Transcript for:
Revision Notes for Upcoming Exams

hi good evening everybody and a big welcome to all of you in our grand revision session today this is hassan busan and today is a big day it is just two three days left for the exam and today we will try to just wrap up just revise the important topics and do some extra things so [Music] there are three broad things we will be covering today okay the first one will be uh we will try and talk about the top 25 important topics i will quickly or we will quickly revise the topics it's very important right that you are familiar with the topic okay after that we will go through all the case studies we have done during the last three weeks and we will try to memorize or recall what were the main points for each and every question and in the last leg of tonight um we will like talk about exam techniques technical articles and i will take a lot of questions okay right so uh let me just second there's some water here [Music] wait a second guys okay so let me share my screen our salon i don't know it will i don't know honestly it might take okay so we will we will start with this one okay our top uh quick revision handout ultra summarized notes i hope everybody has it please can you all open up a microsoft word document on your machines open up a blank word document because today i will you will be typing on your word document right so please open up a word document all right so that's a brief introduction more most of you are aware of me by now this is a list of important models so there are 10 important models which you must be familiar with okay and we will just touch upon each of them one by one is your microsoft word document ready microsoft word document should be ready all of you if you really want to make the most of today's session then you must be ready with your microsoft word all right so the first topic is external environment okay and there are two types of external environment one is called country environment and the other one is called industry environment the country environment has many names it is also called macro environment it is also called the general environment and the model which we use is pestel the industry environment is also has many names it is known as micro environment it is also known as industry environment or marketplace environment it is also known as competitive environment and the model we use is quota 5. so i have a question if the question says analyze the general environment which model will you use please type who said both someone said both very bad if i repeat the question if the question says analyze the analyze the general environment then you can't have both right it is simply general environment is another name for country environment and you will use pastel these guys do not make these silly mistakes on the last day okay if the question says analyze the external environment then which models someone said porter 5. both yes both is correct if it says analyze the external environment external environment includes both pastel and porter but if it says analyze general environment then we will just use pestle if it says analyze industry environment or competitive environment we will just use sporter 5 but if it says external environment we will use both models as much as possible it also depends how much information is provided am i clear guys this is the first fundamental where the examiner plays with you you have to be very clear the moment you show a weakness here you will lose marks now pastel please type on your word document what does pastel stand for time starts now please type on your word document what is the thing for pester let's try to [Music] [Music] [Music] okay here please type on your word document very good so pastel is political economy social technological ecological and legal so political as we all know now uh hang on i'm just setting my screen it talks about government government policies government subsidies government approval or license political situation of the country even taxes anything to do with government comes under political economy it talks about economy economic growth economic downturn recession in in inflation all those things who are also part of economy social will talk about prosperous developed nation standard of living population unemployment all these are social aspects technology will talk about machineries skilled workers i.t internet roads and infrastructure all this are club under technological ecological we'll talk about earth right so co2 emission carbons recycling pollution all those things and legal will talk about all the laws and regulations so words like laws regulations legislations this one is very important patent trademark copyrights they are all part of legal okay now the very important thing is that you need to mention favorable or unfavorable very clearly in your answer whether the factor is favorable for our business or unfavorable for our business and the impact why do you say it's favorable or why do you say it's unfavorable you have to give some logic some justification that's the impact and the third thing is overlapping points so in pastel one point can fit into multiple places like it can fit into political as well as it can fit into legal so there is a overlapping margin so it's allowed so just your argument or impact might be different please are salaam i don't want you to ask questions such basic questions because you have joined very late right so those of you who has just joined in last week this this is not a detailed session okay you have access to the recordings you can go through it but i don't want you to ask so basic questions that i have to stop everything and go into the details this is not a detailed session so those of you who have joined very late it is not a session for you you just listen and grab okay quota five forces as we know is a model we use for industry or micro environment please can you write the five factors type on your word document the five factors which are used anu what are you doing please type the five factors on your word document time starts now [Music] [Music] done very good what are the quarter five forces all of you have typed on your word [Music] document okay right so the first one is power of custom bargaining power of customer bargaining power of supplier threat of new entrants threat of competition and threat of substitute product bargaining power of customer we have to assess whether uh the customer bargaining power is high or low okay we have to assess how can you assess there are certain factors like you can look at the size of the customer you can look at any if you have any brand or uniqueness in our product is the customer willing to pay any premium these are the things based on which you can decide who has the upper hand whether the customer has upper hand or you have upper hand for example you versus acca you are access customers right they earn revenue from you who has a upper hand you or acc right obviously right so from their point of view customer bargaining power is high or low from acc's point of view the customer bargaining power of their customers or student is high or low low right very good similarly power of supplier in this we look at the bargaining power of our suppliers now so who are suppliers suppliers are people from whom we buy raw materials obviously we want the bargaining power of supplier to be high or low what do you think as a company we want the bargaining power of our suppliers to be high or low no yes i want my power to behind his power to be low so that i can screw him i can negotiate i can get discounts i can get credit if i have strong bargaining power very good again size of supplier are we willing to pay any premium are there other suppliers in the markets all these factors will help you decide threat of new entrants we basically look for barriers to entry okay are there any barriers if there are any various if the barrier is high then threat is low that is opposite relationship if any strong barrier is present then the threat of new entrant is obviously low right what are the examples of various example of barriers most commonly used in your exam is patents government approvals or government licenses franchise all these are very good examples of barriers and if any of these is present in your scenario then the threat of new entrant is no threat of competition obviously all case study will will provide you information about the level of competition so far i have always seen that in your exams the level of competition is always intense or high so the keywords is competition market share all these you know are factors through which you can assess whether the competition is high or low and then there is threat of substitute products you will look for words like substitute and alternatives based on that you need to assess whether the threat of substitute is high or low the main thing is for each factor you have to mention whether it is high or low and then you have to give your logic your justification why you are saying it's high or low okay okay in your exams supposing information is only available for three factors or four factors out of five it is also possible right that you may not find the information about all the factors sometime it happens that one of the factors like alt substitute product nothing is mentioned or nothing is mentioned about the supplier it's okay then you just talk about the three factors which is available and leave the rest okay guys are we very clear on pastel and porter five are you guys very clear on pastel there are six factors in pastel pastel is used for wider country environment or general environment and there are five factors in proto5 quarter five is used for industry environment uh yes libra what are you saying today uh you think you are not in the right frame of mind who's shouting excuse me okay impact justifications everything is there okay all right [Music] the last thing is something called strategic position analysis strategic position analysis remember this word whenever the question says analyze the strategic position of abc company then always you have to cover these three things a strategic position includes three things remember strategic position includes three things [Music] you may need to talk about the country environment obviously which model pastel model you will need to talk about the micro industry environment which model proto5 model and then in addition to these two you will also need to talk about internal environment or internal factors which we know what are the internal factors human resource financial resource i.t and brand so these three components one two and three together they are known as strategic position obviously it is a very lengthy question because you have to do a pastel you have to do a port of five and then you have to do internal factors so at least at least a question with which asks you about analyzing the strategic position will at least be 15 or 18 marks should be otherwise you know eight marks 10 marks then you are misunderstanding the requirement it's something else it cannot be less than 15 marks because there are two or three bottles right any questions on this water diamond no please please stay away from did i mention porter diamond anywhere it's not even on my list okay i think these are the new guys who are just joined today or they have never joined and just they just today was the grand revisions and they just thought of attending a class today and now they you are asking these questions which have already always been you know clarified so long yes ismail this is so annoying i think i made a mistake by inviting these people if you are a new joiner or you have not attended classes please this is a revision session do not share your thoughts here you're confusing everybody okay just be a silent audience or you can leave if you want up to you guys clear okay so pastel porter and strategic position these are the three topics if the question says analyze the comp advantage we did that yesterday brazula it's internal yeah competitive advantage is internal okay good now the next topic is sfa framework what does sfa stands for uh suitability feasibility and acceptability the first thing you need to understand is when do we use this model even in the exam you will use this model when we plan to acquire another country so this is the key word acquisition or acquire whenever in your exam a question comes about acquisition that the company is thinking of acquiring some other company then only you will apply sfa acquisition right if the question does not talk about acquisition stay away from sfa from exam point of view it's a very lengthy model and of course the mark should also be uh um at least 15 marks for sfa right it's a very lengthy model if it's anything less than 15 marks it's something wrong mobile okay so suitability talks about external factors there are three paragraphs under suitability you will talk about home country you will talk about target country and then you will talk about target company both of these all these three are external thing home countries an external environment target country is external and the target company which we are planning to acquire is external right feasibility talks about internal factors and there are three paragraphs again the first you will talk about human resource and expertise that whether do we have acquisition experience from the past do we have experience of managing the businesses do we have experience of working in overseas countries if applicable all these aspects is human resource financial resource do we have funds to acquire the company you look at the gearing ratios and the third paragraph is technology and brand under acceptability you look at the financials of the target company okay of the target company so there are again three paragraphs will the shareholders shareholders acceptance cultural differences and the financial projections of the target country is that clear so sfa has suitability feasibility acceptability and within these three there are three paragraphs each please on your word document can you please type sfa then you type suitability what are the three things feasibility what are the three things acceptability what are the three things please type i'm waiting once you are done please type that yes ananya sir i have a question in acceptable inaccessibility can you please explain you know like if it is an uh family-owned business can you please type first sure okay [Music] okay [Music] [Music] yeah once you're done please type done there will be nine headings three broad three main headings and within the three main headings there will be three sub headings so total nine sub headings or salon please okay you cannot beat her i will lower [Music] okay done all right so ananya asked how if it's a listed company how we will do the shareholder acceptance so if it's a family company family owned or a private company so it is automatically acceptable because the board of directors are the family members right so if the board of directors are proposing the acquisition deal automatically they will approve as shareholders as well because they are one and the same persons okay in a family business or a private company the owners and the directors are almost same but if it's a listed company in a listed company the shareholders will be different and the board of directors will be different then the shareholders will accept if it has a positive or npv or a reasonable npv so you will be given financial projections if there is a positive npv uh then why not then you will say that it will it's possible that the shareholders will approve because the proposal has a positive npv of three million dollars or xyz okay yes sir thank you okay is the conclusion required many students they ask that after our answer of sfa do we need to conclude my simple answer is avoid conclusions if the question does not specifically ask for conclusions okay do not offer be generous do not be generous do not offer your conclusion unnecessarily unless the question says [Music] what will be the difference in pera one and para three like uh while reviewing the financial projections uh maybe i am feeling that uh it will be almost same paraman and para p material is it there is a big difference there between para one and para three para three is all about projections you will be challenging the projections right remember we've done many questions like five five factors we have to check that will be included here there are three yes okay and then what will whether the shareholders will accept or not what will be your assessment like whether this project is beneficial or not for the sure uh will they approve or not okay okay that's it it's a subjective para and whereas para three is all calculations okay all right now sometimes your sfa may get complicated sometimes okay if you feel that you don't want to use sfa model it's okay it is not compulsory to use any model in spl anyways you know this by now so if you don't want to use sfa then you can use a general approach to analyze whether we should acquire the company or not but give some broad headings you can give first heading could be external factors internal factors and financials these are the three broad headings under which you can cover your answer without using sfa you can talk about external factors if you can talk about internal factors and the third heading would be financials okay and i've also mentioned here that you know if you feel that there's a problem you're struggling with sfa please watch these webinars for practice okay all right [Music] what's the crew yeah it's a it's a crow it's a typing error okay now next topic is sword sword most of us know swat right short stands for strength weakness opportunity and threat strengths and weaknesses are internal opportunities and threats are external guys can you please stop chatting with each other can you focus on the main thing rather than chats now swat after swot there is something called toes metrics so toes matrix is a outcome or it's attached with swap what is a toes matrix it is a 4 box on the x-axis you will have strength weakness opportunities and threats okay this box is s o like s from here and y o from here okay so means use your strength to grab opportunities wo means remove your weakness to avail opportunities st means use your strengths to avoid threats and wt means remove your weakness to avoid threats okay so far squat and toes have not been tested maybe sword months but toes has never come but i just thought i will share toes because it is a model attached with sword yes usman you're right so uh those has not been tested so in the exam if they ask you to analyze a swot and suggest options then you may use toes otherwise no need to use models as well based on swat you can suggest some strategies okay yeah okay corporate parenting is another topic which has never been tested so far so i will just give you a very quick overview so that if it comes which is very unlikely that at least you know what to do so corporate parenting means it talks about a group of companies like there's a head office and then it has got so many subsidiaries okay so i know for fact in india there's tata group it's a group with so many businesses under that group so you will see in real life multinationals are like that in real life you will see that uh you know yes uh there are groups which have so many businesses under them they own stakes in so many businesses so corporate parenting is no oh my after two hours you can you can go for a break uh corporate parenting is that there's a group a parent or a head office and it has got many childs and do you guys think that the head office they will be monitoring the performance of each subsidiary yes or no obviously right that's the job of the head office that's the job of the parent that all the investments he has made in its subsidiaries they will definitely be monitoring the performance which subsidiary is performing extremely good which one is just average which one is really bad should we divest should we invest more should we just let it continue all these is based on analysis so in an exam a possible question can be that analyze the performance of your subsidiaries okay so for for example a three data about three subsidiaries or four subsidiaries might be given to you and you will be asked to analyze the relative performance of the subsidiaries so whenever you get question like a group accounts or there's a head office and they want to analyze the performance of their sub here the five things you can analyze for each subsidiary you can look at the five things industry growth that whatever industry