welcome welcome to the broadcast this is a source of information on all things related to commercial appliances welcome all of you that are new to Commercial and those of you well-versed in this industry of ours your host is Mike Reed a technician who has been in the industry for 32 years with his Beginnings working in his family's Appliance business based out of the western suburbs of Chicago get ready for a truly interactive broadcast have all your questions ready and prepare yourself to truly engage with Mike and discuss ideas on all things related to commercial appliances without further delay here is your host hello hello hello what's going on there hey I have I have Charles with CP3 ice who exclusively does commercial ice machine cleaning here in the city of Houston Texas H and I am having the hardest time getting getting him on here all right Charles you have to unmute unmute yourself let's see what we got going on here let call them so as promised I said I'd bring brother Charles on let's see what happened so I have him right here Mike yeah I got you you click the link it says device not connected so I got you you got me I yeah I seen you talking and everything I hear you the whole nine yards right but but um you called me through your phone so you should be able to accept the thing through the phone no I when you sent me that link over yeah I jumped right on that link and did everything yes this device not connected they will need to connect their mic oh oh yeah yeah you have to select microphone because you are muted you have to select your mic before you can add them to the stream so just select it so I've got you I've got where I'm the only one on so you could just click everything so I've got myself on here I do not so bear with me everybody bear with me technical difficulties man I've been running all day today oh okay okay um say something what about now Mike I see says muted unmute let's see let's see if anybody can hear Charles in the chat can you hear him let me add this let's see what we got can anybody hear Charles in the chat hello hello hello I'm the only one I can hear you I'm the only one all right now I'm doing it adding to the stage all right gotcha gotcha gotcha gotcha all right go ahead go ahead say something now hello hey I hear noise I hear noise yep got you yeah hand got you loud and clear all right well I just ran through my intro the lazy man way uh having AI introduce myself but um let me go ahead give a little quick run through on who this is over here in on the on the chat this is um brother Charles with CP3 ice in Houston Texas and uh he exclusively cleans ice machines residential commercial um you know he does um Galleria Mall he does you know we've done former former mayors of Houston uh CEOs and the whole nine Bruce what's happening um so this is a this is a a man who's a a husband and he's a father to to three young men and with that I am going to hand everything off to you take it from there brother all right good evening everybody um uh uh thank you Mike once again uh my name is Charles Payne uh with CP3 ice in Houston and like Mike said I service ice machines I've been doing it now for going on six years and uh it's it's a it's a real good business to be in you know um I go out every day and I service you know several ice machines sometimes three sometimes four but it just depends but I just go out and service ice machines on a on a quarterly or uh every six Monon basis just it just just depends I try to do it every quarter because it's a lot better when you do it every quarter because you doesn't have to you don't have to work the work comes back faster to you first of all and then you don't have to work as hard when you service the machines but if anybody has any questions Mike you you know tell them to that you know they can reach out I mean you know they can start with the questions if they have any no I'm looking for you my crowd is they are a very laidback um crowd that that it it they just sponges out there for a lot of them this is the first time that they're actually being exposed to this kind of information they don't even know that this exists I you know if you want to you can talk about you know what you charge to people low end highend uh the different brands if you want to talk about fet if you want to talk about H Scotsman go nuts brother this is you know do your thing do your thing go ahead and and let them know and it well let's start with this let's go over your origin story about how you actually became an independent what led up to you becoming an independent go ahead well well let me start off okay no problem so let me start off uh with this I was I was at a location I was I was maybe two months into this thing and I was meeting and meeting new people here and there here and there so I ran across a a ice machine machine that I didn't have it was a cold draft that's what it was and I didn't I've never serviced a cold draft I didn't I didn't even know what a craft was so I said let me get on the internet and find somebody who service cold draft so Reed Appliance popped up so I called Mike Reed and I asked him did he service those and he knew all about them and I told him you know about my story I was u i was a Salesman for an ice machine company for I don't know maybe 12 years selling ice machines to dealership convenience stores hotels motels and whole n yards and so when I talked to Mike I told him what I was trying to do and what I was trying to get accomplished and he said and we talked for about maybe three hours four hours on the phone this is late at night probably from 9 till 1231 o'clock in the morning so then he said hey man you sound like a guy you know that's that's that's ready for business so Mike uh he guided me in the right direction and you know and how get started and you don't jump out see when you dealing with ice machines you try not to jump out into the big water you try all it takes is one to get going I don't care what you think if you think it takes five 10 it takes one ice machine that one ice machine cleaning can turn out to be 5 10 20 80 ice machines just depends on how you work it but you just got to be patient and make sure that you if you don't do nothing else try to get quarterly cleaning I don't care what part of the country you in in the in the US but try to get every quarterly cleanings if you can and uh so so once you get quarterly cleanings you uh the work comes back faster to you if you do it every six months or once a year it's not going to come back fast enough for you cuz what happens is you're going to work twice as hard to clean that ice machine and then they're not going to call you I mean once you reach out to them they're not going to want to service it just like that they'll be like oh we can wait another year we can wait another six months but if you do it on a regular annually quarterly basis your life is beautiful trust me well I'm gonna I'm gonna bring you back I'm gonna bring you back now I um when we recall that very first conversation do you do you remember the fact that I actually knew who that client was that had the cold D yes I I described the guy and everything I told you where he lived at the whole nine yes yes he did yeah we have almost six million people here and I'm G tell you you know me and Charles we can tell you pretty much who has what you know there are it's relegated 90% of these machines are relegated ated to the uh to the to the rich and the um and the famous but there are a small percentage of of middle class people that do own these machines now now when I met you you had you had been on your own for how long oh maybe I'm just going to say maybe 45 days a month and a half M if that month month and a half Mike now where had you been PRI to this prior to you striking out onto your own what was what was your situation I was working for an ice machine company in Houston and I worked there for like like I said 12 to 13 years and I was the salesman and I was going out soliciting co- calling and in this business people remember this you can't get complacent you got to make sure that you get out there and you code call you don't have to it don't have to be nothing scripted just leave your card or your literature and just leave it with the customer because trust me they're going to call you in due time but you got to solicit even when you get a big account or you land a big account with four or five or multiple ice machines don't stop passing out your literature go ahead Mike all right yeah so so you had and then you had you want to say what made you go and strike it out on your own you want to talk about that part yeah well so what happened was I'm I'm gonna be honest with you my wife had asked me years ago before I even left Parks uh the company that I was with she asked me to venture out on your own but you know sometime people don't really like to venture out on their own because it's a it's almost like a a coin flip it could go good or it sometimes it doesn't always go like you want it to yeah it's scary but yeah and so what I did I said listen that let me see I to I'm I'm I promise you this what I did I stepped out on faith and I said hey I'm going to make this happen and I'm going tell you I was I was going to convenience stores hotels restaurants things of those n things of that nature and when I met met Mike he he was already a he was a a great tool for me because he really allowed me to go into places with him kind of see what he does I mean and it just helped me out and I promise you if you step out on faith and do your thing and you got to solicit I I'll be honest with you you don't have to go door too but leave your card somewhere if you got a card or brochure whatever it is just leave it with somebody because they may call you and you may not even do the equipment that they're asking about but if you leave your information you give them an opportunity that's another opportunity for you they may not have an ice machine but they may know someone that has one where you can benefit from it you know Charles you're not going to believe this they brought back that machine that that old that the old man had the one that was like 30 years old they started making it again I got it on the screen right now it's 2735 bucks remember he was complaining because he couldn't find one that fit that space it was that real narrow one so this one is about is this about 15 inches deep or 12 so they they brought it back that is amazing yeah so this one is 17 inches deep 17 but his was like 12 was it like 12 or 15 no you right Mike it was about 15 about 15 so this one is 17 but this still would have fit this still would work yeah absolutely you know what I don't think that guy is still alive that was he was like 80 years old yeah I was gonna say he's about he was about 85 then and back yeah but but they brought his machine back he might not be with us anymore but his machine is back with us um and just so you know I do service the hos shizaki Scotsman isomatic manat falled and I and this is how it works when you charge the customer if you charge them I don't you know I'm just gonna put a number out there but if you charge them5 6700 to service the ice machine do a thorough job of cleaning it and don't get give them a chance to go back and say what you didn't do you know what I'm saying but I will tell you this if you charge the customer you got to look at that customer being a one-time customer until you go there four five six times whether it's quarterly annually or whatever because it could be the first time you go there but you got to make sure you charge the right amount you can't go in there saying I'll clean it for two you can't go in there low balling your ownself because if you start low guess what you got to stay low but if you but you got I mean if you start low you got they're G to try to low lowball you know especially hoteles huh yeah now I got I got a question here