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How does the prophecy in Revelation 17 describe a universal government?
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The prophecy discusses a universal government not limited by geography, symbolized by the rule of the great city over earthly kings.
How is the Great City likened to Jerusalem in the Old Testament within Revelation 17?
The Great City is envisioned as ruling over all the earth, paralleling Jerusalem's historical significance as a central religious authority.
What does the gold cup in the woman's hand represent?
The gold cup represents wealth and allure but is filled with detestable contents, symbolizing spiritual corruption.
What is the importance of the Beast having seven heads and ten horns in Revelation 17?
The seven heads and ten horns symbolize various religious systems and kingdoms that hold blasphemous authority and power.
Identify and explain the seven religious systems associated with the Beast's heads in Revelation 17.
Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Protestantism, and others that represent diverse religious authorities exercising power over adherents.
What symbolism does the Great Prostitute in Revelation 17 represent?
A corrupted system that seduces and deceives the inhabitants of the earth, representing the union of political and religious systems.
What does the scarlet color of the Beast signify?
The scarlet color signifies the devil's influence, indicating deceit, manipulation, and ultimate control over the corrupt system.
What narrative is portrayed about allegiance and destiny in Revelation 17?
A cautionary tale about the ultimate destiny of those who follow the great prostitute, urging readers to examine loyalties carefully.
Why is Protestantism noted for its recent emergence in historical context?
Protestantism emerged in the 1500s, marking a significant division and reformation within Christianity, distinct from Catholicism.
Which religious systems are identified by John's time as having fallen?
Atheism, Paganism, Judaism, Islam, and Eastern Mysticism.
What does 'Mystery Babylon' symbolize in the context of Revelation 17?
'Mystery Babylon' symbolizes the mother of prostitutes and earthly abominations, signifying widespread corruption and spiritual infidelity.
Explain the significance of the Beast's existence, non-existence, and return as described in Revelation 17.
This cycle represents deceptive appearances and the historical rise, fall, and re-emergence of oppressive powers similar to the leopard-like beast in Revelation 13.
What is the relationship between the woman and the Beast in Revelation 17?
The woman represents the corrupt system that rides and controls the Beast, directing it against the saints.
In Revelation 17, what is the significance of the woman being adorned in purple and scarlet and holding a golden cup?
The purple and scarlet signify wealth and opulence, while the golden cup, despite its allure, is filled with detestable contents representing corruption and abominations.
What are the objectives of Lucifer as outlined in the vision of Revelation 17?
To establish a one-world theocracy, destroy the saints, and gain global control through the corrupted system symbolized by the woman.