the sub is in sub means subsidiary is that industry in growth phase or is that industry mature or is that industry in decline phase that's the first thing then you look at the market share percentage of your sub so market share is basically the revenue of your the turnover of your sub by the industry turnover so it tells us how much uh share our subsidiary has we look at the market share trend whether the markets our market share is increasing or maintained or declining okay we look at the profit margins of our sub whether the profit margin like gp margin or np margin is increasing or declining then you then you can also do a bcg assessment which is like um it's a small model in which you decide whether it's a star company or a cash cow or a dog or a question mark all right and what is this so you can watch this webinar for more details it's all right and then you can lastly talk about strength and weaknesses of the sub so just remember these five things and for more details you can watch this but i would not suggest that you spend time on non-important topics in the last three days so you can just avo you know choose to ignore yes and then yeah so can you please explain the market share point again can you please watch this video because i don't want to spend time on non-important topics oh okay now there is a possible model called and soft again um you must just know about these terminologies no need for models so every company wants to grow right every company wants to grow they want to increase their revenue so there are four ways of increasing revenue it's a growth model you see and soft uh growth model [Music] there are four ways to go you know either you grow through your existing business like existing products existing markets you just improve the quality of the product you improve the marketing of your products you improve the after sales services of your product just the usual things to increase your market share that's called penetration another way to increase is called product development if you want to increase revenue you can develop or add new products to your portfolio so if i'm just teaching sbl i will start teaching a triple a that's another product so that's a product development obviously my total income will increase the other option is market development that if i'm just selling in pakistan or just i'm selling in india you add more markets so if you are just selling in mumbai start having a branch in delhi if you are already in north india you can start selling in south india open up branches in south india if you are across all india then try to move into other parts of the world geographical expansions and diversification is comp you you know add new businesses like completely different product completely different markets so all these are ways through which companies they want more and more they can increase their revenue so there are four options penetration product development market development and diversification you must just know what these words mean and i'm sure you are able to guess what they mean right okay again this has not been tested so far hormones process strategy metrics also not been tested so far in the last two two and a half years um i would want to skip that because i really don't expect a question on this one you can if you want you can watch this webinar although i would not suggest that you spend time on less important topics afiza you are right but i don't want to complicate things right now mandelo stakeholder this one was important this has been tested in your exam and i think when when did we do a question on stakeholder which question was that can anybody remind me i think we recently oh yesterday we did oh yeah yesterday we did a question on this nccp right stakeholders metrics that you know organizations they can divide their stakeholders into four groups okay key players [Music] player sorry guys key player keep satisfied keep informed and minimum effort these guys open up your word documents please type what are the most common example under key players who normally comes under key player please give the heading key player and give two examples time starts now got it now please type and who comes under keep satisfied time starts now okay who comes under this box keep informed type now who comes here nobody actually uh you can say minority shareholders [Music] whatever [Music] where will trade union go trade union can go either and keep informed or keep satisfied generally it depends how powerful they are very good generally i would prefer most most stakeholders falls under this box keep informed very few in key players very few and keep satisfied majority stakeholders are keep informed and some of the very very smaller ones non-important ones uh goes under minimum effort like in yesterday's case the board of trustees was key players right um keep satisfied was the council and customers beneficiaries or keep informed was beneficiaries employees volunteers and community okay nice so you see now when we do a question uh it suddenly becomes easy right pressure groups daniel again it's subjective pressure group generally is minimum effort because you know we don't give a otherwise keep informed is also good just be very very careful about these two just be very careful about these two here the only few very few stakeholders qualifies to be classified here majority is here or minimum effort okay [Music] suppliers keep informed yeah as i told you majority will be here am i clear now everybody people type on the word document okay because i i want you to use that document let me clean all this all clean [Music] okay guys so mandelo is done culture the culture has been tested once or twice okay a very complicated topic a very tricky topic institutional investors if they are major investors then keep satisfied or key players if they are major investors if they are minor then keep informed visa chances of culture yes the chances are there i cannot rule it out like other models right culture but it's very simple guys can you please now stop chatting because i'm getting distracted culture what is the meaning of culture culture means the the working the existing environment of the organization it is also known as organizational culture please guys can you stop messaging chatting for a few minutes while i'm doing this topic why don't you guys understand plain and simple english culture means the organizational culture what is the environment and culture varies from organization to organization if you if you have got a chance to work in several companies you will know what i mean that all companies have its own vibe own working environment own norms right so culture means the norms the value the routine that's the way things are done here all those things okay do you think a customer can also feel the organizational culture what do you think [Music] can customers also feel like employees will definitely feel the culture because we are working there but i'm sure customers can also feel what kind of company it is what kind of environment it is for example if you go if you go to a government bank if you enter into a government bank you will definitely feel nobody gives a about you there's no concept of customer service customer satisfaction laid back but if you go into a private bank or a very renowned bank and you will certainly feel that the environment is very good the staff is very good they are talking to you nicely they are trying to help you definitely so culture is something which is intangible yeah intangible but you can actually feel it if employees can feel it then customers can feel it so it's a very important part of any organization [Music] now why does the culture vary from organization to organization that's the main question why isn't it constant throughout so there are certain factors of consciousness yes main factor is the leader so it's called power structure in the power structure we study the leader of the organization so the culture always comes from the leader whatever his views whatever his beliefs whatever his values that will come down that will trickle down across the organization right so if you want to study the culture of any organization the first thing is we look at the leader yes told from the top very good now uh family owned organization the board so when we say about leader uh in a company it is actually the board because board is the top management right the ceo the chairman the directors so collectively they are the joint leadership of the organization so in a private company if it's a family owned maybe one or two persons will be very dominating but in a listed company it is the vote the overall the values of the board which then trickles down okay so power structure talks about the leader organizational structure talks about the the hierarchy the organizational chart the structure of the board how many executive directors how many non-executive directors are there both committees all these are part of the structure right is it a one-man show is there chairman and ceo same person or not all these are things relating to the structure okay that will also give you an idea uh what's happening at the top control systems you basically see whether the organization is post focused or quality focused okay some organizations are really post focused and some organizations are quality focused so this this approach actually determines their behavior that way of thinking their decision making okay this also so if an organization is really focused on quality the culture will be very different it will be very customer focused customer oriented culture but difficult if an organization is cost focused then they don't really give a about customers right uh they're more focused on the costs ritual and routines talks about the daily routine in the organization like office timings working hours punctuality strictness leaves etc all these are part of rituals and routines symbols is basically show off status symbols what are the examples like staff titles cards lavish benefits huge offices club membership symbols of power so you know what uh is the organization showing off is the leader show or showing off so all these things are symbols and stories uh previous history of the organization the stories just don't bother about it from an exam point of view i think this one is very important you must know this one is important this much is important okay and little bit you can cover this one the rest might be a little bit difficult for you to talk about in the exam data is generally straightforward and identifiable on these four things there is a question on [Music] this one uh if you want you can watch that guys can you give me a second i need to quiet this cat okay sorry guys so any questions on culture this time it was a cat not a cow not a crow all right so let's admit that culture is a subjective topic just memorize these little bit of things try to get out of it rather than getting stuck into it if you want you can check out this question for to get an idea [Music] yes sheikh can i help you shake you are unmuted okay all right guys the context of change model this is another model this has also been tested once you remember which question i think we did this question in one of the case studies we did two weeks back dt for you yes in the question tt for you we did this question myo bed approach a very good workout yes so i will not spend a lot of time but context of change model is very simple when you are bringing any change in the organization if you are a leader if you are a ceo and you plan to implement or introduce something new then you have to plan that change very meticulously right so for example in tt for uk study the ceo wanted to implement or adopt a new approach called myo bed approach whatever that means or i love you approach or i don't give a approach whatever is the name and she was asking that you know please help me implement this it's a new thing i want to implement it across the country so these are the steps of change management okay when even in my company when we implement when we as management we decide to bring something new uh for example um last month we actually changed the entire commission structure of our sales staff okay i mean to insurance and insurance business depends on agents and agents they work on commissions so commission is a big thing a big expense in our company and it's a big motivator for the agents they really look forward to commissions that's what drives them so we made a base we made some major changes in the commission model now how can we roll it up how can we announce it it's not that simple because it will face resistance people might not understand they might have questions they might not like it so then before finalizing before implementing we followed this checklist of change management so now first thing is we look at the scope of the change scope of the change means size of the change is it a small change or a significant change it is a universal formula that small change is easy to implement large or significant change is difficult the larger the change the more difficult it gets right smaller the change the easier so first we have to decide whether this is a small change or a significant change if it is a small change it is called realignment under this model and if it's a big change it is called transfer nation that's the first thing you need to decide the second thing we need to know is the reason why the f we are bringing the change because you know people don't like change unless there is a very strong valid reason nobody brings change that's for the heck of it so the reason has to be very very clear the justifications has to be clear so that you can explain to the staff what is the rationale what is their what is in in it for them okay the reason has to be very clear timing when this change will be implemented when it will be applicable with effect from when timing is also very important do we need it right away or can we implement it slowly gradually again it's a universal truth it's easy to implement things slowly gradually step by step as compared to implementing everything in one go right so if you want to immediately implement something like it's so urgent then it's called big bang if you want if you're implementing slowly gradually it's incremented so in our company like as i mentioned that we changed the commission structure right and so first thing we decided was whether it's a small change or a big change it was a big change because uh it will affect all the sales teams and it was not small changes it was a fundamental change to the formula so it was realignment or transformational please let [Music] why did we change the commission model what was the reason because that's the first thing the sales people will ask why the hell you guys have changed the model what's wrong with the existing ones so we have to be prepared to answer that question you have to uh identify to them what were the what was wrong with the existing one what was the objective of bringing the new one what is the benefit to the company what is the benefit to the sales people you have to sell it right the reason has to be very strong i'm not going to tell you the reason why we did it it's confidential timing should we implement it from tomorrow or should we implement it slowly gradually give them time to think give them some time let this year finish maybe from next year or we start with one branch and then move to other branches slowly gradually what is a safer way incremental right so yes it was not urgent it was nothing do or die situation so we adopted an incremental we tell them don't worry guys we still have a lot of time we will implement it from first of january next year okay and blah blah blah capacity and resources does the organization has the required resources such as the human resource financial resource technology of course when we are implementing any change you need to make sure that whatever resources are required uh human resource financial resource i.t you have all those in place right so in our example this is not not applicable because it was not a thing but if you're implementing a software then you need all the hardware the software all these things the money to buy sap or oracle financials capability it means that whether the organization has implemented such change in the past or is it the first time it focuses on prior experience so uh in our company the we have changed commission structures a couple of times in the past as well so we are well versed we are experienced we know how to handle it so we have the capability but supposing if we have not done it we are handling it for the first time then maybe we might error we might need some consultants we might need someone who can expert who can help us you see the capability is basically are you doing it for the first time or have you done it in the past power power means that the change manager whoever is the main person whoever who's the sponsor or the owner of the change does he to have sufficient power and authority to enforce or implement this change for example in the tt4u question uh it was the ceo who was leading the project does she have the power and authority to implement my opinion or i love you approach yes he's the ceo in our case as well in the commission example it is not the finance it is not the marketing but the ceo is leading this project so yes the ceo has the authority to make changes uh preservation forget about it readiness that readiness means that you know you make sure that everybody is ready before the change all the training has been done blah blah blah and resistance means that despite your best effort some people will still resist the change so you need to handle them you need to talk to them separately warn them fire them convince them whatever okay so again how do you know there's a question on change management it's respiratory very simple it will use the word transformation or company is thinking of implementing the change please advise how it should be handled all those things [Music] okay right risk management strategy so risk management is a very dangerous topic sorry sorry not dangerous very important topic almost every attempt except for one attempt maybe there's always a question on risk management in each and every paper it's a big topic so we will cover these two now and then more in later slides so risk management strategies there are two two models one is uh ex this risk management it's called risk management strategy there are four strategies there are four things we can do with the risk either we can accept the risk that's one option or we try to reduce the risk that you know okay we implement control so the risk can be reduced we try to avoid the risk which means that all together we are getting rid of the risk or we try and transfer the risk to a third party this is called tara model you see t-a-r-a all right so i think in one of the questions we got that it was a chocolate company duels right there was some debate going on uh so operations director was saying that we must do nothing we must continue the hr director was saying we should immediately stop and look for other options the finance director was saying we should continue but built in more controls this is the thing acceptance avoidance reduction transference there's one more thing called heat map i think it was just tested once no no no not even one cycle eat mat it's very simple it's just a diagrammatic presentation you plot all the risks you plot all the risk on this diagram okay so if the company is facing like 20 risk just plot them on the diagram how can you plot it on why it's probability on x it's impact low medium high low medium high [Music] and you can just plot it like here one risk is here one is here one is here one is here one is here two risks falls in this box three risks and five risk here okay it's a visual presentation which box is the most dangerous box in your view i'll just increase the size which box here is the most dangerous box high high what do you think h right so any risk any any risk which is in this box is very very dangerous be as an organization would must focus on covering those risks which are in this box okay got it and then after that what are the two other boxes that these boxes and this box are the second ones and then after that we will come to these three boxes they are all the same and then after that we will look at these two boxes and then you will look at this box so this model just visually helps you decide which risk to address first it helps you prioritize okay oh my god i need to rub all those any questions on heat maps yes very good [Music] you must just be familiar