Transcript for:
Transformative Power of Short Prayers

What I want to speak to you this day is about  the power of short prayers. How these five short   prayers can actually transform your life. How  these five short prayers can change your prayer   life and why short prayers work. Now at first,  it may seem bit contradictory because some of you   like man, but I thought that you know Vlad, you're  encouraging people to pray for a long time. Yes,   yes. I do believe in the power of long  prayers. Jesus prayed all night. We see   Jesus's High Priestly prayer was very long. We  see Daniel prayed for three weeks. We see Nehemiah   and the Israelites prayed a lengthy confession and  repentance prayer, Nehemiah chapter 9. And long   prayers have a lot of benefits. They help you  with focus and concentration. Long prayers can   help you to focus on your relationship on God and  deeper your connection to Him. Long prayers also   can help you to pour out your heart to the Lord.  Long prayers can help you with your persistence   and perseverance. Long prayer can help you to  spiritually grow you. So there's a lot of benefits   to long prayers 100% but what I want to share with  you right now is this. The length of a prayer is   not necessarily a measure of its effectiveness.  Let's just drop this in the chat. The length   of a prayer is not necessarily a measure of its  effectiveness. Matthew 6:7 it says, "And when you   pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen  do. For they think that they will be heard for   their many words." The heart of prayer lies in  revelation not repetition. Let's drop this in the   chat for somebody who's just logging in. The heart  of prayer lies in revelation not repetition. Now   is it wrong to repeat the same prayer many times?  Absolutely not. Jesus prayed the same prayer three   times. Paul prayed the same prayer three times  but the heart of prayer it's not in repetition,   it's in revelation. That's why Jesus focused  on speak to your Father. Speak to your Father.   God being your Father is a revelation, it's  not a religion, it's not a ritual, it's not   even a routine, it's a revelation. So people  who lack revelation in prayer sometimes will   through the length repetition try to compensate  for that. Now sometimes you do have to spend more   time in prayer. Prolonged prayer to get to the  place of revelation but never underestimate the   power of revelation in prayer. In other words, a  prayer's impact lies in its heartfelt connection   with God not its length. A prayer's value  doesn't depend on how long it is. The quality   not the quantity of a prayer matters most. The  effectiveness of a prayer is not measured by its duration. I want to share something with you.  Short sincere prayers can be as powerful as   long ones. Drop this in the chat. Short  sincere prayers can be as powerful as long ones. Can I say that again? Short sincere  prayers can be as powerful as long ones.   Here are five short prayers that were sincere  and extremely potent, extremely powerful.   They were dynamic prayers. The first prayer is  the prayer about and we're going to look at it.   It's Matthew 15:25 Then she came and worshiped  Him, saying, “Lord, help me!” Drop prayer number   one “Lord, help me!” That's the prayer. “Lord,  help me!” What is this prayer. This prayer is   for deliverance of others. A mother worshiped  Jesus and then she prays a sincere humble but   very short prayer “Lord, help me!” Now this  prayer “Lord, help me!” was for the Lord to   help her daughter and that prayer was so powerful  that Jesus delivered her daughter. I'm going to   repeat that throughout this brief stream. Sincere  short prayers can be as powerful as long ones. The   effectiveness of your prayer is not measured by  its length. “Lord, help me!” Learn to pray that   prayer. Prayer for deliverance of others. The  second short prayer Lord or have mercy on me   and it's a prayer for a miracle. Have mercy on me.  Mark 10:47 And when he heard that it was Jesus of   Nazareth, he began to cry out and say, “Jesus, Son  of David, have mercy on me!” “Jesus, Son of David,   have mercy on me!” So the second short prayer is  have mercy on me. It's a prayer for a miracle.   He's not even asking for his sight. He's asking  for mercy. When you ask for mercy, in God's mercy   is your miracle. Drop this in the chat. My miracle  is in God's mercy. When God extends His mercy,   miracle is on its way and blind Bartimaeus said,  "Son of David, have mercy on me!" He said it out   loud. It wasn't the volume, it wasn't the fact  that he was yelling. You can yell on the top   of your lungs. That prayer had a lot of faith  in it. That prayer had a lot of humility in it. The first short prayer is "Lord, help me!"  It's a prayer of deliverance for others according   to Matthew 15 verse 25. The second short prayer  “Son of David, have mercy on me!” It's a prayer   for a miracle because in His mercy is my miracle.  I don't demand a miracle from God. I don't try   to squeeze God's hand through prayer and  through fasting. I humbly ask for mercy   because in His mercy is my miracle. My miracle  is in God's mercy. Third short prayer is Lord,   save me and that's the prayer for intervention.  It's a prayer of rescue. It's a prayer for God,   I'm drowning and I can't help myself.  