[Music] hello and welcome back to my channel the very best place to be to discover exactly how your thoughts and your emotions are affecting your whole health hi i'm andrew coulter and last week we talked about grief all the secret ways that grief expresses itself in your body and you know did you how many did you find that you had I think actually a bad list at some point in my life I had them all you know we all do carry grief and we all carry you know emotions of some sort because sometimes it is just hard to express those emotions so this week the next major big emotion that and again this is the one big emotion that women I find suppress the most is anger oftentimes because you know well we don't want to be angry we want to be loving and kind and wonderful and we want to be the good girl well sometimes the good girl should be angry and sometimes we need to learn to express our anger but in a healthy constructive way which I'll go through at the end so hang around but first of all I just want to talk about how anger expresses itself so this week I'm just gonna go through the list of symptoms that your body may be expressing if you have unresolved or repressed anger and like I said a lot of people have some degree of it some people have massive degrees of it as I said in the last video if if you're getting triggered on a day to day basis emotionally then the there's a good bet that that emotion is bottled up inside somewhere and not only are your physical symptoms expressing that emotion in some way which I'll go through the list but when you get triggered externally by you know somebody cut you off you view a bad road rage you probably are carrying a lot of unexpressed or repressed anger and that's your safe way of trying to just and get rid of it but maybe not the best way I'll go through some tips at the end too let's go through the list and see again get out your pen and paper or maybe make a list of all of those secret little symptoms that are going on that you didn't know we're probably linked to some unexpressed anger that you need to work through in the right way because even though you may think you're not carrying some of these emotional states I guarantee you are and your body is expressing it in some way so remember as I said anger can be expressed obviously by being angry at someone or angry at something or some event but oftentimes women just suppress it and then they become sweet and they become the doormat so if you find that you are that one person in life that you know you love everybody which is awesome and you're an amazingly heartfelt person but you get walked all over you know you can't say no to anybody you want to just help everybody but you you know get victimized because of it you get walked on like a doormat then add the other you're carrying an awful lot of repressed anger and if you feel really strongly about in Justices in life and you like you're that defender and I'm gonna fix everything then you're probably carrying a lot of unresolved anger again not a bad thing you know we need defenders in life but sometimes it's when we you know you see those people who are trying to fix and defend everyone and everything even when it's not asked for so there's always a time in a place but if you're over and above then I bet you're carrying some unresolved emotional baggage that maybe you should work through first and then go out and defend in the right way so remember in the last video we talked about salt craving salt when there's a lot of grief well sugar is the craving factor of anger so if you have a massive sugar tooth then you probably have some unresolved anger also sties I know this sounds really weird but whenever I feel like there's something sticking in my eye I got / or I constantly have something falling in my eye and I'm picking up my eyes so cysts and skies and and things like that in the eye area bizarrely is a very big indicator that you have some anger that you're not working through think about it if it's something that irritates you and is poking at you it's trying to get your attention and hey are you angry are you angry right now maybe you're angry now that's kind of what I always think of whenever I'm like oh my god I think I need to take some anger remedies because apparently something is bothering me that I'm just not conscious of and if that's the case then maybe work through some of them the ideas I'm going to give you at the end also sustain us of course so anything sticking pains irritations skin irritations rashes anything that is bugging you to the point that it makes you frustrated is probably dude - unexpressed anger another interesting symptom I would not have been aware of it on my own unless I've seen it in clients is where you're sleepy all day you just are dragging your butt around all day I just feel some tired but just tired on a real mental emotional level not necessarily physically tired but just ah that all day and then can't sleep at night so insomniacs who are maybe super tired but just can't sleep that's a good indication that there's some anger there now this one this is really an emotion another emotional state but depression which I will go to in another video but depression is actually unresolved anger not deep grief layers it's not oh I'm so sad if depression is actually unexpressed repressed all-out anger and I'll go through that in another video and then like I said it both sticking irritating pains is neurology pains any kind of neurology pain in the body is an unexpressed anger issue sticks pins needles you know arms going to sleep and pins and needle feelings in the limbs and things like that all coming from because again the neurological system is really where and the muscular system is where the anger is most held and expressed so a lot of nerve issues tingling sand things like that twitches and spasms again weirdly I used to get spasms in my iron you know you can I twitch I haven't had one up in a really really long time but I've also worked through a lot of my unresolved anger issues but yep used to get twitching eyes all the time or twitching in like some weird muscle group again spasms and twitches chronic then that's often an anger issue also being prone to accidents and injuries I know accidents and injuries happen but I will tell you this I was a menace in the kitchen when I was carrying around