with the basic concept that's it you don't need to do a phd just know what a heat map is so that something comes at least you know what what the hell it is okay and then enough information will be available uh in the exhibits so that you can cover up your answer no ursalan koso has never been tested models are not tested like that all right guys so we are done with the top 10 important models of course ali that's the whole purpose of heat maps it's what time is a lot of time guys can you give me two minutes i need to move inside it's getting dark out and mosquitoes are sucking me give me two minutes please i'll just move inside you can stretch your back for two minutes [Music] [Music] my hi guys uh i'm back are you guys able to see me and hear me [Music] excellent [Music] so we'll take a break in around 45 minutes so every two hours we'll take a break okay i think around 30 minutes 35 minutes okay so the first important another important topic is financial ratios [Music] go back to your word document go back to your word document give the heading culture and please type four to five headings under culture this is how this is how you can memorize go to culture type culture and can you just give me four to five headings under culture power structure what else please type on the word document [Music] thinking okay done very good so culture includes what things uh power structure the study of the leader organizational structure the organization chart control systems rituals and routines you must memorize these and if you can remember symbols and stories nothing like it okay done now give another please don't type here then type it on the word document uh now uh context of change mention at least five things six five to six things on the word document context of change what will be the five to six headings you will speak about time starts now on your word document hmm very good very good 30 more seconds okay so what are those scope of change reason of change timing of the change capacity slash resources capability power readiness resistance there are eight so must you must know five slash six [Music] beta nothing here are you see not here please on the word document so that you can revise it from there okay all right now financial ratio so sometimes a pnl is given a balance sheet is given in one of the exhibits you might be provided with either a balance sheet pnl or both so you will need to calculate certain ratios and talk about it okay now in sbl it's a very different paper ratio analysis is basically trying to identify the reasons it's more qualitative than quantitative you know that right in the last two weeks of practice we talked about it a lot so i've just mentioned these few basic ratios which you need to focus on all right so on the p l the first thing uh you will do is uh talk about the sales trend whether the sales is a revenue or turnover is going up flat or going down one paragraph on sales trend very very important component of any company sales is the bloodline of each company right after that you can talk about gp margin whether the margin percentage is constant maintained in improving or decreasing you can talk about np margins and lastly you can talk about ross percentage whether it's increasing decreasing or maintained [Music] on the balance sheet just talk about current asset ratio gearing and interest cover on and also try to always give one non-financial ratio or efficiency ratio for example the most easiest is revenue per employee okay in the exam these are the basic things uh you can talk about giving reasons for variance is a must there's no the sbl they are not interested in your calculations they are more interested in the reasons secondly no need to show calculations in the spl you just do it on your calculator and just give the the ratio directly type the ratio in your paragraph okay lastly uh you may want to focus more on material variances rather than smaller ones always prioritize the board is always interested in larger items significant items material items they are not interested in one dollar variance they are interested in a variance of one million dollars okay so you need to exercise some commercial sense what information you need to provide to the board it has to be significant and material so sometimes you may need to select which ratio you need to talk about so you can decide based on variance amounts not the percentages of variances but based on the amounts of variance the larger the amount it's more significant or more material right like in bco very good marvish thank you you see now we are able to relate with so many cases we've done financial projection so this is another type so sometimes uh you may be given a projection it could be for any purpose it could be for a new product it could be for a new acquisition it could be for expansion anything it's a projection whenever you are given a projection you need to look at these five things what are the five things first you have to make sure that the projections are based on discounted cash flow that's the first thing then you can also cal quickly calculate the payback and talk about it this is the third one review the amounts and the assumptions that's very important that's where the gerber is that's where all the assumptions and stupidities are so you challenge the revenue numbers how what is the basis from where you got this how is this increasing each year so all the trends all the projections all the assumptions you need to look into them does it make logical sense if it is subjective if it doesn't make sense you need to cover it in your answer okay again you will focus on the materiality concepts the larger ones you need to definitely talk about in your projections after that you can check whether tax implications have been covered or not if it's covered then it's okay but if it's not covered then you need to ask questions why tax considerations have not been taken into account lastly you may wish to suggest that a sensitivity analysis should be done or what if analysis should be done so that various scenarios can be reviewed before we decide okay these are the five things it's a checklist it's a checklist which i use in my real life right [Music] akshay don't get into so much accounting complications it's not really important for sbl now guys please make a list open up your word document write financial projections and give the five point type the five checklist which we will look at time starts now [Music] done okay financing structure uh not very important topic uh i'll just cover it very quickly basically there are two sources of financing so companies when they require funds large funds for long-term plans either they can raise funds through equity financing or they can raise funds through loan or debt based financing which one is better it depends it depends on the pro both options has pros and cons as a cfo it is our job to identify the pros and cons to the board and then the board can decide whether they want to go for equity financing or debt financing so what are the pros and cons uh equity financing the cost is linked with profitability obviously equity it means that you will pay dividends so if the dividend is paid when the company is profitable so when the company is not making profits you don't have to pay dividends so that's an advantage of equity financing that that um you don't you did the cost of financing is not fixed it is depending on the company's performance that's a very big advantage but then there's a very big disadvantage of equity financing it dilutes the existing shareholding patterns so if you're issuing more shares you're adding more partners more owners to your business so your own share is reducing that's the big pro and a big con of equity financing other than that you know you don't need any collateral it does not affect your gains and you know one disadvantage will be may affect the culture or strategies as you know more shareholders they join in they have their own opinions other hand debt financing the biggest disadvantage is cost is fixed and a is a you know whether we make money or we don't make money if we have taken a loan we have to pay the financing cost the interest so the cost is not linked with business performance that's a huge disadvantage but then does not affect the ownership or culture of the company so you know when you take a loan you're not adding partners or sharing the business with anyone you retain your shareholding however it also requires collectors and it affects can it can adversely affect your gearing level so you just you just need to be familiar with the pros and cons of these two yes very good right now budgets i think only once this has been tested whenever there is a question on budget like uh a financial data has been provided in your paper in which one column is budget one column is actual and variance [Music] what do you do again there are three item checklists which i always follow first of all the concept of flexed budget you know you cannot directly compare budgets with actuals i mean let's say the budget was based on 100 000 units in actual you produced 80 000 units so obviously the costs and all those things in actual will be lower they'll be based on 80 000 units so you're not you cannot compare actuals with the budgets because the base is different the budget is based on 10 100 000 units the actual is based on 80 000 units so the first thing is you revise the budget or you recalculate the budget based on 80 000 units and then you start comparing line by line with actual so this approach is called flexed budget so you are flexing or revising or not revising recalculating the budget based on actual production volumes and then you are comparing second thing uh actuals i would like to compare with the flex budget as well as prior actuals if available and the last thing this one is most important for sbl reasons for variances the board is interested in the reasons not the numbers okay so always remember these three things when you get a question on anything to do with budgets but again it was only tested once maybe not even once i think it was in one of the specimen papers maybe yes uh [Music] correct project management a very important topic it has been tested couple of times in your exam project management so what is a project we all know but just for clarity sake a project is a one-off special activity it is one of special activity which is other than the usual day-to-day operations okay what are the three projects tracking variables how to track a project the project is has three components each project has three variable or three components quality timeline and cost so if you want to control any project you need to control the quality aspect the timing or duration timelines or in the cost if you want to track a project like budget versus actual again you will have three broad headings quality aspects timelines or duration and costs always remember a project has three components and then there's a document called pid project initiation document it's a very important document uh because this is the first document for any project this is presented to the board of directors so that they can uh read about the proposed project and then they can you know decide whether uh they are approving the project or rejecting the project okay it's a very very important document we have done like two questions on this already uh what are the contents of a pid there could be a background in an introduction then the project scope and objective has to be very clearly defined in the pid a cost benefit analysis and feasibilities you have to identify all the key stakeholders that there's a project sponsor who is the project manager what is the project team any internal users or department and then external stakeholders like customers suppliers government society community all depends on the project it varies from project to project so i've tried to give a comprehensive list of possible stakeholders what is the project duration and timelines are what are the major project risks and risk will be relating to quality timeline cost any project constraints constraints will talk about human resource financial resource technology like internal factors any major assumptions used in in all those things how the project will be monitored and monitoring and reporting procedures so very comprehensive document you must be familiar with the contents of a pid please look at the list for 10 seconds and then i will i will ask you to prepare this list contents on your word document [Music] [Music] okay now please type the contents of a pid based on your memory on the word document [Music] ten more seconds [Music] all right someone was asking what is the difference between a project sponsor and a project manager what what are the roles of project sponsor in a project manager very basic like there are two different people the project sponsor is the overall owner of the project he is responsible and accountable he is the leader of the project topman normally a sponsor is one of the directors okay a project manager will manage the day-to-day affairs of the project he's a technical guy he will do the technical things the all the things he reports to the sponsor so sponsor may not be a technical guy but he's a senior person who takes responsibility of the project he owns the project he will provide guidance to the manager he will solve the problems for the manager and he is the one who is answerable to the board okay yes [Music] e-business again a very important topic and these days it's all about online business right so what are the advantages of a online business [Music] no geographical limitation that's the biggest advantage of having an online business that there is no geographical limitation customers does not depend on any physical outlet they just go on your website and place an order obviously it will lead to more revenue it is cheaper lower costs because you know there are less physical outlets lower staff lower rents and then customer convenience 24 7 all the websites and all those things and it's easy it's easy improve marketing e-marketing please have a look at this list for five seconds and then please type what are the advantages of e-business type on your word document okay type now i'm just hiding it [Music] okay however there will be disadvantages of e-business as well right everything in life everything in business has pros and cons what are the disadvantages not all customers use internet that's a fact okay not all customers use internet to buy do online shopping they might not have the credit card they might not be literate they might not have internet they might not have a laptop whatever the reason and then there is a one-time investment required to set up an online business what are the examples of various one-time setup costs you need hardware cost you need to that means you need to upgrade your hardware servers it infrastructures software licenses a website development cost you need to increase your i.t staff so that will be increase in salaries you need to integrate or link your systems with the online setups all these are one-time costs or investments which are required to set up an online business other than that there are huge security risks like the risk of hacking like hacker can try to will try to hack your company viruses cyber frauds or crimes then issues with data security data privacy all those things and it could lead to some legal complications redundancy costs i mean if you are shutting down your branches and moving towards online so these are various disadvantages of e-business [Music] have a look at it for five seconds memorize it okay please type this advantages on your word document [Music] leave it to district online business has legal complications not because you are global nice e-marketing remember these guys top uh topic is the this topic guys e-marketing we recently did in one of the case studies so what is e-marketing e-marketing when we use internet technologies what are the options of e-marketing so many options search engine optimizations like google search seos websites emails social media facebook like insta youtube twitter whatsapp tick tock even i think is a important one right uh online discounts then blogs forums influencers links on various related websites online newsletters you have to be familiar with this list okay we did it in bco and optima oh there were two questions yeah very nice you need to memorize this list okay five seconds and then i want you to type okay now please type this list done okay 10 more seconds guys it's uh somebody is making scratches on my screen who's that don't make marks on my documents please can you please remove it whoever was it okay so guys you have to remember it's high time that you remember all these pointers it's just last three days if you don't remember these pointers of all the important topics you will not pass because then you will struggle with the basic concept high time you remember all this so yes tomorrow please if you are weak with this 25 topics tomorrow spend two hours and memorize the top 25 the last thing you want is not remembering the pointers okay please very very foundational thing it's not working when is the break uh 15 more minutes one five what are the advantage of key marketing again very similar to the e-business it's global reach which means no geographical limitation lower cost so e-marketing is cheap is not costly to send emails or sms or whatsapp hey did we mention whatsapp ah it's there and then it's 24-hour marketing and you can do personalized marketing one of the disadvantages limited customers so very similar advantages disadvantages as compared to online business the concept is always the same okay big data or it's also called big data [Music] analytics okay so big data or big data analytics is that now organizations there are softwares they are artificially intelligent softwares which can analyze huge amount of data all right and now you know there's a saying that data is the new oil understand data is the new oil so it's so important that in this digital era uh organizations have access to so much data so there is no use if you don't analyze those data so the big data are specialized softwares which dives into a large pool of data and then they look for trends patterns likes dislikes you know based on your profile so they dive into your social [Music] media like they will analyze your facebook they will analyze your insta they will analyze your other social media presence and then they will try to form a digital personality like they will just try to see what are your likes and dislikes and then based on that they will automatically start sending you advertisements according to your likes and dislikes okay you try that out you will see so why don't you try it tonight okay so maybe you know there's a very famous actress my one of my favorites indian actress sunny leone how many of you know sunny leone i don't care just say sunny leone sunny yoni several times in the night and i'm pretty sure tomorrow something about sunny leone will be there in your facebook because this big data they are so intelligent they hear what you are saying from your mobile or you just google sunny leone and then for the next three four days you will start getting [Music] things about sunny leone on your facebook even when you're not looking for it this is big data or you type or you start type maldives or honeymoon and then you see in next three days you will start getting sponsored ads classified ads on so many on your google email there is that why how it is the bloody big data which is working in the background they're analyzing your social media likes and dislikes and then they start pitching you products okay very very powerful what's the advantage what is the advantage to the organization why should they use big data obviously it gives us deeper insight then it helps us do better marketing and pricing improved customer service increased competitiveness development of customized personalized products and of course new sources of revenue additional sources of revenue as i said oil you know data is the new oil so if you get data and you can analyze it you can develop new products you can develop marketing strategies pricing strategies sales promotion interaction with customers engagement blah so many things you can do right [Music] all right but then there must be certain this yeah personalized marketing very good how very nice is my yes shin um so what are the disadvantages of big data [Music] of course there's a data security risk like so much storing of so much data that's a big challenge right and when you have so much data uh that's the right guys my