Matthew 14:30 But when he saw that   the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and  beginning to sink he cried out, saying, “Lord,   save me!” So when you begin to sink, when you  begin to drown, when you're overwhelmed by fear,   when the wind is boisterous, when your life  feels like it's spinning out of control,   and you took the step of faith, you risked  for God because Peter wasn't trying to run   from Jesus. He was trying to run to Jesus. He  took the step of faith. Jesus told him to come,   distracted by the winds around him, he started to  drown and when he started to drown, he said “Lord,   save me!” Short prayer and Jesus stretched His  hand and He pulled Peter out. Sincere short prayer   is as powerful as a long one. Sincere short prayer  is as dynamic as long one when it's sincere,   when it's full of humility. So “Lord, save me!” is  a prayer of deliverance for others. “Son of David,   have mercy on me!” is a prayer for a miracle.  “Lord, save me!” is a prayer for intervention.   Number four short prayer and they are short  prayers and that's why I cover these briefly   because they're short. Number four prayer is show  me Your ways Lord. It's a prayer for guidance.   Show me Your ways Lord is a prayer for guidance.  Psalm 25:4 Show me Your ways, O Lord; Teach me   Your paths. Drop this in the chat. Short prayer  number four, Show me Your ways, O Lord. It's a   prayer of guidance. Sometimes we don't know where  to go, what to do and we're kind of clueless. All   of our education, all of our experience, it kind  of falls flat in front of whatever we're supposed   to do and so we don't lean on our understanding,  we don't lean on our strength. The Bible says that   we have to trust in God and how do you do that?  You express your dependence on Him by saying,   Show me Your ways, O Lord; Teach me Your  paths. I don't know where to go. I don't   know what to do in this place. I don't know the  next step to take. Show me Your ways, O Lord. Short potent powerful dynamic prayer. Prayer number five. Short prayer  number five. Not my will be done but Yours,   and this is the prayer of surrender. Luke  22:42 saying, “Father, if it is Your will,   take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My  will, but Yours, be done.” This prayer is potent   to your ego, your pride, your desires, and some  people are scared to pray this prayer but I want   you to pray this prayer often. Lord not my will  but Yours be done because if you pray show me   Your ways, and if you pray, Lord save me, and if  you pray, Lord have mercy on me, and Lord help me   but you don't learn to pray the most powerful  prayer and that is the prayer of surrender,   you will find yourself not in line with God's  will. You will find yourself out of line alignment   with God's will. So let's review these five short  prayers again and somebody could perhaps drop that   in the chat for our audience. We said long prayers  have their power but short sincere prayers can be   as powerful as long ones. Why? Because the heart  of prayer lies in revelation not in repetition.   These five short prayers have power. Lord help  me. Prayer for deliverance for others. Have mercy   on me, Son of David. Prayer for a miracle. Lord  save me. Prayer for intervention. Show me Your   ways Lord. Prayer for guidance. Not my will be  done but Yours. Prayer of surrender. There are   short prayers you can pray that will please God  and they will draw God's grace on your life. You   know the guy that was dying on the cross, he said,  Remember me Lord and he was saved. Short prayer.   Now what makes short prayers powerful? Should I  always pray short prayers and never linger in the   presence of God? Absolutely not. Our relationship  with God isn't just about asking for things, it's   about cultivating a relationship but with that  said, this does not mean that you should not rely   and depend on God even in short prayers. So  I'm going to tell you what makes short prayers   powerful and what actually is required for the  short prayer to be dynamic. First is faith.   Drop this in the chat. Short prayers require  faith. So it's not the shortness of a prayer   that guarantees the answer, it's the faith in  that short prayer. Faith is the foundation of   any prayer. The Bible emphasizes that prayers  made in faith will be heard and answered by God.   Matthew 21:22 Jesus says and whatever you ask  in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.   The Canaanite woman's prayer that I mentioned  to you, Lord help me, Matthew 15:25 was rooted   in her unwavering faith in Jesus's ability to  heal her daughter. Short prayers require faith.   They're not prayers of panic, they're prayers  of faith. They're not prayers of desperation,   they're prayers of faith. Drop this in the  chat. Short prayers are not prayers of panic,   they are prayers of faith. The second thing  that short prayers require is humility. Drop   this in the chat. Short prayers require humility.  Short prayers are often a sincere and humble cry   for help which God values. They express the true  condition of the heart without pretense. James 4:6   it says for God opposes the proud but gives grace  to the humble. See the tax collector's prayer,   God be merciful to me a sinner, Luke 18:13 was  an honest admission of his need for God's mercy.   