water so let's make some connections here because i i i could really spend an hour going through more of this story but i want to make some connections as we move along through here the red heifer was watched until its third year did you know that once they had a qualified red heifer they would watch that red heifer for three years now why would you do that because they had to make sure that this was a qualified red heifer and not just premature did you know that there was a red heifer born in 1997 was one born in 2002. did you know both of those were disqualified it was all over the news see if we have an ear for this you will know when a red heifer is born in israel because it makes major news over there it buzzes the internet like crazy because if there's a red heifer they know for a fact in the even in their mishnah in in their writings of the rabbis they say that the next red heifer is the one that will bring the messiah even the unbelieving jews our southern brother knows that the next red heifer is the one that will bring about the third temple which they know according to the torah in the prophets brings about the messiah so if you knew this you would celebrate too if there was a red heifer that was born that would qualify but they have not had one that has qualified yeshua was watched for three years of his ministry if you ever wonder why he had three-year ministry he had to have a three-year ministry he could not have any less than a three-year ministry because according to the torah the red heifer had to be watched for three years to make sure how many remember the night before yeshua died what happened they brought him before the high priest right guess where that was guess where they had to go through right before he took him to calvary had to go through that myth god gate the counting the time where they was the last time to check and find out where something else is coming to that's amazing um see i studied all this stuff and there's no way to put in a note so it goes in a file and i trust the ruach will bring it out at some point one thing will qualify yeshua disqualify him as a red heifer what is one of the requirements for a red heifer is if you put any yoke on that red heifer it is disqualified once it is qualified it can be disqualified from that moment if there's a yoke put on it does anybody remember this little guy named simon what did he do carried the cross guess where he started carrying the cross right at the gate it was at the gate and they didn't have a clue that's where he fell was at the gate he fell and in the spiritual realm is the last counting from yahweh's perspective that's it he caused his own son to fall that third time and he was by that moment why did he fall because he knew that he would put on the hearts of those that around him and the leadership to take that beam off of the red heifer because it would disqualify him once he crosses that line he walks then across that kidron valley and that is where our story will continue to pick up this is so amazing to me so must be acquired the red heifer must be acquired through money from the temple treasury did you know that this is not a a sacrifice that you brought this is a sacrifice that is purchased by the temple treasury the location of yeshua was paid for from the temple treasury to judas 30 pieces of silver that red heifer was purchased by the temple isn't that amazing we're only in the beginning it must be without blemish or defect or we can say today we say sin yeshua clearly with was without blemish any kind of defect any kind of sin he qualified in that way but let me ask a question why would it be a white heifer why wouldn't it be a white heifer now see i remember i i think strange things and i ask all kinds of questions i always got in trouble because i always made the class stay late because jim said was always the one asking questions jim stop you're killing us every time you ask a question we get more homework but i asked this question in my studies to the father said wait a minute if it's without sin everyone knows in the bible that sin is connected to what color red gotcha okay red first then black black is death sin is connected to red or crimson so why on earth if it's without blemish would this not be a white cow an albino cow in my little brain that makes way more sense to have a perfectly white is anybody else jiving with me on this okay this doesn't make sense to have a red cow that's without blemish because by the mere fact that it's red is connected to sin which is blemished this is the paradox that the rabbis cannot figure out is is not necessarily why it's red but why is it that that the very sacrifice that cleanses all of israel disqualifies and makes the priest that's operating and officiating this unclean the very sacrifice that makes people clean makes those that started out clean unclean how can that happen we're going to talk about that and we're going to give that near the end i'm going to go through that but why wouldn't it be a white heifer this is the paradox red represents sin and death while white represents truth and life you see what the rabbis have not connected is that the red heifer had to be read why it's taking on all of the sins of israel and the uncleanliness of israel it cannot be white white is purity and perfection you don't burn something that's perfect but it's perfect you see the paradox it's a perfect heifer but it's red which in in in nomenclature according to the scriptures red is connected to sin so technically we're burning sin outside the camp let's continue the red heifer is handed over to the high priest before the sacrifice for examination yeshua was handed over to caiaphas the high priest for examination why did he be handed over for examination why did he have to go through that in the middle of the night because that's exactly what was required for the red heifer sacrifice to be qualified it had to be taken over to the high priest they would lead the heifer outside the city gate to the mount of olives to be sacrificed yeshua was led out of the same gate to be the same location to be sacrificed no priestly qualifications were required to burn the red heifer no priest only had to be a clean person it did not have to be a priest so that's