wife is calling all right guys sorry so disadvantage is the storage of the data it's huge it's costly it's risky hacking and of course there may be legal issues because nowadays data privacy and all those things is a big sensitive topic right [Music] right guys i need you to type all this so please have a look at the list for five seconds i will hide it and then you need to type the advantages and disadvantages of this thing time starts now please type the advantages and disadvantages of big data this has been tested two times in your paper [Music] [Music] okay last topic and then we'll have a break but crm it's not an important thing anyways uh what is that you must be just familiar with the terminology what is crm crm are specialized softwares to mix to maintain customer relationship through regular communication with customers electronically obviously right you cannot to each and every customer manually so these are software's which interacts with the customer regularly like happy birthday happy anniversary payment reminders feedbacks complaints tracking services uh emails demos all these things they are now done automatically through software yeah sms or emails or apps or notifications whatever the most common nowadays is apps or emails right i receive regular emails and notifications even sms as well what are the advantages of crm obviously you know better customer better customer communication with customer better engagement with customer we know their likes and complaints and feedback it will give us some comp edge blah blah blah okay sorry last last thing not same as big data are you crazy sam crm is a software which talks interacts with the customer happy anniversary happy birthday you looking good big data doesn't talk to you it is working in the background it analyzes your data okay sam um sir there was a time in one of the live classes uh some of the advantages so for crm there was somehow related to big data maybe the advantages can be the same but you said is big data and crm the same thing no there are two different things advantages can be generic right more customer more business but things are two different things you know i mean 30 advantages all right all right okay man okay uh one last thing which reminds me is something called [Music] mobile apps this was not uh it's not on my list of this document so please add mobile apps so a couple of times i've seen in your exam that the examiner is asking about smartphone apps so now what are the advantages of smartphone apps how is an app different from a website so the biggest advantage is accessibility right not everybody carries laptop all the time but everybody has a mobile in their pocket all the time even in toilet am i right yeah so it's like it's always with the customer secondly it's very easy for the customer to you know use apps as compared to opening a laptop so convenience so accessibility fast convenience right it's if it's in the app you can place transactions you can do whatever very easily notifications so you know there will be pop-ups there can be notifications so the customer can immediately know if something is new or happening so the notifications are there so it's accessibility convenience faster notifications customer can interact easily give complaints feedback chat you know what's that helpline all those things so definitely mobile apps is much more superior as compared to websites because of the various advantages so you will remember the additional advantages of uh app live chat yes live chat yeah good all right guys so let's take a break [Music] let's take a break and uh um can we have a 20 minute break because we have another two two and a half hours to go after that uh it is like eight or six here no nine or six in pakistan or let's say oh five nine twenty five so let's say 9 30 shot time i will see you 9 30 okay so it's like 25 minutes break be refreshed eat something and then come all right question sir not during the break can we do it after the break yes yeah yes bilal i'm in the way all right guys see you in a bit so thank you [Music] [Music] eh um chief okay want to join us oh thank you um yes marvish are you there i can't hear you yes sir you were trying to ask something before yes sir i want to ask about the context of the project api what is the basic difference between the background and the swap it's really confusing then ignore the background okay i mean what is the basic we have to discuss what is the reason of this project yeah okay thank you sir okay guys are you back can we start now [Music] okay good [Music] [Music] [Music] now i.t risks and security okay we have done this topic several times in several questions the first thing is why is it risk or i.t security important not risk idea why is it security important or why is cyber security important so please there are like three four reasons why it's important what are the implications if there's a breach so let's go through this first go through the list and i will ask you to type so why is it security important or cyber security important number one it can an i.t breach can do business disruption so anything which goes wrong with it it will cause huge or serious business disruption your business may stop for few days few hours few weeks it can lead to reputational issues it can lead to loss of customers hence loss of revenue hence loss of market share also the chance of legal cases by customers there could be regulatory fines and penalties and maybe incorrect decision making based on erroneous data you can ignore this one forget about it okay but these are the five things you need to remember very very clearly these two businesses business disruption reputational risks loss of customer and revenues legal cases regulatory fines and if it is worst case scenario even going concern okay now please write why id security is important time starts now give me at least five reasons why it or cyber security is important please type on your word document [Music] 10 more seconds whatever we are doing right now you have to make sure you memorize it okay that that's the whole purpose of making you type so you are able to memorize it retain it in your head standard stuff now okay now security aspects we have to secure our hardware and we also have to secure our data and software right how can we secure hardware through physical access control like proper servers like just imagine your server room a server room is a place where where you keep your physical servers so those rooms should be secured security guards biometrics swipe cars cctv cameras and then fire protections generators power supply so this is some basic list of i.t security measures relating to hardware regarding software the most important control the most important control is password you we all know right look think about your email account think about your facebook account you don't want people to enter into it so you have password protect so password is the perhaps most important security option tool for data protection password management has its own several requirements that password should be like alpha numeric it should be changed regularly it should not be written or disclosed to anyone these two are very important lock down after three incorrect or five incorrect attempts and otp one time password that's very very important you see you remem when you do an online transaction you receive a code on your mobile phone you enter that code and then so that's one time passwords after that you can talk about having strong firewalls firewall is what is a firewall these are specialized software for uh you know hacking it is used for hack prevention against hacking so if you want to protect yourself from hacking you have to have firewalls and or anti-viruses okay then you must have backups you must have audit trails they are also known as system logs system logs or audit trails are basically you know it tells us who which user has uh entered the system at what time what activity is done so it's a log of user user log segregation of duty so you must remember all these things as i software or data security measures please have a look at this for five seconds then i will give you time to type [Music] [Music] okay time starts now please write at least four to five security measures for data protection data protection all right done okay can you type three security measures for hardware protection now three measures for hardware security because when we talk about i.t security it needs to cover both physical and logic data uh five more seconds let's write short shot no lengthy stories thus pointers [Music] yes ali you are right we through audit trail we will know whose user id was compromised right and then we can trace from there also early i uh when you ask a question do not type privately to me nobody is able to see your comments right please select everyone they're from my uh mock script checking base group right yes ananya i said i have a request that risk management like there are three to four different types of questions right so like at the end of the class or like whenever you feel like you can put it out can you please like tell the different types of questions under risk management category so that it could be easy for us to differ okay let's move on so now we are done with the business related topics and now our corporate governance topics are starting in your exam the weightage of corporate governance topics is less and business related topics is more like 70 30 okay so uh corporate governance topics are not very complicated not not no models involved or anything so the first topic is very common professional code of ethics we all know there are five professional code of ethics all cafos all finance directors all qualified accountants have to follow these professional code of ethics it's integrity integrity means honesty straightforward truthful blah blah blah objectivity means that the you know you cfo should take decisions based on fact no biases no conflict of interest very important word no undue influences professional competence and due care confidentiality and professional behavior okay you need to remember these these uh are uh applicable on all professionals qualified professionals okay even you guys once you become a member a full-time member of acca the next small topic is called public interest sometimes the question has been asked talk about public interest so whenever the question says you know assess the public interest when we say public interest it means employees customers suppliers society as a cfo you know my first priority is shareholders obviously they are the owners of my company but in addition to my loyalty to shareholders i also have to be considerate uh for these four stakeholders collectively they are known as public interest employees customers suppliers society so for example if we are mixing some [Music] low grade inferior harmful raw material in order to or you are mixing some illegal raw material in order to you know double our profit that's wrong because our customers health is at stake so as a cfo it is my duty it is part of my professional requirement then that i raise this flag that something is wrong so as a cfo other than shareholders i also need to protect the interest of the public interest or the public which basically includes these four okay corporate code of ethics so a professional code of ethics basically is issued by professional bodies like acca and sima and engineers body pilots body professional bodies doctors bodies and a corporate code of ethics is basically issued by corporations or organizations it is applicable to their employees okay corporate code of ethics also talk about three broad a things employees customers supplier society so you see public interest components and corporate code of ethic components are pretty much the same when we talk about employees aspects like pay staff turnover training working conditions health and safety gender discrimination diversity all these are things which are covered under corporate code of ethics and for customers and for suppliers okay not very important but you must remember these three broad headings chairman and ceo in every board of directors you will see a chairman and a ceo these are two different positions okay chairman is responsible for the running of the board the ceo is responsible for the running or day-to-day running of the organization two different roles in a listed company it is mandatory that these two roles are done by two separate persons in a family owned or a private limited one person can do both the roles but in a listed company you have to be split between two people why what is the advantages of splitting the role between chairman and ceo here what are the advantages segregation of duty obviously these are two different rules so two different roles so two different people will lead to segregation of duties chairman is able to challenge the ceo chairman is more senior he is the highest senior person of the organization so someone above the ceo he can challenge the ceo he can monitor the performance of the ceo other directors employees can communicate with chairman if they have concerns relating to ceo okay and higher shareholder confidence as chairman is normally a non-executive director forget about the disadvantages um very very important topic that you must know why the role of chairman and ceo needs to be split what are the advantages have a look for five seconds and then i will give you 10 seconds to type on your word document [Music] naveed is saying that there was a question in march attempt on the role of chairman and ceo very good so much attempt they focused on corporate governance all right please write four advantages of splitting the role time starts now okay 10 more seconds all right anyways uh i don't think leds have been tested uh but you must be familiar you should be familiar with the concept non-executive directors are outside directors uh they are not employees of the company they just get a flat fee for being a non-executive director that they're supposed to be independent so that you know that is why they are not employees there they tend to protect the interest of the shareholders and what they do they bring outside experience they monitor the performance of the executive directors they they add confidence to the shareholders right so what are the advantages of annuities here they bring independence they have external experience and wider perspective they can challenge the performance of ceo and executive directors employees can discuss confidential sensitive matters like whistleblowing and company can comply with regulatory requirements so that's the advantage of entities okay [Music] the disadvantage is you know you the ned might not be 100 independent there might be some familiarity biasedness some friendship and they might not be able to give sufficient time to the business because you know there is not their job right it's it's a fixed thing so they might anyways both committees so again uh important topic uh audit committee risk committee have been tested board committee means that there are sub-committees of the board yes daniel correct there are sub-committees within the board so there's a full board and within the board we make smaller committees as well okay within the same members there's no outsider in the committee within the full board you may have smaller committees the for more the four most common committees are nomination committee it has 100 or majority have to be entities remuneration committee hundred percent have to be entities so the administration committee they decide what do they do as the name says they decide the salaries the benefits the bonuses of the ceo and the other executive directors and senior staff that is why they said they have to be hundred percent non-executive yes and the third one is audit committee very important it hundred percent con indies what do they do they do four things remember what do they do audit committee do four things financial statements and internal controls external auditors internal auditors whistleblowing [Music] these are the four core tasks of audit committee they look at the financial statements and the correctness of financial statements and internal controls they manage the external auditors they manage the internal auditor and they arranged whistleblowing activity please note all members have to be any d that's the requirement of audit committee and at least one member should have recent expertise in finance and audit obviously it's an audit committee so ideally majority or maximum members should be finance and audit people but at least at least one person should be a finance and audit experienced person in the committee you can't have one air hostess one chef and one pilot in an audit committee they don't know jack about financial statements right so at least one has to be finance and audit [Music] risk committee majority has to be entities and as the name says they are more focused on risk management related activities of the organization like implementing the the policies the procedures the processes identifying the key risk looking at mitigation the risk registers training all those things now the most important topic why the f do we have committees [Music] what's the need for committees baba the whole board is there why do you need to have smaller committees within the board there must be some added advantages of these committees very very important wait a minute first of all more focused on audit committee will be more focused towards its mandate which is financial statements internal audit external audit whistleblowing risk committee will be more focused towards risk management related activities because the whole boat cannot focus on these things right but if you have a small committee specifically made for these activities they will be more focused they'll be more specialized actually these are two diff two and two advantages one and two okay more specialized uh how in audit committee we will try to keep those people who have finance and audit backgrounds in this committee we will keep those nominate those directors who have risk management background in nomination committee or rem committee we will nominate people with hr background like you see you can select people with the right expertise so more specialization and then more time can be spent by committees as full now of course so the committees they meet more frequently or they give more time they they need extra right and then the board can focus more on strategic matters and then higher involvement of leds increases shareholder confidence this is a very important thing please can you read this and then i will ask you to type time starts now [Music] okay please type now short pointers i need five advantages of having a separate boat committee okay 10 more seconds all right [Music] uh hi sir so last time there was one question on uh you know uh advantages of having a strategy committee board so like it was it was some question out of blue and advantages of having a strategy committee board tell me what do you think will be the advantage of having a strategic committee [Music] more focused and specialized on what more focused on what on strategy related matters thank you more specialized in what about the business matters uh in strategic management matters right yeah then what else what advantage that's it increase shareholder confidence no tell me the second bullet oh more time can we spend my committee as full borders winter time so can they spend more time on strategic matters yes sir then what else what can focus more on other matters then higher involvement of any of these colors i mean it cannot get simpler than this right yeah so it's very very important that you guys remember these basic pointers it will fit into any kind of case study if you just can't do this then you're not fit to be a cfo okay yeah easy now yeah you want you want the question to come again i would it would be great yes vanu uh hi sir can you explain the difference uh between higher involvement by nads and this more time spent just i was trying just thinking in terms of drafting what will i have no more time spent means that the committee will be able to spend more time on the activity rather than the full board board has limited time right both cannot so committees can meet more often more longer to spend more time okay and then higher involvement when it is means that all the members are ned's right so they have upper hand like audit committee all members are leds risk committee all members are any ds so you know it's better right oh in terms of like corporate governance that yes okay thank you so yeah okay remuneration and