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Mga Nakakahawang Sakit ng Balat
Aug 10, 2024
Communicable Diseases (Integumentary Part)
Measles vs. Rubella
Measles (Rubeola)
Also called
7-day measles
Causative Agent:
Period of Communicability:
4 days before and 4 days after rash appearance
Incubation Period:
1-2 weeks
Diagnostic Test:
Right testing
Pathognomonic Sign:
Koplik spots
3 Cs:
Choriza, Conjunctivitis, Cough
**Stages: **
Pre-eruptive Stage:
Fever, cataral (3 Cs), photophobia, Stimson's line
Eruptive Stage:
Maculopapular rash, high-grade fever, anorexia, irritability
Convalescent Stage:
Fading rashes, fever subsides, desquamation begins
Rash Pattern:
Cephalocaudal (head to toe)
Antiviral drug (Isoprenosine)
Antibiotic (Penicillin)
Oxygen, IV fluid
Nursing Management:
Isolation, Standard and Airborne precaution
Negative pressure room
Tepid sponge bath, skincare, eye care
Dimmed lights for photophobia
Daily elimination and ear care
Preventive Measures:
Measles immunization (9 months, sub-Q)
MMR vaccine (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)
1st dose at 9 months
2nd dose at 11-12 years old
Avoid in pregnant women, active TB, leukemia, lymphoma, depressed immune system
POD (Pneumonia, Otitis media, Diarrhea, Encephalitis)
Rubella (German Measles)
Also called
3-day measles
Causative Agent:
Rubella virus
Period of Communicability:
1 week before and 1 week after rash appearance
Incubation Period:
2-3 weeks
Diagnostic Test:
Serologic test
Pathognomonic Sign:
Forschheimer spots
Sore throat and lymphadenopathy
Prodromal Stage:
Low-grade fever, headache, malaise, mild choriza, conjunctivitis
Eruptive Stage:
Forschheimer spots (soft palate)
Congenital Rubella:
Severe birth defects if infection occurs in first 12 weeks of pregnancy
Defects: Deafness, cataracts, heart defects, intellectual disabilities
Nursing Management:
Airborne droplet and contact precaution
Isolation from pregnant women
Bed rest until fever subsides
Darkened room for photophobia
Mild and nutritious diet
Preventive Measures:
MMR vaccine
Avoid pregnancy for 3 months after vaccination
1st dose at 9 months (93% effectiveness)
2nd dose at 12-15 months (97% effectiveness)
Chickenpox (Varicella)
Causative Agent:
Varicella zoster
Incubation Period:
2-3 weeks
Period of Communicability:
7 days before and until crusting
Rash Pattern:
Centripetal (starts at chest, scattered)
Stages of Rash:
Macule > Papule > Vesicle > Crust
Diagnostic Test:
Vesicular fluid test, Tzanck smear
Congenital Varicella:
Birth defects: Limb deformities, scarring, retarded growth, CNS and ophthalmic issues
Nursing Management:
Strict isolation
Exclusion from school for 1 week
Cut fingernails, provide mittens
Ensure rest
Use calamine lotion, baking soda with warm water
Acyclovir for supportive management
Preventive Measures:
Varicella zoster immunoglobulin
1st dose at 9 months
2nd dose at 12-15 months, sub-Q (0.5 ml)
PICE (Pneumonia, Impetigo, Encephalitis, Secondary bacterial infection)
Measles (Rubeola):
Also called 7-day measles, complex spots, 3 Cs (choriza, conjunctivitis, cough), MMR vaccine.
Rubella (German Measles):
Also called 3-day measles, forshheimer spots, sore throat, lymphadenopathy, MMR vaccine.
Chickenpox (Varicella):
Centripetal rash, macule > papule > vesicle > crust, varicella zoster immunoglobulin.
Key Points
Measles (Rubeola):
7-day, complex spots, 3 Cs, 4-4 period of communicability, cephalocaudal rash.
3-day, forshheimer spots, sore throat, lymphadenopathy, 7-7 period of communicability.
Centripetal, macule > papule > vesicle > crust stages, varicella zoster immunoglobulin.
MMR vaccine for measles and rubella; varicella zoster immunoglobulin for chickenpox.
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