so interesting because if the torah would have required a priest it would have disqualified him as a red heifer sacrifice because the romans were the ones that killed him do you see that if the jews would have killed him it excuse me if if the torah would have required a priest to kill the red heifer to burn the red heifer disqualified everything would all the way up to the stake would not have mattered the moment that that roman hit that that nail in the hand it would have disqualified yeshua's being the high priest excuse me the red heifer every detail according to the scriptures is prophesied comes true don't tell me there's no god this is about as is divine and mathematically impossible for all of these prophecies to line up in such incredible detail now see here's what's amazing you know i i deal with atheists every once in a while and you guys do too and i was a former apologist and so i dealt with them all the time but the reality is is that we as as christian apologists loved to focus on all of the the prophecies like he was going to be born of a virgin and he was going to be born in bethlehem which is bethlehem mean house of bread go figure a bread of life would be born in a place called the house of bread and and that all of these these basic very easy to see prophecies the most powerful prophecies ladies and gentlemen that prove that our bible and our god is real the god of abraham isaac and jacob is still on his throne and looking down is these kind of prophecies that are found in the front of the book incredible detail this is one single chapter of your bible and look how many connections that we're making we had to sprinkle the blood towards the temple seven times why not five and a half why not six why not four here's why because it was one for every single day of the week and one for every millennial day it's one for each of the thousand years of mankind when adam sinned what happened it caused every single man woman and child from that moment on to have sinned to be born into an unclean lifestyle an unclean state does that make sense every generation for the next seven days if you will days a thousand years would be unclean so it's incredible to me to understand that the red heifer sacrifice they sprinkled the blood seven times towards the temple one for every day of creation every day that adam screwed up and messed up would be made clean all the way to the 7 000 year the curtain must be opened during the sacrifice for the sacrifice to be valid one of the very last things that has to happen and so the curtain this is a problem big problem yeshua dies on the cross and pretend that you're a believer sitting there and you look reading the okay wait the doors are closed can't be the red hat for sacrifice the doors have to be open you see in in the in the tabernacle in the wilderness there were two curtains one at the front of the gate the front of the tent of meeting and one into the holy of holies that separated the holy place from the holy of holies in in the second temple times it was a real building structure and you had the temple doors and then you had the curtain that was about halfway through same thing that split uh the holy place from the holy of holies this curtain was ripped from top to bottom by what an earthquake did you know that the stone that was on top holding this curtain was 30 tons 30 tons i don't have a clue how they they did that probably the same people that built the the the whatever those things are called pyramids 30 tons comes falling to the ground that would get everybody a little bit of a wake and so guess what the requirement for the torah is that the high priest would have to look into the holy of holies he would have to look into the holy of holies for it to be a valid sacrifice now why would the high priest or any priest or anybody remotely that's up there watching him on a cross turn their head and look into the holy of holies when the doors are shut and it's a completely different scene over there if there wasn't a major noise a major earthquake the doors fly open huge 30-ton rock falls to the floor rips open this massive by the way that curtain is about as high as this entire here about 30 feet rips the curtain in half and everyone's looking right into the temple not knowing into the holy of holies they're validating the red heifer sacrifice now why would i have to look into the holy of holies you know what the word before is in hebrew there i don't have time to go through this but the word before there in hebrew is the word face before the lord is looking directly into his face now why is that so important because my friends the son of the living god is on a stake with a cedar beam most likely on an almond tree the tree of life and his face is looking directly into the eyes of his father and his father turns his head you see that's what's going on you can't turn your head unless you're looking into someone's eyes remember the scriptures where it says well you've turned your back on me you can't see we look at that metaphorically as yahweh is everywhere not according to the red hat for sacrifice the face of yahweh is in the holy of holies he's looking directly into the eyes of his son and he must turn his head because of the crimson red that he has become why was it a red heifer sacrifice and not a blue one because yeshua according to all the ancient sources was full of blood from head to toe he was ripped to shreds nothing but blood the movie that mel gibson did very very close i believe to the correct rendition of what yeshua probably looked like he looked crimson red again another connection it is not until the ashes of the red heifer are combined with living water that it brings forth life because they had to take the ashes of the red heifer and they would wait they would put the ashes in a jar and guess how many days they'd have to sit and wait three three days the ashes of the red heifer would have to be in a clean place then they would take the ashes and they would they would they would put it inside living clean water and it was at that moment on the third day that they would begin to sprinkle it on the people and it was on the third day and on the seventh day they were declared clean in the same way if you ever wondered where