this is a question from Ursula she has a question with regard to Genesis 2213 and John 129 I understand that Yeshua is the Lamb of God who took our place as a substitute to die for our sins so that we would have could have eternal life I also understand that when Abraham went up to the mountain to sacrifice his son Isaac God provided a ram to take the place of Isaac and that this is a shadow picture of what Yeshua would one day do for us why though does God provide a l a ram and not a lamb as a substitute for Isaac or is this of no relevance no it's very relevant or so let me explain to you on the way up when Abraham was with um Isaac and they're going up and Isaac began to ask the question Abraham made the powerful promise the Lord will provide for himself the lamb in that place so he's speaking to the Future Redemptive work of the Messiah he will provide a lamb in that place had that animal that they did sacrifice had it been a lamb instead of a ram you would have people standing down here saying well the promise that Abraham did was fulfilled at that moment by making it a ram distinct from the lamb we now know that the promise Abraham gave was yet future and was not fulfilled at that moment now what we do see is that the ram his head was caught in thorns and what we do see with the Messiah is the Lamb of God came and guess what his head was also caught in thorns so that's how we pull it together but the reason why he had to give something other than the lamb is because I'm telling you right now theologians will be going around arguing that that was already fulfilled back there in the days of Abraham but instead the Lord used something distinct and different so we knew it was a future thing take I hear your voice all I walk B if you B the see or I must be still and just believe I will follow you