a ton of unexpressed anger and I used to deny that I was an angry person being prone to hurting yourself or getting into accidents if you stop and think about the state that you're kind of in when that happens it's an anger issue you know you should be angry about it but also if you're repressing a lot of anger then the body is going to try to find some way to let you know and sometimes if you're just not getting the message then a big accident is often a good way to express like hello you need to work on this issue stop and that's often what accidents do is they make a stop and really take stock and reflect if we do not always sometimes we're just oh my god and I so I can um you know we lay back and we repair but we don't actually stop to think about why it happened so if you have a lot of weird accidents and injuries or you know cutting yourself in the kitchen all the time maybe you want to stop and look at you know am I not expressing some anger yes probably and then the last one that is very very common is just being prone to infections being prone to more infections and more illnesses than you normally should be even if you're taking incredible care of yourself yet you're like T's constantly fighting an infection or a boil or a cyst or something like that that's often anger trying to come to the surface and be released in some way so any one of those symptoms that you may have chronic and ongoing that you're constantly am battling for a really long time then maybe it's time to look at some anger exercises and ways to release some of the anger that you probably are carrying and just aren't really aware of it because again I've been there I totally denied that I was an angry person for so many years I mean anger can come from so many things anything like even common surgeries or needles that you have to have or any kind of victimization is going to make you feel angry on some level and unless you honor it then it's gonna be repressed plain and simple everything that affects the physical body and the mental emotional body that wasn't justified can be looked at by yourself as as an impingement on your life force and that impingement your body takes offense to those and when you take a fence and don't express it properly then it becomes repressed and once it's repressed well then it's got to find a way to come back up and so one of those symptoms like I've just talked about will be one of the ways if not many of the ways it will try to find a way out and as I said anger is a good emotion it's something that we need to express and learn to express as appropriately not harming another human but being able to express so some ways that I often recommend clients help to release some of their anger issues aside from I will post a link below to my anger and frustration kit which is phenomenal at just even unconsciously helping you release some of that emotional baggage that you just can't figure out how to release and there's lots of ideas and tips and you know suggestions in that kit but a few things I'll give you today is one of the best exercises aside from remedies of course my absolute go to is doing breath huz so again contractive hardened life force and just the need to express I actually had one client who when we finally got to that point in her timeline and she realized all these victimization issues that had happened and how angry she truly was about it that she didn't allow herself to be angry about we she decided that she needed a way to vent so one of the ways I usually recommend people vent is some way that just yelling and screaming but in a safe environment so in a safe little room all on your own so she she under the dollar store and bought cheap cheap glasses and she had this brick fireplace in her big loft bedroom and so she would just yell and throw a glass against I imagine it was quite a mess to clean up but she said it was so cathartic it made her feel so amazing afterwards so she would scream at the top of her lung and yell and throw the glasses so you know pounding a pillow or getting on the bed literally throwing a temper tantrum all on your own and maybe thinking of the person or the things that you're angry about like you know for me all the old victimization states that I just needed to be upset about that I never allowed myself to be angry about just let them go but in a very safe you know in your own environment way so even if you have to yell I had this little lady who had been victimized by her mom and her sister her whole life picked on treated like and so she combed me one day when I was I think or do these exercises of you know yelling and no sono is a big work I want you to yell no no no no because no is an empowerment word it so I empower me no more will I be a victim no more will I let you treat me that way No more will I be a doormat you know whatever you need to do so this lady had called me and she said can I swear while I'm doing this exercise and I'm like if it makes you feel better to swear absolutely swear do whatever you need to do to vent and release emotionally and physically so that you can let it go and then grab a kit below and work through the remedies to help you fully heal and resolve it and you will be an amazing new person by letting go of that unresolved emotional baggage that you're probably carrying like we all are hopefully it's giving you some good tips this week thanks for sticking around and remember I'm gonna go through multiple emotional so next week I'm gonna be talking about resentment because when and your Fester's when we don't work through it in the right way which most of us haven't then it's gonna fester and brew and if we keep denying it and ignoring it then it's gonna work into other states that are sort of offshoots of that anger and you know resentment jealousies shame guilt these are all big emotions and so next week I'm gonna go into resentment it's sort of the next offshoot simple offshoot right off of anger and I'll go through some of the ways of your body is secretly probably manifesting some resentment issues in some ways that you can work through that so stick around i'ma bring the vowels subscribe do whatever you need to do and so for the rest of this week thank you for being a part of this and have an amazing health filled week and remember be authentic be empowered and own it completely bye [Music]