baptism comes from or immersion or what we call being you know mikvahd uh ever came from it's because when you are immersed into the death of yeshua the messiah you are connecting the death of yeshua with living water he's the red heifer sacrifice my friends until you are mikvad like john said i came to just to baptize you with water but he will baptize you in water and what fire why would john say that was it just a stroke of genius what fire is he talking about what is the writer of hebrews talking about the red heifer sacrifice is burned fire and water what are the three elements of the earth anybody know i'll give you one fire water and air is that right now you got me second guessing myself up here fire water and air do you know that all three of those work together you can't have fire without what air and what do you put fire out with water they all work together the spiritual realm good and evil all works within that so you have the fire of the red heifer sacrifice you have the living water which is connected to what the word and you have the air which in hebrew is what ruach which is connected to the spirit you have to have all three you have to have the death of messiah mixed with the living water of the word and you must be baptized in his spirit somebody say amen good now we can continue it continues more connections the cohen or the priest and hebrews called cohen took a piece of cedar wood hyssop and crimson wool bound them together and cast them into the fire of the sacrifice yeshua was crucified on a cedar beam was given sour wine on a hyssop branch and was forced to wear a crimson rope now let me ask a question that maybe you haven't asked how do they make crimson wool what is wool made out of by the blood of the lamb that should mean something so much more to you because they would take wool and they would dip it in red dye so literally what's happening here is that you have the crimson robe that is put on yeshua is prophetic of what's getting ready to happen where he would be completely covered in blood himself he is the lamb of god wearing lamb how do you you can't get any more what do i always say the spiritual is connected to what the physical the physical is a picture of the spiritual whatever's happening in your life right now whatever's happening in your life right now in the physical world there is a spiritual message it doesn't matter what's happening there's a spiritual message yeshua is wearing a robe that is crimson wool dipped in red dye he is the lamb of god who takes away the sins of the world and he is crucified on the mount of olives just north and directly east looking into the the holy of holies satisfying every single scripture according to the scripture to be the red heifer sacrifice the ashes were then gathered and taken to a clean place and newly hewn stone it just doesn't end yeshua when he died was placed in a newly hewn stone of joseph of arimathea brand new tomb do you know that that the red heifer ashes were put into a mini tomb i wish i had a picture of it it looks just like like a little stone shelf to tomb which is exactly what the tombs look like it's amazing continue the connections the ashes would remain in the clean place until the third day then they would be used for cleansing and i went through that yeshua rose on the third day was mixed with the spirit on shavuot in earthly vessels and so when the torah commandment in numbers chapter 19 says that they were to take the ashes of the red heifer mix it with the clean water and sprinkle it on the people on the third day and on the seventh day they would become clean what is that saying to us it's saying that they that you cannot be clean until the third day and the third day is the gospel the gospel of yeshua the messiah jesus the christ is the death burial and resurrection of the red heifer sacrifice the yom kippur sacrifice the passover lamb all of it wrapped into one and that you must be sprinkled by that gospel the good news of the red heifer sacrifice amen when you are sprinkled on the third day meaning that you accepted the death burial and resurrection of the messiah and you are walking in his ways and shall i add all of his ways on the seventh day you will be mikvahed again but this time it will be directly by him have you ever wondered why he comes back on the mount of olives why does he come back on the mount of olives he could have came back on mount moriah that'd have been a logical place but he comes back and splits the mount of olives in two why does he come back to the mount of olives not just because that's where his son that's where he died that is the place of gotha the counting of the census that is the entrance into the city my friends is through that gate what did yeshua say i am the way where logical question the way to where to my father no one goes to the father except through me where's the father if you're a first century hebrew they're not going to go he's up in the sky the father is in the holy of holies everybody knows that he's even got a throne and there just happens to be a gate that's very very narrow that runs across the valley with all of the death underneath it and the counting of the census starts here nobody goes across that valley unless you pass by him first it's so amazing they passed by him the first time when he was dying some spit in his face the second time that he comes he will be the one doing the census sprinkling was to happen on the third day and the seventh day the first red heifer was in the third millennium can you believe that it's amazing our god is so incredible he thought of everything i mean if there if that wasn't enough connections the third millennium is when the first sacrifice is made the first red heifer there's been seven red heifers that have been sacrificed from the very beginning and the number eight means what in hebrew new beginnings yeshua will be coming back at the millennium number seven so here's the great mystery how can the very ceremony of the red heifer that is designed to make one clean make those who officiate it unclean at the same time very simple galatians 3 10 tells us the answer for as many as are the works of the torah are under the curse in other words if you're relying on the torah only to save you you