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DSA-Based Project Ideas for Interviews
Jul 5, 2024
Project Ideas Using DSA
Ideas for creating projects using DSA (Data Structures and Algorithms)
Importance of creating projects: Making an impact on the interviewer
Information on building projects without development skills
Project Ideas
1. Big Integer in C++
Perform mathematical operations on a very large range of numbers
Big integer utility is not available in C++
Create your own big integer class or library
Coding knowledge: Overloading operators, memory management
2. Custom STL Library
Create your own custom library for graphs and tries
Map various traversal methods (BFS, DFS) in your own class
Project impact: More user feedback and optimization
3. Process Scheduling Algorithms
Covers important concepts of OS
Visualization and comparative analysis of scheduling algorithms
Used DSA: Queue, array, hashmap, greedy algorithms
Interview impact: Demonstrate good command over OS
4. Sorting and Finding Algorithms Visualizer
Visualize multiple sorting and shortest path finding algorithms
Educational tool for students
Useful during major interviews
5. Bus Route Optimization System
Visualize graphs and routes to find the shortest route
Tools used: Dijkstra, Floyd-Warshall, Bellman-Ford algorithms
Interview impact: Show deep knowledge of graph theory
6. Flight Route Optimization System
Path finding based on a network of states, countries, and cities
Tools used: Dynamic programming, A* algorithm
Useful as an improved timetable
Use of comprehensive DSA knowledge
Interview Tips
Clarity of the problem statement: what, why, how
Reason for choosing this algorithm and analysis of other options
How you solved the difficulties of the project
Explain feedback and optimization
Four brilliant ideas to create projects using only DSA
Benefits and impact in interviews
How to answer questions
Emphasize showing your knowledge and the depth of the project
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