from Frank because I don't know if you can see the screen at all no I can't I'm sorry okay all right so I'm gonna I'm gonna tell you everything that's going on so I put up a picture of that same style cold draft and while I'm doing that there's a gentleman named Frank Evans and he said what about charging double and I do you know what he means by that so the I don't know if you're talking about the size of the ice machine I'm not sure if that's where he's going with if that's where you're going with that Frank but now now if you have an ice machine that has a double evaporator plate then by all means go for it maybe maybe that might be what he means I have I don't I don't really know because a double evaporator plate Mike and you you taught me about that's that's two ice machines in one that's all it is too oh yeah I mean that's com we got a comment um he said Frank said he spoke of cleaning it one time okay he spoke of cleaning it one time right so it's not a matter of charging double he's talking about a one- hitter quitter you come out and you just clean it one time and you don't know if you ever GNA come back well you charge them good enough to if you if they don't call you back it's been fun right but he means he means like like how much are you charging when you get when you get somebody that calls you you know and you you hit let's just say you hit him with a okay well I this is what I charge every quarterly this is what I charge every six months and they say no we just want to do a one time thing maybe we're selling the house or whatever what do what are you what are you telling them then well if it's just a a a regular residential ice machine be honest with you I'd probably do it for about 550 Mike and just be done with it uh but if it's a commercial account if they're selling the restaurant or getting ready to sell the hotel I'm probably going to charge them about eight to ,000 per ice machine yeah yeah and now led handyman uh he's asking what type of license do you need to start a business like yours no uh you don't need a license you need is only what you need to make sure you have is a Certificate of Insurance uh um uh for the most part about $2 million insurance that sound about right to you Mike Mike with what you even you don't even need two million you can go with go with a one million yeah because I just I just recently you know I went from I had $9 million do insurance and plus some other stuff and then I went with Progressive and just went with the basic just went with a million uh okay yeah because if I want it if I want more or need more they can always up it for that one job they can always up it for that one job you say oh yeah I'm doing this I like coverage for whatever and then they'll up it you know nine times out of 10 your insurance doesn't go up and if it did go up it would only go up by a few bucks and you gonna always reduce coverage so instead of instead of you yo-yoing up and down and say oh yeah I want it and then you uh oh yeah make it three million and then you call back next month you take it that you just let them know you say hey look I'm doing this this facility it's going to be one time thing and they say okay they will do it appropriately they'll just go ahead and give you uh you know an additional three months of that $3 million coverage for that one particular location and then once that once that 90 days is over with you know they they let that part expire and your insurance does not go up so yeah your insurance really won't go up drastically until you start getting over that $910 million now if you're ask for $20 million insurance that type of thing now you're talking about a difference in pricing but until then no no I mean this is this is relatively small amounts yeah you know the grand sche of things these are relatively small amounts and and don't forget to go to the classes I don't know if they if hosaki or manak if they're in your area or close to your area please go to those classes and get certified get get on their do the best you can to get on their website get a certificate what cuz one thing about yeah when you go to these places even if you're not on their website so just take that away even if you're not on their website if you show a customer that you're that you service that whole shazak and they see your certificate versus they ice machine you're getting eat straight up oh most definitely most definitely uh what are the questions do you guys have for okay Frank said uh he used to work for CS mechanical of Houston and it took him three hours to clean ice machines and now keep the same and now keep the same to charge what's your opinion all right you go ahead and you can answer that so he's saying um if it takes three hours to clean a machine do you keep your charge the same you know what do you do if it's going to take you three or four hours of clean ice machine it depends on how often are you cleaning the ice machine is it every six months every quarter because if you're cleaning an ice machine every quarter and it's taking you the same three hours something's not right there because that machine shouldn't be nearly that dirty and I mean it it may be a little dirt but it's right Mike or what what do you think oh no that's that's 100% On Target all right here's the thing here's the thing it's you you are doing it um I guess you call it peace meal um but technically you're supposed to Frank and everybody else you're supposed to do it by especially if it's commercial you're supposed to do it by the hour you're supposed to charge per the per hour right and then if you're if you're like an hour and 15 minutes you charge per 15 minutes so an hour and 15 hour and 30 hour and 45 so you charge um per hour and um you hit them with the service fee most companies already have a 4H hour minimum so that's nothing unusual especially here in Houston especially Houston Texas that is that is the norm you know uh because brother Charles and I were actually the lowest price that you could find uh the nearest competitor to us their minimum charge is $11,000 and he doesn't care if it's a home he doesn't care if it's a restaurant grocery store his minimum charge is $1,000 and he's busier than me and and Char M yes right about right he's busy both of us I'm telling you man I hey I any time of the day I can drive somewhere and I see that ambulance chasing looking van of his and D dud is on the go that dude is on the go i' I've personally seen him at three different locations in a day in a day all right so let me say something real quick Mike before you go on okay so to all the listeners out there if you get any phone calls asking inquiring about ice machine maintenance do not give them a price over the phone at all because all they gonna do is G take your price and they gonna shop you around so don't you can let them know hey I can come out and take a look at it and I'll be able to give you a quote from there I have to find out for myself oh I already had somebody else come and take a look and this is what they said that may be but we have to come out we have to see for ourselves our service call fee is x amount of dollars that come out like it or not that's what it is um and so Frank says so is that good to be low and and actually no it's it's not good to be low um because what happens when you low Frank here's what happens when you low like I said earlier you got to stay low even if you tried to raise it up some guess what you still gota stay low they gonna say well he said he'll he'll do 305 versus 265 I mean that's still low you w to aim high and that that way once you once you already up there there's no going back because the because the the companies out there they're not doing this stuff for three four $500 it ain't worth their time no they can't afford to do it all right once you yeah you you got a0 $70,000 service vehicle then you got to include the insurance plus you got all the tools $80,000 worth of technician right just onboard technician is 80 80 85 right 85,000 maybe more to on board um and plus you got to have the backend you got to have a girl answering the phone then you need a facility so a warehouse something like that uh workers comp all that stuff there's no way you can charge what we're charging and survive they would be out of business the numbers the math ain't math right so but but what you got to realize I'm doing a bunch of other stuff and so when I tell somebody okay I'll come out to them it's when I damn well feel like it it's it's when I get around to them I'm not say okay yes yes sir I'll be there uh tomorrow 8 AM sharp no it's like yeah yeah hey look man I got you on the list I I get around to you you know unless the ice machine is completely down I get around to you when you call the other service companies that technician is on its way right then right there the minute there AG three that technician is that that technician is on the road he like you're like this man he you on the road he he gone he on his way and uh no I I'm I had to come home man I I made me some food no uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh those other guys they are on they are on their way and and so brother Charles he does a little better than me he does a little better than I do uh as far as because brother Charles what's your response time when somebody calls you to go out normally anywhere normally about four uh 48 48 Hours a couple days okay yeah see you're actually scheduling them yes yeah and I'm not yeah because see like a residential I gotta really feel sorry for somebody and then now my new insurance I can't touch I can't touch a residential I can't set foot in a residential oh wow you know that brother Charles yeah that's oh yeah that you know I used to think for a long time I used to think that these guys are bsing saying that their insurance won't allow them to do Residential but that is a real thing that is a real thing um and then so Frank Frank Evans said what do you two think about refurbishing ice machines all right let me go first brother Charles on that one and then you chime in and he got another question after that so um refurbishing an ice machine it only makes sense if you are then going to lease that machine out it only that that's the only time it really makes sense um period period i there's there's no way that refurbishing the ice machine for sale is is going to is financially going to be um excuse me going to be feasible because as you see on the screen here you got these uh motac 2,500 Vore 1,500 uh there's ice tro Euro you got so many new upstarts uh let let me show you here so let's just say like yeah here's one of Home Depot it makes 450 pounds of ice for 1,500 and it come with a freaking bin the bin ofo for manat isomatic Scotsman is 1,500 it's a it's a th to 1,500 for a 450lb bin and you're getting that bin with that unit let me show you what a compressor for isomatic isomatic um 400 machine compressor all right um so this isomatic compressor is 2,000 matter of fact I got this machine right here on the truck right now I have this this compressor this compressor is $2,786 look at this the the ice machine is 3,900 where is your upside the ice machine 4435 pounder is $5,000 what are you by the time you're done by the time you're done with the labor by the time you're done with the refrigerant the dryer the uh cleaning the machine um your labor and that major component alone is going to eat up whatever profit that you had in that plus you now have to provide a warranty on a used machine even though you're putting in a new compressor you you you have to warranty everything else you got to warrantee that circulation pump you got to warrantee the ice thickness probe you got to warranty all this other stuff that's on the machine and if it goes down now you got to go out of your way and you got to fix the thing for free because you can't just say well I only guaranteed the compressor no you had to guarantee