DSA-Based Project Ideas for Interviews

Jul 5, 2024

Project Ideas Using DSA


  • Ideas for creating projects using DSA (Data Structures and Algorithms)
  • Importance of creating projects: Making an impact on the interviewer
  • Information on building projects without development skills

Project Ideas

1. Big Integer in C++

  • Perform mathematical operations on a very large range of numbers
  • Big integer utility is not available in C++
  • Create your own big integer class or library
  • Coding knowledge: Overloading operators, memory management

2. Custom STL Library

  • Create your own custom library for graphs and tries
  • Map various traversal methods (BFS, DFS) in your own class
  • Project impact: More user feedback and optimization

3. Process Scheduling Algorithms

  • Covers important concepts of OS
  • Visualization and comparative analysis of scheduling algorithms
  • Used DSA: Queue, array, hashmap, greedy algorithms
  • Interview impact: Demonstrate good command over OS

4. Sorting and Finding Algorithms Visualizer

  • Visualize multiple sorting and shortest path finding algorithms
  • Educational tool for students
  • Useful during major interviews

5. Bus Route Optimization System

  • Visualize graphs and routes to find the shortest route
  • Tools used: Dijkstra, Floyd-Warshall, Bellman-Ford algorithms
  • Interview impact: Show deep knowledge of graph theory

6. Flight Route Optimization System

  • Path finding based on a network of states, countries, and cities
  • Tools used: Dynamic programming, A* algorithm
  • Useful as an improved timetable
  • Use of comprehensive DSA knowledge

Interview Tips

  • Clarity of the problem statement: what, why, how
  • Reason for choosing this algorithm and analysis of other options
  • How you solved the difficulties of the project
  • Explain feedback and optimization


  • Four brilliant ideas to create projects using only DSA
  • Benefits and impact in interviews
  • How to answer questions
  • Emphasize showing your knowledge and the depth of the project