So number one, short prayers require faith.  Number two, short prayers require humility.   Why? Because what makes short prayers powerful  is the fact that they're sincere. There's no   pretense involved there. There's no cover up. It's  a humble cry for help and God values that because   God gives grace to the humble. That's why the tax  collector's prayer who came in and says, Lord have   mercy on me. I'm a sinner. Jesus was moved in that  story the Bible says that he left more justified   than the other guy who had a clean record.  So what makes short prayers powerful is that   they require faith. They're full of faith. They  might be short in words but they have abundance   of faith. See some of us have prayers full of  words and void of prayer of faith. Drop this in   the chat. Some of us have prayers full of words  but void of faith. So we have panic but no peace.   We have desperation but no faith and that's why  it's not how long you pray, it's how much faith   is in that prayer. Faith that God got you. God is  with you. He'll never leave you and never forsake you. Some of our prayers have abundance of words  but they lack or they are void of faith. Jesus   isn't looking for more words, more color in your  prayer, He's looking for faith in your prayer.   And any prayer that is a testament of your pride  is a prayer that God hates. But prayer that has   humility is what God loves. The third thing that  short prayers have and require is urgency. Drop   this in the chat. Short prayers require urgency.  Many short prayers in the Bible are made in the   moments of great need or urgency reflecting a deep  dependence on God. Many short prayers in the Bible   are made in the moments of great need or urgency  reflecting a deep dependence on God. Jonah 2:2   it says, In my distress I called on the Lord, and  He answered me. See Peter's prayer, Lord save me,   Matthew 14:30 was a desperate plea for immediate  help as he was sinking in the water. Now urgency   is deep dependence on God. This is not just panic.  This is not just a cry of anxiety but there is   a sense of urgency that reflects dependence on  God. So my urgency is about my dependence on God,   not just my desperation because of my situation.  Drop this in the chat. My urgency is about my   dependence on God. It's not about my desperation  because of my situation. I depend on God   and that's what this urgency is. So short prayers  require faith. Short prayers require humility.   Short prayers require urgency and lastly  short prayers must be according to God's will. Powerful prayers that align with God's will  and purpose, will recognize His sovereignty. So   prayers that will align with His will prayers,  that will align with His purpose will recognize   and receive His power. See 1 John 5:14 it says  according to God's will excuse me, it says,   Now this is the confidence that we have in Him,  that if we ask anything according to His will, He   hears us. See Jesus's prayer in Gethsemane, Father  if You are willing, take this cup from Me, yet not   My will but Yours be done showed submission to  God's will. So every person needs to recognize   why short prayers are powerful is because they are  aligned with God's purpose. When they are aligned   with your pleasure, align with your own ego, your  own ambition, when it's all about getting ahead,   competing, when they are aligned more with  your insecurities or just with your needs,   it's not about our needs, it's about God's  will. Does He want to meet our needs according   to His riches and His purpose? Of course. He  loves us. He's our Father. But look at Jesus,   the Son of God, He modeled to us that the ultimate  success of prayer is surrender to God's will,   His plan and trust in His timing. So short  prayers can be as dynamic and powerful as   long ones because the heart of prayer  is not in its repetition, it's in its   revelation. These five short prayers are game  changers. The short prayer that says Lord help   me. The short prayer that says, Son of David,  have mercy on me. The short prayer that says,   Lord save me. The short prayer that says, Show  me Your ways Lord and the short prayer that says,   Father not my will be done but Yours. What makes  these short prayers powerful is that short prayers   require faith. It's not how much volume is in it.  It's not even how much length or words are in that   prayer. It's how much faith is in that prayer.  Secondly, short prayers require humility because   short prayers are often sincere and humble and it  requires urgency. Urgency is about dependence on   God not desperation because of our situation and  short prayers are in alignment. When they are in   alignment with God's will, they release God's  power, Amen. I hope this was a blessing to you.   