the whole damn machine so by the time you're done putting in new sensors and all that it's the same cost of a new one which is why you don't see used ice machines out there like that brother Charles what you what's your thoughts on it yes no I'm with you and be honest with you I wouldn't I'd rather uh tell Frank I personally well I'm sure Frank you can hear me but personally this is what I really recommend Frank I re recommend you just leasing the ice machine and and and charging them for the maintenance on it and the upkeep on it right you kind of with me yeah that's where the money's at right because I'mma tell you right now if you sell it to them and every little thing that goes wrong they're gonna blow you up 100 miles an hour oh yeah oh yeah but I'd rather leas it Frank and hey and and give him a service agreement and your life is beautiful hey brother how does this how familiar does this sound um uh the ice machine ain't making that much ice I think it should be more ice in there than that yeah I say yeah and then they say well where's the ice machine at they say it's it's in the warehouse It's 95 degrees outside it's 105 in the warehouse that machine is not is going to make about half the bean that's all it's going to do yo okay fun story brand new isomatic elevation 450 series just like the one that's on the screen you can't see it but you know you know brother Charles you know my favorite you know my favorite so it was at a funeral home it was in the in the lobby not Lobby it was in the kitchen area the funeral home and uh they were having some problem with the drainage right as usual so I left and I had cleaned it a couple times and then I said okay let me come back this was around the day of the solar eclipse so I went there and I said all right let me go ahead check on this unit I haven't heard from these guys in a while brother I went in there they took it from the inside from the kitchen and they put it in the go-kart area of the funeral home because they it's a funeral home and they they own the uh the the land too the the the the cemetery and so they had the golf carts and stuff and they put it in the same garage area with the I said oh this is not going to go well it was working but I knew the future sure enough when you know it they called me a couple days ago um ice machine doesn't work doesn't work that well now this was like a two-year-old machine I said look you don't have no warranty that thing is in that garage it is not going to work how did you know where it was I said look I came over there to check on that unit and saw y'all put it in that damn go-kart section and it's not air conditioned it is above ambient you know the ambient is above an indoor temperature of 78 degrees that machine is not gonna work oh so dude they did they had agreed to just buy a whole another unit now you imagine if I had sold them that unit they'd be screaming bloody murder but yeah now another question Frank said uh Frank asked was he said hey man how many days are you doing how many days are you doing ice machine cleaning Monday through Monday through Friday and Saturday hey if the price is right Sunday oh yeah bro Char over Charles don't full no F boy when it comes to that money Charles what you doing man oh man I'm on my way gave you that call I just gave you that call today yeah yeah I'm on my way and I'm it's around the corner from another I got two more in that neighborhood like don't care sometime it just sometime it just lands like that and and be honest with you the customers that have especially the residential the ones that have those ice machines in certain areas in those big fancy neighborhoods they just got ice machines that's all it is to it I mean the builders put them ice machines in there so it's ice machines in those neighborhoods you just have to you know when you leave your information with any they will pass your information around to their to the Community Trust Me Oh yeah oh yeah um we got um Bruce Banner says okay and he got another one Bruce better says uh Charles what tools should I start out with okay uh you said his name is Bruce correct yeah his name is Bruce tell Bruce to go get a um $12 bottle just to get started that's all you're doing Bruce just hear me out a $12 bottle of nickel safe a bucket a 99 cent bucket a pack of sponges and a bottle of sanitizer for about N9 or10 and uh hold on what else am I missing and you got your and that's really all you need Bruce got your tools your Phil all you need really is a Philip head and Flathead and some pliers and go to work Bruce for uh a measly $35 go to work and that'll get you started right then and I promise you I'm not telling you no FIB because that's what I did Mike you agree oh yeah yeah I've I've covered this a number of times don't go out buying a bunch of ice machine gallons of ice machine cleaner gallons of sanitizer gallon of this that and the other don't do it because what you want to do you're going to tie your money up into something that may not jump off as quick as you actually thought it was or think it should just start off just gradually roll with a bot of nickel safe uh bot of sanitizer and you know get your just get your sponges at the Dollar Tree Dollar General anything that's a dollar that's dealing with a ice machine ain't nothing but money in your pocket when it's all said and done yeah the truth be told there is no difference zero between the brushes at Home Depot the brushes at the dollar store the brushes at Target they're all the same one it's all Libby or or rubber made it's all the same they are all exactly the same uh you get those those brushes now the only ones there are some specific brushes but brother Charles don't really get it do you still have one of those long brushes yes I do uh from uh Harbor Freight Mike is that the one for hos shizaki or what yes that's the one for hoshizaki and it slides right in that hose and it's that easy to clean when you disconnect them disconnect the hoses on the there's one long one and see on the screen here it is on the screen so what you need to do is find one similar see the these prices are ridiculous $146 for this this brush uh this one is $388 for a brush for a wire brush um you just you you need a long brush so that you can clean the fins uh on the hos shizaki unit in between the two so what what ends up happening is that you're GNA take off the cover off the very top the now these are the large commercial ones you're going to take off the cover and then you're going to slide this very very large brush down in between the fins so you can clean all the way from the top to the bottom and clean off all the the the scale and buildup uh on the on the stainless steel fence so you can get like this one I think this says 28 inches this Carlile brush is not bad uh this is $619 this what it is it has to be narrow um it can't be big like a toilet brush it won't fit in between the fins right yeah so it needs to be a narrow brush like this and so hoshizaki brush has it has fins that go up a little further but this is just fine and this is $619 this is the carile line you can get this brush at restaurant supply at the restaurant supply store um and and a lot of other places it's Chef's Supply any any place that sells like um you know cooking supplies stuff like that you could find these these long brushes all right let me get let me get okay because the questions start to come in yeah yeah so Bruce is asking about the evaporated brush and that's what I was just talking about these are evaporated brush um the other thing is Frank was asking Charles how many units are you doing a day uh between two to four units a day and then um we have Maurice James he's asking is it difficult to break those ice machines down for cleaning no it's not difficult because after a while it becomes repetitious so um what you try to do I think you said his name was James uh no this one now this is a yeah this is Maurice James yeah tell tell Maurice no it's not hard to break them down uh just go just just know before you break down any ice machine that goes for anybody take a picture of that ice machine when you take that cover off that way you always know the same way you took that stuff off is the exact same way it goes back only you take pictures that way you never you're never in a pickle like where does this go or does that does that go here or does that go there Mike taught me that take a picture before that way you'd never have that issue and and as you go to the classes they'll do so many demonstrations that you can walk up there while they doing the demonstrations and it's that much easier all right so we got another one Frank Evans says I know you guys are talking about cleaning but I'm sure some of us would like to know about running service calls well go ahead you can answer his question about that so Frank says he wants to know about running service calls so uh okay so Frank when he says running service calls as far as ice machine service calls is that what he say yeah yeah yeah now brother Frank is a big contributor so I I always go easy on Frank but but Frank he only does cleaning he doesn't do service calls he only does cleaning he only does cleaning well let's do it like this the only time it becomes a service call if I call if a customer calls me or if Scotsman calls me or if somebody calls me off the website or they found me on the website if they call me and say Hey Charles our ice machine has a clean light on it and the ice machine has water in the bin or whatever I can come out and take a look I don't know if it's you know what's what but when I get out there if you tell me it just I mean if I know if I find out it just needs to be clean I do have to charge you for the cleaning and the service call you with me oh yeah so that's see that's how we tag but see uh Frank that's how we tag team it in this city so and if it's something out of my league Frank all I do is get on that phone Mike read here's the address this The Machine's been clean this is what's going on and I let that customer know call Mike Reed or Mike Reed will reach out to you and set up an appointment and Mike Reed's going to come right behind me and he's going to take care of the rest I've done my part what I do is the clean and I've done my part once it's out of my league I just reach out to Mike and say hey Mike put this customer on your on your list of you know your to-do list oh I know who this is ah hey Charles a Golden Chick just called me oh why are they calling me at 7:50 at night what is wrong with them you know what they're calling me about is that the location in of North 's location uhuh figure yeah fix that frer all right Lear excuse me learner trade is here he's saying hello everyone oh and I gotta you know what I'm sorry learner trade I got a um I got a video I just I got home at seven o'clock so I got a video I'm going to start to upload that he sent me oh I'm going to start I'm I'm going to start playing that in my intro all right um now Frank is saying he does uh air conditioners and so I've always stated this for Frank Evans that air conditioning and ice machine go hand inand every single every single HVAC company does ice machine every single one and what it is well no I still it was 98 degrees today but when the when the calls slow up for air conditioning they go and then they run ice machine that is that is always how it's been that is always how it's been they've always done they do they do both of those those things um whether whether they just want to do the cleaning um but they will do both uh so now Maurice J says he missed it but how much are you guys charging for cleaning now my price is my price is very but I don't know if you want to speak to yours um Maurice James was asking how much you charge for cleaning brother Charles if you if you want to give up that information yeah well I mean it it vares but for the most part I try to stay if I can if you can not