reward of directors just one thing i want to tell that the the remuneration one portion should be fixed for the executive directors but there should be a variable or performance based portion as well directors cannot have fixed salary and fixed bonuses okay when you become a director when the more senior you become you there will be a fixed component and some component of your remuneration will be attached to the performance of the company and your performance so a variable component that's it insider trading uh simply means that you know directors or cfo they have access to confidential information right so i'm not allowed to misuse that information or use that information for any personal benefit if i use this that confidential information for my own personal benefit it's a crime and i will be imprisoned for a long time so insider trading and dealing is not allowed it's illegal it's unethical family owned versus listed company you know family owned what are the differences between a family owned and a listed company uh you know on a listed company more corporate governance regulations are applicable obviously you know in a family-owned they are private limited so less corporate governance but in a listed company stringent not even more stringent corporate governance regulations on applicable the role of chairman and ceo are split in the listed company there has to be sufficient number of ned's in a listed company in the family owned you may not require any of these because corporate governance is not you know applicable that much on a family owned board committees obviously when there are entities there will be both committees board is accountable to external shareholders decisions are based on voting rights in a family owned decisions are not based on voting rights it's if the dad says to be done it's to be done directors remuneration are based on performance high focus on risk management whistle blowing so these are all the features of a listed company you will not find these features in a private limited or a family-owned business or even if you find these it will be very small or very insignificant okay so these are the things which are different in a listed company uh this line i'm not able to remove you know i'm really pissed off someone made this line i don't know who made this line i can close this document uh or maybe legit let's change screen even if i change screen it's there it's in the zoom so i'll have to log out and then log in man okay i'm just looking at what's left too much is left okay integrated reporting is the next topic it is a topic which has been tested couple of times in your paper it's an important topic and it is a slippery topic slippery in the sense it is a little bit weird some students may struggle with the concept okay so i'll try to make it easier just remember that there are three things three things in this topic the topic is ir right so there are three things or three components what components okay three things in ir which you need to cover in your answer the first thing is difference between us conventional financial statement and ayah so what is the difference between a financial statement the one which we are normally used to versus an integrated report so financial statement is historic ir is futuristic financial statement is mostly financial 90 percent is financials ir is not mostly financials it also covers all other aspects of the all the aspects of the business including financials but it is not only financials financial statement is focusing on shareholders whereas ir focuses on stakeholders financial statements less emphasis on social and environmental activities of the organization whereas ir they they you know highlight social and environmental activities of the organization financial statements talks about share capital only whereas ir talks about six capitals including share capital so you must be familiar with the differences second component is what are those six capitals in your answer so okay so six capitals are basically financial capital it talks about the financial performance of the organization manufacturing capital here we talk about all the tangible assets tangible asset means non-current assets and current assets talks about intellectual capital this is all intangible assets like research and development brands patents human capital talks about employee related matters social capital talks about customer supplier society government like public interest and natural capital talks about environmental matters like pollution recycling carbon okay the other six capitals there is whereas a financial statement only talks about share capital okay the third component is what are the what are the advantages of advantages slash disadvantages of ir so obviously what are the advantages of ir [Music] since ir is a voluntary disclosure it's a voluntary disclosure okay it enhances the reputation organization's image and reputation for trans ir has a lot more information about the business and it's a voluntary thing so those organizations who publish integrated reports their image their reputation for transparency for being open truthful is much more as compared to a non-ir organization effective communication with all stakeholders as we said that you know ir is focusing more on stakeholders other than shareholders so it's a good way of engaging with all your key stakeholders demonstrate how organization create value leave that out it integrates social and environmental aspects so it focuses on its highlights the organization social activities environmental activities so that you know in today's world a lot of people are interested in your social and environmental activities so this is the document which really highlights all these things it focuses on six capitals better understand all right so three four advantages you must know of ir it's a voluntary so it increases the reputation image and reputation better communication with stakeholders identify social and environmental activities it focuses on six capital uh maybe we are able to attract investment at a lower cost of capital because of greater information we are more transparent we will be able to attract capital at a lower cost and it may gives comp edge over other companies but there are certain disadvantages too much information too much commercial information is disclosed which is not good obviously competitors might take undue advantage of this and then the valuation of six capital is quite subjective how do you value human capital how do you value social capital so it's not that straightforward so there is a lot of subjectivity uh you know involved in uh all these thing [Music] so now coming to back to this table if you get a question on ir in your exam i repeat if you get a question on ir in your exam these are the three possible things you may need to talk about just remember these three components or things first of all try to talk about little bit of differences between a financial statement and the integrated report you can name the con six capitals and in the end you can also give advantages so if it's a 15 mark question 18 mark question i am pretty sure all these three components these two talked about i think in one of the case studies i believe it was highlight hotel or maybe highlight hotel you know there's a 18 marks or a 15 marks question on ir so all these three components so just remember that whenever you get a heavy duty question on ir you have to touch base on all these things of course you need to read the requirement but directly indirectly these three things will need to be covered smartware okay yeah smartware ir uh thinking so integrated thinking and integrated reporting that's the same thing integrated thinking is the mindset integrated reporting is is the reporting document you understand integrated thinking and integrated reporting same concept integrated reporting is the outcome the you know the report of integrated thinking and all this is ir integrated reporting integrated thinking don't get confused with the words yes yes farzana uh hi sir hope you're well uh i just wanted to ask if the examiner wanted me to ask or answer me specific questions regarding the six capitals what could be the question like there is a question in one of your specimen papers it will say uh analyze the performance of the company in terms of sex capital okay so you will first talk about financial capital some financials will be given you can talk about it then you can look at human capital some kpis will be given staff turnover and all this and that so each individually you need to write some info you know some comments and information will be available in the exhibit on each of them okay so performance being the key word for seeks capital no it will say evaluate the perform yeah something like that but ir the word ir will be there performance and i are both will be there siri yes siri sir my question is also regarding the six capital only so if we are analyzing this capital using you know human you know finance all what would be the recommendation nothing no recommendation required we will just say whether it's improving or depleting colors uh there's a very nice question which i did on six capital i think uh you can watch this it's old june webinar last year uh i think i i solved a question on six capital but it's straightforward [Music] okay dcs yeah it was dcs where there was a question of ir yes louis [Music] shall we use a tabular format not necessarily not not really okay so ir is a complicated topic so don't try to do a phd in ir just remember what are the three components differences with the financial conventional statements six capitals and advantages disadvantages try to use them in your answer it will fit somehow uh you know nothing much can be done [Music] social footprint and environmental footprint again the wave same thing social footprint talks about employees customers suppliers society the public interesting and environmental footprints it talks about pollution carbon vessel recycling you know using scarce resources very generally you must just know the meaning of these words social footprint and fun environmental footprints footprints means impact okay so environmental impact or activities footprints is a sexy word uh invite simply means environmental impact or activities okay of the organization now risk management risk management we have already covered in a lot of detail in our previous classes right so i will not going to lend the lectures i will just touch upon watch what ananya said that sir what kind of questions can come so risk management again uh what are the various types of questions let me type somewhere i can type here uh first of all most simple identify the key risks this is the most straightforward questions identify the key risks and give recommendation so whenever the question says identify the key risks you will need to refer to this list this is a list of the risks which any organization faces you must remember or memorize these risks so if the question says identify the key risks in your brain you start going through this list and wherever you can find something related to that particular case study you will cover that when the question says identify the key risk always try to name the risk it's very important that you use these terminologies business risk strategic risk financial risk liquidity risk credit risk effects risks interest rate risk market risk market share or competitive risk and then political risk legal and compliance risk environmental risk reputational risk health and safety technology risk operational risk intellectual risk so these are there could be many more but these are the top like top 10 15 risks okay so you must know what they mean which i know you know by now and you must memorize this so the first type of question is identify the key risks the second type of question which normally comes or which may come is basically [Music] risk register said that you might be given a risk register and you will be asked to evaluate the risk register whether it looks okay whether the impacts have been properly defined whether the recommendations are there is there any columns missing so i've complete focus on risk register you will not be asked to prepare a risk register okay you will not be i i repeat you will not be asked to prepare a risk register a risk register will be given to you in one of the exhibits and you might be asked to evaluate or you know assess whether it is adequate or not now what is a risk register here so this these are the columns which should be there in a risk register so the risk must be there what is the risk about a description of the risk the impact what will be the impact if this risk happens let me increase the screen size then what are the chances or likelihood or probability of happening priority of the risk is it a high risk medium risk low risk then we talk about the mitigation action that what is the organization doing in order to minimize this risk owner who is the owner of that risk so for a credit risk the finance or the cfo will be the owner of credit risk right it's a financial thing and most important next review date when this register or this item will be reviewed it can be monthly it can be quarterly it can be six monthly depending on the nature the severity whatever but it should be clearly defined when it will be reviewed like the frequency okay any questions on risk register oh yes thus mean this register has been there we did a question yesterday right or day before yesterday or risk register two three days back i think it was uh nccp yeah talk about the adequacy of the impact and mitigation yes vanu so uh if you go up slightly there was a on the recommendations you mentioned if we reverse uh you know like uh it says reverse it to arrive at recommendation what do you mean by that i don't mean anything it's simple how do you recommend how would you be how would you draft your recommendations you look at the risk you look at the root cause and you try to address that so when you try to address that it will automatically become a recommendation okay the third type of question uh which can come is risk management process that the youth examiner may ask you to analyze the organization's entire risk management process you understand so risk management process has certain steps so you may be asked to assess the adequacy of the risk management process so what are the risk management processes i'm sure it's mentioned somewhere here it's all there so you need to be memorizing and very familiar with the notes so the risk management process is the first thing is a commitment from the top management the board should be involved in risk management they should take risk management seriously and they should have a so the they should have a risk committee there should be commitment there should be a risk of it and then all these activities like the risk register thing that you know make a list of the thing so all the risk register comes in now that we will prepare the risk registers analyze the impact we will prioritize we will make actions we will make the register regular monitoring all those things and then training that staff needs to be trained on risk management policies and procedures for larger companies we may also appoint risk managers this is for very complex companies like a oil gas company or oil refinery or something which is which has high health and safety risks or a lot of complications there you can appoint a risk manager even for larger companies you have risk audits as well so all these collectively these steps are known as risk management activities or risk management process of an organization [Music] okay any questions ananya so coming back to you these are the three most common types of questions i have seen so far there was one or two smaller questions here and there ignore it but these are the three broad or the most repeated type of questions in in your paper you must be very very strong hands-on on these sir and also risk management framework is kara modern right so i don't know i don't get into these complications yeah you can risk management framework or risk management strategies estara okay sir i had the same question that if it's a framework shall we put a process or shall we go for a strategy the process is the one i showed you yeah tata model was a four mark question i don't even sweat about it okay thank you all right guys so risk management uh we again talked about this uh risk diversification it's okay types of questions that's very important risk management process is very important and risk register these are the most important things okay [Music] what will be the advantages of risk committee again very simple very repetitive more focused more specialized more time can be spent by the committee board can focus more higher involvement of nit higher shareholder confidence i have heard this before as well you see so this advantages can fit into any committee audit committee risk community strategic whatever committee then there is this fourth line of defense uh let me check uh something okay we'll cover it in a bit so done with uh risk management internal controls i think this is the last topic internal controls again i you see a very very important topic it is tested very very frequently in your exams that you will be asked to identify the weaknesses and give recommendations so it's a very common sense question it can all the information will be there in the exhibit you will need to read identify whatever mistakes you can spot talk about the impact why do you think it's a weakness obviously there must be some negative impact on the company you need to explain that and then give our recommendations from your common sense internal audit i think this is an important topic for this time that is why i'm talking about it internal audit what is an internal audit it is basically a assurance function it isn't as it's an assurance function but internal so external audit is also an assurance function but it is external within the organization to ensure that the governance process risk management and controls are working what do these guys do they do all the things they audit everything they review the risk management procedures they review all the internal controls they look at accounting controls and reportings they look at operational efficiencies they look at legal compliance they do special investigations everything whatever the mandate is given to them by the board they do it this one is important thus all organization need to have internal audit it depends it's uh you know it's a subjective thing right all depart all organizations will have marketing they will have uh finance they will have all the i.t but internal audit some may have some may not have right so how do we decide if you're a consultant if you're a consultant how can we recommend what factors based on which we should have or have not so first of all the most easy is any legal requirement so for example listed companies it is mandatory to have an internal audit so khalas discussion end as a legal requirement you have to have but supposing there is no legal requirement then you can look at other aspects like the size of the organization the larger the size the more stronger the case for having internal audit complexity and growth so size complexity and growth the larger the stronger case for having internal audits risk levels so if the operation has high risks then it makes sense to have internal audits so that they can constantly review check and give assurance to the board number of employees so if we have high number of employees again it denotes size this one is nice geographical dispersion so if you have a lot of scattered offices scattered branches or scattered countries or cities it makes sense to have internal audits so that they can visit they can audit all the locations and give us assurance centralized or decentralized again linked to the first point like the point above if it's decentralized the risks are higher so um we may have internal audit quality of the system and internal control so if our systems and controls are weaker then we have a strong justification to have internal audit high frequency of errors or breaches or fraud and then if you know the the frequency is high of errors and non-compliance and issues and frauds and this then that means we need internal audit and of course in the last cost benefit considerations as well because internal audit they don't bring any revenue they don't add any incremental revenue but they are cost so these are the benefits but these are all intangible benefits right so all these considerations based on this we can recommend or not recommend having a