Transcript for:
1984: Winston's Arrest and Torture

after being arrested Winston is thrown into a cell bustling with both political prisoners and common criminals he thinks about O'Brien although he knows that the Brotherhood doesn't help its members uh-oh things are not looking good for Winston some time later a gaunt Thin Man enters the cell his eyes burn with intense hatred his cheeks are sunken in he's dying of starvation Winston realizes eventually an officer comes to the cell and orders for the Thin Man to be taken to Room 101 sounds spooky doesn't it suddenly the man kneels with his hands clasped together begging not Room 101 he cries shoot me hang me sentence me to 25 years the man is dragged away a few days later O'Brien enters the cell Winston jumps to his feet they've arrested him too he thinks in shock they got me a long time ago says O'Brien the thought O'Brien is not on my side barely has time to cross his mind before a guard smashes Winston's elbow with a bat on the pain sends needles of fire through his nerves Winston wakes up on a bed and sees O'Brien standing beside him how long has it been since this continuous cycle of torture began how many times has he been thrown to the floor and beaten the bad news is O'Brien is only just getting started O'Brien brings Winston into a room he is strapped to a bed connected to a torture machine O'Brien controls it by pulling a lever that sends pain shooting through Winston's body O'Brien mentions how Winston wrote freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four in his diary he then holds his left hand in front of Winston's face four fingers extended O'Brien asks him how many fingers he is holding up Every Time Winston answers four instead of five or says five but is lying O'Brien inflicts serious pain on Winston if the party says it's five then Winston must see five the cycles of suffering continue until Winston deranged with pain suddenly sees five fingers two plus two equals five Winston is a slow learner the torture of the machine and O'Brien's interrogation seemed to last a long time Winston has lost track of time in their discussions O'Brien explains why the party goes to such lengths to control everything and everyone the answer is power the party only seeks pure power not luxury wealth long lives or even happiness but the worst part the party is immortal oh the horror cut to some time later Winston is in a comfortable cell with a pillow and a mattress he even has water to wash himself with they have also given him a pencil and a piece of white slate to write on Winston picks up the pencil and writes the first words that spring to mind freedom is slavery two and two make five he understands double think now Winston has been successful in becoming insane well done Winston but one fateful night Winston makes a horrible mistake while dreaming he yells Julia Julia Julia my love Julia he wakes up in a cold sweat deep down Winston hasn't given in to the party's total control he has given himself over intellectually not emotionally O'Brien enters the cell and says Room 101 the guards take him there can this get any worse for Winston in the room Winston is strapped to a chair he can't move a muscle O'Brien enters the room you asked me once what was in Room 101 he says the thing that is in room 101 is the worst thing in the world O'Brien begins explaining the worst thing in the world is different for everybody O'Brien gestures to a cage full of rats with a mask-like attachment in front of it Winston makes a frantic effort to escape but it's hopeless he panics as he realizes that his head is supposed to fit into the attachment where the rats will eat his flesh as the rats are brought closer nausea swept through Winston's body he is screaming like an animal he has to do something something to keep the rats away something to put a wall between himself and the Rats or somebody suddenly Winston shouts over and over do it to Julia not me Julia tear her face off strip her to the bones not me Winston has a falling sensation he hears the rat cage door click shut everything goes black sometime later Winston is in a cafe he has been released his mind wanders to the war between Oceania and Eurasia violent emotions flare up inside of him soon after his mind drifts nowadays Winston finds it difficult to focus he has met Julia once since they were captured it was an awkward encounter and they both confessed to betraying one another they parted ways without speaking again now Winston stares at a large poster of Big Brother how has it taken 40 years for him to see the smile hidden beneath his mustache there is no one in the world he loves but big brother [Music] we hope you enjoyed this schooling online production for more easy lessons on 1984 check out our lesson on context [Music] foreign