are under a curse why because everyone is sin and fallen short of glory of god you break the torah sin is a transgression of the torah you break the torah you're under a curse and if you're relying on the torah or your works alone you will continually be under that curse for written is cursed everyone that continues not in all the things that are written in the book of the law to do them in other words if you do not do everything perfect in the torah you're under a curse so yeshua didn't come to get rid of the curse he came excuse me get rid of the law he can't read to get rid of the curse yeshua became the curse for us the red heifer becomes starts out perfect unblemished and it ends up totally unclean that's why anybody that touches that red heifer becomes unclean every priest every high priest and even the children which some of them were grown as little children to be the one that would scoop up the ashes of the red heifer because they could have 100 fact knowledge that this child was clean because they had watched him like the golden child okay that's reality this is the great paradox or what what in orthodox judaism they say is the greatest mystery in all of the scriptures this is what they say is the greatest mystery they even have a tradition to say that solomon understood all things but this was the only thing that solomon could not figure out was what is how is it that something so perfect could make everyone else clean but the ones that are officiating the high priesthood become unclean yeshua in the same way perfect unblemished absolutely sinless became unclean and he became the high priest as well that same day isn't that amazing and he had to go three days why did he have to go three days because three days was the number that it took before the sacrifice would go from unclean to clean he couldn't raise on the second day it wouldn't be ready he would be still unclean and guess what he shows up with on the third day as clothing a white robe because he had been mikvahed in the word of yahweh he had fulfilled every word so when it says wash in the water of the word it doesn't mean just go home and read your bible it means that every prophecy concerning yeshua the messiah came true he was washed in the water of the word if you don't believe that you're a hebrew and you don't understand romans 11 and ephesians 2 i encourage you to get and watch identity crisis so you know who you really are because all of the prophecies in the old testament that are about his people are about you you are israel you are grafted into the olive tree and the olive tree in jeremiah 11 is israel if you don't know that you're not being washed properly in the water of the word because all of the prophecies are about you is this making sense as rico would say we need to shake ourselves was still a horrible accident i need to work on it hebrews 9 says this for at the blood of bulls and goats tonight started with this and we're going to end with this and the ashes of the heifer sprinkling unclean sanctified to the purifying of the flesh how much more shall the blood of the messiah who through the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to god even the rabbi shall if he's the one that wrote the book of hebrews understood that yeshua was the red heifer can you imagine being a first century jew growing up knowing the torah do you know paul had all 39 books memorized word for word had to to be a student of gamaliel and he says that he was zealous more than he was the best student of gamlio so who knows what he had memorized and everything that he had put together if you knew everything to paul can you imagine the connections he was making no wonder he was so passionate about what he did do you have passion for what you do let me just stop for a moment there are some of you that are listening to me right now that you have no passion in your life you have no passion for truth yeah that's a really good name for a ministry actually some of you need to be infused with the water of the word and the ruach and then actually add the power of the word in truth to make you come alive from your dead state some of you have been living in the walls of religion your whole entire life some of you have just been living some of you actually been studying the word you know the word but you're not alive you don't have any passion inside of you you can't know the god of the living universe and put together the connections that we're making and not get excited sometimes i feel like i need to go to an african-american church so i can hear someone say amen they know how to say amen amen come on now we need some passion everything happens on the mount of olives zechariah chapter 14 verse 4 says and his feet shall stand this is right when the messiah comes back shall stand in that day upon the mount of olives which is before jerusalem on the east and the mount of olives shall cleave in the midst of thereof toward the east and towards the west that means split and there shall be a very great valley and half of the mountain shall remove towards the north and the other half towards the south now watch this in verse 16 it says this this is when the messiah comes back for those of you that don't believe that the torah is for today and he meant what he said the first time he says it shall come to pass that every one that is left of all the nations which come up against jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the king yahweh oat and shall keep the feast of tabernacles sukkot and it shall be that whoever does not come up of all the families of the earth unto jerusalem to worship the king yahweh's evil oat even unto them shall be no rain folks we have seven feast days that we're supposed to honor we don't know what we're doing we don't know exactly how to honor them but how do we know how to honor anybody or anything by trying to honor them you do your best to honor them according to what the scriptures say sukkot is coming up some of you will not take it serious maybe you're not that in your journey yet you don't see that that's okay but for those of you that believe in it you should believe in it because what the way that i read my bible is that at some day at some point in some time it's going to be as it was in