internal audit audit committee we already discussed oh what else is left articles there are four articles [Music] okay uh let me [Music] cover the article then we might take a small break for 10 minutes 15 minutes is that okay [Music] no don't water break okay okay let us reach to a certain level and then i will give away technical articles so there has been no new technical article up till today so i checked today afternoon no new article has been published for spf does anyone happen to know any article no right so so far whatever articles were published have been tested only two articles have not yet been tested wait guys i will give a break in 10 minutes stop only two uh things have not been tested one is ai robotics and machine learning and the other one is called four lines of defense honestly my opinion is i will not i don't expect questions from these two why because these are old articles now normally what happens is the examiner they test the latest articles so if it is published this month or last month you should expect a question these articles are published like eight nine ten months back two papers have already happened after that and nothing on robotics ai's or four line of defense so [Music] no ursula so to cut the long story short uh you know it's not important these are outdated articles now but if you want you can go through these i'm not i'll not ex spend time because i want to spend more time on the case studies now you can easily go through these pointers okay very very simple if you want um it's not difficult and it's not important as well [Music] ananya fazel ain't robotics was tested last time last time means in the march again and would you remember the question so it was not in my question it was in the morning batch i gave the apple match so so you haven't seen it yeah i haven't seen it but you know the people who gave exam the morning told me that they had questions on ai and robotics so why no one else in this 156 group is speaking about that any idea uh sir i have another another point let's finish okay wait so then yeah yeah if that's good news if that's tested it's out of the way now uh so what type of question will appear in the exam on these like it's related to we have to relate with the scenario or the general question general question in spl are you crazy i mean that we have to just use the company name and this and that or just copy they might they might say uh the question on ai could be that the company is thinking of implementing ai okay and you might be asked to evaluate the option okay and when we what do we do when the question says evaluate or assess uh fourth pros and cons yes pros and cons so you should be familiar with three four advantages and three four disadvantages of ai which is just you know mentioned here in the nodes uh advantages it's faster it's accurate less errors 24 7 less dependency on employees but then there are risks and issues and disadvantages you just remember this list okay uh who else is there uh ananya why your hand is up all the time i have a one more question sir if they ask a question on you know that uh four lines of difference how is it without a question i have no idea on that it will be a straightforward thing that must be mentioned for line of defense somewhere in the requirement i really don't expect that okay uh ahmet okay sir i i have googled latest uh technical articles acca and there is some articles has come up for uh didn't know this altar i will show you the the number i've gone through it these are all old articles do you see any dates no no i've checked i've checked the entire list i also did the same thing nothing new okay just lower your hand all right so we are done with four lines of defense just go through it exam techniques um i don't want to talk about exam techniques because all my regular batches we did extensive practice with these right during our four mocks and three case studies we applied that professional skills uh we all know what to do now these are the various formats reports section of a report briefing paper email slides letter press release business case pid weakness risk we've all done this except for business case which has not yet been properly tested so i hope that you are familiar all the formats are also mentioned here but i know that you are very very hands-on with the formats now okay right so here we end the top 25 it's a very important document all of you must be hands-on on this document top 25 topics exam techniques format professional skills all there in very short summarized manner tomorrow on sunday tomorrow is sunday at least spend three hours eating and sucking this document it should be inside you okay without this you will be handicapped no ursula no i already answered that john business case format is given in that all right so now let's take a small break and then i want to recap all the case studies we did okay so we will go one by one we will open each case study we will go through the list of requirements and we will try to recall retain memorize suck it in whatever words you like to try to memorize those answers so that if something is repeated we are able to handle it is let me give uh i need to say my prayers for 15 minutes break it is 9 41 so let's say it's pakistan it will be 10 40. so 10 55 okay let's say 11 pm shop i will start 11 pm shop means 11 p.m shop see you after 20 minutes hi guys uh are you back [Music] ready okay now so the now our plan is to just quickly go through all the past papers we have attempted okay uh so that we can consolidate our knowledge in one sitting you can see a pattern you can see some repetition right and we can memorize we can digest the things in and you know in one go um those of you who have not attended this session or this paper with me you might struggle a bit so please just observe okay i will not go into details explanations but those of you who have attended these papers with me they will know understand what i'm saying all right so just others they just observe uh i would appreciate if you don't ask questions which are like very basic very elementary which shows that you have no grip over the scenario i wouldn't be able to respond to that because of the time constraints i hope you understand but definitely you will benefit from the discussion right guys i want your word documents to be ready so the first question we was september 2018 this is the first ever sbl question it was called cofoul construction a listed company okay let's look at the requirements it says prepare a briefing paper for the board meeting which analyzes the financial and non-financial issues which will affect the final decision whether to accept the contract to build the road in beetle 18 plus 4 is 22 marks divided by 2 is 11 points and if there's a financial involved maybe 12 to 13 points correct now this question were required us to identify financial issues as well as non-financial issues relating to the beetle contract so this was a very specific question relating to very specific exhibits all right nothing to do with syllabus so we can skip that you can see question number one a was not general but common sense right 1b discuss the difficulty cc may face in fulfilling the criteria stated by desmond the transport minister again a very specific question no syllabus knowledge required you just need to read the criteria stated by the destined the transport minister and identify or discuss the challenges which you can pick up again a common sense question okay so nothing to be done in these one question number two prepare a memo address to oliver which critically evaluates the outline contents and the summary of operational issues in the project initiation document which he has prepared and recommend improvements so 14 how many points 14 plus 4 is 18 divided by 4 marks because there's a recommendation required four to five points okay you can use a tabular format if you want so the topic is project initiation document and uh all up already a pid has been given to you in one of the exhibits and you are supposed to critically evaluate the shortcomings right so do you remember the contents of a pid do you guys remember the contents of a pid if you don't know the contents this question is gone the contents of a pid are very straightforward uh scope and objective should be there cost benefit analysis should be there [Music] uh key stakeholders should be there like project sponsor project manager project team the concerned departments external way customers suppliers government society other than that project duration on timeline should be there major risk should be there major constraint should be there major assumption should be there project monitoring and governance procedure should be there so if you know the list this question is very easy question number three is prepare a confidential memo which discusses the ethical and reputational concerns raised at the meeting ethical and reputational concerns raised at the meeting so there is a meeting there is an exhibit which was provided about some emergency meeting so all you need to do is read that exhibit and identify ethical and reputational concerns when we say ethical concerns ethical talks about you know employees professional code of ethics uh social footprints commercial ethical is wide topic you can talk about employees customers suppliers society even you can talk about uh bribery honesty you know frauds all those things but a lot of information was available in the exhibit again a common sense question nothing no directly linked with your syllabus or technical knowledge prepare a summary to review assess the control weaknesses discussed at the emergency meeting and recommend so again at the in the same exhibit some control weaknesses uh you need to read if you remember there were control weaknesses like lack of lighting oil spillage uh the health and safety manager was sick for last six weeks very common sense weakness again nothing to do with syllabus how many points here 14 plus 4 is 18 divided by 4 4 to 5 weaknesses when we will explain the weaknesses you will also need to explain the impact right nothing goes without impact so weakness when you say it's a weakness what's the impact what's the you know disadvantage to the organization of because of that and then the recommendation again a straightforward thing now 1 3 c [Music] a briefing paper for advising the board of the advantages of establishing a separate risk committee [Music] what can be the advantages of establishing a separate risk committee please type in the chat box [Music] yes more focused more specialized more time both can give more time to other matters higher involvement of leds higher shareholders confidence you see suddenly it is cracking up it's becoming easier all you if you know these headings give these settings and then link with the scenario you see very nice now question number four discuss the benefits and cost of investing in big data please type on your word document benefits and cost give me um two or three benefits and one two two cost of cost means the disadvantage of big data analytics type on your word document [Music] what are the advantages of big data analytics type on the word document don't you understand i'm saying type on the word document marvish can you please stop writing here or shall i push you out of the class i'm not writing anything you are not the only other i don't know someone is writing from my name yes sir i don't know why it's okay you are being hacked [Music] okay what are the advantages of big data here deeper insight into the data which will of course help us in better marketing strategies better pricing strategies it can include improve customer service it will increase our comp edge we can develop you know new products additional new sources of revenue just you need to remember this and then you can pick two or three which relates to the exhibit or which relates to this scenario because you can't go general right but the first thing is you must remember this what are the cost of big data data storage that's the big cost data storage is a big cost another cost is making the data security the i.t infrastructure you need large servers so data storage data security are huge costs which are involved this short simple thing was tested but of course in context of the scenario okay [Music] done this paper is over how much was common sense i think more than 50 was common sense only big data was theoretical in the sense that you need certain knowledge or technical knowledge uh advantages of risk committee was uh technical knowledge was required but other than that most of them were identified the weakness identify the ethical concerns pid was also yeah pid you needed technical knowledge yes correct now let me close this paper the next question we did was highlight this one [Music] highlight question was basically let's look at the requirement [Music] the chief business analyst blah blah prepare briefing notes consider discuss the key factors which have enabled highlight to be successful in its home country interesting question they want us to discuss the key factors which have enabled highlight to be successful so highlight was very successful in its home country so they want to understand what are the reasons behind their success now you can simplify this question success factors key success factors key factors of success can we break the success factors into two broad headings external factors internal factors for example um if the economy is doing good obviously all company will perform if the political environment is good obviously all company will perform you see the external factors and then there are internal factors like human resource financial resource i.t brand so please ah no porter diamonds you the moment you get stuck in a model you are screwed and i'm so happy crazy man crazy pilal i think you are a new student don't worry he's a new guy so these new guys have not studied from all right so um external factors success factors can be external factors like political economy social technological ecological legal what else can come under external factors [Music] both can come right political economy social technological legal and then customers the industry as well the industry if the industry is growing demand customer suppliers competitors yes so depending on the availability of the information external factors you can have five four five headings what about internal factors what is this happening who's this guy i thought so because that was a very strange comment uh from your verda who's this guy thank god yes he's gone now yes sir he's doing good bastard what the is happening i have zero tolerance for these kind of things guys [Music] yeah i think imari is gone now he's vanished who was this guy mar can you let me know his name he's no more there i think but do you remember his full name i would have checked out banu he messaged you as well on whatsapp or what mark and i will have a marquette okay after the class okay after the class i will check he was me messaged yesterday that means he's from a newer batch pervert i'll take some actions guys sorry for that all right guys hit this [Music] discuss the key factor so internal factors what can be that what can be internal factors examples of internal factors give me four very good farazana human resource financial resources i.t brand brand means marketing okay remember all this huh external factors is political and economic social techno ecolegal customer suppliers competition internal is human resource financial resource i.t brand just memorize it no need for porter diamond okay now using the fact sheet referred to above or any other relevant information prepare a report for the finance director which evaluates the proposal to acquire comfy stay hotel proposal to acquire comfy stay hotel what do you think sfa how many things under suitability how many paragraph for suitability which one under suitability which one home country yeah target country target company very good what are the three paragraphs for feasibility human resource financial resource i.t brand very good what are the three paragraphs for acceptability shareholder acceptance cultural differences financial projections very nice i'm very glad you guys are now into the speed right so is there a financial projection is given um [Music] ah here is the financial projections here is the financial projection so what how do you check financial projections let me know the five point checklist starting from the top yeah dcf payback major assumptions tax sensitivity very good [Music] is this based on dcf please check yeah i can see discount factor and npv and year 0 to 6 is it based on dcf yes ignore payback can we calculate payback yeah based on this cash flow you can calculate payback 90 million is the outflow 18 plus 24 34 44 42 52 62 72 69 69 79 88 89 99 96 so it's 96 so it's between year three and four let's say 3.5 years is the payback very good major assumptions look at revenues look at revenues does it make sense constant constant increase constant constant constant initial investments big amount 80 million very material operating cost constant constant so big big amounts are so you challenge these points challenge these points what is this why is it constant what is the basis okay tax do you see tax have they considered tax [Music] no tax so you will ask why no tax has been considered and then one paragraph or one two lines on sensitivity five points checklist all right move on [Music] you see now it's easier faster question number two a prepare a draft press release responding to the criticism [Music] responding to the criticisms assessing the social and environmental impact so there was some criticism in an exhibit so it's a very specific question that you need to respond to the criticisms relating to social and environmental what does social include give me a list of social four things inc are included in social what are the things included in social employees customers suppliers society very good and what are the things included in environmental pollution recycling carbon scarcity sources right the standard word sexy buzzwords very good so you will see you will find information about this in the exhibits just put it together okay okay question number two be assess the role and benefits of integrated reporting okay assess the role and benefit of integrated reporting what is the role of integrated reporting i think there was a definition uh [Music] what is the there's some definition about integrated role here so you might need to um kind of memorize this definition what is a integrated reporting an integrated reporting is a concise document demonstrating the link between blah blah blah blah blah and showing that you might need to memorize this okay what is the role or definition and what is the other question on this what are the benefits of integrated reporting tell me tell me what are the benefits more future remember the differences finances more it is voluntary there's a voluntary disclosure so it enhances the reputation it covers it focuses on wider stakeholders it focuses on social and environmental initiatives it is more futuristic it covers six capitals rather than one capital it may we may attract capital at a lower cost more effective communication with the stakeholders very good comp edge yes very nice but of course these can be your headings like the advantages but then the advantages needs to be drafted in context with the exhibit or the scenario but at least you must know the headings headings don't change the wordings change easy question number three discuss the potential challenges of the disruptive technologies which are emerging in the hotel industry and highlight potential application or recommendation what is a disruptive technology it was not it is not in my top 25 it was a surprise topic deceptive technology [Music] is basically just this guy is a technology which is changing the conventional way of business right like uber like netflix like crypto they are challenging or disturbing the traditional or the conventional thing so every industry have their own disruptive technologies medicine has their own financial markets as their own disruptive technology bottling industry has their own disruptive technologies so you read the exhibit here this there's one specific exhibit given in the scenario where they have discussed what are the disruptive technologies affecting hotel industry and from there you start picking up start discussing the impact and then suggest them some solutions okay so all you need to know is just know the word know the meaning of the word disruptive technology rest everything is case driven what about this one assessing