This is a short teaching about the power of short  prayers. Come on somebody. Drop that fire emoji   if this already has been an encouragement to your  prayer life. You hear me a lot of times talking   about fasting. You hear me a lot of times talking  about all night prayers you know extended prayers   but I wanted specifically bring this teaching  to you to equip you to learn the power of short   prayers as well. Now this teaching will be saved  on YouTube, it will be also on my podcast. So   those of you on YouTube right now, Hey help me  out. Hit that thumbs up if you're watching or   eventually re-watching and if you are on other  platforms, you can find it on YouTube. Make sure   you subscribe to my channel and if you're  listening to this as driving on your audio   podcast which by the way we have an audio podcast,  we actually have two of them. Make sure you leave   a review where you are listening to this on your  audio podcast but right now, I want to take a   moment and I want to pray for you. I want to pray  that the pressure, the stress that comes maybe   with some of you are in the season where you're  not able to you know maybe pray very long prayers   that you pray the prayers you able to pray in this  prayer challenge, God will hear you and meet you.   Ultimately, it's really about your heart. It's  really about your humility and it's really about faith. I'm going to say it again. Ultimately,  prayer is not about a technique, it's about   your heart, it's about your faith and it's  about humility. If I can add one more thing,   it's about a revelation. A revelation of who  God is. Revelation of who you are in Him.   Prayer becomes so much easier when it flows from  that place. Drop that prayer emoji in the chat   as we're about to pray. We're going to pray short  prayers but powerful ones. Jesus I thank you that   your presence is in this live stream. I thank you  that your presence is in even the re-watching. I   thank you I feel your presence in this office,  in this studio. I know that you are encouraging,   strengthening, aiding our prayer life. I thank you  that you have taught us how to pray in your word.   You've left us these examples that we glean from.  I thank you that in urgency, we can depend on you.   I thank you when we are drowning, we can call for  help. I thank you when we are on crossroads and we   don't know which way to take, we can say, show  me your ways Lord. I thank you that the weight   of life doesn't have to rest on our shoulders. I  thank you when we have a situation with somebody,   we can ask for help for them as well. Jesus  I thank you that we can submit our will to   your will today. Submit our desires to your will  today. I pray for every person that is watching,   listening, re-watching this, would you take them  deeper in dependence on you. Would you take all   of that extra stuff that sometimes we think really  makes a big difference in prayer but it doesn't,   help us to have more and more of these heartfelt  connections with you in prayer. Help us more and   more find Your presence in prayer and release  that cry, that cry for help, cry for help. I   thank you that you always hear us. You're eager  to help us so that you will be glorified in our   life. I bless the prayer life of your people.  Strengthen their prayer life. Magnify your Son   Jesus Father in our answers that we receive from  you in Jesus name, Amen. Thank you Lord. Drop that   word Amen in the chat. I would like to invite you  right now if the Lord moves on your heart if this   teaching or teachings that you've been receiving  from this ministry has been a blessing to you,   would you consider partnering with our ministry to  make not only free resources be given to everyone   but we also currently supporting construction  of a home for a poor family in Romania. Sent 65   books in Russian, Georgian, Romanian and Spanish  to a detention center in San Diego. Sending 120   physical books to a detention center in Arizona.  Sponsored a camp expenses for children affected by   the war in Ukraine who are orphaned right now and  also assisting 220 orphaned and disabled children   in Ukraine. Sponsoring installation of electricity  in the boys children's home in Zambia. Also in   Middle East translating books into Farsi and into  Arabic languages. So we do a lot of other things   than just live stream and provide courses.  We do provide them free of charge. All of our   books free of charge. Translation of books free of  charge. There's a lot of other work that is being   done. There are scammers that are on Facebook and  YouTube who will tell you that, Hey support this   orphanage and they give you a WhatsApp number.  So those thing, those people are scammers. All   the information about what we support is only on  my website. I don't put those things in comments   and I don't post those things as a reply to your  comments. So when you see somebody commenting and   saying, please help me to support an orphanage  and they give you a WhatsApp number, you can   150% be sure it's a scam and so but we do support  orphanages. We do support sending physical books   and helping people's needs all around the world.  We take a portion of the budget and whatever that   comes in, so that when funds come in, we don't  sit on the funds, we want to distribute them to   the needs of people especially spiritual ones.  We can't help every physical need of course,   we try to prayerfully consider and each month,  we prayerfully consider where we can help and   then these people send us the receipts, videos of  what they bought so that there's accountability,   so it's not just throwing money out there and so  thank you every person that's giving and donating,   because that's where your resources are  going for. Thank you for trusting us to do   that. Thank you for praying for a ministry and  thank you for supporting. God bless you, Amen.