over the phone like I said but once you're face to face with a customer you try to stay in that $600 $600 ballpark 600 or better if you can stay there you you in pretty good shape but if you do the 350 and all that then my boss said he'll do it for 295 then before you know it you're at 275 well yeah and and the safest thing to do because Maurice there's no way oh yeah yeah we hear you just fine but there's there's no way on this green earth you are ever going to clean an ice machine at the same speed that I'm going to you're just you're just not gonna be able to uh right so you're better off charging for your time charge for your time charge for materials right and you know make sure you put on your service call Fee put on your service call Fee other guys put in their travel time so it all depend on how responsive you're going to be so if they call at 8 o'clock in the morning and you're able to show up that same day I would charge for the service call Fee and I would charge the travel time from the time you leave job a to the time you get to job B you charge all that time that all that windshield time as brother Charles like to say you're gonna charge that time to that customer um and then you're going to charge you're going to charge for the labor then of course you're going to charge for the cleaner you're going to charge for your disposables your brushes your gloves all that kind of stuff you charge for everything you're going to charge for everything um because I I can go into a place and I go ahead and clean it um you know I say on the on the L on the quick side it now it depend on what the customer is and what they look at for I can go ahead clean the machine like an hour you know yeah but you know I especially if I'm already doing their dishwasher if I'm already doing their deep friers and other stuff I might just go ahead and clean them clean the machine real quick and um you know like I said and hit him with a a round figure you know and it's like I said cuz my nearest conver nothing I'm going to charge is going to be anywhere near my nearest competitor my nearest competitors like I said they're their initial charge their first charge is ,000 um The Other Guys their average is around two on up they because some of these guys they don't start getting their commission till they start charging like uh over 1,500 or something like that then they start commission so they don't care if it's your grandma's Bakery um they don't care they don't care if it's a con event they don't give a damn they don't they don't care man go hit them hit them hit them you know because they gota they gotta bring in that money they got to feed that Beast they're bringing it how do you think these people are making two three billion dollars they're each location is bringing in you know about $20 million a month and uh it doesn't come from Little $100 service calls it comes from these two and $4,000 service tickets yes yeah you you don't have to go ahead brother and believe it or not people always try to say hey can do you wave the service call if we let you do the work or no no no no no because if if you go service that ice machine and you charge them $800 and you leave there going back 25 30 miles back in your town or whatnot and your fuel pump go out okay or your alternator go out and that's three or four $100 now you see why you had to charge them like you did because I mean it it is what it is man I got brother Charles just on the third alone I have to pay out pretty close to $4,000 I gotta pay out $4,000 just for my just those are just my bills and that's not even the bills that come around on the on the 10th and the 15th so um yeah I you know you got expenses and I'm not GNA be able to pay that $4,000 for the roof over my head and and for the vehicle to start and and then all the other insurance products that comes from the customer all of that comes from the C so you have to be if you don't exist not like the prices are going to go down if you don't exist the prices are going to go up you know right so it it is what it is like I said and you know people are calling me at at 7:50 something at night uh would you be able to come then uh I'm only putting in my own part so they want me to put in theirs uhuh I'm only putting in part I Supply y because if you if you put in there if you use their part and if it doesn't work they're gonna think it's something that you didn't do right oh yeah he was oh man he was already to blame me for the uh not UD but the owner he was already ready to blame me uh for that for that pump and I was like whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh no no no no no remember you had that other guy put in the pump where's your warranty now you know oh man if you go ahead and do this what's your warranty like what's your warranty like oh my warranty where's your where's your warranty now yeah that guy put in this pump from who knows where and now your now your fry don't work now what now what don't order something else I'm not messing with that no it's got to be mine gota be mine you didn't ask me you order it you put it on your damn sell knock yourself out that is also part of your never put on somebody else's part that is also part of your your income stream because you're actually going to get the part at a reduced rate than what the customer does so you might get let's just say it's a $800 part you might get that part for $400 you still charge the customer the full 800 bucks plus you charge your regular labor and everything else that helps the compensate for other things a lot of companies count that Parts uh profit and they anticipate that they anticipate that so my my best uh advice to Maurice James is yeah you charge for the amount of time that you spend because you you're going to you don't even know how to take the machine apart so if you're asking these questions you don't know how to to make take the machine apart you don't know how to put the machine back together once you put the machine back together you got to make sure the damn machine works you you got so it's going to take it depends on the machine but you're looking at um we're gonna exclude Scotsman and isomatic well yeah we we Scotsman isomatic and and the manat have dice ice so you're looking at about 45 minutes to an hour for those machines to produce some ice you have to charge for that whole time because you need that ice what I always tell you brother Charles you need that machine to make at least two batches of ice before you haul ass before yep because that first batch doesn't always go like you wanted to it may be too thin or whatnot you got to you got to let it run through two cycles first and what do I always tell you about especially when it's a new client uh always make sure to make ice oh yeah yes absolutely even when they have it off and there's no ice inside you turn that thing on and fired up especially because you will finish cleaning that ice machine and then they'll blame you for the ice machine not producing ice oh what's your favor favorite line Charles it was running fine before you touched it ding ding ding D oh it was making ice just fine and and then you came and I no ice you like son something being wrong with that ice machine with when there's no ice in the bin is pretty likely when you you know upon arrival if there's no ice in there something's wrong with the ice so for a new person you're talking about two and a half hours of just sitting there watching the grass grow which is why I spend so much time on on YouTube watching it commenting people be like man when you got time for all that and I'm like man I they just don't know I got my shoulder propped up against the ice machine and I'm looking at YouTube chats man please because there's nothing you can do there's no I mean you can clean you can clean the outside of the machine but that's only gonna take you 15 minutes you could load up all your equipment back to the ice back to the truck that's only going to take 15 minutes and then guess what if you took all your stuff back to the truck and then the ice machine don't make ice or the slab of ice is too big now you got to bring all bring some of your stuff back from the truck when you could just left it all there um you got to write up your invoice now Charles you do something different tell them about how you do your invoices uh normally basically what I do I I write okay so the the so when I get called they come in and they say the ice machine just needs to be cleaned well on my invoice and on that on that top right corner I put on there just because I've cleaned this ice machine does not guarantee that it's going to make ice because what what happens is they think that it just needs maintenance it just needs maintenance no that's not what it just needs it it does need maintenance but you got other issues going on with it so I have to leave myself and out there so if this machine does not huh yeah yeah yeah yeah but I got I got a I got a different one for you too man you you write up your invoices before you even go yes so some of so you got to remember some of them already know what's these are the quarterly customers you you know what I'm saying Mike for the every three four month customers so I know roughly hey I'm changing the filter and uh I'm I'm servicing machine I'm I'm changing the filter or changing the filters I already know exactly what's going to happen when I touch down you know what I mean if I need to make any adjustments I keep a I keep a few extra lines at the bottom of the ice machine I mean at the bottom of the invo really okay so all right so so if I know I'm going to one of my customers house they got three ice machines I'm going to charge them for three ice machine cleaning and I'm going to charge them for three filters uhhuh I'm not going to you know what I'm saying so oh yeah that's just that's just the normal routine maintenance you know what I'm saying once I get through charge them it's going to be right at about $1,900 you know when I'm when it's all said and done if they say Charles we got uh we just put a ice machine in on the other side can you add that to your invoice yes and I'll just add it in Mike okay because you you have that done offsite and then you have them email it to the customer or you you write it up how do how do you how do you do your invoices so when I get there it's already it's already pre-printed it's already ready to go see that's nice though that's like I don't yeah it's already ready to go when I touch down once I get through serviceing the ice machine or ice machines here's your invoice and you know let's let's let's get paid you know what I mean that's it yeah okay now some new customers I'll take a blank in voice mik with a new customer I'll put I'll put all their information on there but it'll be a blank invoice so when I get there I'm the one that determines what I'mma charge because you'll say you only had the ice machine for six months but looking at that ice machine you may have had it for six months but whoever had it for you had it for about two or three years and that thing ain't been touched now I got now I get to figure out what I'mma charge you okay yeah I I um I'll typically write up mine after I'm done now knowing you for these last uh six years or so I've I've picked up from you your system so I've tried incorporating that I used to do that years ago be honest with you back in Chicago I used to do that I used to write up invoices and then I would end up having to tear them up especially if a customer called or canceled and stuff like that so I got away from that cuz I was kind of cheap you know and and I knew how much each invoice I made up cost me so I had I had stopped that but you don't what's your cancellation rate look like um be honest with you Mike I'mma I'mma tell you my cancellation rate is like almost zero Mike I'll be honest because you got to remember I have reoccurring customers every month you