the potential outcome of each of the each of the cis i.t system risks and give recommendations so it is something to do with i.t risk question again it was mentioned in an exhibit three risks were mentioned in the exhibit three i t related risks were mentioned you are supposed to talk about it um and give recommendations very specific exhibit related question okay done the third paper was smartwear you remember smartware smartware question number one analyze the environment in which smartware operates which environment it is silent is it both country as well as industry or country or industry i don't know environment is a very open world but if you read here then the preamble now tell me which in model which environment you need to speak about colossal very good very good you will talk about political economy social technology whatever is available there were certain statistics given like inflation like growth like unemployment whenever any statistics is given please refer to mention those stats in your answer okay second one assess the major risk presented by the smartwear model and suggest actions major risks from where you will get identify the major risks do you remember the list of 10 15 risks where you will get the list from nobhanu what are you saying yes you remember that the list of major risks okay mention all the risks please type risks i'm watching can you also guys talk about non-financial risk everybody's talking about credit risk financial risk very good political risk reputational risk health and safety risk operational risk competition risk technology risks business risk strategic risk financial risk currency risks reputational risk intellectual risk legal risks very good so from this list you can if you know these lists you can when you are reading the exhibit you can identify which one to pick yes someone who is muted or unmuted who's that what what's happening ananya why are you unmuted sir i have a question sir uh what is poverty history probabilities i honestly don't know can you google peace on you and let us know okay i'm waiting so like fraud bribery analytical activities got it yeah the risk property risk is the risk of fraud or bribery or unethical activity conducted by any of my employees yes okay yeah [Music] okay guys so this was an easy question provided that you are able to identify from the scenario and you have to give a name a heading like is it a business risk is this a technology risk reputational risk financial risk strategic risk heading would be like that question number two a analyze the company's strategic position why smartware appears to be so this word is very confusing you remember the in the top 25 the topic called analyze the strategic position in which we are to cover pastel porter internal factors but i told you that's a lengthy one and at least 15 18 marks otherwise it's something else look at the marks here so that means this is not that strategic position so here we just need to compare uh i think southland with noria there's an exhibit which gives information about both countries we just need to compare and comment okay again a relatively exhibit based question not a lot of technical requirement knowledge is required evaluate the strategic and ethical implications of the planned shop closures very interesting question these guys are planning to close their some of their outlets like turn 20 30 of their outlets what can be ethical implications ethical talks about staffing employees customers suppliers society so if we close down one third of our shops what will happen to the employees the redundancy right we will have to let them go that's an ethical thing we are making them jobless what happens to the customers in those cities or areas where we are closing the shops they will not be able to access our products loss of customer yeah what happens to our suppliers if we close 30 of our shops who will go out of business are you crazy no they will not go out of business they're just but you know of course if our 30 shops are closed our number of orders will reduce and suppliers orders size will reduce which is loss of revenue for them as well okay ethical and strategic matters will look about you know legal complications uh exit barriers uh legal commitments uh you know all those logical things reputational risk yeah maybe the the competitors might spread it in a next wrong signal can be you know cause heavy redundancy cost cash flow requirements yeah so remember this this was a tricky topic now if you get a question on ethical and strategic implications of shop closure or partial shutdown or divestment it's called divestment partial divestment ethical will be employees customer suppliers and so and strategic would be logical things like reputational legal exit barriers all those things okay you will remember that you will remember now yes libra i said if it comes about the partial divestment then same will apply this partially yeah so this they are closing 30 of their shop it is partial divestment right okay okay three [Music] evaluate the effectiveness of internal control system at the company particularly on the procurement side and recommend very specific exhibit driven question um there's an exhibit in which all the weaknesses are there you identify them you talk about their impact and then you give recommendation how it can be improved describe the benefit of introducing a customer database management system including a loyalty scheme i have no idea customer database management system maybe something similar to crm i don't know but if we have proper customer database management system we'll be able to organize our customers i analyze our customers we can do better marketing we can communicate i'm just thinking very general things better communication we can manage them better we understand their need feedbacks complaints loyalty scheme you know we can engage more with our customers if we have a whatever customer database and ultimately increase driving right okay this was out of the blue evaluate the npv analysis again it is a projection cash flow projection question five point checklist will come here same thing right last question discuss the benefits of integrated thinking what the hell is integrated thinking i forgot integrated thinking same way as i are yeah what are the benefits [Music] more reputation because it's voluntary more transparency more focused on stakeholders effective communication more futuristic more focus on social and can attract capital at lower cost how corporate reporting preparer allow him to address the wider finance how corporate reporting using more relevant information i don't know what but what is left i told you there are three things in ir remember what are the three things in ir the differences between five conventional statements and ir the six capitals and the advantages the advantages we already talked in part a so what's left the differences between conventional and ir and a little bit of six capital so you can talk about those two under part b okay the differences and the capital because always ir has three things differences six capital and advantages it's a 16 mark question on ir so all three will be tested right so one component was tested in part a so the remaining two put it in part b and then leave it for the rest like hope for the rest akshay that's what i'm saying there is no key to understand just talk about six capital talk about the differences move on something might click okay [Music] eight points yeah in total all right guys so done with this pick [Music] tools so this was a interesting question the sales director asks you to provide a set of notes provide you provide a set of notes to accompany the presentation he has prepared which discusses how the sales development strategies he has proposed will assist those in achieving the strategy so the sales director has made a presentation in in which he has mentioned some bullets about sales development strategies all you need to do is make the accompanying notes which simply means that you explain those bullets in a little bit more detail okay very specific exhibit driven question [Music] analyze the financial and non-financial implication of those prioritizing one order over other and recommend which one is better so again it was a very surprised question it involved um you know some financial calculations uh there was some um labor constraint okay there was they had some less number of hours there were more orders between so they had to decide what to do so this is a calculation based question uh you should be familiar limiting factor yeah the topic is limiting factor okay so i suggest that you watch the v if you are not clear then you watch the video on duals okay in which i was i did this question so you can understand that better analyze how risks identified in the register could have an impact and recommend mitigation very straightforward some risks have been identified a risk register has been provided some risks have been identified and you're supposed to talk about the impact of those risks and then recommend solutions pretty straightforward [Music] three presentation slides again a very strange question identify how each risk response suggested by the three directors would be categorized using an appropriate risk management framework this is tara model huh this is you know this one is general like this one is okay but this one is four marks it's tara mode weird question question number three evaluate the extent to which the criteria for achieving performance accidents are met by those using the brainstorming meeting so again some criteria have been given to you for performance excellence it it looked like a scary exhibit so this is the criteria which was given to you performance excellence criteria five criterias were mentioned this one one two three four and five so you need to talk about these five criteria in the context of the scenario okay no model no nothing these are the five performance criteria you need to talk about it whether we are achieving it or we are not achieving it yeah based on actual performance correct i'm sure what is the professional skills i think it must be evaluation skills both pros and cons but i'm not sure yeah evaluation skills so whatever we are achieving is good whatever we are not achieving is bad so automatically pros and cons 16 plus 420 10 points yeah [Music] okay done with those [Music] for you i don't want to talk about it it's a very complicated question [Music] bco very nice question this was the first question which was based on a charitable organization yeah dools was risk focused [Music] explain the specific nature of principle agent relationship in a charitable organization principal asian relations who is a principal in the charitable organization do you remember yesterday's lecture no who's saying beauty what man principle in a charitable organization founding member idiots founding members and sponsors who's saying shareholder shipment god help you in a charitable organization the principle is founding family or founding members of sponsors or major donors no ashanti why you say only founding member is the first one advantages of having a two-tier board what are the advantage of two-tier board oh okay shanti got it segregation of duty uh monitoring like the higher dependence on nad increased shareholders confidence independence right assess the financial and non financial performance in the latest financial year you have been given a financial exhibit there's a p l provided to you you just need to identify the major variances material variances identify investigate the reasons you see the professional skills is analysis analysis means investigate the reasons of variances the reasons or the root causes it was a good question uh top five yeah it all depends on the marks but top five material amounts in terms of amounts not in terms of percentage okay evaluate the extent to which the external environment could impact vco's objective external environment it doesn't say general or whatever so external environment means which models both yes so is the marks heavy how much is the question for marks oh 19 marks yeah then it makes sense it's both because pastel and porter together put together is worth 18 19 marks yeah 10 marks each or eight marks each so both you need to cover here again if any information for any factor is missing then you just skip that whatever is available you talk about it okay three slides [Music] about three applications of i t that could enhance its e-business so how these guys could improve their e-business what they can do they they can improve their websites they can have mobile apps they can do social presence in social marketing they can use the online training softwares all those it's already given right social marketing websites emails digital marketing apps apps is very important guys whenever any question says how can we improve our e-business apps very important if they have a website they should have an app as well okay because you remember the advantages of apps yeah seo okay all right the current risk register and the adequacy of each of the risk mitigating again it's a very risk registered focus question a risk register has been provided to you you are supposed to talk about the adequacy of the risk register and then the adequacy of the recommendations [Music] exhibit based now it seems easy right when we are revising all the questions in one go we can see a pattern that is not that difficult it's exhibit-based [Music] okay is it important for vcos board of trustees to have sufficient mix of skills and diversity absolutely yes both should have a variety of skills correct skills means marketing and i.t and finance and business and technical diversity diversity is also important in the board gender diversity age diversity ethnic diversity professional diversity and what is the importance of continuous professional development of the board of course continuous professional development or training is very important it will make sure that the directors are up to date with the latest things um any change in legislation any change in this any new technology they're up to date they'll be able to perform that perform their duties better [Music] they will come up with strategies which are latest so that the organization can benefit so obviously it's always important that the board is up to date so in total like uh seven points between one and two so you can talk more about in more in one and just give two points in part two there's no split [Music] very nice very nice done bcu is done nccp very dangerous question nccp first question assess nccp's internal and external stakeholders and recommend appropriate so internal stakeholders please let me know who are the top two three internal stakeholders examples employees board of trustees board of directors employees yeah volunteers who can be external stakeholders generally customers suppliers society government community okay but of course when you are answering this you have to identify the stakeholders in light of this scenario or this case study weight much and then stakeholder management is a model it is mandalore stakeholder model do you remember can you please type the four things what are the four categories through in which we can handle our stakeholders please type key players keep informed keep satisfied minimal effort very good now can you give me examples key players who can fit into key players key players can include board of trustees and major shareholders right not shareholders major shareholders keep satisfied generally includes who keep satisfied government and major customers or major donors in this scenario government major customers in general and in this scenario because it's charitable we don't have customers we will say major donors keep satisfied keep informed employees volunteers community individual customers small investors media whatever yeah minimal effort very small investors i don't know okay participants know men participants are our customers right they pay us money how can did you do minimal effort on participants that yes marvish dear i didn't raise my hand again that bugger is here who's raising that okay yes all right [Music] total 10 points uh i don't know how many points are required um 16 plus 4 is 20 and we will divide by 3 probably or 3 or 4. why because there are two parts we have to assess and recommend so either divide by four or divide by three depending how much you can write if you divide by four then how much points five stakeholders if you divide by three then sixth okay five to six stakeholders [Music] critically assess nccp's sources of competitive advantage what is the meaning of sources of competitive advantage please type sources of comp advantage internal factors sources of pop advantage is another name of internal factors and what is included in internal factors human resource financial resource i.t and you see reputation now the word here is critically assessed which means what critically assessed means you have to identify the negative points the cons however the professional skills is evaluation so that means you have to also consider few not a lot few positive points so majority will be negative points but you have to include one or two positive points in order to score evaluation [Music] okay is this clear okay uh evaluate the board's approach to risk management is this a risk registered question no it is now it's a wider question it says approach to the entire risk management process and recommend so that when then the entire thing kicks in commit friend from top management then they should have risk committees they should analyze their risk likelihood probability prioritize they should have risk register they should have staff training they should have follow-ups all those things 12 plus 3 15 marks divide by four four to five points all right easy yes someone wants to ask something anyone has a question right so in risk management i had said there are three possible types of questions one can be identify the main risk and solve one question on that one can be risk registered we saw two questions on risk register in your paper and one could be evaluate the overall risk management process here is that question yes ananya [Music] so my question is like uh so far we have not got an exact question with respect to order if they examined like how was the examination they showed it about you know uh the internal audit stuff which you mentioned today that it is important internal audit there could be two possible questions what are the advantages or role or advantages of internal audit and the other one would be that maybe the organization doesn't have internal audit and they are thinking of whether we should you know create an internal audit or not so they are asking you to assess whether they need so that those factors that's that thank you okay guys uh good one identify the external stakeholders with an interest in the internal controls again a very exhibit driven question very case driven question the government will be interested in internal controls because they are providing grants they want to make sure their conditions are being met the donors will be interested in internal controls because they are giving donations they want to make sure that their donation is spent wisely they want some assurance that the donation is not misappropriated or misused the participants who are paying fees they are interested in the internal controls why because maybe their personal data is credit card details all those things are stored in our systems so they want their data to be secure and private you know the community might be interested in internal control so that they want that there's transparency the organization is working professionally very very you know uh exhibit driven thing yes deeper deeper your answer yes i want to ask about this um i know a excellent um stakeholder is our council about uh about that ncpez case-based link but apart from council i know it's a government but apart from council can governor government regulators like a tax regulators can be uh interested yes no no key player uh keep satisfied not the uh like internal control would they be interested in internal control oh okay yeah why not of course like it takes because uh normally charities don't pay tax does this no okay they might yeah but yeah they actually might be interested why not okay thank you sir my wish is that you your account is hacked i don't know did you see your hands were up no sir no i didn't your voice is very low [Music] come okay all right yes just one [Music] sorry i i didn't raise my hand sorry what's happening seriously some ghost is in the zoom law no there is just one