Lecture: Memory and Plasticity in Neuroscience
- Presenter: Patrick House, a neuroscience PhD student at Stanford University.
- Focus: Memory and plasticity in the brain.
Overview of Memory
- Key Question: Why do some memories last a lifetime while others fade quickly?
- Context Example: Remembering a story more vividly due to a traumatic event.
Mechanisms of Memory
- Stephen Wiltshire: Autistic savant with exceptional memory capabilities.
- Challenge: Draw Rome from memory in 60 seconds.
- Neural Mechanisms: Memory believed to occur at the synapse between neurons.
- Synapse: Space between presynaptic and postsynaptic cells.
Historical Perspective
- Early Theories: Memory was thought to involve the formation of new neurons.
- Discovery of Synapse: Shifted focus to synaptic changes as the basis for memory.
Synaptic Plasticity
- Synaptic Plasticity: Changes in synapse strength related to learning.
- LTP (Long-Term Potentiation): Strengthening of synapse with repeated use.
- Key Neurotransmitter: Glutamate (excitatory).
- Hebbian Theory: "Neurons that fire together, wire together."
Role of the Hippocampus
- Hippocampus: Critical for memory formation and LTP.
- HM Case Study: Loss of hippocampi led to inability to form new memories.
Memory Storage and Neural Networks
- Distributed Memory: Memories are not localized to single neurons.
- Neural Networks: Involve complex interactions among numerous neurons.
Modulation of Memory
- Factors Influencing Memory:
- Emotion: Emotional memories last longer.
- Stress: Can enhance short-term memory but harm long-term memory.
- Alcohol: Disrupts LTP and memory.
Signal Processing in the Brain
- Noise vs. Signal: Brain differentiates signal from noise using inhibition.
- Inhibition: Prevents unnecessary signals, sharpens meaningful signals.
- Lateral Inhibition: Enhances contrast and perception.
Neurogenesis and Plasticity
- Adult Neurogenesis: New neurons are formed in adulthood, challenging past beliefs.
- Plastic Changes: Brain adapts over time, influenced by environment and genetics.
The Autonomic Nervous System
- Central vs. Peripheral: CNS (brain and spinal cord) vs. PNS (peripheral nerves).
- Subdivisions:
- Somatic: Voluntary movements.
- Autonomic: Involuntary functions (e.g., heart rate, digestion).
Sympathetic vs. Parasympathetic Systems
- Sympathetic: Fight-or-flight response.
- Parasympathetic: Rest and digest functions.
- Key Neurotransmitters:
- Sympathetic: Norepinephrine.
- Parasympathetic: Acetylcholine (ACh).
Integration and Regulation
- Hypothalamus: Central regulation of autonomic functions.
- Limbic System: Emotional regulation impacting autonomic responses.
- Cortex: Higher-order thinking influencing emotional and physiological responses.
- Memory and Plasticity: Complex interaction of synapses, networks, and neural plasticity.
- Autonomic System: Balances sympathetic and parasympathetic activities for homeostasis.
Next Topic
- Upcoming Lecture: Endocrinology.
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