know what I'm saying like I'm doing the customers from May I'm doing them right now and in August you you with me oh yeah some of them from April but but for for the most part the customers that I did in May I'm doing them in August so at the end of the day those prices are still the same I mean you know what I'm saying hey it's two ice machines and two filter changes here's the invoice you know what I'm saying they'll just while I'm out there cleaning they're either writing a check or leaving the credit card or whatever or Zale or V or however they want to do it you know right now um Frank Frank Evans asked another question for you he's saying are you doing any advertising no uh other than be honest with you I I mean other than my my Google uh not Frank I'll be honest with you not not not very much other than calling the customer you know what I'm saying and setting up the uh you know passing out the literature that's the only that's that's all I'm doing on that end Frank I'm not I don't have a no commercials no decals or I just pass out that L that literature that whatever you use that literature is going to be your golden ticket when it's all said and done oh yeah I don't it don't have to be a lot of literature but you got to leave them something if you go out and clean an ice machine and make $800 or $7 $800 serviceing the ice machine why not pass out five filters after you got done I I mean f why not pass out five business cards or five brochures when you get done you just made $7 800 you can on you go two blocks and pass out those four or five cards believe it or not or or or brochures a bunch of stuff can happen behind that hello this is Craig techical service definitely Horizon Elite installation checklist well and then you know I preach this all the time I tell these guys all the time that these ice machines are everywhere they are everywhere also remove power from theit when I'll tell you this to everybody that's on here listen I know you guys do air conditioners and you know uh walk-in coolers or whatever whatever suit you that's awesome but I'm going tell you something that ice machine business is a straight up booming business I don't care what you can send me to the coldest place the United States and I'm sell that Ma service somebody it don't take but one person and a thermometer a one qu or larger graduating a smartphone tell me tell me serial number I mean it it it doesn't take much at all yeah it's it's just get out there and Sell Your Service you selling your service that's what you doing oh yeah and you can't be afraid I mean you can't get comfortable once you get that be like dang I just landed five ice machines in two weeks I got five new cleaners right get you five more in in another two weeks and you got 10 just keep going because the money's gonna come in I mean that's like slam ice machine Ser ice machine cleaning is like slam dunk money that's exactly what it is oh yeah all right okay no no go go ahead go ahead well you're not really I mean for the most part like even me here it's a lot of service companies out here but one thing about these customers they're going to use who they want to use and when they don't want to use you no more they're going to find somebody else so you take advantage I mean you know you do your job do a great job for them and they gonna always use you for the most part you know they going to 99.9% they going to use you it's just that when you're not if you tell them you're going to be there Wednesday then all of a sudden comes up you get a call around the corner you tell her hey you're not going to make it or him you're not going to make it till Friday at 2:00 that's a turn off to them especially with people that have a lot of money because they're in and out all the time and they set that appointment for you all right let me let me um hold on I got a couple of questions coming in well they love you brother Charles they love you all right so hold on power of strength is asking he's trying to climb up you know in the uh in the Chicago Market any tips so H I can't I can't see it looks like you got like a cub of a of a lion or a bear my all right I'm just gonna you're gonna have to go along ethnic lines with Chicago Chicago is the most um um what is it is it's the most segregated city in the country it's the most segregated city in the United States of America so you're going to need to go along those lines if you are if you're black you you're gonna have to stay away from the Hispanic spots because the Hispanics only want to deal with Hispanic so you're going to if you're black you're going to have to hit up all the black locations most times the black locations are going to be neglected so you're going to want to hit those up and then you're going to have the neutral zone are going to be your franchise locations so you stand a better chance with your franchise locations um but um that's it I don't know if you're and it's the same thing if you're Hispanic you know you're good to go with the Hispanic spots because they want to support their own so you're pretty good with that um and it's it's just with Chicago the the traffic the traffic is the number one hindrance of your business the large companies can get around it by plopping a guy at a location for four to six hours they good to go not a problem but when you're getting around you're you're going to have to work in zones you're going to have to work in zones so like Charles said earlier you're going to have to work uh take care of all the customers you know on the near North Side you're G to take care of them uh Monday and Tuesday then you're gon to have to go uh uh Northwest side you're gonna have to take care of them Tuesday and Wednesday then you're GNA have to rotate it around you know West uh you know like I said Wednesday and Thursday and then you're going go downtown and in um Southwest you know Thursday Friday and then um then you're gonna have to Loop it around but you want to you want to overlap because things that you don't take care of on day one you want to be able to take care of on day two and so you're going to straddle uh between those zones so you stair step it just like that uh and then uh got a question for you Charles but hold on one second let me finish this it's definitely hard to get north side business it is uh but I do have some clients in Hispanic spots but they do tend to support themselves only yeah property management companies try try to uh middleman everything they do so the best thing to do is to stay the hell away from property management companies the money is so good with the property management companies but when it goes bad it's really bad right so when they cut off the spigot they might owe you four or five grand they might owe you seven eight grand so that is the problem when you're dealing with these uh property management companies and they they go out of business all the time property management company out of business all the time all the time and twice on Sunday um now Frank Evans had a question for you Charles he was asking you how do you do your scheduling so um kind of like okay so Frank what I normally do what so when the reoccurring month come around what I try to do is schedule whatever's on the north northwest side of town or north side I kind of just fade them in together um so like my son may go Northwest and do two and I may go Northwest and do I mean he may go Northwest and go two do two and I may go west and go do two or three you know what I'm saying so we just try to schedule it like that where we're in the same and if we get a call between West and Northwest we can pick it up you know what I'm saying Mike yeah you know we're if we're close enough we get a chance to go by there and pop and you know we can we may be able to find time yeah you know and see what's going on with their machines you know yeah um the brother Kevin from learn a trade he was saying he enjoyed the show uh he said he's said good work brother Charles and uh he's he's gonna he's gonna check out the show tomorrow he watches all my shows uh learn a trade definitely go check him out he sent me a video I'm gonna incorporate a like a advertisement to his show inside each one of my my shows I'm gonna uh do one he sent it to me but like I said I didn't get home and tell uh 15 minutes before the before I'm supposed to start yeah um now I got one I got one for me so um Tower strength says it's definitely hard to get north side business I've talked about that before um the thing about Chicago is yeah you you you have to charge appropriately because the clients are out there it's just extremely difficult to get to them you can't on the commercial side you really can't give a day you you got to give your schedule in terms of uh 24 hours so yeah I'll get out there you know I'll get to you within 24 hours 36 hours blah blah blah this this way gives you time to to group calls together and I typically I don't know what side of town you on Tower strength but I it's always easy to get to the downtown stuff and then um like I said work your Zone and it's just one of those things you're gonna lose calls because you might have somebody that's that's um Evon and they want you to come out but you might not go out to that zone until Thursday you know that might be Thursday Friday is Evon uh you you might have soft Trail you might have 10 Le Park you know those might be you know Tuesday that might be Tuesday Well it can't be Tuesday Thursday but yeah that might be um Monday Tuesday so it it all depends it all depends on when you're you're doing it because as brother Charles like to say yeah you don't want all that windshield time in Chicago it's nothing to have an hour to two hours drive time to a call and that call might only be 15 miles away and that's that's mainly because of all the freaking traffic the way around that you're not going to like it but the way around that is is your early morning calls so you're gonna have to do a ton of early morning calls I typically took out time during the middle of the day to do stuff for myself and my family and then I went back out in the evening after traffic hopefully there isn't any concerts or anything like that going on uh to mess up the Dan Ryan or to mess up the Eisenhower but I would didn't go out typically after 7 and then go and run calls but that's just how it is in Chicago you're gonna have to run calls late night all right so you said you're he's saiding he's Southside uh mainly appliances I guess you mean mainly residential appliances but it's a bit dry so yeah so he's doing into more Refrigeration yeah Chicago's yeah Chicago has you know cities like like New York Chicago and Houston they have a ton of restaurants so Chicago last I checked Chicago had 10,000 restaurants um so yeah there there's no there's no shortage on restaurants and it's the same way with Houston it Houston and Chicago have roughly about the same um population so the number goes back and forth between who's number three and who's number four but you're you're talking about Metro wise you're talking about both of us e have about 6 million people 3 million in the city respectively and in your suburbs like you got naville we got Sugarland uh you got you know soof Trail and Tenley Park and stuff like that and then we got parand you got everon we got uh um King Kingwood and brother Charles what's that area that's Northwest Cypress Cy so y'all got Cypress we got Cyprus and you would have uh Aurora well Aurora would be our our Katie so we got Katie we got Katie Texas and that's your Aurora ah jolet is a lot further as I went to Lewis University I went to Lewis University right there by jalet Romeoville Romeo and Juliet right they were they were neighboring towns so our our Joliet is Rosen so Rosenberg is equivalent to cuz like brother Charles how long does it take you get to Rosenberg oh hour and 25 minutes there you go so that's that's about the same and doesn't