How to Take Vital Signs
- Gather necessary supplies:
- Stethoscope with blood pressure cuff
- Thermometer
- Pulse oximeter
- Watch
- Gloves
- Disinfectant wipes
- Perform hand hygiene and don appropriate PPE when necessary.
Collecting Vital Signs
- Components:
- Blood pressure
- Heart rate
- Respirations
- Temperature
- Pain rating (5th vital sign)
- Oxygen saturation
Initial Steps
- Introducing Yourself:
- Greet the patient and explain the procedure.
- Verify patient identity using armband and birthdate.
Pain Assessment
- Ask for pain level using a 0-10 numerical scale.
- Document pain location and description if pain is present.
Oxygen Saturation
- Use a portable probe on the nail bed for reading.
- Ensure fingers have good circulation.
- Document and sanitize the probe after use.
Temperature Measurement
- Can be measured orally, via the forehead (temporal), ear (tympanic), rectally, or axillary.
- Remember:
- Rectal/Tympanic: 1 degree higher than oral
- Axillary/Temporal: 1 degree lower than oral
- Ensure probe contact with skin and document the route of measurement.
Pulse Measurement
- Use radial artery (below thumb at wrist).
- Use first three fingers to check pulse.
- Count pulse for 30 seconds if regular, 1 minute if irregular.
- Grade pulse on a scale (0: absent, 1: weak, 2: normal, 3: bounding).
- Monitor breathing without alerting the patient.
- Count breaths for 30 seconds if regular, 1 minute if irregular.
- Record rate, depth, and rhythm.
Blood Pressure
- Ensure patient is seated, arm at heart level, legs uncrossed.
- Use correct cuff size.
- Palpate brachial artery, inflate cuff to estimate systolic pressure.
- Inflate cuff 30 mmHg above estimated systolic to avoid missing auscultatory gap.
- Record systolic and diastolic readings.
- Document the arm used and clean the cuff.
Normal Vital Signs
- Heart Rate: 60-100 bpm
- Respirations: 12-20 breaths per minute
- Blood Pressure:
- Normal: Systolic <120, Diastolic <80
- Elevated: Systolic 120-129, Diastolic <80
- Hypertension Stage 1: Systolic 130-139, Diastolic 80-89
- Hypertension Stage 2: Systolic ≥140, Diastolic ≥90
- Oxygen Saturation: 95-100%
- Temperature:
- Normal: 97-99°F
- Fever: >100.4°F
Remember to document all findings and clean used equipment to prevent contamination.