Determining Expected Credit Loss (ECL) Provision for Trade Receivables

Jul 16, 2024

Determining Expected Credit Loss (ECL) Provision for Trade Receivables

Key Concepts

Probability of Default (PD)

  • Definition: Likelihood of default over a given time horizon
  • Calculation: Based on flow rate

Loss Given Default (LGD)

  • Definition: Estimated loss arising from default
  • Calculation: Difference between contractual cash flows due and expected amount to be received, including any collaterals

Flow Rate

  • Definition: Movement of receivable balances from one bucket to another on a monthly basis
  • Purpose: Used to identify the probability of default by comparing the movement in receivable balances

Default Definition/Rule

  • Definition: Determined by the company's credit policy, specifying the number of days of credit period allowed to customers
  • Example: If credit period is 90 days, balances exceeding 90 days are considered 100% default.

Steps to Calculate Flow Rate

  1. Set Default Definition: Example used - 60 days (anything beyond is 100% default)
  2. Gather Historical Receivable Balances: From January 2018 to December 2020 (three years)
  3. Categorize Balances: Monthly buckets (0-30 days, 31-60 days, etc.)
  4. Calculate Flow Rate: By tracking movement from one bucket to another bucket monthly until the default definition is reached

Example of Flow Rate Calculation

  • 0-30 days in Jan 2018: 761,188
  • 31-60 days in Feb 2018: 624,768
  • Flow Rate: 82% (624,768 / 761,188)

Calculate Average Default Rate

  • 0-30 Days Bucket: Average = 75.09%
  • 31-60 Days Bucket: Average = 58.85%
  • 61-90 Days Bucket: 100% (default definition)
  • 91+ Days Bucket: 100% (default definition)

Applying Default Rates to Exposure

  • Exposure: Example used - 4.5 million as of 31 Dec 2020
  • Unadjusted ECL Provision: Probability of default * Exposure
  • Adjusted ECL Provision: Unadjusted provision * Loss given default

Calculate Loss Given Default (LGD)

  • Formula: 1 - Recovery rate * (Net exposure / Gross exposure)
  • Example:
    • Gross Exposure: 4.6 million
    • Advance Payment: 2 million
    • Net Exposure: 2.6 million
    • Recovery Rate: 17%
    • LGD: 1 - 0.17 * (2.6M / 4.6M) ≈ 47%
  • Adjusted ECL Provision: Unadjusted provision * LGD

Final ECL Calculation

  • Adjust to get the final ECL provision
  • Example: Unadjusted provision = 392,970, Adjusted provision = 47% of unadjusted provision

Bucketing Provisions

  • 0-30 days: 35%
  • 31-60 days: 28%
  • 61-90 days: 47%
  • 91+ days: 47% (due to default definition)


  • Basic method of calculating ECL provision
  • There are more complex methods which will be covered in future videos
  • Questions and feedback are encouraged


  • More complex models for PD and LGD will be discussed in future videos.