Rosenberg out of prison yes yes jalette so yeah so Rosenberg and jalad is about the same um WIA WIA ski uh uh oh man is this other area um Northwest but that is that is our um and I had just said it what's that area Northwest T Dam what's that area Northwest brother Charles in Houston C Cy cypess yeah that's like our Cyprus so the two cities are so comparable it's just that um Houston is Houston is round like Atlanta so there's there's no there's no barrier when it comes to Houston but Chicago has a barrier Chicago has Lake Michigan so everything run you you just run run up into the water uh when it comes to Chicago so you run out of land when it comes to Chicago but Houston isn't that you you can go north south east and west excuse me as as long as you want so each one of those areas you can go far Northeast there's new housing subdivision in in Tex in Houston you can go north there's new housing you go Northwest there's new housing West there's housing because that's the um full what is that damn area fure so fure is blowing up fure is blowing up that's that's like how neille and and oh that's how what is Tornado Alley called in Chicago I forgot what it is but that's how that stuff was blowing up back in the 90s you you got you got all that this is the fastest growing city in the country so it it's lots of work lots of work here lots of work CU brother Charles you want to tell them where you came from yeah so originally I'm from W talk Kanas um and yeah that's where I'm from wiah Kansas small town I mean small City about maybe 700,000 now you know you know what I'm saying and believe it or not I have a few few accounts up there oh yeah that's right you did yeah you took my advice on that one yeah yeah so I have about three about three hotels that I I I'll service up there you know in the summertime or in the spring and when I visit my family I go there when you visit when you can go visit and make money that's a beautiful thing right yes sir that's it you know um so Tower strength in Chicago says he really wish you could find an old technician to work with yeah you're not going to find one in Chicago you got to I'm from Chicago I used said you know deal with all the part houses and stuff like that you're not gonna find an older technician to work with um you know that's that's that and and to tell you the god honest truth that's not what the customers are looking for yeah they don't want to see some old I mean they just old Tech nah that ain't really what they they don't want to really see that well here's the other thing right um only reason why I'm around right because I'm knocking on 50 only reason why I'm around is because I started when I was so young I started when I was 15 but other than that all the guys that were around you know that are older they don't know anything about the new stuff how this really works it's not that you don't don't understand all right so Tower of strength says nobody wants to give up the game you don't understand guys only know a certain set of things they're only allowed to learn a set certain set of things what you see on YouTube is the anomaly we we are the we are not like what you find in the in the rest of the world the guys that's the only reason we're on YouTube is because we're like everybody else the guys you see on YouTube those are the guys that are different those are the guys that are that are you know trained the reason why the guys on YouTube are doing those videos is because they are different and unique but if you were to actually meet a tech out in the real world he's only going to be familiar with a few things because they're only ever going to let him work on a few things if you have a contract let just say I had a contract taking care of Burger King I'm only ever going to know the equipment at Burger King which means I would only ever know the ice machines that were at Burger King and I would only ever know the machines that were there for the time that I had that account that I worked in that account there are no technicians that look like me that were independent right that you know my family was it that's it uh um that's why you're not finding anything nobody can can tell you no one can say oh yeah oh talk to this guy over here talk to that guy you're only hearing about the same handful of people across the United States and that's because they're only a handful of us across the United States that's it we're the only ones that that know and we're the only ones legally that can actually talk about this kind of stuff the other guys they they actually have signed contracts they can't talk about this kind of stuff if you work for Coke you work for Pepsi you can't get on here that's your job you're gonna be fired so you know yeah but but look all right so if I had worked with with Burger King if that was my account and I had that account for 20 years Burger King only recently switched from manaat to hoshizaki in the last four years the last five years they started the switch some places still have Mana ice machines in those Burger Kings so if you rolling with an old guy he's only going to know two models of manat because that's all he's ever seen that is how the business works you go work for these companies you're only ever going to see a certain model of units that's it that's all you you go work for smart care you know when they had um MOD Pizza you only ever going to know that one nugget machine from isomatic you're not really seeing many other things you we basically have our stuff created with the grve so once you start working on this one model ice machine that's it it took brother Charles a hot minute to to get out of that mindset right brother Charles you used to be like oh yeah yeah my son saw this machine he should know all ice machines and I said brother Charles it don't work that way you see one ice machine they don't all work like that they all in fact all four of the major ice machines are totally different in their own way yes that is true because on the screen I got fet I got fet playing and fet is not like oh you see it yeah oh yeah it was up there I saw it up there okay brother proud of you too hey tell him thank you hey look I stri you know I strive to do good every day I try to you know just do the right thing and you know and help the customer in in any way possible that's all oh yeah so yeah so the it is very difficult for people to understand because they're they're judging based on what they're seeing on the internet and they're judging based on what they wish things were like instead of what they're actually like um and when you're out there in the world and you're you're working on friers guys are typically ever going to see maybe one or two type of fryers they're they're only going to see one or two type of fridges they're not going to see you know all this stuff out there because they're taking care of the same few customers all the time and that's just how it is so you're you're asking somebody to teach you something that they can't teach you they're doing stuff and they don't even know why they're doing it be honest with you you know brother Charles you you know brother Charles is not with the technical side of things if if I tell them to do something brother Char gonna be like hey man M re told me to do it why I do it I don't know but it worked so I do it right and yeah and that is that is how it is people do things they don't know why they're doing it and you come along and you want them to teach you teach you what teach you on a machine that doesn't exist anymore teach you on a machine that's 20 years old and they haven't sold that machine in the last five years they got new machines out the old guys aren't working on the new machines the old guys are only working on the machines they were trained on until those machines are all gone once those machines are gone they're gone that has been the story since the beginning of the industry once the machines are gone that they were trading on they're up out of there and typically that's the life cycle yeah that's that's like 20 years they gonna be gone they done they started when they were 40 they done they're 60 you know they started you know 35 you know they're 55 they done yeah you you so you right about that yeah I know I mean because brother Charles when you start seeing new machines roll out you were shoted yeah like what's this hey man that's that Chinese made haki man that ain't like that's why it's so important to be honest with you wherever everybody you know everybody that's on this call depending on where you at in this country in the US go to the classes that's nearest you that way you can really learn this stuff you can ask all the questions you want and they'll give you they'll show you a bu of demonstrations while you're there but if you don't go to the class you're just out there spin I mean you're playing a game of you're playing a game of rushian roulette because you really don't know and you know then you be like well let me look it up or let me read up on it real quick or let me see what it say no just go to the classes and you're in great chck oh yeah yeah Scotsman was happy when you came when you came they were uh that brighten up they day boy yeah because when they can put when they listen you call in all day long to these places and once they see you in the class they gonna be like okay I remember talking to you you know what I mean exactly they do they do I TR brother Charles I tried telling them that I try but but in all fairness to most of the people that that are on the stream a lot of them have gone to like Scotsman class they've gone they can't go to fet fet has had a class since uh since Co and fall only does a class because I don't think you've ever been to a fall class no but what I did I did a fall at class online yeah and they'll email if you do it online I mean be honest with you the fallet class that they do online be honest with you it's really a great class and they'll email you a certificate after you finish that class yes yeah because long as you got those certificates when you go these places for man that has manat Scotsman isomatic hosaki ice machines your life is beautiful when they see you are that that you've been to these classes that you've been certified yes straight up your certification means everything resistance all right let's see here brother Frank says do you guys say you tell the customer about the service fee over the phone or when you show up all right um yeah go ahead all right I I tell them I tell them everything up front because I don't want anybody waste my time the minute I roll out it's costing me money so I don't leave out without it being um everybody being under under the the full education of what's about to go down right so they have to agree to everything before they even get graced with my presid you dig I'm not I'm not I'm not it's not happening it's just not happening you got you don't understand people when people call me they're begging they're begging me to come out you know what I'm saying so I'm like look man if you want me to come out this is what it is this is what it's going to be and if they say it's too much over the phone it's not g to get any better when you first when you face to face it's only G to be worse so you know I I'm not I'm not into any type of aggression you you know what I'm saying I want my money you know I'm gonna show up and show out and when I'm done I want my money and I want to go I I don't want any of this other BS so I don't hit him with no sneak attack nothing you know if if I want to give him a discount then let that be on me you know you could always charge less than what you are are saying you're going to charge them up front but it's more it's difficult to give people one set of financial expectations and then you have to raise it up like oh man I thought it was only gonna be like a$ thousand doll and you like well yeah it end up being 2,000 you know that