the days of noah and they were protected when they were sue coding if you will they were already out of the city when the lights got turned off someday it could be very possible that something might happen in this world and yahweh protects those that are already honoring him and that's for a whole other message and another time in another place so let's end by asking this why is the red heifer so important for us today why is it so important because prophetically we want to go to daniel chapter nine we want to go to all these different scriptures in ezekiel 38 and 39 and revelation and that's great every one of those we have to understand we need to know i study those i want to understand those they're part of the puzzle but folks we have a third temple that's coming you realize that yeshua does not come back until the third temple is desecrated by the antichrist during the daily sacrifice it has to be stopped we know that the daily sacrifice must be stopped by the antichrist everybody understand that right according to the torah you can't have a temple without the red hat for sacrifice first because the red heifer sacrifice is what makes all of the priests clean to officiate the daily sacrifice is this making sense so we should not be looking for them to start sacrificing lambs we should look for the birth of the red heifer do we have a red heifer alive today you know who this is this is rabbi heim richmond and they're going to play this uh mp3 for me michelle the bombshell i wanted to mention is the fact let's hear what he has because everyone is very interested in the status of the red heifer people speculate people remember the excitement of when a red heifer was born people talk about it and the reason for that of course why there's such excitement every time everybody anybody mentions a red heifer is because a lot of people know that there is a jewish tradition it's in the mishnah that there were only nine red heifers throughout the entire history of the jewish people and there were nine red heifers that were and the ashes from those red heifers were enough to accomplish the process of cleansing for all the generations of the of the people of israel and there is a tradition that the tenth red heifer is the one that's associated with the rebuilding of the third temple that's why when there's a news report about a red heifer being born people get very very excited it's looked onto some sort of wake-up call like that i wanted to share with our listeners far and wide the fact that there is definitely a kosher red heifer here this is right really uh breaking news yes it is this should be another and the scroll of cnn or something we're not making a lot of noise about it we're not we're not taking out all sorts of ads and we're not certainly not disclosing the location that's definitely not prudent and i'm not going to be sharing it with the united states embassy absolutely not but you should know that there are definitely in fact i think there's more than one but there is definitely at least one kosher red heifer here in israel right now so that is not what is impeding the process at all that's a great encouragement source of comfort i think but again it's also a reminder that uh we have our work cut out for us and the days are passing and uh you know we have to keep on with it and and keep working toward our goal folks did you hear what he said this is of last year early of 2010. that is the biggest bombshell breaking news that you could ever hear that hit your ears is that there is a kosher red heifer and did he say more than one and they're not disclosing the location good idea if that's the case and they'd and they announced this one year ago then that means that that red heifer is probably close to three years old it has to be three years old see if they just said oh it was born today i wouldn't be so excited because they can't even call it a kosher red heifer that qualifies to be red heifer sacrifice until it's older but now that it's nearing the age of of being validated they have come out and they have said this is a kosher red heifer so folks if this is a validated kosher red heifer and it is nearing the process of three years old and all of the utensils in the altar are already built for the temple and ready for the sacrificial system of the third temple then everything is in place the only thing needed is permission for them to start making the sacrifices today how this relates to you and i is first of all we need to read our bibles we need to understand the front of the book and how it relates to the back of the book because the messiah is written everywhere and we went literally we talked about one single chapter in the tanakh i want to encourage each and every one of you if you are feeling this is just totally different but if you are feeling unclean then you need to get mikvahd and do you know what that means that means that you need to go back to the beginning what was the beginning the red hat for sacrifice the death burial and resurrection of our messiah and you need to get right with him you need to get his blood flowing through your veins because where is life in the blood if you feel like you are encompassed by death then you do not have enough blood of the messiah running through your veins you need more of his ruach breathing in your lungs let us remember that not only is yeshua the messiah been resurrected and coming back but he desires to resurrect each and every one of us out of our situation of uncleanliness he is trying to get ready his bride and clean his bride up we are at the point of the census right now and let me prophetically say something we've always said if you don't learn it once what is he going to do take you around that mountain again can i tell you something that's in my spirit there is no more mountain this is it this is your chance to make things right before your king he is making a census those that pass the sentence senses go forward those that are not get left behind be one that is that prospers in his word and is worthy to be called into these last days ministries don't be left behind it's going to be an exciting ride amen please raise to your feet please stand and let's pray [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] to you