name with marvish not two names that's what i'm checking yeah i mean using the name regularly he's just changing the name i'll find out that we have audit trails right i busted all right question number three assess the viability of the current range of courses very exhibit driven no technical knowledge required evaluate the ceo's proposal so again you know if you remember this question you just read the proposal and then you identify the plus points the minus points it's skepticism so you will disagree you will challenge you can ask questions exhibit related question need first explain the need for cyber security and recommend actions for cyber security please guys i need you to type explain the need for cyber security please type why cyber security is important why is it needed i need four to five points [Music] very good [Music] operational disruptance reputational risk loss of customers loss of revenue uh regulatory fines legal complications and worst scenario business continuity or business shutdown business closure all right going concern yes recommend cyber security actions i need five [Music] focus more on data side and less on hardware side firewalls very good passwords very good antivirus very good audit trails password includes all those things like otps and regular changing backups and one point on physical security server security cctvs or security guards biometrics okay perfect so this was a high scoring question and again uh in this case uh the operational director uh you know wants one guy is the sponsor as well as the project manager is that a good strategy that the same guy is the project sponsor and the same guy the project manager so why it should be split what's the advantage so yeah it's number one segregation of duty and then project manager requires technical skills the two different roles right and then monitoring of the project with this more yeah i think uh you know all this we did that yesterday i think right so it's pretty fresh in our mind last question optima prepare a briefing assess the value to optima of undertaking customer segmentation analysis this was a surprise topic but you know uh there was an article on customer segmentation in that attempt and this question was there so it was expected what is the meaning of customer segmentation [Music] that we break down our customers not market segmentation excuse me market segmentation is different when we break the market into sections customer segmentation when we break our customers into groups for example i have like 150 students right now all of you are attending right now i can break you into smaller groups i can do a geographical segmentation like how many from europe how many from africa how many india how many pakistan or many middle east i can do uh gender gender it might not be very good here because most of you 90 percent of you in the same age gender could be done what about number of attempts yeah yeah number of times first attempt or number of papers left how about yes scary how about language [Music] what are you doing so about language like who's my first primary language is english whose is working versus working versus full-time students you see it's all logical things very good so customer segmentation means that we break our customers into various segments now why do we break what is the advantages when we break our customers into specific groups what happens very good no don't jump to marketing directly very bad we then understand their specific requirements and needs this is not a you know one size fits all when i break it and then able to focus on each segment i can understand their needs i once i know their needs i can design offer them for customized products i can then i can do marketing i can i can increase their customer satisfaction which will increase more revenue better retention better communication better customer engagement all these sexy words comes in comp edge yes thank you cost account got it so now this question was assess the value to optimum what is the meaning of this assess the value to optima of undertaking customer value advantages or about what value will it add right benefits yes so got it what is the benefit of customer segmentation we will be able to understand the specific needs we can develop products we can do specific marketing personalized marketing increase customer satisfaction increase revenue competition so many things remember this now and part b is advise on the most appropriate ways that optima could segment its customer how optima can segment its customers are very simple the most easiest common way is geographical gender age needs but this was a specific case study exhibit specific requirement right [Music] b prepare two slides we have explained the why it is of strategic importance to optima to demonstrate a strong focus on csr and what the hell is csr corporate social responsibility which means that organizations they involve in charitable activities social activities or the betterment of the society which means that they are you know contributing in the social welfare of the society is that good in today's days it's good it's a very strong marketing tool because many customers they are now very focused on these things they like to do deal by products of those companies who are socially active who are good city corporate citizens so why what will be the advantage uh to optima for doing csr from a customer point of view will it get more customers yes especially those customers who really value these csr activities you will be able to attract them it will give you com edge over other companies who are not involving in csr so definitely we will be able to attract more customers quality customers who are more you know affected or interested in cds are active will it how will it benefit from a staffing point of view how will optima benefit from a staffing point of view again same thing yes we will be able to attract good resources because we will be seen as a good employer and it will boost up the morale of the staff they will feel proud that they are associated with a company which is in csr motivated low staff turnover very good aisha attract better talent very good perfect on the upper and how the investors and government and wider communities will see us if if like we fear csr what benefit will we get from investors low cost of capital investors will be we are more you know if we have a good reputation ethical company will be able to attract more investors maybe at a lower cost government relationship maybe we will get the be fit program which is another exhibit you know it will strengthen our relationship with government it will wider community again uh you know it will be you know a goodwill thing we may attract more customers more volunteers maybe i don't know so it was a very general common sense point relating to csr [Music] okay analyze the potential opportunities and threats which optima must consider in relation to undertaking a collaboration partnership with the department of health for the be fit program so opportunities and threats of this program so very specific exhibit specific requirement so explain what is meant by value for money and evaluate the potential challenges value for money is a concept again a very unexpected topic it's a concept which is used by government organizations and charitable organizations they have to demonstrate that whatever they are spending is justified and it's adding value so value for money there are three components remember what components are there there are three e's value for money is based on three e's effectiveness efficiency economy effectiveness efficiency economy very specific topic effectiveness means that how well you are achieving your objectives efficiency means that you're really efficient with with less number of input but you're able to achieve large number of output and economy means that you are within the budget economy talks about budget cost budget revenue budget time budget resources but whatever budget you are within the approved budget you do not exceed or cross your budget limits [Music] okay very very strange question actually but now you must remember yes donald [Music] hey donald trump was there oh this guy's there okay question number three discuss the opportunities and threats of implementing big data analytics in improving engagement with its members oh opportunities and threats of implementing big data what's the advantage of big data deeper inside we know that deeper inside you can come up with customized products personalized marketing satisfying customers leading to more revenues more compact what are the threats of big data data storage data security high initial investment technical expertise i.t expertise required [Music] okay got it discuss the benefits of using mobile technology what can be the benefits of using mobile technology very easy like mobile technology very good accessibility that's the biggest advantage it is always in my pocket fast it's easy and fast notifications communication interaction okay very good are we done yeah three what is question number four there's one more [Music] evaluate the potential impact of the weaknesses which have been identified in the internal control activity we need to talk about the weaknesses identified in the exhibit and recommend so divide by four exhibit specific right guys what is the overall conclusion what did you feel that abhi we looked at five six papers in one go how much it was dependent on technical knowledge and how much was very specific to exhibits what do you think is it a substantial portion was was a common sense or very exhibit driven and a smaller portion was knowledge based so so just focus on the top 25 topics which includes 10 models and 15 topics and that's it but you have to focus on professional marks that's extremely important you have to focus on all the formats extremely important and most importantly you have to focus on time management and all the exam techniques the biggest problem is time management and the biggest reason for time and bad time management is time traps there are few questions which are time trap which will suck up your time and you will not realize after one maybe after one hour has gone then you will realize that you got sucked up into a wrong question if you fall in the time trap i will see you again next time okay raheem be careful please make sure nobody can help you if you fall into a time trap it's that serious if you think you have potential to become a smart cfo then you have to be smart and cunning smart and cunning okay don't be naive like an idiot student raheem can you please stop please don't fall in the time trap that's very very important maybe it's question number one thank you ring question number one is generally a time trap or some idiot question will be a time trap if it's a difficult question somewhere in the middle push it to the last okay first try to grab the easy marks so at least question number one you have to start do not you know you have to always start with question number one after you're done with question number one within the time then you can move to the easier ones npv's and slides and very specific questions the main thing is do not get stuck always try to come out rather than getting stuck that's the thing linking is very important no general answer search find some basic information link and then you are done okay but time management is very important do not panic if you don't know any topic always there is a one question in all the paper in which you might not know the topic but it's okay do not panic okay just apply some common sense apply some you know cunningness to just come out of it instead of wasting more time spend less time and come out of it all this is if those those four hours in your exam those four hours in your exam is very important this 150 hours which we spent is meaningless those four hours will decide right yes [Music] but like ananya are two more days and i have two questions td for you and optima should i do both the questions on the cv platform no tt for you don't try but you will okay let me let me speak so now what to do in that next two days assalaam this was you are waiting for this since yesterday sunday and monday those are the two things right do not over study time is gone but who's that our muted person ananya please mute time is the time for preparation is gone okay we've just got 48 hours so just consolidate revise and relax in first thing you should do tomorrow is revise the top 25 laws top 25 notes that's correct first thing is top 25 note that will be your technical base and um after that do one do one question uh tomorrow and do one more question on the next okay one question tomorrow on the cb one question the next day yes i know i'm watching it i have another screen on which i can see all the activities here [Music] now which question would you do tomorrow tomorrow you must do a time-based question and then again on monday you do one full four hour time based yeah absolutely whatever question you will do it has to be four hour mock time based that's like a real exam otherwise it's not it's useless now which question you will do it's up to you i would prefer a question which you have done previously okay uh maybe you can do one easy question first let's say tomorrow you can start with one easy question like go fall was easy bco was easy and on monday you can do one average question stay away from the difficult one you can do smartwear why not so the the intention is that you just apply what we have learned all these things today yesterday i just wanted to apply that process it's not about repeating the question it's about repeating the techniques which i'm more interested i think that's a good idea uh you can do one charity question like either bco or mccp i think nccp we did yesterday you can do bco and one you can do a commercial organization maybe yeah you can also do levy because there is uh my thing available on a b as well right in the webinar maybe answer i don't know whether i have an a b answer if i have a nebby answer i will share otherwise let me check bc or fold smartware doors highlight nccp [Music] uh highlight highlight smartware cc no i don't have navy's answer someone has nebby's answer sir i have it sir i sir last time i was a student so can you share uh on the group yesterday yeah and then i will share on the other groups sure no is one there is no 15 minutes extra time technical articles abyss i cover technical articles today there are two technical articles one is ai and one is four lines of defense ai was tested probably in march in the morning batch so the technical both these technical articles are old ones there is no new technical article so chill no worries crypto forget about crypto crypto is a one year old article raheem just google uh sbl acca sbl technical article just google and you will the acca will show you the thing what's dope oh okay all right uh ananya you want to speak siri lower your hand siri sir i would like to thank you for on behalf of everybody i would like to thank you for you know spending time with us uh my thank you would be that you guys all pass then that would be a thank you otherwise it's a work in progress installation yeah yes definitely uh deeper sir um sir actually i have only tomorrow to study so any last tip for tomorrow only because i know you want us to i'm really really tired of writing four hours i can't do this question then i just showed you with it like five papers tonight seventy percent is common sense exhibit related right so if you are tired everything just chill just revise the top 25 topic just look at these little questions one in you know here and there the last thing i want you is tired on the day of the paper to just build your confidence relax and think like a cfo that's you walk into the hall like a cfo that mindset is very important okay so i'll try hard work is not required the time for hard work is gone yes now is the time for smart work focused a little bit relax and yes chamomile tea yeah was ha acc released um yummy mark and it's called yummy do you recommend we do that no for two reasons a it says one it is from one of the kids it's a very easy question and uh it is a little bit weird so no need it's too late for it thank you farzana uh so i just wanted to ask you uh what about the not uh since you have a list of uh criteria for each of the topics i just wanted to ask have you considered or do you have any criteria for the non-financial performance because it's examinable non-financial performance will be straightforward from the case yes that is but you know some general generic one which i can just think of uh revenue per employee that's the best one okay when you divide by employee that's the best non-financial peter yes are you gonna hear me okay uh sorry i'll ask a silly question but i think it's too important because this can you just repeat the the point of copying and pasting in the live example we're about to write so i want to know i so you want to understand the functionality of the copy pasting for example okay so copy pasting is uh what i can suggest is i don't have my i think my cbe is off yeah um copy is very simple you can either you know when you select a paragraph you want to copy you can either i would say you can press ctrl c that's one option ctrl c or you can right click and select copy or uh you know these are the two options i think but when you paste that at that time the cb becomes crazy and weird so the safest option of pasting is where you go on your word document and on the top you will see an icon for pasting on the word document on the top of few icons are there there's one icon which says you know paste so when you paste you press that icon to paste is that okay right peter okay that's fine okay all right okay what date to use you know it's uh it's a petty thing i would always use the date of the exam hi sir firstly thank you so much for today's lecture it was really great no yes go on with it so thank you for this lecture it was the best revision lecture um so i have i have a small thing um difference between a product diversification and industry diversification so in that i am confused what to mention under both of them uh like if i link it with the exhibit yeah very simple product diversification means that if you have one product like if i'm teaching sbl that's one product right yes i add one more product i start triple a after triple a i add afm apm that's product i'm diversifying my products but in the same industry okay industry diversification is i'm supposing if acca dies tomorrow i'm screwed right yes i've put all my eggs in acca so industry diversification would be i might start teaching some subjects to simmer or chartered accountants or mbas or doctors i don't know that's industry diverse education okay um so just uh one clarification if if a sim product has been changed its packaging and a little bit of use uh will it be called product diversification come again a product which can be used in a different way and the packaging is changed well let me call product diversification yes it's subjective it can be product diversification it can it's also sometimes in real world known as product extension okay it's too complicated for the paper nothing like that will come got it thank you okay tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow sunday i'm free so i have like your paper i have our salon paper and two more guys extra mock so i will check tomorrow ananya sir i have a general question can i ask sir do you give career guidance also i mean uh sorry um come again carrier guidance carrier guidance when i mean like on a one-to-one basis like that uh we can talk about it once you clear your paper why not yeah okay it will cost you a nice scandal like dinner yeah so okay good all right guys uh so let's wind up tonight uh i'm accessible tomorrow okay just relax okay do not over study time of hard working is gone time for smart working is started top 25 topics try to do one or two mocks the easier ones just to repeat the process okay if not then just go to a spa relax chamomile tea it's really good yeah and um i might not see you again all of you but i'm accessible tomorrow on whatsapp and of course after the paper let me know uh what are the topics and then on the result they will communicate again so i wish you all of you ex all the very best and one suggestion whatever religion you belong to it's very important that prayers prayers are very important okay efforts plus prayers so do prayer do pray before you go ask your parents to pray of course we all will pray so all this put together inshallah you guys will pass and uh all the best okay [Music] bye-bye good night