is a harder sale than letting them know okay well sounds like this that and other all it almost is like you're trying to talk them out of the out of the the appointment in in my situation but I have the training in the background for it you know so I'm like hey you want me to come out I'm get you back up and running but but you you know you had to greeted this who got the money who got the credit card and Frank in all honesty in all honesty when that phone call comes to you you can tell the customers that have that money you can tell you can tell who you speaking with on the phone you can tell because be honest with you a service call don't mean nothing to a million and billionaire that don't mean nothing to them they not even that doesn't mean nothing to them I'm just being honest with you about that Mike what did you tell me one time you said Charles charge these people they drink bottles of wine every night that cost what you charging them oh yeah oh they yeah they're paying they're paying the waiter you know more than what your service call is they paying the waiter more than what you even charge them for when they go out you know please yeah because at the end of the day when you pull up in when you pull up at a residence especially a resident and you see two or three Maseratis and two or three Escalades and two or three Rose versus believe you me they not worried about no service call believe that they could care less about that now I'm I'm GNA talk to this one goes for Bruce all right Bruce in Jacksonville Florida Scotsman has training manat has training hosaki has training in Jacksonville Florida every year um sometimes they have training twice a year in Jacksonville Florida that is what my channel is all about you have to stay tuned but Jacksonville Florida has training especially when it comes to Florida they will they will go Jacksonville and then they'll do the other surrounding cities and they zigzag but they're only doing one day in Texas we will have three or four days of training in Houston um you know per manufacturer so they're they're doing class the same class every day for three days because they're training Pepsi because they're training Coke because they're training me because they're training isi because they're training uh core uh core mechanical and smart care um there you know say hey well you can come to a class Monday Tuesday Wednesday or Thursday and they're all are going to be full but in Jacksonville Florida they only have enough for one day and I'mma tell you Jacksonville had one of the largest classes when I told people to go to the Scotsman class in Jacksonville the Scotsman trainer told me and and you guys as well told me that you know it was standing room only you know that was the largest class he ever saw um in Jacksonville so welcome to the channel stay tuned ice machine classes will start rolling out um when the weather turns when we we get to the end of summer the schedule will come out they don't provide training in the summer why because no one will show up this is our busy time two no one will show up because the kids are out of school for the summer three everybody's on vacation including the trainers they also have family they also have young children and even grandkids and and they take that time and they spend time with the grandkids during the summer so they are not doing training like that but Jacksonville Florida is always on the list and it is hit up by by hos shizaki Scott man and manat all right brother Charles what were you saying now because he was uh Frank was asking about the uh the service fees over the phone and blah blah blah but yeah I never I never for Frank's question I never wait till I show up because who the hell gonna pay you once you show up Frank and so now you've driven over there you've gotten out of the vehic vcle you walked all the way over to wherever the hell it is you got to go to let's just say it's in the mall so you park in the mall parking lot you got to walk all the way through the mall to the food court to get to that one restaurant and then you're gonna tell them what your price is chances are then they get on the phone and then they call whoever because ain't nobody there that's got the money and they say oh that's too much that that's not how it Go whoever calls you over the phone I'm at the point now where I am I am going to charge for the for the service call I'm going to charge for the service call to lock them in because I I I just without having employees I can't do it any other way I can't do it I have I have a restaurant right now matter of fact it is a Scotsman I have a Scotsman that is down the owner bought ice today and he he called me crying on the phone because he lost half of the ice he's he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer he lost half of his ice from the time he left his house he bought ice by the house instead of buying Ice by the restaurant but like I said he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer he lost half of that ice half the ice melted so he called me crying so and the health department already hit him the health department hit him on his prep table so I have to go and that's if any guys watch my Instagram that's the same location where I put a 3 in one on his deli case and then he has a prep table that's at almost 50 degrees so the health depart hit him on that I gotta finish working on the dishwasher and now I got the ice machine so I got three things to do for him you guys heard my phone was just ringing that's a chicken place that they need me to fix their prior I got I got I got so much stuff to do I got so much stuff to do so I'm at the point now where I have to charge especially if it's somebody new I'm G have to charge them uh before I even begin to go out so but brother Charles we're at we're at an hour and 40 minutes believe it or not did you have fun uh oh I think I might have lost brother Charles I hope you have fun brother Charles cuz we're at an hour 40 minutes so I I do want to thank Charles for coming and hanging out with us uh let's see here did fall it I did M can you hear me yeah yeah I got you I got you okay so you know I hope you had fun brother I hope you had fun use a pair of scissors listen listening in and hey if anybody have questions leave a question you know or whatnot or ask a question during the time it's no big deal yeah well they always a little timid oh there we go they're always a little timid when it come to that so the kof what happening uh and then Bruce he said thank you all right so Frank says he thought that these restaurants are supposed to have a letter grade on the door they are supposed to have a letter grade it could be D it could be C but they have to they have to post it otherwise that's fine so I have to post it if it's gonna be a DC a they have to post it no matter what it is they have to post it yeah um tower all right tower strength he said thanks uh definitely gonna look for those ice machine classes oh yeah they coming out in especially Chicago Chicago ice machine classes um oh de a winter though but the I'm going to Ann announce it but there's just nothing for me to announce right now right now it's um laundry classes as far as laundry classes as far as Speed Queen and Dexter laundry classes is well uh oven classes as far as um XLT and um yeah XLT classes and stuff like that those those classes are going on now because they they will actually have classes with as few as one as one people one person um um what's her name Mila not Mila m Michel has their classes about once a month they haven't been telling me but you can you can contact them yourself if you're interested in doing some mic dishwashers they're having classes by once I only find out after the class is over it they playing games um so the kofel says so you will tell them over the phone the service call Price even if it's a warranty call uh well I mean if it's a warranty well yeah you I mean how are you expected to get paid I don't understand that so it costs you money especially these people live in New Jersey New York um Chicago has tolls we don't have bridges that we pay like that we don't have tunnels we pay like that but if you're in newers Jersey and you paying $18 across a bridge 20 bucks across a bridge you ain't going to do that for nothing you ain't going to do that just for somebody to say oh I don't have that kind of money on me you're gonna be out of business you will be out of business this is still a business I know the K's in Canada but um you know I don't understand if they refuse to pay if it's under warranty refuse to pay for what I mean warranty only covers a Manu I'm glad asked this right because what I tell you brother Charles all the time what I tell you warranty only covers manufactured defects that's it that's it not drains uh improper installs none of that jazz when if you get if it's a warranty if you think it's a warranty call they still need to you still got to charge them to go out there and you determine if it's warranty or not not them you do yes and they have to pay you to go out there to determine that yes all right so right here Scots right Scotsman labor and this is residential covers straight time labor charges performed by an approved Service Company so that would be if you've been to the training uh labor rates are based on normal and customary rates where it's installed warranty does not cover travel time mileage or premium charges reading is very fundamental reading is fundamental right there warranty does not cover travel time it does not cover mileage it does not cover premium charges so if you got to pay for parking which is why you do this UPF front this is a business if you don't want to run this as a business if you want to be get a job there's there's nothing wrong with you getting a job some people just aren't meant to run their own business there's no shame in that you can get a job with smart care you can get a job with Ecolab you can get a job with with um um uh what what is it the evil empire oh you can get a job with with partstown any one of their companies there's nothing wrong with getting a job but you have to learn how to run a company you have to you have to tell somebody hey look this is this is also another thing there's nothing wrong with taking the sheet from Scotsman taking the warranty card from manat printing it out laminating that sheet and when they give you fuss you show it to them now if the person chooses not to pay you after all of this right you call up the factory and say hey look you send them pictures and everything else say hey look this is what's wrong with the unit um this customer is refusing to pay me they're saying that this is under warranty and the the condenser has three inches of length and dog hair on it blah blah blah and you send them the pictures sometimes the manufacturer will reimburse you and then they will cancel What's Left of that customer's warranty so if they have five years on compressor only warranty not labor not refrigerant if they have let let's say three years left on the ability to get a compressor Scotsman will cancel that so if they call up they pay somebody and they come up and they say hey yeah this compressor is bad Scott going to pull it up like oh no no they had a they had a dirty condenser I'm looking at the pict right now we're denying this claim so there are things that you can do and once again it all comes down to being in touch with the factory but you let them know hey look this is what it is you can always beforehand especially if somebody is acting like that you could send them you could just send it right on over to them you know I tell them all the time hey look go ahead and call the factory they'll tell you what's covered what's not you know go ahead and call call the factory uh let's see isomatic warranty yeah so I just let's see here yeah I just pull it up you just pull it up three years parts and labor five years Parts on evaporator right so five years Parts on evaporator means a year five they can't get a new pump they're not going to pay for a pump right that that oh I got warranty they all say that and then that fivey year is if they bought it this year the units that are two years old don't qualify for this oh I looked online and I saw it had five years on an evaporator uh yeah well let's put in your model and serial number see click here to verify warranty status and then once you put in their warranty once once you put in their serial number it will tell you what is still under warranty or not and if it is customer abuse you got to take pictures if it is customer abuse you just take pictures and then uh go from there right but that boy out there warranty anyway yeah they gonna Avid this rout like this right here um they're GNA they're gonna uh this was a true and true would just void that warranty because the first thing they're already baiting the question they say hey man is the uh is it this are blocked up and if you don't know any better you be like yeah it's all it's like an inch of L on there it's like oh oh it does can you uh can you send me a picture yeah sure I send on over and then they'll call you back they like yeah we're denying warranty on this year like damn I gotta tell this guy I had to charge him so you know and most companies want that most companies want to be able to charge the customer any damn way so um uh H the kful all I have is bad reviews I don't have a single good review review no one on commercial is looking at reviews no one in commercial is looking at reviews let's go ahead and see let's go ahead let me let me uh let's let's show and tell shall we let's show and tell this stuff me stop that screen and I am busy every day every day and twice Sunday so yeah that that has nothing to do with anything cause actually I would just close down all my damn reviews look at that let me see if y'all can see this damn it oh good good good good all right um damn it if I could find it again where the hell did they go hold on one second let me see if I get to it so right here I have one star rating one star two reviews I do work every single day seven days a week only people that leave reviews are people that have agreements yes so yeah one of these reviews is a guy I nearly got into a fist fight with and uh another one is is a middle eastern guy who had really shaky electricity and he wanted me to fix his ice machine and I told him dude your your electricity your Breakers is overheating and shutting down and you had all these other old piece equipment I said dude I'm not messing with this plus the machine was dirty it it hadn't been clean in four years they waited until one day before the warranty was up one day before warranty was up and I said hey man cleaning ain't covered I have to clean the machine you have to pay me to clean this machine before I can even again find out what's wrong with it because the machine hadn't been clean since they had it installed so it is what it is so there you go what about reviews don't matter reviews don't matter on the commercial side because you guys seem to think that this is doesn't work like that that man reviews don't work like that they don't work like that on the commercial side and so we're almost at we're almost at the um at the twoh hour mik Mark um let me see if I can find this Mana talk warranty so any machine you're going to work on my suggestion is to print out this stuff especially so like this one is is uh residential look manat residential I don't even know if brother Charles know this brother you only got one year did you know that brother Charles so you only have one year warranty period on that evaporator that's it if it's a residential unit labor labor warranty is to repair or replace a defective component so if it is if there's nothing broken on there and once again it does not include travel time it does not it does not fall under normal maintenance it does not fall under cleaning no adjustments adjustments isn't covered either none of that falls under yeah brother you got the number you know you can call me anytime anytime uh none of that falls under under warranty it has to be a broken part especially with manitok manitok you got to take the old part you got to bring it to the distributor and then they got to give you the new piece so you got to sign up with Baker right anytime you're G to do uh manat talk they must have the old part if you're going to do uh if you're going to get get paid for the warranty other than that it's not warranty it is not warranty they got a problem with that let them call the manufacturer so my stance is this if you got a problem with I gotta say you call the manufacturer you give them your model SE number you tell them where you at describe to them because the manufacturer is going to know what's warranty or not what's wrong with the unit a thousand times better than you and then they in turn will describe to the customer what they need to do to take care of it and if it's warantee then maybe they might pitch it back to you or they'll probably give it to one of their people but either way it go you never want to uh have to fight with these customers that's not a good customer you're you're never going to win in that situation right that's not your customer that's just somebody that's calling you that's not that's not your customer you're never going to make any money off that person so move along leave that scarcity mindset alone and um you know move on to Greater pastures because you guys act like there ain't never gonna be another call and there's always another call you just have to put yourself in in position to get these you know to get these calls that is and that's that all right it's been fun right it's my first time for the whole time yeah well we getting out of here man we getting out of here H let's see here if I got and and thank you brother Frank for for contributing to the channel I do appreciate everything you've done you know you keep me going brother you you keep me doing these I do appreciate you all right so will Cole what's happening yeah we are just I got brother Charles on the line and we're just winding down uh we were talking about the ice machine cleaning part of the business and uh let me see if I got I'm gonna have her do an outro I got I got her man I had her do one I had her do one welcome to the broadcast I'm GNA have her do an outro for me lazy man way but I do appre appreciate all you all uh brother Charles thanks for thanks for coming through and uh I will be back on Thursday Thursday Thursday evening you look for me around the same time probably a little earlier I'll try to send out notifications so you guys can check me out let's see what we got here um you're late today yeah yeah you might you might enjoy it so everybody else seem to like it I have brother Charles on Charles does ice machine cleaning he doesn't do repair he you know we do a little bit of sales Charles does a little bit of sales um but uh oh sure no problem the kof he does a little bit of sales but his his primary thing is is the ice machine cleaning and I'm all for that because brother Charles is in a cash positive position he he doesn't have any parts he doesn't have any any tools he has to buy all he has to do is show up when he says he's going to show up test the machine before he starts clean the machine make sure it drops ice and collect his money you know it's you know for me I'm quite envious of the whole thing really it's uh my father is like oh yeah Sunny I'mma come on down there once I retired you g show me how to do this and uh I'm my my niece is in Indiana she's going to college in Indiana and so I will be um going on over to Indiana probably trying to set her up with a couple accounts over there so she'll have so she'll have some some cash while she's in college right so she'll have some cash while she's there all right so here you you see here this is just for the ice storage bin but you have an actual PDF of what's covered and see like I said here's the law they have the law in there on what is good and what is not you you print these out you laminate it and you can show it to the customer see so three years so they say hey look you got three years coverage on this three years coverage of that if it's a cart you got two years every anything that you guys are asking about is already been covered you just have to you know go ahead and talk to these Factory um tech support the factory Representatives need to ask questions this is a business and closed mouths don't get fed it doesn't matter if you're in real estate doesn't matter if you're um trading stocks doing crypto business is business is business is business you could be selling tulips doesn't matter it's all the same thing all the same principes apply ABC always be closing it it's just that cut and dry there's no mystery to this and brother Charles is doing the most profitable straightforward thing that you could possibly do it's it's you know hey look man he goes out he cleans the machine he gets money me I go out I need a I need a a sensor ice thickness probe or something I gotta have it I gotta Pony up money I got to have like you know a couple thousand wor the parts maybe I use them maybe I don't and um then I gotta try and sell these people this Parts because maybe they might want to buy a new ice machine maybe they might want to buy a new ice machine maybe they might want to lease one and maybe they don't want to lease it from me so you know fun times man fun times with brother Charles he just go and get all that money all of that money so here it is right now all right here is the the limited warranty for this this one particular this Crystal Craft ice machine there's even though they say five years on other stuff not everything has a fiveyear not everything got a seven-year it has to be those ones that are sold like uh they started doing that like last month if you bought one that was manufactured last month and now come with the seven-year warranty and plus you know believe you and me if they have a seven-year warranty those things are going to last for seven years and one day seven years and 12 hours and then they're gonna then they gonna have some kind of problem because they don't want to pay for any warranty claims so they they don't just arbitrarily pick a number they know that if they throw mud into that damn ice machine for seven damn years it's going to make ice cubes and then a year seven years at one day that damn ma sheing will stop and that's why they say seven years but if it if they only lasted for six years and eight months guess what that warranty would be six years and eight months it wouldn't be seven years so I'm done with my rambling it's two hours and two minutes in this time so I will holl at you later Thursday my name is Mike Reed and um this has been new to commercial you can check me out on Thursday yeah seven years and 30 minutes hey that is no joke seven years and 30 minutes is is a thing um they these guys do not lose they do not lose they have they got everything everything down to a science they got like this tells you everything is wrong with a unit all all the key you know they test these things for years the brand well not brand new the elevation series that's out now they had tested that unit for a good five years before they even let the Prototype out of the warehouse and once they let the Prototype out of the warehouse It's sat in one unit sat in each distributor's warehouse and we all got a chance to see those machines for about a year before they start cranking them suckers out you know so um yeah they they always The House Always Wins and so align yourself with the house and you too will win with that I'll see you later thanks for watching and please subscribe [Music] [Music] ahahahahahahahahah [Music] [Music] we are same same same same but different but still same [Music] n